Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #10 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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It's a safe bet that DNA was found on the used condoms. Also possible that Sierra's DNA was found on them too. MOO Does not matter if the DNA is not on record.... MOO

Do you mean if the perp's DNA is not on record? Or Sierra's DNA?
They can get a profile of her DNA from both her parents. But if the perp's DNA is not on record, they can't pin down any one person as a suspect. So, yes, it does matter.
I have been wondering this from the beginning but thought it was too simplistic. Surely the technology exists to know immediately whether SL had an online relationship with someone suspicious? Is it possible that she agreed to skip school and go off with that someone that Friday, and that the text message to the friend about school was simply 'Won't be there today,' to cover her tracks, and it all went really wrong?
That's what I was saying in my post #520 on this thread, about how applying advances in DNA technology resulted after years and years, (and the wrong man in prison for some of the crimes), resulted in ID'ing, arresting and prosecuting Altemio Sanchez, the Bike Path Rapist/Murderer.

I was on a crime forum and we were studying the case as it unfolded. Amazing. I did find a very interesting forensic science article about how they were able to break down the components of the DNA, (light spectrums?) and show the ethnicities; for example, they can tell sub-saharan, hispanic, caucasian, etc.

If, I find that article again, I'll post it.

Yes I remember that in the Louisiana serial killer case too, they were eventually able to show that the DNA matched an AA male, when they had been going off the theory that serial killers were white males, at the time.
Didn't LE say yesterday or Monday that the evidence they found was on either her cell or her clothing? I swear I saw that...

They didn't say what the lab results were, only that the results were helpful to their investigation. They did not say on what item or items this evidence was found. Could have been phone, could have been the clothing, or could have been the bag, or on all of it. Or on none of those items which means they may have found Sierra's prints or DNA somewhere where they would not be expected to be. IMO.
What is up with that sentence? It doesn't even make needs a comma, 'was' , may be related to or sumpin- makes no sense?
grr these 'journalists':maddening:

I think proofreading is a lost art these days. I find a lot of mistakes in some of these articles.
They can easily tell if it is male or female DNA (X's & Y's for the win!), but the tests to determine race are rarely used by LE, as they are expensive, only done by a couple of labs, and are very controversial. Usually that test is used as a last resort in serial killer or serial rapist cases.

As for other characteristics - no, age cannot be determined from DNA. There are plenty of thins one could find out from a sample, such as inherited diseases & traits, but those require separate tests for each, which is not advisable with the limited amounts of material usually found on evidence.

The ID test itself was specifically designed to look at parts of your DNA (markers) that can uniquely identify an individual without revealing any important information about that person. That was to head off any 'Gattica'-type concerns regarding potential abuses of the technology.

Here's a quick guide to Forensic DNA:
I would think LE would have taken the dogs out to where he purse and clothes were found. If the dogs had her scent there then we can safely assume she placed those things there. Has anyone read anywhere that the dogs detected her scent there.

I had asked this particular question a week or so ago. I can't find a link right off hand (so consider this just an opinion and not fact) but the dogs were taken to where the bag was secreted and they did not pick up Sierra's scent there.

If anybody else remembers this, correct me if I'm wrong, please!
I dunno. There was't much mention of this party by SL. It seemed more just like a rumor going around and she didn't have any intentions of actually going to it. (Although I haven't read through the twitter posts in a few weeks).

Also, why would she need to cut school to go to the party? She had to have known the school would contact her mom about the absense. And she was planning to meet a friend before class to discuss homework according to her last text.

I really think the "project X party" has nothing to do with this.

I think she left her home intending on going to school and someone she was fairly well aquainted to picked her up and offered her a ride. IMO, this was either someone that has given her rides in the past, or someone she had spoken to in the area in the past.

The clothing in the bag could mean many things (depending on whether it was the clothes she was wearing, or a spare) and their are many possible explanations for both scenarios with the amount of information we have.

I believe SL's sister was coming into stay with her father in Fremont the night she went missing, but I never really heard any mention of family plans for that weekend.

I dont know how close she was to her sister, but I can imagine if she were going to a party in Livermore, she'd possibly invite the sister, or ask for a ride. Just my opinion.

I agree on some things, but SL was TOTALLY into the whole Project X thing.
She's discussing the "soundtrack" on Mar 12 with C < mod snip>....then her Project X pinata pic, which are the blue "sky" pills...which, if my sources are correct, are XTC pills.

