Found Deceased Canada - Mariam Makhniashvili, 17, Toronto, 14 Sept 2009 - #8

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"The video in my # 370 links to the article on the Aeroflot hijacking in I think 349 and there is a link..... though of course it would be bizarre if this had anything to do with Mariam's disappearance...but who knows.

I remember a media article said her family "was not ensconsed" in the small Toronto Georgian community so are there reasons where people were afraid to express affinity with them? Yet the people you see around them during her disappearance seem supportive.

On the W5 show I believe Mariam's Mom said her username on the computer was "Freedom" - that can mean so many things" .

Quoting myself: yet actually if you watch the Jeans Generation vid you will see the word "freedom" in English referenced so it is actually quite interesting. Who knows what she knew or what it would mean but if I was M. it would be huge in my personal mythology. I mean they actually executed the priest confessor who had nothing to do with the plan outrageous. Great way to make sure it would be NEVER forgotten. Not really condoning it seems rash and ill thought out but emerging from who knows what passionate source. "Freedom".
Quick cautionary note to my above post even maybe a correction (!) I don't know and have no way of knowing whether there is any relationship of Mariam to "Jeans Generation". So perhaps the above is irrelevant I don't know.
Bumping this from 10/3/2009 KivaSupporter post. Most or all of these links will be dead but just to refresh. Tried to talk to him. Sees to have gone more conventional at the moment, Finance. Wonder how this hook-up came about? It would be different if VM was the kind of person who had thousands of Facebook friends but I think there were just a few - thought this is way before I became intently interested in the case.

"A Russian Friend

Mariam's father has in the past couple of days added a new friend to his FB page. It is a man of Russian origin, living in New Mexico. He ran for the US Senate in 2008 but dropped his bid for office.

If you Google his name, you will find many articles about him. He seems to be politically very controversial.

Father's FB:

Leland Lehrman's FB:

US Senate candidate

Mother Media


Am I the only one who finds this strange?"
Quick cautionary note to my above post even maybe a correction (!) I don't know and have no way of knowing whether there is any relationship of Mariam to "Jeans Generation". So perhaps the above is irrelevant I don't know.

Thinking of M's clothing description, jean jacket, jeans, and the word Freedom, this ad seems creepy..
Way back people discussed the fact that there were catwalks under the Hoggs Hollow bridge still pretty high up. And the topic of urban exploration was mentioned. Here is a link to the Leaside bridge and a post with pics of someone who claimed to have (illegally) climbed it.

Now as I said way back I think this is ruled out in the Mariam case because she was not found under the bridge per se having said that though I do not know exactly where she was found - but as far as I understand it it is impossible she fell from the catwalks. In any case the idea of Mariam as an urban explorer would clash with what we know of her - as far as we know much about her.

Just to add that they point out you technically could survive a fall even from this bridge. People usually choose high of course. I forget how many feet it was from the bridge to where Mariam was found did we ever know?
5 years since Mariam went missing I must say we are lacking in new ideas and data. With the LE epitomization of the case it is tough to do anything.

There is no appeal for "any new information" the enigmatic verdict, so sophistical, seems to have dampened the possibility of asking the kind of question that tends to bear fruit with time: is there any new information? Is there someone who wanted to say something in 2009 who felt they couldn't - but can now for who knows what limitation of age or alliances or fear etc.?

The official version or non-version sits heavier and more strangely for me like Outcast I disbelieve the official version (misadventure, suicide) as close to 100% as is possible.

I still sense something that I can only call evil...but I can't figure it out to my disappointment shame and chagrin.
Just an observation - plenty of graffiti on Leaside bridge:


Also, fwiw, there's this comment at the link below explaining exactly how to get to the catwalk:

Nov. 1st, 2013 02:08 am (UTC)
Leaside bridge
I have been on the catwalk if that bridge many times in my mid teens. You can gain access easily on the north side , walk off the side at the end of the bridge and walk down under the bridge. There are a small set if stairs to the cat walk which is not high in that area. Then bam you are on the catwalk . Back the then was not a fence or any barrier . I'm sure there is now . One of the comment says you can see the cat walk from the ravine no you can't the bridge is way too high from the ravine
Way back people discussed the fact that there were catwalks under the Hoggs Hollow bridge still pretty high up. And the topic of urban exploration was mentioned. Here is a link to the Leaside bridge and a post with pics of someone who claimed to have (illegally) climbed it.

Now as I said way back I think this is ruled out in the Mariam case because she was not found under the bridge per se having said that though I do not know exactly where she was found - but as far as I understand it it is impossible she fell from the catwalks. In any case the idea of Mariam as an urban explorer would clash with what we know of her - as far as we know much about her.

Just to add that they point out you technically could survive a fall even from this bridge. People usually choose high of course. I forget how many feet it was from the bridge to where Mariam was found did we ever know?


