Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #12

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No disagreement here. I would hope LE is aware of what KP has said in this "4 Hour" interview for 20/20.

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I noticed in today's LE press conference that about half through the sheriff make a special effort to thank KP for his cooperation. I wondered if this has anything to do with the sheriff asking him to restrict what he talks about to the press. I guess we will see on Friday whether this is the case or not.
I have just caught up. I am now more convinced than ever that all is not what it seems. MOO.
Or perhaps an amulet, ala Raiders of the Lost Ark.

I was thinking a needle, screwdriver, or even matchsticks would work. Something you could heat and scratch into the skin, though to be considered a brand I think would leave a deeper wound.

When I looked up other cases where people had been branded, I found that LE and/ or the press will sometimes refer to a tattoo or something cut/ scratched into the skin as brands, and they sometimes call burns with objects (even if there's no message or symbol, just a burn) brands too.
Ok. The branding thing. Surely I'm not the only Websleuther who researched this.... :)

Branding all of a sudden is the new tattoo. Football stars are doing it. I would never. The real deal is painful and requires attention afterwards so as not to have an infection develop. But you can also do "branding" with the tip of a paper clip and create a temporary burn that disappears in time. I have no idea which we are looking at here.

I had a bunch of dumb friends do it in the 80's. All guys. Thought they were cool.
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That's why I'm having a hard time committing, Gardener. I can see at least 3 options that would be connected.

I understand! I have no clue what I think. I will revise and add a few more options if this goes into a new thread tonight :)
KP being in such a hurry to do TV makes me suspicious all over again. Such a private family, they don't even use social media. He made his point yesterday...this is really pushing it.
If anything, we need more info about the perps in the interviews.
Not only is the CG video creepy and weird, it doesn't make a lick of sense. If you are kidnapped, CG will magically appear and tell you exactly ​what to do? While you are isolated and cuffed to a chair? Huh? There is something reallyoff about that guy.

Like everyone else, I wonder if LE is aware of it.

I assume the point is if she had taken his class or seminar or whatever he does, then the kidnapping wouldn't have happened in the first place. She could have prevented it. It's still creepy, IMO.

Can anyone tell me how he connected with KP in the first place? Did he contact KP or did KP find him? Does anyone know?
I just don't see this girl cutting her hair or having someone else do it. I don't see her allowing herself to be branded either.

Not making any judgement about this incident or trying to imply anything; just sharing info.

There are several incidents where the "victim" is the one who brands/tattoo's themselves claiming it was done by someone else:
Tawana Brawley
Morton Downey Jr
Quinn Matney
Camille Fulton

Sadly, it seems easier to find people like those listed above than actual victims. :-(
Wow, local news. More I hear, the more it relates to Bethel. This is hinky. Real hinky.

Within that article, at the bottom, a friend LJ states they are having a "welcome home gathering" and holiday picture taken on Saturday. At first, I was thinking "Why would she be attending a public party already? I would image she's not in the condition to do so? (assumption). Upon further investigating, the event says KP has agreed to the event and the picture will be a surprise to doesn't sound like an actual event with her, as much as "for " her. In case anyone reads that article and was wondering...Ha.
Something is nagging at me about this...
I'm not a big believer in coincidences.
Where did Sherri go on her trip in October?
Was it in California US or abroad?
I remember that it could have been either based on the city name.
San Jose?
San Juan?
I can't remember! I do remember wondering if it was in Brazil.

"That is why everyone of them was out searching last weekend, one notable family rented search helicopters and another couple cut their vacation short and flew home across the Atlantic while another flew down from Idaho.”

"Rodriguez said he went on vacations with the couple and celebrated their wedding anniversary, which was in early October."


"Eventually, Everson, marketing director of Air Shasta Rotor & Wing in Redding, left the rest stop and called the police."*



IIRC the trip was to Saint Croix (Santa Cruz)
Every time I follow a missing persons case in here, a few always start beating the human/sex trafficking drum. It never ends up being the human/sex trafficking ending.
Come on over!!:fence:

Nope. I've learned my lesson. I was open to other possibilities than the family being victims but I'm not going to go there at this time. The sheriff has stated this is an abduction, she suffered and that's that. Oh yeah, it's a super unusual case and I feel like I'm in the twilight zone. Releasing that info is a mistake. But I'm not coming off the fence. Sherri needs support from the public. It will all be resolved eventually, IMO. And we will know almost everything.
So am curious as to who is still leaning towards hoax? I'm still not feeling right with the abduction theory

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This thread is close for review. Take a breather folks.
I am not sure why KP is doing this interview, knowing any or all details he releases will potentially jeopardize the investigation. I understand he feels like he should "set the record" straight. It is also my understanding that networks don't *pay* for interviews, but they compensate in other ways.
...And we're back.

Forgot to copy the poll, but put me down for #6. l can't help the way l feel currently.
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