GUILTY Ca - Shauna Haynes, 21, Found In Suitcase, San Diego, 6 April 2016 *arrest*

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I think they were friends. Why would she be in an exclusive relationship with a 33 year old waiter? (No offense to waiters, I was one.) She was 21. I don't think if there was a sexual relationship that they were exclusive but it sounded like he wanted it to be more.

Can someone point me to a link where it seems like he wanted more than to be just friends? I haven't read that. They could of argued over anything. I'm curious if any alcohol or drugs were in her system. Is so I'm sure he was high too. Alcohol in most cases escalates emotions. My ex husband retired cop always said anytime he was called to a domestic dispute 99.9% alcohol involved. JP could have taken something wrong that she said. She could have been mad he was hitting on a girl. Maybe he thought she was flirting with a guy. Maybe she told a girl something he didn't want her to know. We can speculate on so many things that could have set this guy off. I believe the media did many interviews with the friends when they had her vigil. I believe they might have been platonic possibly maybe had sex a few times and it didn't work out so they just stayed friends with both looking for other partners. I'm sure once this goes to trial we will learn so much more.
Can someone point me to a link where it seems like he wanted more than to be just friends? I haven't read that. They could of argued over anything. I'm curious if any alcohol or drugs were in her system. Is so I'm sure he was high too. Alcohol in most cases escalates emotions. My ex husband retired cop always said anytime he was called to a domestic dispute 99.9% alcohol involved. JP could have taken something wrong that she said. She could have been mad he was hitting on a girl. Maybe he thought she was flirting with a guy. Maybe she told a girl something he didn't want her to know. We can speculate on so many things that could have set this guy off. I believe the media did many interviews with the friends when they had her vigil. I believe they might have been platonic possibly maybe had sex a few times and it didn't work out so they just stayed friends with both looking for other partners. I'm sure once this goes to trial we will learn so much more.

It looks that way to me. Some silly, stupid argument or disagreement while probably under the influence of alcohol or drugs led JP to beat and strangle a young woman who was supposedly his friend, and then throw her in a suitcase in the trash outside his own building. He then cleaned his room, and used her phone to text her family and friends pretending to be her.

I don't excuse him one bit for what he did just because he was under the influence of something. The guy was still on probation for a DUI and had no business getting that messed up that he couldn't control himself enough to not beat a petite girl and then not stop but strangle her. It makes me sick to think it was probably some really small, stupid argument. She trusted him and look where it got her. He was out for himself, no one else, and even in the sober light of day he was hoping to get away with his "little" mistake and go out clubbing again. IMO, he needs 25 yrs. to life to think over his actions.
It looks that way to me. Some silly, stupid argument or disagreement while probably under the influence of alcohol or drugs led JP to beat and strangle a young woman who was supposedly his friend, and then throw her in a suitcase in the trash outside his own building. He then cleaned his room, and used her phone to text her family and friends pretending to be her.

I don't excuse him one bit for what he did just because he was under the influence of something. The guy was still on probation for a DUI and had no business getting that messed up that he couldn't control himself enough to not beat a petite girl and then not stop but strangle her. It makes me sick to think it was probably some really small, stupid argument. She trusted him and look where it got her. He was out for himself, no one else, and even in the sober light of day he was hoping to get away with his "little" mistake and go out clubbing again. IMO, he needs 25 yrs. to life to think over his actions.

And that is exactly what he will probably get. Hopefully life.

Did I do it?! Did I post a pic???

ETA I did!
JP next court date 4/28/16, just says "further proceedings.
We are not assuming they had a sexual relationship or stating that as fact in any way, imo.

The conflict is Shauna referring to him as "her dude" in contrast to the "platonic" word being used by media. What do *you* make of it?

I don't see where " my dude" conflicts with her platonic friend, as reported, as if in "my buddy" or "my friend", " My guy", etc., means they were having sex or he wanted sex and that is why he killed her and stuffed her in a suitcase and somehow translates to some contrived facts as if that is accepted as opposed to some plausibility.
It keeps getting discussed as if it is an actual fact and as a sleuth, I need a link, or some kind of support to that speculation.

It's one week today that Shauna's body was found. It will take years for her family and friends still missing her to get over what happened to her. "Get over and closure" are words that make it sound possible, but I don't think it's easy. Do parents, siblings, and even good friends ever really get over burying a 21 yr. old vibrant, loving girl who died because some guy got angry and killed her? Plus they still have to get through JP's trial which will drag on and on.

I think the funding has reached over $4,000 now. Her loved ones will find some healing in making sure Shauna Haynes has a resting place to honor her and all the beautiful memories they have of her.