THIS link you provided re: leaside bridge shows a SMILEY FACE on the tab :scared:


THIS link you provided re: leaside bridge shows a SMILEY FACE on the tab :scared:


Quick look can't see..... it to be honest the first sleuthing case I was interested in other than Kennedy (and other than SMK for personal encounter (maybe) reasons) was the supposed Smiley Face Case ok I will look again (that case remains very very very interesting I mean 13 men fall drunk into a river in La Crosse WI impossible!!!!!)

Not to romantizie things too far maybe if I had ever encountered Mariam she would have asked me to get out of her way so she could get off the streetcar but anyway - in terms of POTENTIAL everything a person could of been even if like me it turns out eventually to be a sad approximation....the poem is inaccurate in my terms since I never laid eyes on Mariam but anyway.... of course it is a little dated perhaps a bit sexist but anyway.... I especially like "and now I see with eyes serene/the very pulse of the machine.... (Wordsworth) but anyway poor Mariam what a disaster....

She was a Phantom of delight
When first she gleam'd upon my sight;
A lovely Apparition, sent
To be a moment's ornament:
Her eyes as stars of twilight fair; 5
Like twilight's, too, her dusky hair;
But all things else about her drawn
From May-time and the cheerful dawn;
A dancing shape, an image gay,
To haunt, to startle, and waylay. 10

I saw her upon nearer view,
A Spirit, yet a Woman too!
Her household motions light and free,
And steps of virgin liberty;
A countenance in which did meet 15
Sweet records, promises as sweet;
A creature not too bright or good
For human nature's daily food,
For transient sorrows, simple wiles,
Praise, blame, love, kisses, tears, and smiles. 20

And now I see with eye serene
The very pulse of the machine;
A being breathing thoughtful breath,
A traveller between life and death:
The reason firm, the temperate will, 25
Endurance, foresight, strength, and skill;
A perfect Woman, nobly plann'd
To warn, to comfort, and command;
And yet a Spirit still, and bright
With something of an angel light. 30

Can you explain the smiley face ref where can I see that? Not that I can imagine any link as this bridge was just mentioned for comparison has nothing to do with Mariam - well strictly speaking I don't think the Hoggs Hollow Bridge has anything to do with Mariam... but still am interested o/w. Am skeptical perhaps too much by nature but it is not as if I can say to TO police "prove to me the remains are those of Mariam"....... but I am that skeptical....though obviously I worry that much skepticism could be hurtful and pointless....yet there is something in the case I don't like....can't put my finger on it exactly...maybe I am making it up I don't know...

I have NO PROBLEM imagining Mariam becoming acculturated in a way that would find her urban exploring on these bridges. But first few days of school? Can't see it. Anyway as I understand it she was not found beneath the bridge. a scenario possible where there was an accident with other youths and the body was moved to avoid detection of their involvement .....possible but really a long shot can't see it reasonably.

I don't know what the heck the police meant by misadventure anyway why don't they explain themselves? If my mother was found hanging from Blackfriars Bridge in London and they told me it was misadventure I would have questions....I have hardly less questions here!!!

Can you explain the smiley face ref where can I see that? Not that I can imagine any link as this bridge was just mentioned for comparison has nothing to do with Mariam - well strictly speaking I don't think the Hoggs Hollow Bridge has anything to do with Mariam... but still am interested o/w. Am skeptical perhaps too much by nature but it is not as if I can say to TO police "prove to me the remains are those of Mariam"....... but I am that skeptical....though obviously I worry that much skepticism could be hurtful and pointless....yet there is something in the case I don't like....can't put my finger on it exactly...maybe I am making it up I don't know...

I have NO PROBLEM imagining Mariam becoming acculturated in a way that would find her urban exploring on these bridges. But first few days of school? Can't see it. Anyway as I understand it she was not found beneath the bridge. a scenario possible where there was an accident with other youths and the body was moved to avoid detection of their involvement .....possible but really a long shot can't see it reasonably.

I don't know what the heck the police meant by misadventure anyway why don't they explain themselves? If my mother was found hanging from Blackfriars Bridge in London and they told me it was misadventure I would have questions....I have hardly less questions here!!!


yes of course the blackfriars reference only half ironical ( I mean in terms of complexity) is to this cold case;
No smiley faces that I could see, except for my own, after reading that lovely poem..
Weird that you both cannot see it...


I'm in google chrome (maybe that's why??) with that page open & up at the top of the window on the (2") tab (above the address bar) there is red smiley face immediately in front of the text that reads " 145 feet above: Hanging out under Leaside Bridge "

so like this but the face is red with white eyes & smile -> " :) 145 feet above: Hanging out under Leaside Bridge "

ETA: Sorry for the delay :blushing:
Weird that you both cannot see it...


I'm in google chrome (maybe that's why??) with that page open & up at the top of the window on the (2") tab (above the address bar) there is red smiley face immediately in front of the text that reads " 145 feet above: Hanging out under Leaside Bridge "

so like this but the face is red with white eyes & smile -> " :) 145 feet above: Hanging out under Leaside Bridge "

ETA: Sorry for the delay :blushing:

Wait a minute, now I see a red smiley face, whitish center, up, way up and directly under the Ws. ' toolbar"
Wait a minute, now I see a red smiley face, whitish center, up, way up and directly under the Ws. ' toolbar"

Just to keep on top given Outcast's interesting remarks about the school, schools in the area this one near the backpack find site.......there was speculation I think just that about Mariam visiting Northern - and there were the sightings of her, unconfirmed in the area....

