Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #2 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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What was their home address? Having trouble locating it, too many news stories.

Aired March 20, 2012

MCCOLLUM: No question about it. And not only that, they need to start expanding that search away from that cell phone, not just in that area. This person clearly had a car. This person -- if the dog lost the scent at the end of her driveway and he drove a mile and got rid of her cell phone, that means he got rid of that cell phone within the first two minutes of having her in that vehicle.

This is an experienced person.

McCollum is Sherryl MCollum Director, Cold Case Investigative Research Institute
If it's a perp, I always ask, why not drop those things in the beginning.
You don't want them in your vehicle, AT ALL.
Purse/bag tossed, phone right there at the jump!

I agree with you. I think he threw out the phone immediately. The only reason the bag puzzles me is that it sat unnoticed for so long. A big black Juicy bag sitting out for 3 days without being noticed?
101 goes to the wrong side of the bay to get to Fremont but you can take it N and pick up either 680 or 880 and get to Fremont (depending on where she worked).
What does Mom do? It's a pretty hefty commute during commute times, true, lots do it in the bay area but it certainly takes its toll and with the ridiculous gas prices.... (4.38 a gallon). It's a little over 30 miles but those commutes can push an hour easily (depending on shifts worked/time of day).
That's a rough age to move a kid and have them switch schools. Wonder if there is more background here? Was Sierra happy about this?
If the bag is like the one I am thinking, even having it tossed would not cause the items to shift and unfold.
It is very possible that the bag could have been just a few feet off the road, depending on where, the grass makes for great cover and stuff is growing like crazy. If it was just sitting by the side of the road, there is no way it was there the whole time, way too many people drive that road. So... it was either slightly off the road and out of sight or it was placed there later.

--her mom is an OT.

Sierra's mother, an occupational therapist, found herself reaching for her daughter's sock in the laundry and holding it close, just "so I could smell her."

The family is making plans for another vigil Friday night at Washington High and will organize a search of rural areas in the coming days to look for clues.
My experience with Morgan Hill has been traffic gridlock, we always fly out of SJC or SFO.

I just can't wrap my mind around this being a random abduction. I know it happens, but it just seems so unlikely for this location.

Yes, what I have been trying to get out there all along with so much resistance. This may look like farmland on your google maps, but if you lived here you would understand.

I don't know if this is random or anything else at this point, I was just hoping that the sleuthers here would stop assuming this is some vast wasteland, because it is not. I am going to drive over there tomorrow. A short 15 minute drive from my house... not into the rural abyss.
bit of a lurker, but wanted to posit a few theories that i've had running about my head:

There is no way a conscious 15 year old girl in a car would let/allow anyone to throw what seems to have been a hugely important part of her life (her phone, her link to the world) away(i've seen what happens when a parent tries to take away a phone, let alone someone else): Unless she was incapacitated in some way ie. unconscious, with a second perp or being threatened with a weapon (gun, knife?). By getting rid of the phone straight away shows that if this is an abduction, then the perp isn't acting in a haze but knows what they are doing.

The clothes in the bag speaks to two possibilities: 1. She took these items with her for innocent reasons eg, she wanted to change after school, or 2. They were the clothes she had on. Are there any uniform rules in that area such as must wear a uniform or must not wear denim or certain colours (also if an area has these rules are they relaxed on a friday)?

If its number 1, then its likely she carried a second smaller bag with her, something i'm sure her mother can verify or deny quite easily. If its number 2, then i think we all know its not a good thing. For someone to take the clothes off a teenager then fold them, whilst in the *heat* of a crime, chills me to the bone. I also think if the clothes are those she had on then she must have been unconcious, to give the perp the space, time and quiet I imagine you'd need to fold clothes under those circumstances.

As far as the dumping grounds (I hate that term) of these items: leave the items at the driveway and immediately people know something is wrong, especially if it is more than one item. Throw away a phone and the chances of it not being found are slim with this type of phone, but did the perp know which phones do what (which can be traced)? Perhaps thats why it was dumped so quickly, or it could be they know that some phones can be traced so just got rid of it as a precaution. The bag being found in a different place from the phone also lends to the theory of why the items were found away from the driveway: to escape detection with enough time to get away from the site. I think the perp has enough savy to know that when her phone was found that it alone would be a big red flag; So did this person then know how heavy and online footrprint (multiple daily posts) and how *connected* to people through her phone she was? That could also add to why the phone was so quickly taken out of the equasion. Has she been followed online?

No matter how/why these things were dumped, its not a good sign. I wish I could be optimistic in this case, but when looking at the *best case scenario* none of the evidence fits.

My Blessings to everyone here who cares enough for a child they have never met. Some people have so much humanity that is extends into their online life i guess.