What gets me thinking even MORE that someone picked her up with the party ruse is her tweet on Mar 15th. She's saying how she "doesn't get how people I know from Fremont are friends with people in her school" at MH. She says it's effing "weird".
So maybe someone contacted her that evening about the party and said they were a friend of someone from Fremont, and thats why she made that comment on the 15th.

This is for "gaetanosleuth408"....As far as the party goes on Mar 16th...the one kid (18 yo KW) DID say about the cops being on the street and the party was probably gonna be shut down, BUT another kid (MS) was tweeting to a girl, EC, said they were going there anyway and would "party on the streets"...anyone could tag along.
EC goes on to say she "got new underwear" "tonights about to get rockin'"....then on Mar 17th, she tweets "holy ***** last night was crazy...I effed up" with a "box" at the end, see the "box" things a lot, don't know what it refers to.

That's why I was sayin earlier, maybe she just pulled a Ferris Bueller and took the day off and went in the car with someone who's "friends" with someone in Fremont. I'm thinking she DIDN'T if someone said, lets go to Fremont for the day, or get the party started, she'd maybe get excited and say "WTF". We see a lot LESS thought from many 50 year olds...why couldn't she just have done the same....especially IF that person were OLDER and made it sound so "cool".

ETA : just wanted to let you guys know the info about the party, etc, was from going from tweets to retweets which got me to the "other" twitter acc'ts. Hope that makes sense...none of this is from MSM or LE.

I also want to add that, IMO, the party was just a way to get SL into the car and go thru the motions of putting her stuff by the shed, etc to make it seem more "credible" to her

As always, my posts are just IMO.
I think it is highly likely that the lab tests came back showing something foreign--something that should not be on anything belonging to Sierra. It could be fingerprints, or it could be something containing DNA. It is something LE hopes to expand on and see who it leads to but the "no direct hit" to me says the evidence does not at this time point to any particular person or persons. It could be fingerprints not showing up in any database. Or some kind of DNA evidence that does not show a "hit" at this time.

It could also be fibers from a vehicle but not so unique that the fibers point to a particular make or model of vehicle. Possibly with further research this can be narrowed down. Or it could be some environmental evidence such as leaves, burrs, or soil, that would not be associated with Sierra's normal environment. Such evidence may be useful if someone should be detained at a later date and matching evidence is found on their person, possession, vehicle, etc.

I think LE got some results from the lab, perhaps not something that can at this early stage zero in on who was involved but gives them more clues on the type of person to look for and areas such a person would be associated with.


I keep wondering if maybe they found a partial fingerprint and among the potential matches returned was someone living nearby.

A partial fingerprint isn't (usually) enough to arrest someone but if, for instance, an RSO who lived near Sierra was one of the potential matches, that would sure make me go "HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!"
I have been wondering this from the beginning but thought it was too simplistic. Surely the technology exists to know immediately whether SL had an online relationship with someone suspicious? Is it possible that she agreed to skip school and go off with that someone that Friday, and that the text message to the friend about school was simply 'Won't be there today,' to cover her tracks, and it all went really wrong?

LE has claimed that the text message to the friend before school was something about going over homework and asking the friend to bring something to school. LE has that text message, as well as the friend's response text. It has been said by LE that the text message means nothing to what happened. has been said by either the text doesn't have relevance or LE does not want its relevance known.
Unless they do things opposite in CA, you're still marked absent if you're not there... even if Mom calls them and tells them. Absent = not there. The only thing accomplished by a parent calling is they're marked with an excused absence versus an unexcused.

I'm in CA and I have school aged kids. I noticed that if you call in and let the office know your child is sick, you don't get the recorded "your child missed one or more classes today..." message.
I keep wondering if maybe they found a partial fingerprint and among the potential matches returned was someone living nearby.

A partial fingerprint isn't (usually) enough to arrest someone but if, for instance, an RSO who lived near Sierra was one of the potential matches, that would sure make me go "HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!"

It is highly likely that they have found in this evidence a clue to someone who was involved, but the evidence is insufficient to detain the person. IIRC fingerprint evidence must have a match of a certain number of points, could be 11 or 13, I am not sure. But let's say the number of matching points is 11--if they have a partial print that matches only 9 points, they cannot detain the person as the print wouldn't stand up in court as evidence.
Actually, I don't find it that far fetched. Just the fact that she took her own picture in those clothes before she left for school tells me that she wanted someone to know what she would be wearing. I mean, was that normal for Sierra to take her picture daily before school with what she would be wearing that day?

The photo I've seen barely shows what she was wearing. It shows the top of the Sharks logo but whether it was a jersey, a sweatshirt or a T-shirt, I can't make out (but my eyesight is not great).