I am really looking forward to the person who will take up this case again....on WS or preferably beyond.

Can take years of course maybe someone who knows nothing about it right now... but gets interested.

Could be anything... something we are just not thinking about. For example briefly I was horrified and depressed that LM in the news now lived on Erskine - though years before. I am not following that case which at some level has to be a mental health issue case I mean come on.....

No idea of authenticity but someone said he had a Skype thread based somehow in Tblisi Georgia. I think trial thread 3 post 5 Fairy. No idea what that means.

OK no I don't think he has anything to do with Mariam. Thank God. But I don't rule much out 100% - the thing that bothers me about LM is that 1. he travelled to Ingushetia who does that unless from there or Russian? 2. not into that case but possible plot to mental health him........I stopped following the case actually when I became convinced there was something THEY didn't want us to know about his contacts.... media goes way out of its way to make him seem like a hooker/loser. I am pretty sure he would be able to find paying sexual contacts though yes of course he was getting older.

My biggest clue from the other end that there could be something political about Mariam's disappearance and within political I mean just the politics of that her Dad thought both she and her brother had been kidnapped by professional kidnappers.

Of course he got mental healthed as well and POSSIBLY harrassed into madness. I don't know but I suspect. Then Gojer goes very light on him i.e. madness caused only by disappearance BUT they give him a pretty hard slam 6 years. Which I understand of course. But still....

Just an idea: we are seeing a lot about the hopeless degree of corruption in Toronto and yes. Mti. had a place on Erskine though lived with Mommy most of the time I think. Local politics + org crime is not impossible. I don't mean him just describing the milieu. With TO LE ordered to lay off due to all the fishy Russ. stuff concerning 120 Eg. East......googling 120 Eglinton East Russian Girls (where M,'s backpack was found) still brings up the research done by the guy Mr. M. stabbed.

Media story was that Mr. M. thought the wife was R.D. from media. I really really doubt that.

Being fully modern LOL I don't easily believe what I am thing that is curious is that Mr. M. wasn't able to kill his victims. The background suggests he knew about knives. The scar on "her" hand shown to media looked very very old to me. Anyway are they really a couple or a I. couple? I don't know.

The pic of the knife from G. was a little strange can't go into it now....

Hopefully someone can explore this angle or a better and correct one.....
About Peggy Aitchinson:



Aitchison Peggy Magaret Edit

Based on 45 Ratings
Principal Teacher at Forest Hill Collegiate Institute

Nov 15, 2014 Fakest women in the world! Acts nice in front of the parents, but is the She-Devil to students, pretty sure teachers hate her too.  Flag Rating

May 30, 2014 I can tell you that Peggy is an abomination to the TDSB. The one thing she could actually teach me was how uncaring  Flag Rating

May 28, 2013 As a parent with children at the school, I find Ms. Aitchison horribly unpleasant. It is the general opinion among parents and students that it is time for her to leave the school and retire. Students cannot relate or connect with her, and parents find her unreasonable with her ridiculous rules and pretentious attitude. 

May 06, 2012 Given that this principal is now in her 9th year at FHCI, I think it is in the best interest of the school if she were to move on to a different school. Unapproachable, intimidating and only shows up for assemblies or important ceremonies and makes many students feel uncomfortable!!!  Flag Rating

Apr 19, 2012 Hate her. She is fake to parents and especially for students! Trouble maker for the future of really bright and talented young human beings. Hate her. 

Jan 19, 2012 Bad experience always, easiness -0, helpfulness - 0, clarity - 0, she isnt a good principal, taking care only about DONATION for HER, she likes and helps only for kids whose parents make a GOOD DONATION (lot of, it means), another kids is like a grease and dirt for her. No onse my kid get a help from her, but she is a big problem maker from nothing.... Be aware of her and this school always till TDSB will swich her by the good person. Good luck... 

Jan 03, 2012 bad experience, bad experience, bad experience, bad experience, bad experience, bad experience, bad experience, bad experience, bad experience, bad experience, bad experience, bad experience, bad experience, bad experience, bad experience, bad experience, bad experience, bad experience, bad experience, bad experience 

Jul 08, 2011 Hate her. She is fake to parents, and Had ridiculous rules. I was outside the school after school hours on a Friday, and she took away my phone for the weekend. 

May 26, 2011 cant stand her!

Feb 25, 2011 unapproachable, unavailable, intimidating , only shows up for assemblies/important ceremonies and makes many students feel uncomfortable. 

Oct 14, 2010 A freaking hypocrite who cannot stand even the smallest dent in her ego. She proclaims herself to be perfect and offers little respect to students and others by talking to them like 5-year olds.  Flag Rating
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