GUILTY Canada - Noelle Paquette, 27, Sarnia, Ont, 31 Dec 2012 - #2

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Please don't start discussions regarding friends of friends. :tyou:

We can discuss the social network sites of the victim and the perps, but not their friends and family members. They've got enough on their plates right now. :cheers:
I wonder if we will see any fet photo's on the 6 oclock news. Lol

I'm currently watching the 6pm CTV London news and they haven't mentioned Noelle at all. However, they did mention that Lisa Devost was found safely.

I did see a piece on Noelle's case on Global news on Friday evening.

Maybe there will be something on the 11pm news, or tomorrow.
You will see the same post in most newpapers/websites in Canada, as SunMedia Corporation owns most newpapers and some news websites

Yes, it's the same author and the same article.
I am just guessing...but once you look at their FB pictures you can then go and scan pictures, using certain software, that will bring up their pictures at different sites.

Software like tineye etc do just this! Or someone from the fetlife site recognized them and good ole fashion word of mouth....
Looks like their Fet pages may be in the process of getting taken down, it won't let me reload them.
Yes, it appears that both of their FetLife profiles have been taken down.

Well, I won't need to make an account then. Thanks for all the info about what was posted. What happened to thegoatdetective? My brother has a friend he calls the "goat" meaning the "greatest of all time". Good work to you both.
On CTV News London "This Week" (6:30pm) they review the top news stories of the week. They just replayed the same piece of tape from their Friday story about the NP case. They did not add any new information about the FL pages.
I am just guessing...but once you look at their FB pictures you can then go and scan pictures, using certain software, that will bring up their pictures at different sites.

Software like tineye etc do just this! Or someone from the fetlife site recognized them and good ole fashion word of mouth....

I'm going to check out that software. And warn a friend that she might not be as anonymous there as she thinks...though I do think it's more likely that somebody recognized them--mostly due to the speed at which the screen names were revealed. I sure wouldn't have thought of using the software at that site immediately after their arrest.

The following could be the reason for the FetLife profile removals:


Use of the Products and Services is subject to compliance with these Terms and Conditions. You shall be authorized to use the Products and Services for personal, non-commercial use only. You acknowledge and agree that BitLove Inc. may terminate your access to the FetLife or to any of the Products and Services should you fail to comply with the Terms and Conditions or any other guidelines and rules published by BitLove Inc. Any such termination shall be at BitLove Inc.’s sole discretion and may occur without prior notice, or any notice. BitLove Inc. further reserves the right to terminate any user’s access to FetLife or to any of the Products and Services for any conduct that BitLove Inc., at its sole discretion, believes is or may be directly or indirectly harmful to other users, to BitLove Inc. or its subsidiaries, affiliates, or business contractors, or to other third parties, or for any conduct that violates any local, provincial, federal or foreign laws or regulations. BitLove Inc. further reserves the right to terminate any user’s access to FetLife or to any of the Products and Services for any reason or for no reason at all, in BitLove Inc.’s sole discretion, without prior notice, or any notice.

Registered sex offenders convicted of sexual violence and/or non-consensual sexual offenses are not permitted to have accounts on FetLife. BitLove Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation or any other protected status.
I'm very curious about how MM & TB's screen names for FetLife were discovered.

WS member TheGoatDetective sleuthed it. I can't verify, but i would think via MM's FB page. In his favorites he had a link to FL, when you go to the FL site there is an option to search locations. Type in Sarnia, go through the profile icons, and bingo!

JMO though
WS member TheGoatDetective sleuthed it. I can't verify, but i would think via MM's FB page. In his favorites he had a link to FL, when you go to the FL site there is an option to search locations. Type in Sarnia, go through the profile icons, and bingo!

JMO though

Yes, MM had liked a few things on his sparse facebook account and Fetlife was one of them. That'll learn him.
Well, I won't need to make an account then. Thanks for all the info about what was posted. What happened to thegoatdetective? My brother has a friend he calls the "goat" meaning the "greatest of all time". Good work to you both.

Yes, it was the GoatDetective that provided their profile names. I simply went on the site, perused the information provided, and highlighted what I felt was compelling.

As for finding identities, etc., although I haven't personally used it, google images is another one. Simply dragging an image to the software shows everywhere it is on the www. Many photographers use this to check for copyright violations on their work.

Be careful what you post on the internet or do - somebody, somewhere, will always have a means of finding it.
I'm going to check out that software. And warn a friend that she might not be as anonymous there as she thinks...though I do think it's more likely that somebody recognized them--mostly due to the speed at which the screen names were revealed. I sure wouldn't have thought of using the software at that site immediately after their arrest.


Its more difficult to get photos from sites where you need to login to. As the web crawlers used can only see the images if they are able to get access. Try a simple image like a celebrity and they work great, but other images not so great!

With all of the media and crime shows on tv etc you'd really think people would be more careful in covering their tracks online before doing the crime, however once an image is online there are no guarantees that it will ever be gone for good.
Its more difficult to get photos from sites where you need to login to. As the web crawlers used can only see the images if they are able to get access. Try a simple image like a celebrity and they work great, but other images not so great!

If I had to guess, as another poster pointed out, a simple search using location criteria on FetLife undoubtedly brought their profile names to light. A simple cross check of names to find the other, and ta-da!
Yes, it appears that both of their FetLife profiles have been taken down.

I refreshed my page several times and both FL profiles load for me, Justin.
It could be just your computer?
Hello all
Appears they are removing their facebook pages also, MM's is unavailable atleast, thinking TB will be gone soon also
I refreshed my page several times and both FL profiles load for me, Justin.
It could be just your computer?

I could do a search for them, and their profile thumbnail came up. However, once I click on that, it took me back to a random screen. Same thing for both. I tried with another "friend" of theirs and no problem getting to their profile.

Perhaps it is just my computer...but I haven't had issues since day 1.

Will try again....

Edit - Tried it again - nope, will not load for me, other than a basic thumbnail. It will not let me get past that to access their actual profile.
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