I agree with you. I think he threw out the phone immediately. The only reason the bag puzzles me is that it sat unnoticed for so long. A big black Juicy bag sitting out for 3 days without being noticed?
I agree that the phone was probably thrown out immediately. It's not like the bag was in the middle of the intersection, it was on the side of the road, perhaps it couldn't be seen. Plus it had rained that Friday and some of that weekend.
Full Timeline link:

CA Sierra Lamar, 15, Santa Clara County, 16 March 2012 timeline and media thread - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Updates from the past two days:

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

March 21 Today Show

Marlene: I love you so much.

Marlene: She goes, "Mom, I love you too. You have a good day at work." That was the routine every morning.

Marlene: I want my daughter back.

Friend of Sierra: Anyone that meets her, like, you can't not be friends with her.

Sierra always has her phone. She's always on her phone. She's addicted to phone, whether it's twitter, facebook..

Marlene: Sierra, if you are out there, please hang in there and be strong because I know you have it in you to be strong.

March 21 more @ link

At Friday's vigil, friends of Sierra plan to wear the same kind of red Converse shoes the missing teen was known for wearing.

*advertiser censored***** said students have not given up hope of finding Sierra, but that they were growing more concerned now that she has been missing for so long.

"We really believe she got taken, *advertiser censored***** said. And as hard as it is to say and as hard as it is to admit, I feel like that's the reality of it."

March 21 From video @ link

Marlene: As each day comes it's like longer and longer, it's become more real. It's like, more real. I just want her back.

*dance video of Sierra as a child*

Childhood friend of Sierra: I's sad. I hope she's okay and nothing bad happened to her.

Mitsi Sanchez, kidnap survivor: Sierra honey, if you are watching this, we want you to know that you can come home. You just be strong girl. I did it. You can do it.

Marlene: I know my daughter. She's strong and, hearing her (Mitsi) story does give me- give me hope. And, Mitsi shared that she was praying, so, Sierra, pray, pray, the lord will hear your prayers.

Reporter: Tonight, Sierra's mother asked land owners in Morgan Hill with large lots to search their property and look for any clues that might provide answers.

March 21 more @ link

The Polly Klaas Foundation is now joining the family to help find 15-year-old Sierra LaMar of Morgan Hill, who disappeared last Friday. It's a loss being felt by the entire community.

Sierra's mother has requested the help of Marc Klaas, whose 12-year-old daughter Polly was kidnapped and killed in Petaluma in 1994. He now heads the KlaasKids Foundation.

"We are prepared to offer everything, from support and counseling to full pledged search recovery efforts," said Klaas. "We will be sending our search director to Morgan Hill to establish a physical presence, a search center."

March 21 Press release from Steve Lamar

My name is Steve LaMar. My daughter Sierra has been missing since last Friday, March 16th. I am releasing this statement to address a recent report that I am a registered sex offender. This report is true. I anticipated that this unfortunate piece of my background might surface in the media. I immediately disclosed this history to the police on the very first day of the investigation into my daughter’s disappearance, in the interests of openness, truthfulness, and cooperation.

I understand the stigma associated with this in my background, and I assure everyone it is not connected in any way to my daughter’s disappearance. I ask that you please not shift the focus away from the investigation and from finding Sierra. I also ask that you please not let my past shape your opinion of Sierra or anyone in our family.
Please understand, I am a dad, and I want nothing more than to find my missing daughter.

My family is working closely as a team with law enforcement, and we will do so until we can conclude the investigation.

We want to thank law enforcement, the media, and the community for all of the help and support they have given so far.

March 21 more @ link. Plenty of pictures @ link

Sierra's sister, Danielle LaMar, 21, said despite her father's conviction and her parents' divorce, the family of four remains tight-knit. "I've always been really close with my dad," she said.

The night before Sierra disappeared, Danielle LaMar left Sacramento State for spring break and joined her father at his Fremont townhouse. On their way back from dinner, Sierra, a 5-foot-2-inch brunette, called. They put her on speakerphone.

"She was talking about how she wanted to get her hair done the next time she went to Fremont. She wanted to add some blond streaks," Danielle LaMar said. "She was very excited about one of her school assignments, telling me about her research paper. Bringing up her grades made her happy."

March 21 more @ link.

LaMar’s mother Marlene and her boyfriend Rick Gardiner, as well as the teen’s father Steve LaMar have all been ruled out as suspects, according to Smith.

“The entire family has fully cooperated with our agency,” Smith said. “All of the family (mother, father, Gardiner) have alibis and can be accounted for at the time Sierra went missing.”

March 21 short videos of search

March 21 more @ link

Marlene LaMar became worried after her daughter didn’t return home from school Friday.