The photo was mostly of her face and hair.
Yes, I read that and it says LIvermore but no time is given. I am assuming it was at night. If that is the case SL I wouldn't think would just not come home that late at night without her mother's permission or at least without her being aware of it. jmo

And wouldn't she go to school if the party was at 8PM? Then call her mom and get permission to stay at a friends' house, or even at her Dad's if she knew he would let her stay out late (he is said to be more lenient).
That's what I was saying in my post #520 on this thread, about how applying advances in DNA technology resulted after years and years, (and the wrong man in prison for some of the crimes), in ID'ing, arresting and prosecuting Altemio Sanchez, the Bike Path Rapist/Murderer.

I was on a crime forum and we were studying the case as it unfolded. Amazing. I did find a very interesting forensic science article about how they were able to break down the components of the DNA, (light spectrums?) and show the ethnicities; for example, they can identify Sub-Saharan, Hispanic, Caucasian, etc.

If, I find that article again, I'll post it.
We were discussing this on WS in the Shellie Carson thread too and found that study. It wasn't ethnicities, but more specifically "continent of origin". With Americans having ancestors from various continents, the DNA might not point to skin color, though.
If LE found DNA not belonging to Sierra on one of her items, how does that become a lead to follow, unless they know who to ask for DNA to compare? Or are they saying it way down the line, if we have a suspect, it may become a lead? Am confused, as they made it sound like they had something to follow up on right away, whereas unknown DNA is never that, without a suspect. JMO

This is the way I took their statement.

they have DNA that belongs to the perp. I think people have given samples of their DNA already throught this investigation. I think The DNA must belong to one of those people. now, LE will follow up with that person????
OK...hold on, you're in for a bumpy ride...and I hope it makes sense when I get it down on paper....LOL
First, for the past 2 days I've been reading tweets, retweets and answers to tweets from these wannabe "thuglettes". So, background, there is a HUGE following of the movie "Project X"....parties, etc. Apparently, on Mar 16th, there was a huge "Project X" party going down in Livermore, which, if I read correctly, was supposed to be attended by Fremont kids. SL's OWN tweets did NOT mention going to the party in any way shape or I'm not saying she was planning ANYTHING wrong.
She CONSTANTLYwanted to go back to Fremont, visit Fremont, etc.
In one of her tweets, she mentioned needing "30 more followers to get to 300". It seemed a big thing when people "unfollowed" her.

Now, for ME, from here is what gets "hella" confusing...sorry couldn't resist...LOL.

From the article linked....

The determination that the unknown suspect or suspects in the possible abduction is familiar and comfortable with Morgan Hill is based partially on the location of Sierra’s home, Cardoza said. Police think she was likely picked up or abducted close to her residence.

“She lives in a secluded area,” Cardoza said. “There’s not much of a chance that she’s going to have contact with transients or strangers” who are unfamiliar with the area.

Cardoza clarified that the official designation of Sierra as an “involuntary missing person” could mean she was abducted, kidnapped, or she voluntary ran away but ended up with someone who turned out to have malicious intent.

No specific evidence so far points more heavily toward any one of those options, he added.

ITA with this statement. Where SL lives is NOT a busy street. The perp would need to know she was there, IMO....I also put ALL my faith in the dogs determining she only got to the end of her driveway.

The mere fact that:
A) She had so many "followers" on her Twitter (almost 300 BEFORE she went missing)
B) ANYONE other than followers could read the tweets
C) Friends of friends, and so on could also read them

I'm thinking maybe she got a call on her cell or an email on her computer from someone who read she was really into the "Project X" movie AND her wanting sooo bad to go back to Fremont. They told her about the party and she thought it was sooo cool....she could party with the older crowd AND see her friends. Maybethey said "so and so" from Fremont was going. They told her they'd pick her up - kinda get a "bond" thing going - wear her "party" clothes, and for her to bring a change of clothes to get back into after the party so mom doesn't "suspect" anything....AND, she brought ANOTHER purse with her makeup, etc.
Maybe spend like a Ferris Bueller type of day....she supposedly never did that....there's a first time for everything, right??? Could her last text have been to talk about the party, the phone goes out the window....maybe as a joke by the perp, like "get rid of this thing" you don't need that today....maybe not :(
Don't know why, BUT I still think SHE put her stuff by the shed to pick up later.

The "lead" could be from the results of her computer hard drive or cell call results??? It DOES take a while to get that info, IIRC. This fitting back into that "someone" calling or emailing about picking her up???
They go down by the shed to hide her stuff...MAYBE the drivers suggestion...they DID say the perp had a pretty good knowledge of Morgan Hill.
After THAT, poor baby doesn't know what was gonna happen to her.

