CANADA - Lucas Fowler, Australian & g/f Chynna Deese, American, murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019

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It isn't an improbably scenario that Lucas and Chynna were followed for some time, perhaps a few days.. I watched that vid clip of them at the service station, so casual about showing affection so naturally, and how that would , under the wrong circumstances , at the wrong time, infuriate someone who's grip on reality was frail.

Perhaps someone who wanted to let go of the grip on reality, a terrible temptation to a killer flirting with the idea. Perhaps their planned route was overheard.. all theory but not improbable, and not for the first time, either. .

He was working at the ranch since Feb. She arrived on July 6. They spent a week together at the ranch.

They started their trip on Saturday, July 13, so the 7:30PM video is from the day they left the ranch. July 14 at 3:20PM they were stalled. July 15 at 7:19AM they were deceased.

They were only 4.5 hours from the ranch when they were murdered.

The other point is that they were headed North, and the suspect was headed South when seen by the witness on Sunday evening. It is still possible that they were followed from the gas station, but then why didn't something happen on Saturday evening? It's also possible that someone passed them heading North, turned around, and accosted them while facing South.

who knows what personal items could have been in it, there could be value there. the van itself would stick out anywhere it was driven.

The problem seemed to be it wasn't running very well. JMO, this guy is looking for a quick robbery to get cash, credit cards, etc. He then kills witnesses so he can't be easily identified. Wouldn't be surprised if he is changing cars (hence the possibility of murdering the man near Dease Lake, for another car?) He's an extremely dangerous person.
yes, i had the same thought as well, but i also want to keep in mind the circumstances here. The 2 boys are missing so maybe our brains are more inclined to find similarities between them and the sketch. If their pictures were included with pictures of a number of other men and we didn't know they were missing, would we still think one of them resembled the sketch? I'm just doubtful of myself seeing a similarity because we know they are unaccounted for and my brain thinking it all connects together versus if i do truly in fact see a resemblance...know what i mean?

Really wish we had an age range of the POI.
I don't think it is the teens either.. They are both 6'4, they stand out being that tall.. Video said guy in drawing was shorter.
Has there been any word on search parties for the missing teens? I haven't hears anything. It makes me wonder if police suspect that the teens are hiding, rather than missing.

jmo, respectfully ackowledging that the teens are victims at the point

I am torn, in this respect. I can't find any info that would lead me to accept that these two young men are experienced bushmasters, experienced at living off the grid, and on foot!.. if you count the vehicles , so far, those two boys are hoofing it, unless they had a spare vehicle stashed somewhere local, and this is unlikely.

There appears to be no record of them buying up big on supplies, or of any previous jaunts they have done. Unless I missed that somewhere. They are, to me, the WTF factor in this crime, or series of crimes, in these multiples of homicide on a Canadian highway. Not your usual place of this kind of activity.

Not even on the 401. Victims or perpetrators?.. it requires a big leap to get to perps, on the grounds that the factors that lead to two individuals both reaching the same degree of rage over two other strangers , or more, is very very rare. Rare indeed, and in people so young, also, but not a never ever scenario, only rare. This kind of impulsive , unplanned explosive murder doesn't sit well with the planning necessary, and the foresight imperative to then survive, without a vehicle , for days, in the woods, while a huge search is underway.

The whole thing is hideously fascinating and deep down, I hope it wasn't the two teeners. That is so awful, even though it is hard now to differentiate the degree of awful, it's all rolling into one dreadful horror.
yes, i had the same thought as well, but i also want to keep in mind the circumstances here. The 2 boys are missing so maybe our brains are more inclined to find similarities between them and the sketch. If their pictures were included with pictures of a number of other men and we didn't know they were missing, would we still think one of them resembled the sketch? I'm just doubtful of myself seeing a similarity because we know they are unaccounted for and my brain thinking it all connects together versus if i do truly in fact see a resemblance...know what i mean?

Really wish we had an age range of the POI.

Yep - that absolutely makes sense, and I could be totally off in my theory. Definitely being respectful, especially given that the teens are classed as missing at this time, but my mind couldn't help but consider the possibility of them being culprits rather than victims. Time will tell, I guess! I wish they would release more details...
And 27 years old. New photos released with no (or less of a) beard.
He appears to have abandoned his car in North Dakota, walked across the border, then gotten a ride to Winnipeg. Maybe he knows someone in Winnipeg: otherwise, why would he do this?

He's a suspect in the death of a 78 year old man who was found dead in his home, as a result of severe head trauma. There's no mention whether he has a criminal record.

Texas murder suspect illegally crossed border into Manitoba, RCMP say | The Star

So yes, he's escaping from a murder charge in Texas, but to me that's not enough reason for him be driving an old jeep south from the Yukon, and deciding to shoot a young couple. If anything, seems to me he'd lie low in Winnipeg and try to make a new identity there (just wait till January, maybe he'll turn himself in).
Yep - that absolutely makes sense, and I could be totally off in my theory. Definitely being respectful, especially given that the teens are classed as missing at this time, but my mind couldn't help but consider the possibility of them being culprits rather than victims. Time will tell, I guess! I wish they would release more details...

As someone pointed out upthread, the teens are both 6'4". The witness who saw the man at the Fowler/Deese crime scene described him as shorter than Lucas Fowler, who was 6'3".
He appears to have abandoned his car in North Dakota, walked across the border, then gotten a ride to Winnipeg. Maybe he knows someone in Winnipeg: otherwise, why would he do this?

He's a suspect in the death of a 78 year old man who was found dead in his home, as a result of severe head trauma. There's no mention whether he has a criminal record.

Texas murder suspect illegally crossed border into Manitoba, RCMP say | The Star

So yes, he's escaping from a murder charge in Texas, but to me that's not enough reason for him be driving an old jeep south from the Yukon, and deciding to shoot a young couple. If anything, seems to me he'd lie low in Winnipeg and try to make a new identity there (just wait till January, maybe he'll turn himself in).
I know...I read all that already, except for the age of his victim. He's from North Dakota yet wanted for murder in Texas. I read that he's also wanted in Canada - that would be for illegal entry most likely, right? I too think he'd want to stay off the grid for quite a long time.
With all respect, and coming from an law enforcement family myself, this is not true. It depends.
This is all we know: we know the couple were victims of gun violence, and presumably they had no weapon.

What options did they have under this circumstance, and what makes you believe they would not want to cooperate with their assailant if held at gun point?
Didn’t one of the eyewitness reports of the highway incident say the man was shorter than LF and stocky build? The Texas fugitive is definitely stocky.

The RCMP notice of the Texas fugitive says they believe he went to eastern Canada. But it’s very possible that he went west. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s the perp but I guess it could also be the teens. Seems like a stretch that it’s them though (to me at least).

Definitely think the perp has the car of the poor older man found deceased 2kms from the teens truck.

If they can identify the deceased man, they should be able to get his vehicles licence plate and registration.
I feel like the link between the two is that they have the same killers. And I think the killers might be the "missing" teens. They killed the couple on the evening of July 14th, then killed the second person on July 19th. Burnt out their car at the scene and took the victim's car.....

I went around and around this idea too, and I'm not yet sold on it but also not ruling it out. Wasn't the deceased man found in his car, though? That would mean they didn't kill him to take his car. The burning of their vehicle could mean they were covering something up, or, someone else was so that piece is still not leading me in one direction or another. I thought I did read that the teens were on there way to Yukon looking for work but were in the opposite direction. Can anyone confirm reading that anywhere? I think the article was indicating they should have been elsewhere and were not, which makes it a bit more suspicious if true.
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