“I was worried when I came home and she wasn’t here,” Marlene LaMar told ABC News. ”That’s when my adrenaline, that fear kicked in. That’s when a mother has that instinct that something isn’t quite right here.”

They reached out to the teen’s friends, but they grew more concerned when one friend said Sierra wasn’t in class earlier that day. They decided to contact authorities around 5 p.m. Friday, after her high school sent them an e-mail saying she didn’t show up for school at all that day.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

March 22 more @ link

Court documents show that LaMar was originally charged with 12 felony counts of committing lewd or lascivious acts with three children under 14 in March 2009. He pleaded guilty to one count and was sentenced in September 2009 to a year in county jail.
None of the three children was his daughter, documents show.

March 22 Press Conference

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: Good morning everyone. This morning, the Sheriffs office has reached out to our volunteer search and rescue team. They are out here helping out this morning with the search for Sierra Lamar. The purpose of today's search is a more extensive, more thorough search. We're going to concentrate within a three mile radius of Sierra's mom's home looking for any evidence of a crime. Uh, clothing, weapons, tire tracks. Anything suspicious, any information that could help out in the investigation. The search and rescue teams will expand that three mile radius to search specific areas such as waterways and gulleys, as well. Some new information that has developed over the past few days, was that there was a bag, specifically a Juicy purse, a Juicy bag belonging to Sierra Lamar, that was found Sunday about 1pm. Members of the Sheriffs office search and rescue team found this Juicy bag belonging to Sierra. Inside the bag was some of Sierra's clothing. A pair of pants, and a T shirt, neatly folded, neatly put inside this bag. This bag was located on Santa Teresa Blvd, and Laguna, which is within a couple of miles of Sierra's mother's house. The reason the information wasn't immediately made available to the public was because we had to confirm that the clothes did belong to Sierra, and we had to do some further investigative follow up on that. Through confirmation from Sierra's family, and through some of the investigative efforts, we have now confirmed that those clothes, and the bag did belong to Sierra. I'll now take questions. Those are the updated information we had right now, but I'll now take some questions from everybody.

Q: How close was this bag to where the cell phone was found?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: The bag was found at Laguna and Santa Teresa, the cell phone was found at Scheller and Santa Teresa. A couple blocks away. All within a couple of miles of Sierra's mom's house.

Q: Were the clothes that were folded the ones that she was wearing when she left the house?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: We cannot confirm that, that she was wearing that when she was last seen. Because nobody saw Sierra leave the house, we don't know for a fact if those were the clothes she was wearing, or if for whatever reason those were extra clothes that she had inside her bag at the time.

Q: You made a point to say neatly folded, does that imply that she was going someplace, possibly running away, does that mean anything to you?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: It's information that the detectives still cannot determine as to why these clothes were neatly folded inside the bag, but that is specifically how the clothes were found. Neatly folded inside the bag.

Q: In the last few days have you found anything, prints on that bag, anything at all?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: Unfortunately, no information through forensics or any other trace evidence on the bag or on the clothing leading to a person of interest or a suspect at this time.

Q: Was it on the side of the road, or the middle of a field, or?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: Near the side of the road, near the intersection of Laguna and Santa Teresa.

Q: It could have been thrown from a passing car, dropped from a car?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: Uh, possibilities, but we obviously aren't sure how the bag you know, was found, uh, came about to be there.

Q:*inaudible* or near the street?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: Near the intersection of Laguna and Santa Teresa. Not on the roadway, but near the intersection.

Q: *inaudible* there might have been urine on the clothes?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: You know, the specific details as far as the condition of the clothing, if they were wet or if there was any urine on them, we are holding that information, that specific detail uh, confidential right now because of the investigation. So, we can't confirm that detail right now.

Q: The phone, was that on the side of the road on Scheller and Santa Teresa?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: The phone was about 20 to 30 feet off the roadway at Scheller and Santa Teresa. Correct.

Q: So it is possible that someone was driving down Santa Teresa, they threw the phone out of the right side of the window, and this bag was also found the right side of the window?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: That's a possibility, but again, we have no witnesses and no other evidence to confirm if it was thrown..

Q: *inaudible*

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: The bag of clothing, we can't specify exactly what side of the intersection it was located, but..

Q: Why are you waiting until today to go forward with the thorough search of the area immediately surrounding the house?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: The weekend searches were more of a general type search for a missing person or an injured person. Today's search is more extensive, it's specific to not only uh, an injured person, but also to evidence of a crime or any other information that could help in the investigation. So, today's search is a little bit more extensive, a little bit more thorough, a little bit more specific.

Q: *inaudible, another question was asked over this one*

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: No other evidence of foul play at this time and unfortunately we still do not have a person of interest.

