Found Deceased Canada - Chase Martens, 2, Austin, MB, 22 March 2016

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

I am very familiar with the area and have a cottage 30 minutes north of Austin . I will be driving by today .

Here are links to our local news. I did not know there was a thread here or would have posted earlier. The area is flat prairie with lots of wide open fields and not a lot of places to disappear , no mountains or canyons etc . And yes it still gets cold at night. Doubt a child could survive.

It's great to hear from you, Arnie M! Always helpful to have a local member on a forum -- they know the pulse of the area, geographical features, and they have that special "feel" for how things go in the area. Keep in touch as you can.
I agree with everyone regarding the larger search areas and sending people out to work their way in. I followed Noah Chamberlin too, and others who made it much further than expected. It's so frustrating, but I know that SAR and LE know a lot more than me and do their best. The turnout for Chase has been incredible. And the water. I wish they'd searched the water better from the get go. It's been my expectation that he'll be found in the water since the start. They're little water bugs at that age; they're always drawn to the water, and it's so tough to find someone who got into the water, let alone a little guy when there's ice and freezing and such. Thanks to everyone who posted presser updates. I couldn't get it to load until it was over already.
CaramelApple, thanks for the list.
I am keeping my big fat mouth clamped shut for the time being, believe me, I want to say something real bad as to the first item on the list.

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A little more info:
- Foul play not ruled out, but it's not the focus of their investigation;
- Focus is on locating Chase;
- Family is distraught;
- Believes they have sufficient volunteers, will be providing updated info on this as they move forward;
- Amber alert has not been considered;
- The search has so far seen mixed farm area and bush - today is very focused on water terrain;
- Asking people to keep Chase in their thoughts - also plea for information;
- Long term plan for the search is too early to say - it's a dynamic situation;
- Hoping to answer the main question "where is Chase";

Still holding out hope that he is ok... And that they do not find him in the water.

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"We started close to the residence where he was last seen yesterday. That search is expanding, I'm not sure at this point where that search is. Our only priority is to find Chase, and our search will expand as is required."

Organizers of the search began turning away additional volunteers before noon, believing any more would make their efforts ineffective. However, many continued their own searches around the property, submitting photos to those at the command centre. While they don't need additional bodies, Paquet explained they still need any and all information, as no news tip is "to small" to report to police.

I know they can't risk volunteers lives, but from what we learned with Noah Chamberlin, should there be an outer ring search being conducted at the same time that the search expands outward from the house? Couldn't the volunteers that are being turned away be sent to the outskirts to move inward?

The same thought ran through my mind. Noah was the same age as Chase and look how far he traveled in a short time.

I'm glad Underwater Recovery is now on scene but it makes me a little queasy.
I know they can't risk volunteers lives, but from what we learned with Noah Chamberlin, should there be an outer ring search being conducted at the same time that the search expands outward from the house? Couldn't the volunteers that are being turned away be sent to the outskirts to move inward?

Yes! That's a lesson from both Noah Chamberlin and Jerold Williams. It really bothers me that they don't have volunteers starting out and working in.
An hour outside of New Orleans. [emoji4]

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Thanks, I knew you were in the south.
I'm in Aiken, South Carolina, on the Savannah river real close to Augusta, Ga. my hometown & 45 min. From Columbia.

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No worries Claire....thanks again! I wanted to add a previous post of yours....about the goats...gave me a little giggle this morning... & you are so right about the different perspectives from country to city....

I was very small town growing up...about 1000 people...then to a city of about 40000....for us ...yes..that was city!

Now I'm in an actual city...but small in world comparison...about 3/4 of a million....

Nothing is the same...that is for sure...good & bad for both ....

The comparisons remind me of a book from when I was young...darn if I can remember the title...but it was about a city mouse and a country mouse....

