Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #13

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When I think of SP being abducted by 2 women, beaten and made to look ugly ( hair cut etc) what immediately came to my mind was whether they believed SP was involved with one of their 'men'- ( true or not ) While the women may have beaten her, etc- they may not have had the nerve or desire to kill her. Perhaps the initial intent was just to smack her around a bit- but once the publicity got intense they could not think of a way to let her go?
IF she were involved ( even just in a platonic way ) with a man - she may have seen 'his ' vehicle pull up while she was jogging and never worried about walking up to the side of it- making it very easy to pull her inside. Perhaps even opened the door...
If the sheriff really thought KP was a completely innocent victim (indirectly, b/c of what his wife has been through), would he really publicly say that he wished KP hadn't released the info that he did? Isn't that adding insult to injury? I have to imagine that in his 30 years in LE, the sheriff has seen victims of crime act irrationally or impulsively out of frustration or fear or pain.

ETA: just thinking out loud. Not sure exactly what my point is. It just doesn't make sense to me I guess.
KP and the negotiator were connected through a mutual friend. Here is the link to an interview given by the mutual friend and the ransom negotiator.

*This is in response to an earlier post regarding how KP and the ransom negotiator became connected.

oopy/pasted from previous thread -
"This case just doesn't sit right with me at all. I'm not saying she wasn't abducted at all, I think she was but there seems to be no real motive all the way around. I don't see any motive for abducting her, holding her, letting her go."

Respectfully, the interviewer referred to the reverse ransom negotiation tactic as a "test case", to which Cameron Gamble replied that it was.

So could a motive be to grow a business, to show a need for such a negotiator, to show that such a tactic was successful, that it worked to accomplish freeing the one who was taken?

The vimeo linked in the previous thread was absolutely chilling to watch -it was very difficult to watch all the way through.
Wait, what? The family hired a human trafficking expert and solely by the injuries he thinks it's trafficking? Maybe the branding? But why else?

I'm starting to think this is making less sense as time passes.
If the sheriff really thought KP was a completely innocent victim (indirectly, b/c of what his wife has been through), would he really publicly say that he wished KP hadn't released the info that he did? Isn't that adding insult to injury? I have to imagine that in his 30 years in LE, the sheriff has seen victims of crime act irrationally or impulsively out of frustration or fear or pain.

ETA: just thinking out loud. Not sure exactly what my point is. It just doesn't make sense to me I guess.

This kind of further convinces me that KP is possibly being caught between two different sources of advice. And he may trust the other more than LE due to being seen even slightly as a suspect in the beginning.
In all fairness, we don't know that SP wasn't hospitalized. Just because she was treated and released from the local hospital does not mean that she hasn't had to see treatment elsewhere. JMO. The sheriff said her injuries were non-life threatening, but that leaves a host of other things that could require attention. The abuse she endured in the 3 weeks has all the elements of the conditioning period in trafficking, so I don't think we can rule out forced drug use that may have required detoxing. In no way am I implying it was voluntary if it occurred at all. MOO Some have noted that they wouldn't injure her face and one poster discounted that noting the broken nose could have been sustained during her release. As for bruising, KP noted varying colors and that's something that would go away. We don't know to what extent her hair was chopped off, but that also can be useful in breaking victims. I maintain that I'm not 100% convinced she was abducted FOR trafficking, but I do think it is highly possible that she was in the hands of traffickers. JMO

The ER at which she was seen would not have released her if she required further treatment... especially "forced drug use that may have required detoxing". (scratching my head)
oopy/pasted from previous thread -
"This case just doesn't sit right with me at all. I'm not saying she wasn't abducted at all, I think she was but there seems to be no real motive all the way around. I don't see any motive for abducting her, holding her, letting her go."

Respectfully, the interviewer referred to the reverse ransom negotiation tactic as a "test case", to which Cameron Gamble replied that it was.

So could a motive be to grow a business, to show a need for such a negotiator, to show that such a tactic was successful, that it worked to accomplish freeing the one who was taken?

The vimeo linked in the previous thread was absolutely chilling to watch -it was very difficult to watch all the way through.

I am highly in agreement with this.
My list again, in order. 1, 2, and 3, I believe are very likely motives. 4 and 5 are a waste of time to even investigate, especially 5.

1. Gang Initiation.
2. Hate Crime.
3. Kidnapping for sexual assault and torture.
4. An acquaintance with a vindictive.
5. Human trafficking.
None of the above.

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in my city (U.S. mainland), the news reports it this way:

"he/she/they disappeared from the corner of x and y and we can surmise via surveillance that the victim was headed towards z. BOLO for a black/white/purple male/female possibly armed with a Chihuahua wearing an ugly Christmas sweater".

i'm not kidding. I live near a big city, but not in one. that's the way the news reports things. Redding is a small town but not west poo poo. If you want to find a perp, you release details. If the victim cannot provide, you release something, anything, to prove you're "on the case" and "on top of the situation". I respect LE in that town more than the residents at this point, at least they're trying. But if you cannot provide one minor detail, don't bother. You can't expect citizens to go on "we are aware" "it appears" "we cannot reveal at this time"...and if you're that town's local LE with no clue, well, i'd go with the townsfolk to help. But in this case, "it appears" they don't want help. speaks volumes...IMO...