Q: Can you confirm the last call on the phone?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: There was a text message that was sent out a little after 7am on Friday morning, from Sierra's cell phone.

Q: To whom?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: It's- we're withholding that information right now.

Q: We've been told that the FBI is assisting you guys. Can you tell us what the nature of that assistance is?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: I can confirm that the FBI is assisting in the case. Unfortunately, in what way- or, in- we can't go into how they are assisting us. But the FBI is assisting us right now. For investigative purposes, we just can't comment on the role that they are playing.

Q: Did the family tell you that she often carries extra clothes, like, I don't know, can you itemize them- a couple of pairs of jeans, a pair of flip flops or?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: That's a good question. That is something that again, we can't comment on at this time. We can't comment on if she would normally carry extra clothes with her in the bag or if that was something new that she would do, so um.

Q: Did she have any plans for after school that day?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: Not that we know of.

Q: What type of dog is this? Is it search or is it a recovery dog?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: The K9 dogs are both human remain dogs and specific detection dogs.

Q: Talking to RSO's, how is that coming along?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: We're still in the process of doing that. We have contacted all the sex registered offenders within a 10 mile radius of Sierra's mom's home. Now the concentration and now the efforts are reaching out beyond that 10 mile radius to contact all the RSO's in the South County area, from Morgan Hill to Gilroy.

Q: You're escalating the search now because of what you found, you found this on Sunday, why didn't you escalate the search then and worry about getting confirmation later?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: You know, there was some investigative efforts, some steps that needed to take place from- between Sunday and now. Primarily to confirm that there was Sierra's clothing, to see if there was any evidence that would be able to be gathered on any of those clothings, which at this point there hasn't been any evidence or any trace information leading us to somebody else, but again, some investigative steps had to take place before we could confirm that and make this information public.

Q: Are you leaning still toward a possible runaway or leaning toward abduction?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: We're still a missing person case. We've yet to have any confirmation on an abduction or a volunteer runaway case. It unfortunately is still a missing person case until we get some concrete evidence or a good tip or lead on the case.

Q: Could the FBI take over if you confirm it was an abduction?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: That's something- I can't answer that for the FBI, if they would or not. But, uh, that's something they would have to comment on if we start going in that direction or if new evidence or information comes out.

Q: *inaudible*

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: We're cooperating with Sierra's family, members of the community, and likewise-vice versa, they are cooperating with us 100%, and that is something I'm sure if any organization, any outside organization would come in, of course we'll cooperate with them as well.

Q: *inaudible*

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: No, they're continuing their search efforts today with the K9 dogs, but there has been no new evidence or leads other than the clothing that was found on Sunday afternoon.

Q: *inaudible*..planning on searching today?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: No one else outside of our agency that's helping out with the search. At least for today.

Q: Any specific locations today or just the three mile radius?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: Just the three mile radius. Uh, private property, you know, yards, backyards of the residential homes, open fields, waterways, thoroughfares, cul de sacs, and like I said, they will expand the three mile search specifically for nearby reservoirs and waterways as well.

Q: *inaudible, something about scent dogs*

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: They have. The dogs have been trained. They have Sierra's scent from her clothing. We have 5 k9 search dogs assisting today with the search.

Q: And the distance again between the cell phone and the bag, you say it was a couple blocks, or a mile?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: Both the cell phone and the clothing are both within two miles of Sierra's mom's house. I don't know the exact location though, between the cell phone and the clothing.

Q: They are in the opposite direction of the way she would have gone to the school bus?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: The cell phone is in the opposite direction. Laguna and Santa Teresa- I'm not sure if it's in the opposite direction of the bus stop.

Q: How concerned are you that it's been almost a week and you don't really have much to go on?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: We're really concerned. We're still, obviously, still out here, you know, with a lot of concentrated efforts. With a lot of our personnel. Search and rescue, detectives, I mean we've been working this case 24/7 since Friday evening when we were notified of the case. So, we're very much concerned, it's still a priority, you know, for our agency, for our department right now, and we're hoping to get some information or some leads to help not only track down or help get this in the right direction, but to help establish; is this a runaway case, or is it an abduction?

Q: Interviews of sex offenders, are you widening that process?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: We're sticking to the South county area sex offenders right now. We've contacted all the sex offenders within a ten mile radius of Sierra's mom's home, and now we are reaching out to the rest of the sex offender registrants in the South county area.

Q: Have anything you have heard led you to believe that she may have run away?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: No, no information leading to or leading us in that direction. She had a very good relationship with the mom, the moms boyfriend and her biological father. Uh, the mom, the sister, everyone in Sierra's family has been cooperative. We have no information that would lead us to believe otherwise that there was any problems at home, or that there would be any indication for her leaving.