It's only been one week and I didn't want to forget about Shauna or her loved ones in all this.
Shauna made a post on her FB page which appears to have now been removed, referring to Palmer as "her dude"
and references him trying to pick up on ladies other than herself in the clubs. Members have speculated as to what her post meant. Was she claiming him as someone she was in a romantic relationship with? If so, why does she seem so cavalier about his attempts to be with other women? Are they simply friends, and the "my dude" reference one that signifies "my male friend, I am hanging out with"?

Prosecutors and defense attorneys seem to all indicate they were platonic friends, just two people who worked together and knew one another, hanging out: http://&#8220;Mr. Palmer, Miss Hayn...sandiego on Twitter | NBCSanDiego on Facebook

Some of Shauna's older friends, who have known her for many years, refer to her attitude having changed in recent months in the MSM. Those friends attribute that change in her attitude and outlook to her beginning to hang around with the accused:

We cannot know, in hindsight, with Sauna gone, what her two lone FB references to the accused meant to her. All that is left is speculation. But we do have LE references and MSM references which seem to imply that Shauna and her accused killer were platonic friends, co-workers at the Old Spaghetti Factory. People will make of it what they will, but that is what is out there.

Please keep in mind when speculating, that no matter the relationship between Shauna and Joshua Palmer, she is the victim of a heinous crime, her young life cut short, without rhyme or reason.
News video included

from the news article:

Meanwhile, NBC 7 spoke with an acquaintance of Palmer&#8217;s Wednesday, who wished to remain anonymous.

The suspect&#8217;s acquaintance said he met Palmer through classes at Landmark, an institution that offers training and development programs.

He said Landmark cut ties with Palmer after he made some disturbing statements.

"He had the most intense eyes ever," the suspect&#8217;s acquaintance told NBC 7. "You look at him and you wonder what&#8217;s going on in his head. There [are] some things he said that gave people the heebie-jeebies."

A spokesperson for Landmark confirmed Palmer was once a customer and released this statement to NBC 7 Wednesday:

"He made a disturbing statement about his past military service, which we reported to the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), which informed us that there was no basis for what Mr. Palmer had said, and that he had been dismissed from the United States Marines after three months of boot camp."

At that point, Landmark told Palmer he was no longer welcome to participate in its programs.

This was concerning to at least one person who knew him.

"Landmark was his life. He was there all the time," Palmer&#8217;s acquaintance explained. "I was concerned about his well-being when they kicked him out."

NBC 7 reached out the Old Spaghetti Factory again on Wednesday and a spokesperson for the eatery said the company did not want to comment on the relationship between Haynes and Palmer.

Instead, a company spokesperson said the restaurant is focused on supporting Haynes&#8217; family and helping employees cope with her tragic death.

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I don't think his Public Defender is going to get far with this claim with all the evidence they probably have that JP did it.

Man Accused in Grisly Killing 'Not a Murderer': Attorney

San Diego County Deputy Public Defender Katie Belisle released a statement to NBC 7 Wednesday about suspect Joshua Palmer...

&#8220;Mr. Palmer, Miss Haynes, and their friends worked in the bar and restaurant industry here in San Diego. A group familiar with each other, who worked together into the wee hours of the morning and socialized together after work,&#8221; Belisle said. &#8220;Mr. Palmer was a friend of Miss Haynes - not her murderer.&#8221;
the video at this link features her longtime friend Austin Palser speaking on camera. At the 00:35 mark he says "Sometimes love makes us blind to . . . what our surroundings are. Unfortunately she was blinded by love and it ended up being her downfall" He told reporters Shauna met JP about six months ago and got in with "the wrong crowd"

Thank you, Ticya, for reposting this article of 4/9...from several days ago. The comment by Shauna's friend about love was likely what lead to hypothesizing about a possible "less than platonic" relationship. <modsnip>
It's very likely his defense wanted this acquaintance to share that the LMF threw JP out at a psychologically crucial time in his life. It helps explain what his frame of mind might have been. It shows that JP was attempting to get help changing his life. It's too bad he chose that LMF route instead of finding a real, degreed therapist in the actual field of psychology that would be able to guide him through change at more stable pace.

I've known several people who attended LMF on a regular basis, and that means I was subjected to constant persistent marketing tactics and actual harassment to get me to attend. Some people get something out of it and thrive. However, a couple people I was close to who attended regularly ended up very messed up, inauthentic, and damaged almost beyond repair, IMO, but they thought they were better and "fixed". Therefore, I have some strong opinions against the organization, and it's best if I just leave it at that and say no more.

:cow: This is my own opinion.
Just a heads up -- It's best we use the initials LMF on here because earlier in this thread the minute someone else posted the name of the organization I started seeing an ad for them at the top of my page. Also, they're very protective of their reputation and might come after you for saying something they don't like.
Just a heads up -- It's best we use the initials LMF on here because earlier in this thread the minute someone else posted the name of the organization I started seeing an ad for them at the top of my page. Also, they're very protective of their reputation and might come after you for saying something they don't like.

Wonderful. Thanks. WHO is LMF?!!!

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