Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #12

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That video the hostage negotiator made was very weird. How did the Papini's find him or did he find them? Who put up $100,000 for her return? Strange the whole thing.
I can't even convince myself to press Play to begin the video...the screenshot is scary enough for me! :notgood:

I made my husband watch it with me and had to explain everything while he rolled his eyes. It's creepy and a little scary but mostly just super weird.
Come on. LE had zero reason to release that description - "two Hispanic women". What on earth can be done with that info except targeting the approximately 7 millions Hispanic women in California? It's not racial profiling but it leads to it. Too vague. No usable info.

I agree it leads to it.

LE is doing a dance right now, with the ringleaders and victims.

I agree the description of two hispanic women in a van in California is stupid, but it's all LE has.
I thought CG was the church pastor, is this negotiating thing a sideline?
If he is the pastor and I'm not confused, what an absolute creepy video, glad I'm not a member of his church.

"His nonprofit company, Project Taken, specializes in teaching people how toavoid, survive and escape kidnapping and hostage situations. He also works withhostage extraction groups both in the US and overseas, cooperating with lawenforcement where possible but also operating in some overseas regions where thatisn’t possible. His non-profit company, which has applied for 501(c)(3) status offers seminars withdurations of 1 hours, 1 day, or 1 week. For more information, go to his web site:" 2013 news/project taken.pdf
Quite frankly, I'm surprised by how many are so quick to dismiss trafficking when so many of the facts are still unknown. One needs only to look at the local crime pages to see how big of an issue it has become in the area where SP disappeared. Not just sex trafficking, but human trafficking in general (especially with the grow fields in nearby Humboldt county). I continue to defend the trafficking scenario in SP's case if for no other reason than to bring awareness to a problem that is not going away. The drug cartels only give it more momentum. It is a business. The lines are very blurred with cartels, gangs, and traffickers. Where there is one, there is another. I posted an article on a previous thread about women being held in a stash house. The neighbors noticed men (only) coming and going during all hours and suspected drug trafficking but had no idea the women were being held captive, beaten and raped daily. Hopefully, SP's case has brought this issue to light in some small way and we are all a little more of what may be happening in our own backyards. JMO

While I don't believe SP was abducted 100% for the purpose of trafficking. I do believe the abusers are connected to trafficking (of drugs, sex, or both). I think she was abducted and tortured to inflict pain upon someone else and the person responsible used these "low lifes" to carry out his plan. MOO

I work missing persons cases and human trafficking is a much bigger problem than most realize. While I do not think that or cartels is what is at play here I do not personally think that either should be dismissed as laughable. Just my personal opinion.
I'm surprised KP is already doing a news program about this. It just happened and seems too soon to me. I know a lot of people are upset with the police for not giving us more details but I don't know about giving out so much information when the perps are still out there. I would be terrified for my family, my children. I would want these people caught as soon as possible so I don't think I would be saying much publicly but that's just me. I know a lot of people disagree with that.

No disagreement here. I would hope LE is aware of what KP has said in this "4 Hour" interview for 20/20.

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I'd like to interject something that lands at random and is pretty hard to write about, but I think it's worth the trade off...

15 years ago, I was violently raped. When describing my attacker to the police, I really couldn't remember much at all. I literally remember during the attack thinking to myself to take in everything and remember it. But after it happened, I lost every bit of information I'd so carefully tried to take in. But I did remember he had very rounded fingernails and wore a shirt with light blue stitching around the top button hole.

The colour of his hair? Gone.
His facial features? Gone.

In later months, I would slowly and gradually get some information and details back, but some is gone forever.

I felt utterly useless in my descriptions to police.

I don't want Sherri to be called a liar simply because she only remembers earrings or eyebrows. I know people are working on theories and have doubts etc, but I think my point is that if this did happen to Sherri, the fact that she remembers minimal details doesn't negate her experience.

This case has taught me to be a bit kinder and a bit less vocal until I'm sure. I don't want others to feel the same sense that they've been cruel where they needn't have been.

Sorry for derailing whatever conversation has been going on while I write, but I feel quite strongly that a lack of detail does not always equate to a lack of truth.

I am SO SO sorry this happened to you.

Heavy duty Cyber {{{HUG}}}
Actually, the countries of Central American have a large population presence in many of the border states. So, I would consider Hispanic to be Hispanic.


If SP isn't confident enough to say anything other than "Hispanic" I don't think we should start inferring anything else. Two women in California (at least temporarily), driving a "dark" SUV, who speak Spanish, possibly with an accent depending on your definition of accent.

No disagreement here. I would hope LE is aware of what KP has said in this "4 Hour" interview for 20/20.

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Trust and Believe they will ALL be watching...
The words of Cameron Gamble keep ringing through my mind "We don't care about justice".... just about getting SP home. Because I have a feeling justice as we generally think of it is not going to be achieved in this case, not with what little LE (seems) to have to go on. Maybe they will get a perps DNA or fingerprints off some of the items SP had or was wearing when found in Yolo Co. I am not optimistic otherwise. Jmo of course

Google Cameron.
Thanks, skibaboo! I don't know if you saw my other post, but it's actually RPD that would have the report. Sorry :( Got any links for them?

Just replying to my own post to say I went through the logs for both dates and didn't see anything like the incident soanyway was referring to
Something I found interesting:

They showed SP surveillance footage of the area/time she was abducted and NONE of the cars matched? :thinking:
Perhaps more than one vehicle was involved?
I feel like if it was personal, Sherri would have known. They would have taunted her, made references to their motive etc. Unless they did, and she is hiding it for some reason (if they really paid a ransom etc)
Interesting thought. Hmm. Hmm. Hmmmmmmmmm.
Still pretty lame descriptions of the abductors. Are we to assume brown hair, brown eyes, etc. simply because they are Latina?

Sheriff confirms they don't know if The Post That Shall Not Be Discussed is relevant. Hmmm

I wonder if Sherri was able to identify the type of handgun used.
You got me wondering exactly how short they cut her hair, like... skin showing in her head?

See, I type things then I'm like no that's crazy like a bad movie then I'm like well but the whole thing is like a crazy movie so IDK?!?!?!?!

Curioser and curioser.
That's why I'm having a hard time committing, Gardener. I can see at least 3 options that would be connected.

Drugs could fall under either trafficking or gangs/cartel I suppose--or even ransom if the abductors wanted the ransom money to fund a drug operation. Take your pick!
Here's some more CG that might ring through our heads for a while. I won't put the link here, but google "project taken vimeo short" - there you will see a video made by CG promoting his business. Please watch. It's a young, blond, kidnapped woman in a dungeon sort of place. Handcuffs. He is the savior, if she will just do what he says. I don't know. There are just so many weird coincidences.

I could see SP being used. Thinking it is all real. I don't know.

OMG! Does LE know about this?
OT but not really (sorry MODS, you may delete if you deem it necessary!) I just wanted to comment on how every case, every thread, every post, recently this one - I am blown away at how smart and compassionate our members are. Posters telling of their own traumas, and others replying with such sincerity. I love this group of people. Thank you, WS.
I am interested in knowing/seeing the branded message.
Thanks, skibaboo! I don't know if you saw my other post, but it's actually RPD that would have the report. Sorry :( Got any links for them?

Oh.. oops :facepalm: I can look tomorrow when I get on my computer, it's 1:30am now and I'm lurking in my phone
How do you brand a message on someone's skin? One that can be read?
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