Q: *inaudible*

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: Unfortunately not. The forensic testing on the computer and cell phone didn't reveal any- any persons of interest.

Q: Can you tell us if the text after 7am was a distressed text?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: It was not. It was not a distressed text. It was a normal text that she would send out to her friend.

Q: Where was the text located from?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: It was-it was to her friend.

Q: But where was it sent from?

Q: Was it from her laptop, or?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: It was from her cell phone.

Q: ..the location?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: At her home. It was from her cell phone at home.

Q: And it was on Friday?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: It was on Friday morning, a couple of minutes after 7 in the morning.

March 22 more @ link, videos @ link

Sheriff Laurie Smith says her office is working with several known facts about Sierra's sudden disappearance Friday morning. The 15-year-old sent out a tweet from her home computer at 6:29 that morning. It was learned Thursday that she sent a text from her cell phone to a friend at 7:11 a.m. "She usually leaves for school between 7:10 and 7:15, so we don't know where her physical location was at the time. She texted a friend, a friend answered, and no further," Smith said.

March 22 more @ link

"It was her clothing. It was things that she would have kept with her and it was school books. We believe she was on her way to school. It shouldn't have been where it was. It definitely elevates our concerns," said Sheriff Laurie Smith of the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Department.
They said she was in good spirits and don't believe she would have ran away.

"We really don't believe so. She's a good kid," Smith said. "She's probably your typical 15-year-old, but there's no indication that this was a runaway. You don't take your school books."

March 22 article RE: clothing found. Raw interview w/Marc Klass @ link

March 22 more @ link

Midsi Sanchez, 19, is a kidnap survivor.
In August 2000, when she was 8, she was abducted by Curtis Dean Anderson on her way home from school in Vallejo. Anderson was the same deviant who kidnapped and killed 7-year-old Xiana Fairchild, also of Vallejo.
At the first vigil, she introduced herself to the LaMars, told them to stay strong, and asked permission to tell her story to the crowd that had gathered at a Morgan Hill church.
Sierra's mother, Marlene LaMar, thanked her: "You made me feel so much better."

March 22 more @ link

Also Thursday, students at Sierra's Ann Sobrato High School set up a reward fund for information leading to her discovery, said Superintendent Wesley Smith. The schools in the Morgan Hill Unified School District will post donation boxes at their front offices, with the money being collected Thursday.

Checks, which can be dropped off or mailed to the schools, should be made payable to Ann Sobrato High School ASB. If Sierra is found before next week, officials will donate the money to charities that assist in finding missing people.

March 22 more @ link

Some of the content on the accounts contains profanity, references to marijuana and alcohol use and carnally suggestive photos and comments. Cardoza said her parents “knew she was an avid ‘Facebooker’ and ‘tweeter’,” but did not specify whether or not they closely monitored the accounts.

March 22 more @ link

The case is now receiving national attention, with more than 150 tips called in to the Sheriff's Office, dozens of students and possible associates interviewed and thousands of people following the case's every update through social media. Even the FBI is assisting. In the past few days, about 30 detectives have followed up on more than a half-dozen reports of suspicious vehicles in the Morgan Hill area. Women, including teenagers, have reported men slowing down and asking them if they wanted to get in their cars -- but none so far has proved to be related to Sierra's case.

March 22 much more @ link, including a timeline of events

V****** Yanez of Gilroy High School, K*** Redmond of Santa Teresa High School and M***** Ross of Oak Grove High School have cheered with LaMar since September. They attended the Tuesday night vigil wearing T-shirts with pictures of LaMar printed on the front with “MISSING” in bold lettering.

LaMar joined the team in September and was connected to the squad by a friend of hers just before she moved to Morgan Hill. A cheerleader at Washington High School before transferring to Sobrato, she is a “flier,” or the teammate at the top of a stunt who is lifted or thrown in the air, on the Black Diamond team, the teens said.

Aside from being talented at cheer, Ross said the team knows LaMar as a happy teenager, and Yanez said she is “always singing.”

“She would sing anything that was on the radio – anything that would make her happy and smile,” Yanez said.

March 22 more @ link

Search and rescue dogs were brought in as the FBI combed through neighbors' yards. They seemed focused on one yard adjacent to the LaMar home.

Authorities spent about an hour and a half inside but gave no indication if anything related to the case was found.

March 22 more @ link

They spent hours searching neighbors backyards, even bringing in canines to sniff for clues. They spent most of the night searching a large property right next door to the missing 15-year-old girl's home.
The cul-de-sac isn't the only area, investigators targeted. Less than a quarter mile away on Scheller Avenue, they also targeted a vacant foreclosed home. Detectives even hauled away an evidence kit from the home.

