GUILTY CA - Shaun, 6, & Delylah Tara, 3, dead, 9 yr old tortured, Redding, 27 Nov 2015

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Further delay possible in Salinas child murder trial

Defense attorney Jeremy Dzubay has been representing Curiel since January 2016, but the defense earlier this month filed a motion for continuance. That motion was sealed by the judge earlier this month, so its specifics are not known, but is believed to have included a request to remove Dzubay from the case.

On Wednesday, Monterey County Deputy District Attorney Steve Somers filed opposition to the motion to remove Dzubay, who has rejoined the Monterey County Public Defender’s Office. The request to remove him from the case is due to a potential conflict of interest related to recent involvement of the Public Defender’s Office.

However, Somers' opposition filed on Wednesday suggests that it may be due to the possibility that another attorney in the Public Defender’s office previously represented a prosecution witness.

Somers counters that if Dzubay informs the court that he doesn’t have any confidential information from a prosecution witness, and will avoid inadvertently obtaining it while working in the Public Defender’s Office, there would not be a conflict of interest.

Somers opposes a potential change in defense attorney “to avoid a tremendous waste of tax dollars and time” as well as further delay in the trial.

Judge Pamela Butler requested more to time to review the most recent motions on the case, and the matter is scheduled to return to court on Feb. 1
New attorney in Salinas child murder case

A judge allowed for a change in attorney for one of the defendants in the Salinas child murder and torture case involving children whose bodies were found in a Redding storage unit.

Attorney Jeremy Dzubay has been representing Curiel since January 2016, and on Wednesday morning, Judge Pamela Butler allowed for him to be removed from the case. It appears that Santa Cruz-based attorney Art Dudley will be appointed to represent Curiel.

Prosecutor Steve Somers has repeatedly opposed any action that he says could cause further delay of the trial, and most recently, he cited that he was concerned that a change in attorney for Curiel would waste tax dollars and time already invested in the case.

However, “that’s not wasted when the case goes to another attorney because the fruits of those things get passed on to another attorney,” Dzubay countered.

On Wednesday morning, Somers reiterated that he’s concerned about the children who are scheduled to testify in the trial and worried about their memories fading. He has expressed concern about dragging out the case and adding any potential trauma that testifying in court may have on the child witnesses.

The case will return to court on Feb. 10.
Trial date to be set for Salinas child murder case

The judge in the murder case involving two children whose bodies were found in a Redding storage unit wants the case to go to trial no later than January next year.

The case has already involved a change of attorney for both defendants over the last year, and the prosecution has repeatedly voiced concerns over pushing the trial back any further.

This morning, Huntsman and Curiel appeared in court as attorney Art Dudley formally accepted to represent Curiel following a recent change of attorney.

Today, Monterey County Superior Court Judge Pamela Butler asked all attorneys involved in the case if they had discussed a trial date, but it appears that they have been unable to come to an agreement.

Butler said they should be able to come to an agreement and scheduled for the case to return to court on March 10 for setting of a jury trial.
Salinas child murder trial to be set on April 7

A date was expected to be set on Friday morning when defendants Tami Huntsman, 40, and Gonzalo Curiel, 19, and their lawyers came together in the courtroom.

But Huntsman defense attorney Scott Erdbacher said he needed more time on the case.

"On April 7 we will 100 percent set a trial date," said Monterey County Superior Court Judge Pamela Butler during Friday's hearing.

Monterey County child murder suspect may be tried in juvenile court

A judge will decide next week if Gonzalo Curiel’s murder, torture and child abuse trial will be held in juvenile or adult court.

“The law changed in January that prohibits the DA’s Office from filing directly,” prosecutor Steve Somers said by phone after Friday’s court appearance. “We were allowed with kids who were over 16 and charged with various crimes, which of course includes murder, to file it directly in adult court. The law changed and requires a judge to make that decision in every case.”

Curiel, who was 17 in November 2015 when the crime took place, will be in juvenile court Thursday to set a hearing for a judge to determine if he should be tried in juvenile or adult court.
i don't really care if she does not get DP. shes better off LWOP because CA takes so long to execute and death row is nicer than mainline anyways, let her rot on ML.

no comment on Curiel.
I agree.
On another note...
I understand a lawyers position is to give one the best defense possible.
Having said that, I would hate to be in that defense attorneys shoes atm.
I can't fathom trying to put together any type of ANYTHING for either of those two sickening lunatics.