Been following this for awhile and am fascinated. What a strange story. I have to admit that it sets off alarm bells for me..something is off with this somehow. If there has to be this much speculation and questioning about it, that should tell us something..where there is smoke there is fire.

i have a few theories...1. This has something to do with SP past issues with race..or perhaps her fathers issues and someone took it out on her. The message branded on to her could have been some sort of message her kidnappers wanted to make known about how one race isn't better than another or something..or perhaps a message that implied to keep your mouth shut about a race group?

2. I saw a blog post on another site about CGs kidnapping video. What an odd turn of events there. He is a guy that does kidnapping survival training, his programs last 2.5 to 3 weeks (same amount sp was missing) and on Facebook he was a friend of SPs father in law, Rod Rodriguez..who went bankrupt in 2014. Another comment had mentioned CG is associated with Bethel church and asked whether or not Bethel church could have been the anonymous donor. There were comments about how SP is religious and comments on how maybe SP could have been into some weird stuff online without husbands knowledge. SP did seem to have a fondness for survival skills and end of the world scenarios..on her pinterest she had many posts on how to survive various situations, had an end of the world prep board, how to survive nature board, foods to eat in emergencies etc. too coincidental?

im not sure whether to believe her injuries were obtained through beatings or whether they were from being pushed out of the Car(if she really was). 3 different stories circulating about her hair. The husbands dramatic statement that reads more like a novel,page, his odd interviews..weird..

Not bashing LE but ive also read the LE officer has had issues in the past with this sort of thing and that there were people wanting to recall his position? Is this true?

i do feel LE could have done a better job in communicating details. Their vagueness seems to have lead to most of this media scrutiny of the family.

i hope LE is investing all angles of this and taking it seriously because some things just aren't adding up.

Whatever the case may be, I truly am sorry that Sp has injuries and that her family has had to go through this, especially her children. Wishing the, all the best no matter the outcome.

Things haven't added up since the very beginning. [emoji849]

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Which may be one reason sexual assault victims can be so hesitant to report. Sigh. That makes me sad. I get it on some level, I guess, but still. I've said it many times, but after going through an official rape kit and investigation, I would be terrified to report it if it happened again.

Int. Quinn137, and every other sexual assault and rape survivor who has had the courage to post about your experiences here... THANK YOU.

THANK YOU so very much for sharing... I truly believe it is an enormous part of the healing process. I too am a rape survivor, and although I don't want to go into detail right now, I wanted to respond specifically to Quinn's post about the hesitancy to report it.

Even though it was many years ago, the memory of what happened to me will never go away. Time has helped heal, but an experience like this does change a person forever. It just does.

I never reported my rape... I was terrified of so many things, and of the man who attacked me. He knew where I lived... when I was able to finally escape his apartment, my purse and ID were left behind. I am SO lucky to be alive, but all these years later, I deeply regret not reporting it. I was so afraid that because it was a case of date rape, that everything would be turned around and made to appear as if it was my fault. Sadly, this happens a lot, and my rape occurred before all the advances in DNA and forensics were as widely available and reliable as they are today.

All these years later, still very few people know about what really happened to me. I lied to my entire family that it was a skiing accident, and only a couple of close friends knew the truth. It is still very difficult even writing this down, but I did so because of the HUGE thank you and much love that I wanted to share with those here who had and have the continued courage to survive, and to do so with dignity, strength, and grace.

I LOVE you all... that's all for now. xo <3
In my opinion, the intricate details of said tattoo/branding is of the most important of evidence. It will give us the most insight on the aggressor's mind state.
Perhaps they pulled the gun and instructed Sherri put her phone down?
What kind of abductors brand their victim?

Sadists. Which her kidnappers clearly were. I'm not sure they originally intended to return her alive. Keeping their faces concealed and a hood on Sherri doesn't mean they intended to-- that kind of concealment is also a way of terrorizing a victim.
Quoting flightfulbird's post above:

Respectfully, the interviewer referred to the reverse ransom negotiation tactic as a "test case", to which Cameron Gamble replied that it was.

So could a motive be to grow a business, to show a need for such a negotiator, to show that such a tactic was successful, that it worked to accomplish freeing the one who was taken?

The vimeo linked in the previous thread was absolutely chilling to watch -it was very difficult to watch all the way through.

In the video clip below CG was filmed saying he thought they "made History" (associating SP's release with his part in the case, the ransom arrangement, etc.), and said he hoped this "could be a model for future cases."

I find his comments (and insertion into this case) troubling.
Hi, I'm new :)
My friends and I have been following this story and we're all over the place with it. I'm just curious about the Pinterest. How do we know she changed her name? She has tons of stuff pinned that's for sure but, what am I missing on her pins? I don't really understand Pinterest but she looks like she has tons of time to Pin lol. I haven't been reading but trying to follow did you all see her Poshmark store?
Did you see the video in the thread that was posted last night? It had CG in it and a woman that used to babysit Sherri's kids. She claims that she's the one that brought the whole thing together. She goes to church with CG and knows that Project Taken is his ministry.
Here's the link-

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This guy needs to stop with this immediately in my opinion. Does he even realize the can of worms he is opening? Oh sure, lets start offering reverse ransoms only to then have perps catch on and start abducting people expecting a ransom! I don't get good Juju's from him at all, and I hope that someone who is in the position to, puts the brakes on this "project" immediately.

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