March 22 more @ link, video @ link

KTVU spotted numerous FBI agents in the neighborhood going to various properties near her home. There were dozens of sheriff's cars in the neighborhood and just before 7 p.m. as officers and FBI agents started going into the backyards of homes.

Others went into her home. some carrying black cases which appeared to be evidence kits.
I don't have time to read and catch up. But I checked the news before I go to bed and wanted to make sure that this link had been posted.

If it has please ignore.

Video at link is good.

KTVU spotted numerous FBI agents in the neighborhood going to various properties near her home. There were dozens of sheriff's cars in the neighborhood and just before 7 p.m. as officers and FBI agents started going into the backyards of homes.

Others went into her home. some carrying black cases which appeared to be evidence kits.

I didn't think it was too old. IIRC CA is about 3 hours behind us? So maybe about an hour old right now?

Going to bed, have a busy day tomorrow! I'm sure I'll have double digits of pages to catch up on! Bye!
I think the phone was found on Saturday. We don't know WHEN the phone was tossed or placed there. We don't know when it was first pinged.

I just have the sense that someone darted to the location and put it there.
I say this because my co-worker recently knocked her phone off a desk and the battery fell right out!
She was worried she'd lost her pics she hadn't uploaded to her PC.
She popped it in again and it was fine.

Is this unusual? I don't know what impact one can withstand without the small plastic latch cracking or opening losing the contact with the battery,
thus rendering it unable to ping a GPS point.

I believe pinging is from the method of triangulation which gets you somewhere in the vicinity of three points. GPS tech actually gets you within I believe something like 30 feet of location. So I believe it tracks movements as you go. So if battery came out it would show last known location. JMOO
KTVU TV Ch 2 just announced that the clothing in the bag, one of which was one item (sweatshirt)...I think this was the Sharks Shirt but nor positive. They said she wore that shirt when she left her house that morning. They said Sierra tweeted her outfit to her mother before she left the house.

....Waiting to replay this news see if I can get more facts..

Sheriff confirms this...the shirt is the same shirt that she was wearing when she left the house. It is the Sharks Sweatshirt..but she I'D'd the shirt.

It was neatly folded and found in the bag w/other clothes. Mother could not make out what else Sierra was wearing since it was taken with her cell phone.

It is soooo refreshing to get clarity and the clearing of people. LE is keeping us informed. I appreciate that. I love all the Police agencies from San Francisco all the way down the peninsula. We are lucky out here. Many, many FBI searching around the area today.
I hope I can down there by next WED. I hope they find her before then...but I will get there and try to take some pics if they haven't. My camera is not that great...I'll see what I can get though.
Full Timeline link:

CA Sierra Lamar, 15, Santa Clara County, 16 March 2012 timeline and media thread - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Updates from the past two days:

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

March 21 Today Show

Marlene: I love you so much.

Marlene: She goes, "Mom, I love you too. You have a good day at work." That was the routine every morning.

Marlene: I want my daughter back.

Friend of Sierra: Anyone that meets her, like, you can't not be friends with her.

Sierra always has her phone. She's always on her phone. She's addicted to phone, whether it's twitter, facebook..

Marlene: Sierra, if you are out there, please hang in there and be strong because I know you have it in you to be strong.

March 21 more @ link

March 21 From video @ link

Marlene: As each day comes it's like longer and longer, it's become more real. It's like, more real. I just want her back.

*dance video of Sierra as a child*

Childhood friend of Sierra: I's sad. I hope she's okay and nothing bad happened to her.

Mitsi Sanchez, kidnap survivor: Sierra honey, if you are watching this, we want you to know that you can come home. You just be strong girl. I did it. You can do it.

Marlene: I know my daughter. She's strong and, hearing her (Mitsi) story does give me- give me hope. And, Mitsi shared that she was praying, so, Sierra, pray, pray, the lord will hear your prayers.

Reporter: Tonight, Sierra's mother asked land owners in Morgan Hill with large lots to search their property and look for any clues that might provide answers.

March 21 more @ link

March 21 Press release from Steve Lamar

March 21 more @ link. Plenty of pictures @ link

March 21 more @ link.