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Tami Huntsman, Gonzalo Curiel murder, torture and child abuse trial set for March 5, 2018

After numerous delays, Judge Pamela Butler scheduled the trial of a couple accused of murder, torture and child abuse for March 5, 2018.

Tami Huntsman, 41, and Gonzalo Curiel, 19, have been awaiting trial for more than a year in the deaths of Shaun Tara, 6, and his 3-year old sister Delylah, whose bodies were found in a Redding storage unit in December 2015. The trial had been scheduled for February 2017, but Butler removed Huntsman’s attorney from the case in October, appointed a new attorney and granted more time for a new defense team to get ready. Butler also excused Curiel’s attorney in February after he presented her with an affidavit regarding a conflict of interest.

During the couple’s joint appearance Friday, Butler didn’t even ask how much time the team would need. She announced, “we’re selecting a trial date today,” and later said the trial would take place on March 5 with a preliminary setting on Feb. 28. Further motions are scheduled to be heard on June 30.

Whether Curiel will be tried as an adult is still pending. He was 17 when the crimes were committed, and he was originally charged as an adult. But voters approved Proposition 57 in November, which takes the power to charge minors as adults away from prosecutors. Now it’s up to judges to decide if these cases will be heard in adult or juvenile court. A report on whether Curiel is fit for either adult or juvenile court is due on May 12 at his next juvenile court hearing. Somers said he did not know whether that report would be made public.
Lawyers discuss cellphone evidence in Tami Huntsman, Gonzalo Curiel murder case

The lawyers for Gonzalo Curiel and Tami Huntsman, who are accused of murder, torture and child abuse, discussed with prosecutors in court Friday how two cellphones found in the couple’s car will be admitted as evidence in the trial, which is scheduled for next year.

“The defense wanted to look at the defendants’ car. We went through the car and there were a couple of old cellphones that were kind of wedged up under some stuff,” said prosecutor Steve Somers. “They’ve asked us to look at those, we can’t do so without a search warrant, so we asked for their permission to go ahead and if they want to see what’s in them we’re happy to do it. We just need legal permission to do so.”

Curiel, 19, will be back in court July 21 for setting a transfer hearing date to decide if he will be tried in adult or juvenile court.
2018? Are you kidding me? This is the second or third case I've followed with horrendous, mind bending abuse of children that has taken 3 to 6 years to come to trial. I cannot wrap my head around this. What possible defense is there? How much time could a reasonably intelligent attorney need to read the documents and prepare a case? Seems like photos alone would be all you would need to figure it out. Every time there is all this maneuvering of attorneys and judges and all this crap and the victims are forgotten about in all the game playing. I'm at the point where i don't want the monsters in jail anymore. Plaster their pictures all over the world and tell them they get to go free. I don't think they'd last long. I'm sure I've probably offended someone at this point. Oh well. Where were the people that were supposed to look out for these babies? They failed. The neighbors were afraid of the "bad people" the seventeen year old knew? Really? Good god.

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Counting down to the trial and conviction of these two monsters. No more delays, please!
Gonzalo Curiel to be tried as an adult in Salinas child torture, murder case

Prosecutor Steve Somers said that the case appeared in court Monday morning for a transfer hearing to determine whether Curiel would be tried as an adult. Gonzalo was 17 at the time of the alleged crimes.

The judge determined that it was not appropriate for Curiel to be tried in Juvenile Court and ordered for him to be tried as an adult, Somers said.

Somers said it was expected that Curiel would be tried as an adult but “we just had to go through this hurdle due to changes in the law.”

Woman accused in child murder case demands access to co-defendant's cell phones

A woman accused of torturing three children, killing two of them and leaving their bodies in far Northern California is seeking evidence that, her attorney says, may show her co-defendant physically and sexually abused the children.

The phones may have evidence of physical and sexual abuse by Curiel, drug abuse by Curiel and notes "documenting (Huntsman's) reactions to certain actions toward the two children," she said.

Huntsman has had several different defense attorneys and Butler set a court date on Jan. 10 to check on the attorneys' status for the trial. It is scheduled to begin in early March, the records show. She will also hear arguments from Curiel's defense to suppress the contents of the storage locker on Jan. 8.
Accused killers Tami Huntman, Gonzalo Curiel to be tried separately

Prosecutors argued for one trial as soon as possible, believing it would be even more damaging to have the key witness, the surviving victim, face her alleged abusers and testify twice.

