Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #10 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I think they have taken DNA (bucal swabs) from some people already especially those that lived in the home with Sierra.

But the DNA they have found does not match any of those persons nor is it matching any criminal data bank cross matches either.


I think it's a little premature to make that statement. Sounds like that's what LE is doing now.
Sierra’s Mom: ‘We miss the rap music’

Also in the article:
"Sources have also told KTVU that DNA found on one of the items linked to Sierra that have been recovered by investigators."


Say what?

Okay, DNA has been found. It has been found on one of the items linked to Sierra. It was found on one of the items that have been recovered by investigators.

I'm guessing that this means "DNA that does not belong to Sierra or anyone she lives with" has been found. Because if it was DNA from Marlene, RG, her father or her sister, that wouldn't exactly be a lead (could be transferred).

But I'm not completely sure my translator algorithm is accurate.
IMO (and it may not be worth much - LOL!) she intended to come back to get her Juicy bag. She was off to par-tay with someone/friends that picked her up at 7:15 am. She threw her own phone away. I think she OD'ed on a party favor and was disposed of. IMO. I just can't figure out if they were recent friends or old friends from her old school.

I soooo TA!! As far as "recent" or "old" friends...IMO, her tweet on Mar 15th about not getting that people she knew from Fremont being friends with people in her school here in MH and that it was weird.
And, "hella yes" to the party favors idea. Her "Project X Pinata" pic.
What did the kids do that intended to go that party? Did they meet somewhere else?

Kids don't usually give up and go home - they find somewhere else to go - including the woods or a spot that someone knows is unknown to LE. somewhere private. (I was a kid once myself)

They would have had to make other plans for their Friday night. It wasn't a very organized event and fell apart that day with rumors spreading like the wild fire the day before and day of. Teens generally can't keep their mouths shut and LE jumped on it and squashed those plans.
I agree on some things, but SL was TOTALLY into the whole Project X thing.
She's discussing the "soundtrack" on Mar 12 with Claire....then her Project X pinata pic, which are the blue "sky" pills...which, if my sources are correct, are XTC pills.

What gets me thinking even MORE that someone picked her up with the party ruse is her tweet on Mar 15th. She's saying how she "doesn't get how people I know from Fremont are friends with people in her school" at MH. She says it's effing "weird".
So maybe someone contacted her that evening about the party and said they were a friend of someone from Fremont, and thats why she made that comment on the 15th.

This is for "gaetanosleuth408"....As far as the party goes on Mar 16th...the one kid (18 yo KW) DID say about the cops being on the street and the party was probably gonna be shut down, BUT another kid (MS) was tweeting to a girl, EC, said they were going there anyway and would "party on the streets"...anyone could tag along.
EC goes on to say she "got new underwear" "tonights about to get rockin'"....then on Mar 17th, she tweets "holy ***** last night was crazy...I effed up" with a "box" at the end, see the "box" things a lot, don't know what it refers to.
That's why I was sayin earlier, maybe she just pulled a Ferris Bueller and took the day off and went in the car with someone who's "friends" with someone in Fremont. I'm thinking she DIDN'T if someone said, lets go to Fremont for the day, or get the party started, she'd maybe get excited and say "WTF". We see a lot LESS thought from many 50 year olds...why couldn't she just have done the same....especially IF that person were OLDER and made it sound so "cool".

ETA : just wanted to let you guys know the info about the party, etc, was from going from tweets to retweets which got me to the "other" twitter acc'ts. Hope that makes sense...none of this is from MSM or LE.

As always, my posts are just IMO.
One photo was of blue pills that were Valium 10 mgs (diazepam). They said Mylan on one side. (I am an older psych nurse not an addict. :) )
This is the way I took their statement.

they have DNA that belongs to the perp. I think people have given samples of their DNA already throught this investigation. I think The DNA must belong to one of those people. now, LE will follow up with that person????

Now see i dont think they have DNA i believe there was somthing on her clothes that might lead LE to a location.
Remember they never showed Marlene the clothes there must have been something on them .
It's a safe bet that DNA was found on the used condoms. Also possible that Sierra's DNA was found on them too. MOO Does not matter if the DNA is not on record.... MOO

This is just a general question for those in the thread; what are the statistics of rape and using a condom? This is such a crude question, and makes me feel weird in asking.

Genrally though, I am used to hearing of rapes done in a forceful and brutal action. It's hard for me to wrap my head around the perp putting a condom on, unless it was consensual. To me, a condom, of all the things, shows someone was scared about either STD's or pregnancy.

Wouldn't that be the last thing on a perps mind though? I dunno, hard for me to think these certain ways.

I don't think the condoms yielded too much, but again... I can be totally wrong in my opinion!!
OK folks here me out now . i know this is far fetched but....
Lets say there was the Project X party in Livermore on 3/16 . And Sierra somehow manage to get someone to pick her up. Now the clothes that were found might still be he clothes in the picture but she packed them why you might ask? Becuase she had other clothes on when she left the house to cut school to head to Livermore for the party and needed the clothes to change back into so Mom would not know any differnt when she came home the next day.
Yes I know far fetched but thinking outside the box.