Anyways....I wanted to comment about the goats and look what happens*L*
RCMP Manitoba ✔ ‎@rcmpmb
Huge effort to find Chase: 15 local fire depts, @CanadianForces, @wpgpolice, #rcmpmb plane/k9s, @DOPSHQ1, OFC
From the above link:

Winnipeg's Bear Clan Patrol is also getting involved, sending four of its best trackers to join in the search.

"If they find a footprint or something like that they'll know what to look for. These guys are experts, they're bush guys, they'll know what to do," said James Favel who heads up the group, which usually conducts patrols and searches in Winnipeg's North End.

Bear Clan Patrol

Prayers going out for searchers to be guided.
It's great to hear from you, Arnie M! Always helpful to have a local member on a forum -- they know the pulse of the area, geographical features, and they have that special "feel" for how things go in the area. Keep in touch as you can.

Thank you ... here are the condition as we speak (Noon Thursday March 24th 2016

Nice sunny day with occasional cloud
+4 degrees Celsius (39* Fahrenheit)
We consider this "warm" coming out of winter
Cold for a child , especially overnight when temps dip below freezing
Any water in ditches or creeks is ice cold , takes your breath away in an instant , even for adults, requires immediate rescue to survive

Miles of wide open fields (easy to spot anything)

Bluffs of trees here and there , and trees with tall grass along the creek , more difficult to search but can be done thoroughly with side by side search teams
At first wondered why the water ways were not searched before the land, but thinking now, that if in water, sadly little chance anyone would live, but if lost on land, there could be hope of finding someone alive.imo.
Also, concerning volunteers working from outside inwards, hate to say this because surely not the case here with all these good people helping out, ... but, what if indeed there was a "theft", and that person used the opportunity to " return" what was taken?
Speculation, imo.
The Bear Clan Patrol looks awesome!

Alright, I am ordering two of these today. I almost did after Noah Chamberlin and then put it on the back burner. My son is 3 and these cases are breaking my heart.

Search trivia

It is not unheard of for toddlers to travel greater distances than anyone expected

It has happened that hundreds of searchers have walked within feet of a child over several days and not seen him .... that is why side by side teams work best IF the searchers look straight down every step of the way .... some searchers gaze off into the distance expecting a kid to pop out of the grass and they miss what is underfoot .

Police always conduct parallel investigations interviewing the family , neighbors , and also consider the remote possibility of stranger abduction.

A couple of years ago a local Hutterite colony had a child go missing from a supervised play area (group of kids) .... clean wide open yard ..... hundreds and hundreds of searchers within an hour .... no trace of the child anywhere ..... so they went searching way off in adjacent crop land (grain was 2 feet high) .... no way a child could have walked that far so they stopped .... the minister of the colony insisted they take a couple of more steps and they found the child safe and sleeping .
Mini marathons: Tireless toddlers cover more than two and a half miles a day (but that includes 102 falls)

If the average toddler is active half of their waking time, they will clock up 2.6 miles a day
Researchers filmed over 130 infants as they explored specially-designed playroom
Analysis showed those who walked clocked up 2,368 steps an hour, covering 0.44 miles

Published:23 November 2012

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RCMP Manitoba ✔ ‎@rcmpmb
#rcmpmb divers now assisting w search for Chase MARTENS as creek runs through area.
Grasping at straws here, but hanging on to a touch of hope..
On the one hand the snow may hamper the search, but on the other hand, hoping Chase's little light up boots and red hat might stand out in the snow..

Those are good straws to grasp at dotr ... especially the red hat .... it should stick out boldly in the dry brown grass or white snow .... and even if it is a water situation the hat would float unless it had a tight headband and stayed on the child.

If it can absolutely be confirmed the child wore a red hat that is what the searchers should train their eyes for ... look carefully for the tiniest bit of red anywhere ... like I said earlier , inexperienced searchers expect to stumble across a kid sitting there waiting for them but it never happens that way.

Pretend you are searching for something the size of a red dime and then you find stuff and you see things you would never have noticed otherwise.

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