On Wednesday, prosecutors revealed the surviving victim, the children’s older sister, has survivor’s guilt. They say the three children were repeatedly starved, beaten, exposed to cold water and locked in a bathroom in Huntsman’s apartment. The victim, identified as Jane Doe, once tried to escape with her siblings but the attempt failed.

Curiel’s trial is slated to begin on March 5. The month-long trial could have more than 100 witnesses. Huntsman’s trial is set for October 15.

Prosecutor: Children were beaten to death after hungry sister took a bagel

Her therapists say she needs to put the case behind her as soon as possible, especially because she feels responsible for her siblings' deaths around Thanksgiving 2015, Somers said.

At that time, Huntsman received a free turkey for her family, which included her lover Curiel, her two children and three other children left in her care: Jane Doe, Shaun and Delylah, Somers said.

But the three children, Huntsman's charges after their mother died and father went to prison, weren't allowed to eat any, Somers said.

"Jane Doe stole a bagel on Thanksgiving that led to the beatings, the hardest and strongest beatings, that led to the two other kids' deaths," said Somers, who declined to comment after the hearing. "She (Jane Doe) feels tremendous weight and responsibility."
When this one finally gets to trial it's gonna be horrific to follow. But follow I shall. Bless these babies and the hell that their earthly lives were with their monsters.
When this one finally gets to trial it's gonna be horrific to follow. But follow I shall. Bless these babies and the hell that their earthly lives were with their monsters.

I will follow, but try to keep a safe distance at the same time. The fury I feel at these people for putting these children through what they did is immeasurable, as is the heartbreak I feel for the surviving sibling. The fact she tried to escape and now feels guilt is just so sad. I pray one day her life takes her far from these memories and she is able to think of her siblings without feeling pain.

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Not long now until justice is served. That poor surviving girl blaming herself. These low life's won't even do a joint trial to save the children. MORE hurt.
Salinas child-torture, murder trial delayed until April

Monterey County Superior Court Judge Pamela Butler pushed back the trial date for Gonzalo Curiel, now 20, to April at a hearing Friday due to his attorney representing a defendant in Santa Cruz at the same time.

She also delayed until Feb. 28 a decision on whether to toss the search of the Redding storage locker where authorities discovered the bodies of Shaun Tara, 6, and Delylah Tara, 3, in December 2015.
When I started reading this thread I was unsure of how I felt about the 17 yr old ( if he was the leader or follower) but by the end it didn't matter. They subjected those children to things beyond my comprehension on my worse day of life it would never occur to me to treat children animals or anyone that way. Whether she manipulated him or he was the aggressive one they both need the maximum punishment allowed. By repeatedly delaying the trial they are prolonging the survivors torture and abuse. I hope she can be strong through this. This was not her fault this was done and forced upon her and her siblings. Interestingly enough GC was not much older than her 14yr old bio son would be now.
Was he ever accounted for? I never saw mention of it only that she had a 14 yr old. at the time this occurred.

[emoji257]Frankie fight for yourself and your siblings this [emoji288] world still has many great things to offer you stay strong and may the [emoji100]wind always blow at your back on the road ahead [emoji188]

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YES!!! LWOP x 2 + any additional for the other charges. No appeals ever.

Huntsman quietly agreed that the statement Butler read from the agreement was true. Huntsman will be sentenced to two life sentences without the possibility of parole on the two charges of first-degree murder when she returns to court for sentencing April 25. In addition to the murder charges, Huntsman pleaded guilty to felony child abuse, three counts of felony torture and two counts of felony conspiracy.

YES!!! LWOP x 2 + any additional for the other charges. No appeals ever.

Huntsman quietly agreed that the statement Butler read from the agreement was true. Huntsman will be sentenced to two life sentences without the possibility of parole on the two charges of first-degree murder when she returns to court for sentencing April 25. In addition to the murder charges, Huntsman pleaded guilty to felony child abuse, three counts of felony torture and two counts of felony conspiracy.

The ladies in prison will love her child abuse record. She will ( hopefully) sit in fear day for day on the mainline, in chow, and during rec time imo fingers crossed

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