March 21 short videos of search

March 21 more @ link

Thursday, March 22, 2012

March 22 more @ link

March 22 Press Conference

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: Good morning everyone. This morning, the Sheriffs office has reached out to our volunteer search and rescue team. They are out here helping out this morning with the search for Sierra Lamar. The purpose of today's search is a more extensive, more thorough search. We're going to concentrate within a three mile radius of Sierra's mom's home looking for any evidence of a crime. Uh, clothing, weapons, tire tracks. Anything suspicious, any information that could help out in the investigation. The search and rescue teams will expand that three mile radius to search specific areas such as waterways and gulleys, as well. Some new information that has developed over the past few days, was that there was a bag, specifically a Juicy purse, a Juicy bag belonging to Sierra Lamar, that was found Sunday about 1pm. Members of the Sheriffs office search and rescue team found this Juicy bag belonging to Sierra. Inside the bag was some of Sierra's clothing. A pair of pants, and a T shirt, neatly folded, neatly put inside this bag. This bag was located on Santa Teresa Blvd, and Laguna, which is within a couple of miles of Sierra's mother's house. The reason the information wasn't immediately made available to the public was because we had to confirm that the clothes did belong to Sierra, and we had to do some further investigative follow up on that. Through confirmation from Sierra's family, and through some of the investigative efforts, we have now confirmed that those clothes, and the bag did belong to Sierra. I'll now take questions. Those are the updated information we had right now, but I'll now take some questions from everybody.

Q: How close was this bag to where the cell phone was found?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: The bag was found at Laguna and Santa Teresa, the cell phone was found at Scheller and Santa Teresa. A couple blocks away. All within a couple of miles of Sierra's mom's house.

Q: Were the clothes that were folded the ones that she was wearing when she left the house?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: We cannot confirm that, that she was wearing that when she was last seen. Because nobody saw Sierra leave the house, we don't know for a fact if those were the clothes she was wearing, or if for whatever reason those were extra clothes that she had inside her bag at the time.

Q: You made a point to say neatly folded, does that imply that she was going someplace, possibly running away, does that mean anything to you?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: It's information that the detectives still cannot determine as to why these clothes were neatly folded inside the bag, but that is specifically how the clothes were found. Neatly folded inside the bag.

Q: In the last few days have you found anything, prints on that bag, anything at all?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: Unfortunately, no information through forensics or any other trace evidence on the bag or on the clothing leading to a person of interest or a suspect at this time.

Q: Was it on the side of the road, or the middle of a field, or?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: Near the side of the road, near the intersection of Laguna and Santa Teresa.

Q: It could have been thrown from a passing car, dropped from a car?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: Uh, possibilities, but we obviously aren't sure how the bag you know, was found, uh, came about to be there.

Q:*inaudible* or near the street?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: Near the intersection of Laguna and Santa Teresa. Not on the roadway, but near the intersection.

Q: *inaudible* there might have been urine on the clothes?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: You know, the specific details as far as the condition of the clothing, if they were wet or if there was any urine on them, we are holding that information, that specific detail uh, confidential right now because of the investigation. So, we can't confirm that detail right now.

Q: The phone, was that on the side of the road on Scheller and Santa Teresa?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: The phone was about 20 to 30 feet off the roadway at Scheller and Santa Teresa. Correct.

Q: So it is possible that someone was driving down Santa Teresa, they threw the phone out of the right side of the window, and this bag was also found the right side of the window?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: That's a possibility, but again, we have no witnesses and no other evidence to confirm if it was thrown..

Q: *inaudible*

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: The bag of clothing, we can't specify exactly what side of the intersection it was located, but..

Q: Why are you waiting until today to go forward with the thorough search of the area immediately surrounding the house?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: The weekend searches were more of a general type search for a missing person or an injured person. Today's search is more extensive, it's specific to not only uh, an injured person, but also to evidence of a crime or any other information that could help in the investigation. So, today's search is a little bit more extensive, a little bit more thorough, a little bit more specific.

Q: *inaudible, another question was asked over this one*

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: No other evidence of foul play at this time and unfortunately we still do not have a person of interest.

Q: Can you confirm the last call on the phone?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: There was a text message that was sent out a little after 7am on Friday morning, from Sierra's cell phone.

Q: To whom?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: It's- we're withholding that information right now.

Q: We've been told that the FBI is assisting you guys. Can you tell us what the nature of that assistance is?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: I can confirm that the FBI is assisting in the case. Unfortunately, in what way- or, in- we can't go into how they are assisting us. But the FBI is assisting us right now. For investigative purposes, we just can't comment on the role that they are playing.

Q: Did the family tell you that she often carries extra clothes, like, I don't know, can you itemize them- a couple of pairs of jeans, a pair of flip flops or?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: That's a good question. That is something that again, we can't comment on at this time. We can't comment on if she would normally carry extra clothes with her in the bag or if that was something new that she would do, so um.

Q: Did she have any plans for after school that day?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: Not that we know of.

Q: What type of dog is this? Is it search or is it a recovery dog?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: The K9 dogs are both human remain dogs and specific detection dogs.