I suggested this 6 threads ago! *LOL* I raised a daughter and learned all the tricks teenagers pull to fool their parents. But even back when I was in school there were girls whose moms DEFINITELY had not let them out of the house in the clothes they showed up in.
The blue pills were Valium 10 mgs (diazepam). They said Mylan on one side. (I am an older psych nurse not an addict. :) )

Maybe we're not looking at the same pics....the blue ones have "sky" on them...if you go to SL's Mar 13th post about her "pinata"...her pic has "sky" on them...maybe I'm looking at the wrong pic???

Changed date to 13th.

Say what?

Okay, DNA has been found. It has been found on one of the items linked to Sierra. It was found on one of the items that have been recovered by investigators.

I'm guessing that this means "DNA that does not belong to Sierra or anyone she lives with" has been found. Because if it was DNA from Marlene, RG, her father or her sister, that wouldn't exactly be a lead (could be transferred).

But I'm not completely sure my translator algorithm is accurate.

I think it would depend where the DNA was found and on what item, as to whether it could be assumed to be transfer DNA, JMO...Also, could depend on what type of DNA may have been found...i.e. some saliva, for example, might not be as easy to explain as skin cells...JMO
Im not sure about age, but yes, gender and race can be determined.

That sure would be great though if they could narrow down the age.

This will help LE to be able to rule a lot of people out.


From a single sample of DNA, a very, very rough guesstimate of the person's age can be made by measuring the telomeres.

Telomeres are long stretches of "junk" DNA at the end of each chromosome. Every time a cell divides, a tiny bit of that junk DNA is lost. When all the junk DNA is lost, it's sayonara for further cell divisions.

It's complicated by the fact that the length of the telomeres differ from person to person at birth (some people have long telomeres, others are born with short ones); also, people vary in how much of the telomere they lose with each cell division.

So looking at the length of the telomeres in a single sample can give a rough estimate of the owner's age but not a very accurate one. Two samples of DNA separated by a known length of time can give a much better indication of how old the most recent sample is because it gives an idea of how quickly the telomeres are being lost.

If there are three samples of DNA from the same person, one taken at birth and the other two taken at known intervals, then the telomeres can be calculated fairly accurately.

With a single sample, though, the age calculation would be something like "might be a young adult" or "might be an older adult" but not more accurate than that.
One photo was of blue pills that were Valium 10 mgs (diazepam). They said Mylan on one side. (I am an older psych nurse not an addict. :) )

Uh huh, sure...thats what they ALL say....LOL (just kidding:blowkiss:)
I think they have taken DNA (bucal swabs) from some people already especially those that lived in the home with Sierra.

But the DNA they have found does not match any of those persons nor is it matching any criminal data bank cross matches either.

It may tell them the race of the person and whether they are a female or male. I know they can determine those two things by having a DNA profile.

I imagine if they do find a suspect they will first interview them and then ask them if they would be willing to give their DNA to eliminate themselves or of course they can do like we have seen other LE do and wait and watch the suspect and retrieve something that the suspect has touched such as a soda can, etc.


OT...but I remember a story on one of the true crime shows on TV where police needed a guy's DNA and couldn't get it, so they set him up. They sent him a ruse letter that required a response and when they received the response they took his DNA off the envelope flap.
Ok who would go down Sierra's street?
Its 7 15 am!
Im thinking of ppl i encounter when i take my son to school.

I live in a gated community and the only ppl in my comunity at that time is the Recycly guy..
The lawn and leaf collections these two come around 7 am
Why have they not searched Landfills?


That's something that I wondered at the beginning myself. Then I recalled that they usually only do landfill searches when they have a narrow window of time & place to work with, as a general landfill search is simply unmanageable. I'd assume that there were no scheduled tasks in the area for them to have a window to work with.
They would have had to make other plans for their Friday night. It wasn't a very organized event and fell apart that day with rumors spreading like the wild fire the day before and day of. Teens generally can't keep their mouths shut and LE jumped on it and squashed those plans.

Some other people were STILL going out that way...said they would "party in the streets"....the other friend apparently "got new underwear" (LOL) and said "tonites about to be rockin" and on the 17th, she said "holy chit, last nite was crazy...I effed up".

Although, I'm thinking the "party" was used as an excuse just to get SL in the car and go thru the motions of putting her clothes and books by the shed, etc with her STILL thinking they were blowing off the day for an "early" party start, but things didn't go that way. And, IMO, never were.
I think they have taken DNA (bucal swabs) from some people already especially those that lived in the home with Sierra.


Respectfully snipped & BBM :

:seeya: I agree that they took DNA ... but I was wondering something about the DNA [as I am drawing a "blank" right now -- lol !]

- What agency normally obtains the DNA swabs : is it the local LE, state, or fbi ? I am sure it varies from state to state, and varies for a number of reasons, but ...

We were told poly's were taken and that poly's were also going to be given by the fbi ... so since the fbi gave poly's, I was wondering if they did the DNA since they have better data bases, etc. ?

I guess obtaining DNA from those who lived with the missing person / victim is as "routine" as the poly now ...

Okay folks something weird is going on and I really hope the LE is watching. If you check findsierra twitter there are 4-5 people in the last few minutes saying someone just tweeted on Sierra's account.
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