Casey A wants to Travel to look for Caylee

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IMO This is NOT a request for Casey to search for her daughter. It's a ploy by Baez for the refusal to be used in her defense in some way. Perhaps telling the jurors, "She wasn't even allowed to go search for her own baby!" :furious:
Originally Posted by Faenorwyn
She thinks she's such a "rockstar". Guess she wants to go on tour.

With her GINORMOUS sunglasses! LOL

And her tied "Missing Caylee" shirt and today WFTV made a good comment about her glasses. She goes "Well today no sunglasses but she is heavy on the makeup STRUTTING down the street". I was laughing so hard. She has been walking that she is all that and a bag of chips lately but WFTV made a point to let us know. :floorlaugh:
As early as this weekend, the head of Texas Equusearch said he'd like to resume his group's recovery efforts in and around Orlando. He said he would love to have Anthony's help.

"If she said she was willing to take us to areas of interest, I'd be on the next plane out," Tim Miller said.

A spokesman at the Orange County jail declined an on-camera interview, but said this kind of request is highly unusual and would likely require Anthony's attorney to be with her at all times. For his part, Baez has argued since a July interview that confining Anthony stalled the search for Caylee.
I bet he has already "ruled" on the one where she asked to travel. LOL He just hasn't answered legally yet.

Seriously, I have no idea how long it will take him to rule on those motions. I would expect it to be swift and decisive tho. ;)

I think it depends on if he filed them correctly. Remember the last motion blunder. :loser:
PR here she comes!! LMAO Hide your sons and husbands!! Keep your children away from her, too!!

Haha. I'm not worried about my husband. Casey would likely require him to put down his beer and remote control and actually leave his chair. Maybe even to leave the house! Nope. Can't see that happening.
I have taken some time off from all of this. I have only popped in to check real fast then out again. This just irritates the crap out of me. All I can hope for is that it will be like Scott Peterson. I was so afraid he would walk, and he didn't. I just pray and pray and pray.
No way, Jose! Casey's contribution to life is a waste, huge waste.
* She had 31 days to look for daughter
* She took police on a wild goose chase instead of helping them find her daughter
* She has given absolutely ZERO help to anyone to find her daughter
* She has broken so many hearts without any regards to anyone but herself. She hurt her friends and I can't imagine her families pain! Most importantly..She either killed Caylee, gave her to a "non-existent" nanny that she can't provide a valid phone# for or provide a valid address for or hey now maybe she sold her daughter. All are absolutely unthinkable scenarios and should be punishable with the Death Penalty or LWOP!

Casey shouldn't worry though I think she will enjoy prison. It will be more challenging for her because there are a bunch of little crazies like her running around. In her world everyone was trustworthy but her. Her lies were easy because she was the only one lying and she could trust her friends. But now the game changes and the players will be playing back, you know her poem "everyone lies, everyone dies blah blah only count on yourself" yep enjoy Casey.
Hi Everyone!..Another question I have if this is a ploy by JB to get ahold of the evidence LE has on KC, since they haven't brought charges against her for murder yet is LE required to release the information on a case their still building. It seems like JB is getting ahead of himself...:confused:
i can't see them allowing casey to search. they've already named her as a suspect. if casey were to find caylee's body she could touch the evidence or something and say any evidence thats there of her's is because she found caylee. that would make it harder to convict her.
Haha. I'm not worried about my husband. Casey would likely require him to put down his beer and remote control and actually leave his chair. Maybe even to leave the house! Nope. Can't see that happening.
LOL Wait...that sounds about like what was going on at AL's apartment. Better go check your recliner! :X You may have a free remote for NG!
LOL Wait...that sounds about like what was going on at AL's apartment. Better go check your recliner! :X You may have a free remote for NG!

Haha! Still there... watching a tivoed Arsenal/Hull game. Not even the blue dress and boots would faze him now. No chance for NG tonight.
OHHHH, you have to be kidding me??!!

Well, rest assured gang.....if it does freeze over in hell and this motion is can bet your sweet shaking booty that I will be waiting for her here in Texas. Bring it Casey - I dare ya. Let's go search for Caylee here.
(To the tune of I've Been Working On The Railroad)

The eyes of Texas are upon you,
All the live long day.
The eyes Of Texas are upon you,
You can not get away.
Do not think you can escape them,
At night or early in the morn.
The eyes of Texas are upon you,
Till Gabriel blows his horn!
My first thought - You have got to be kidding me!

Second thought - Why is she asking this? There has to be a reason.

Maybe she wants to get out to drive by the location she left the body to see if it looks like someone has been in the area? Maybe she left the body in a spot she would pass by on the way to say Universal. She says she's headed to Universal, but her real intent is to drive by the dump site.

What I really think is going on - she's tired of being stuck at home and is making up an excuse to get out of the house.
all sounds within reason, but just last week JOse said it was of no goodto her to show LE what she knew???? But in the meantime will she tell us who the dead body was in the car trunk????Beginning to sound like NO WAY JOSE NEEDS AN EVALUATION AS WELL AS THE A's!!!jmo
I haven't read this thread yet, but I am hoping against hope there is no name calling in here or other things that might cause TO's . I am going to read it in a little while. hint hint.

<casually pointing to edit button on bottom right of post>
I am just so sickened by this new scheme of hers and her attorney's.

Wonder if she will give TES anything of Caylee's with Caylee's scent.
WOW, I take a couple days away and KC decides she wants to travel?? Are they going to get travelocity to donate tickets?

This case honestly shocks me on a weekly basis. If I were the judge I would ask her what was she doing during the time Caylee was missing.
This was posted on the petition site:
# 4,834: 4:09 pm PDT, Oct 6, Casey Anthony, Florida Delete
I cannot believe all of the inconsiderate people out there that are so completely brain-washed by the media and think that I actually did murder my daughter...those words are even hard for me to type at this point, let alone to actually commit the crime under speculation. As I have stated NUMEROUS times, I left my daughter with her babysitter. I don't know what happened after that point!!!! My hope is that by airing this story on lifetime, maybe......just maybe someone out there recognizes my little girl and the proper authorities are notified and she is brought home safely to her family. That is the sole purpose and intention of this!! Please stop saying negative things about me and my family and help us to search for my little girl!

Is this the real KC or a phoney???????????
Good point Betty Boop!..My question is would this be a feeble attempt on JB part. When you look at the fact that KC was not the one that reported Caylee missing and probably never would have if not for the grandparents plus the damming pictures of her out partying when she claimed she was doing her own investigation not to mention the numerous stories she's told up to this point about what happened. Wouldn't you think that there is enough evidence on the table that it would be obvious to a jury that this request is totally bogus. KC isn't interested in seaching with TES because she is searching for a live Caylee but everything points to the fact that Caylee is no longer with us. I can't see any judge in his right mind allowing her a search or any jury taking the request seriously...:confused:

I hear ya, MsMacGyver! Everything you're saying makes sense. I wish this case made sense.
Regardless of which side of the fence anyone is on I think it would be plausible to say that a good defense for KC is now inept counsel....
It is a little late at this stage for her to ask to search...she should have done that day one...:furious::furious::furious:

So true. And what is she expecting, that after almost 4 months she is going to find a live Caylee sitting on a stoop waiting for her? :waitasec:
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