Q: Talking to RSO's, how is that coming along?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: We're still in the process of doing that. We have contacted all the sex registered offenders within a 10 mile radius of Sierra's mom's home. Now the concentration and now the efforts are reaching out beyond that 10 mile radius to contact all the RSO's in the South County area, from Morgan Hill to Gilroy.

Q: You're escalating the search now because of what you found, you found this on Sunday, why didn't you escalate the search then and worry about getting confirmation later?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: You know, there was some investigative efforts, some steps that needed to take place from- between Sunday and now. Primarily to confirm that there was Sierra's clothing, to see if there was any evidence that would be able to be gathered on any of those clothings, which at this point there hasn't been any evidence or any trace information leading us to somebody else, but again, some investigative steps had to take place before we could confirm that and make this information public.

Q: Are you leaning still toward a possible runaway or leaning toward abduction?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: We're still a missing person case. We've yet to have any confirmation on an abduction or a volunteer runaway case. It unfortunately is still a missing person case until we get some concrete evidence or a good tip or lead on the case.

Q: Could the FBI take over if you confirm it was an abduction?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: That's something- I can't answer that for the FBI, if they would or not. But, uh, that's something they would have to comment on if we start going in that direction or if new evidence or information comes out.

Q: *inaudible*

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: We're cooperating with Sierra's family, members of the community, and likewise-vice versa, they are cooperating with us 100%, and that is something I'm sure if any organization, any outside organization would come in, of course we'll cooperate with them as well.

Q: *inaudible*

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: No, they're continuing their search efforts today with the K9 dogs, but there has been no new evidence or leads other than the clothing that was found on Sunday afternoon.

Q: *inaudible*..planning on searching today?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: No one else outside of our agency that's helping out with the search. At least for today.

Q: Any specific locations today or just the three mile radius?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: Just the three mile radius. Uh, private property, you know, yards, backyards of the residential homes, open fields, waterways, thoroughfares, cul de sacs, and like I said, they will expand the three mile search specifically for nearby reservoirs and waterways as well.

Q: *inaudible, something about scent dogs*

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: They have. The dogs have been trained. They have Sierra's scent from her clothing. We have 5 k9 search dogs assisting today with the search.

Q: And the distance again between the cell phone and the bag, you say it was a couple blocks, or a mile?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: Both the cell phone and the clothing are both within two miles of Sierra's mom's house. I don't know the exact location though, between the cell phone and the clothing.

Q: They are in the opposite direction of the way she would have gone to the school bus?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: The cell phone is in the opposite direction. Laguna and Santa Teresa- I'm not sure if it's in the opposite direction of the bus stop.

Q: How concerned are you that it's been almost a week and you don't really have much to go on?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: We're really concerned. We're still, obviously, still out here, you know, with a lot of concentrated efforts. With a lot of our personnel. Search and rescue, detectives, I mean we've been working this case 24/7 since Friday evening when we were notified of the case. So, we're very much concerned, it's still a priority, you know, for our agency, for our department right now, and we're hoping to get some information or some leads to help not only track down or help get this in the right direction, but to help establish; is this a runaway case, or is it an abduction?

Q: Interviews of sex offenders, are you widening that process?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: We're sticking to the South county area sex offenders right now. We've contacted all the sex offenders within a ten mile radius of Sierra's mom's home, and now we are reaching out to the rest of the sex offender registrants in the South county area.

Q: Have anything you have heard led you to believe that she may have run away?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: No, no information leading to or leading us in that direction. She had a very good relationship with the mom, the moms boyfriend and her biological father. Uh, the mom, the sister, everyone in Sierra's family has been cooperative. We have no information that would lead us to believe otherwise that there was any problems at home, or that there would be any indication for her leaving.

Q: *inaudible*

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: Unfortunately not. The forensic testing on the computer and cell phone didn't reveal any- any persons of interest.

Q: Can you tell us if the text after 7am was a distressed text?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: It was not. It was not a distressed text. It was a normal text that she would send out to her friend.

Q: Where was the text located from?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: It was-it was to her friend.

Q: But where was it sent from?

Q: Was it from her laptop, or?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: It was from her cell phone.

Q: ..the location?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: At her home. It was from her cell phone at home.

Q: And it was on Friday?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: It was on Friday morning, a couple of minutes after 7 in the morning.

March 22 more @ link, videos @ link

March 22 more @ link

March 22 article RE: clothing found. Raw interview w/Marc Klass @ link

March 22 more @ link

March 22 more @ link

March 22 more @ link

March 22 more @ link

March 22 much more @ link, including a timeline of events

March 22 more @ link

March 22 more @ link

March 22 more @ link, video @ link

Thank you so much for this great list of links and information, it sure helps to kind of catch up, without having to go back and read through the entire thread. Good job!!
SL's parents and sister will be speaking on the Today show. :thumbup:
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