ETA: About SL NOT folding clothes, LE never REALLY got into the "folding" folded from the cleaners or "kinda" folded to FIT as opposed to just balling them up. Embarassing to say, I'm NOT a big "folder". I kinda fold my shirts in half, then in half....not "neatly", just to get it done...sorry...:blushing:

ALSO...another suggestion going more on the "neat" folding thing...maybe it wasn't just ONE person...a female to get her into a car...a male does the horrible crime...SHE folds the clothes....some women actually fold their clothes VERY neatly.

Thanks tinkie! I understand this theory and find it to be plausible.. Very thoroughly researched through not only Sierras tweets but even in delving much deeper through many other tweets looking for clues, hints, anything that could possibly help bring this young girl home.. And then using all the various info to form, again, what I believe to be a very plausible theory..

My ONLY issue is the one detail that IMO as I've stated numerous times before is PARAMOUNT to this case for us as sleuthers and even more so PARAMOUNT to the perp.. The now infamous black/pink Juicy Couture bag.. Everything always leads back to it.. ALWAYS.. and EVERYTIME in the majority of theories not only does it lead back to the bag, but the bag sticks out like the biggest sore thumb you ever did see..moo..

When theorized as above in tinkie's post with the bag being placed there by Sierra, herself with absolute intentions of coming back very soon thereafter(within 24hrs) to retrieve her bag with the all important change of clothes in order to change into them immediately before returning home to P.Espana Court to mom and Rick.. And that obviously something had gone very wrong while out partying and this prohibited her from ever returning to Morgan Hill to retrieve her Juicy bag w/clothes..

IMO ALL OF IT IS PLAUSIBLE.. Down to her being the one that hid the bag w/clothes btwn cacti&building with intentions on grabbing the bag on her way back home and changing into those clothes.. TOTALLY BELIEVABLE.. As well as that she had secretive plans to go with SOMEONE to skip school.. Party for that day and night either with old pals from Fremont or even maybe new, older aged pals she'd made contact with online at some point.. ALL TOTALLY BELIEVABLE..

The bag is the only thing IMO that once again just does not fit.. I believe she could have done every single detail of tinkies theory including packed a change of clothes neatly folded for her to change into before getting home.. IMO I JUST DO NOT BELIEVE THAT EVER IN A MILLION YEARS WOULD SHE HAVE PACKED THE CLOTHES IN THAT $200+ JUICY COUTURE BAG WITH THE INTENT ON HIDING IT OUTSIDE IN THE ELEMENTS FOR HER TO RETRIEVE ON HER WAY BACK HOME.. I cannot remotely see it as possible.. I can see her doing every bit of these things and packing the clothes in a plastic grocery bag, trash bag, big azz ziplock bag, etc, etc.. I COULD EVEN BELIEVE IT IF SIERRA HAD PACKED THE CLOTHES INTO THE JUICY BAG AND THEN PLACED THE JUICY BAG INSIDE A PLASTIC GROCERY BAG, TRASH BAG, OR BIG AZZ ZIPLOCK BAG..but that's just not the case..

So, once again I'm left befuddled upon getting to the detail of the infamous Juicy Couture bag.. I just feel extremely strongly that there is just no way in hell that Sierra would have used the nice, pricey Juicy bag to store her change of clothes in and left out in the elements of that day and nights weather which we all know that it was a windy, rainy, chilly day and night to top it off..*shrug*.. I just can't believe that there's any way possible that Sierra hid "that specific bag" out in elements of Friday March 16..

As is always these are nothing more than jmo, tho!

Posting via mobile as well as via tablet so plz forgive all typos.. Btwn the sucky touch keyboard and the obsessive auto-correct it's a big ol' mess :crazy:
This is OT, but I want to tell what happened at my daughter's high school today. At the end of the day there was a broadcast in each classroom (via the school's Intranet)telling the kids that the local PD has a report of a man hanging around the woods by the school track and they haven't been able to find him. They also showed the students a picture of the man, told them to be on the alert and to report it immediately if anyone saw him. I also just got a recorded phone call explaining what's going on. I'm glad they're being proactive even though I'm not sure what the risk is.
Ok who would go down Sierra's street?
Its 7 15 am!
Im thinking of ppl i encounter when i take my son to school.

I live in a gated community and the only ppl in my comunity at that time is the Recycly guy..
The lawn and leaf collections these two come around 7 am
Why have they not searched Landfills?
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