Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #155

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It states no UNSUPERVISED contact. There is almost no way to prove that it was unsupervised, because her parents will say that they were sitting over Casey's shoulder the whole time. And the definition of contact can vary by jurisdiction.
WE KNOW it was unsupervised. If Cindy did not know about it, she could easily be tripped up over it. Didn't the police take all the computers from the house? Was she doing this at the lawyer's office?
WE KNOW it was unsupervised. If Cindy did not know about it, she could easily be tripped up over it. Didn't the police take all the computers from the house? Was she doing this at the lawyer's office?

They returned the computers. They just take them, duplicate the data, and work from those copies. Not to say they won't take them again.
The webcam is up and there is crime scene tape around the edge of the yard--who put it up and why??
Sorry for the sarcasm litig8r ...:blowkiss:

I actually do understand your point...:)

I just think we are overly rough on the GP's sometimes.. She called the police because 50 people were protesting.. maybe some even on her property.

She called the police to have her daughter arrested.. ( THANK GOD!!!!!! )

I really just wanted to voice my opinion that I don't have a problem with either one of those calls. In fact, I'm GREATFUL she called or who knows where we would be now.. :waitasec:


ITA - it was clear to me in that one call that Cindy was clearly a woman who was severely distressed. I was more frustrated about the 911 calls that were prior to the distress calls. I am on both sides of the fence with the GP - on one hand, how sad for them to be so manipulated by Casey and I think they are just so heartbroken that they don't know which way is up. On the other hand, well, we all know what "on the other hand" is.
WE KNOW it was unsupervised. If Cindy did not know about it, she could easily be tripped up over it. Didn't the police take all the computers from the house? Was she doing this at the lawyer's office?

Not that I am aware of, and given last night's events and the maggots satisfying comments, it would surprise me. Beth has the capability to seperate blame and focus on the loss though, dunno.
Hm. I read more into this article than was actually stated - assumed that since Beth was going to assist in the search that she'd at some point meet with the Anthonys.

But maybe not.
If I were in Houston/Galveston area, I'd be stocking up on supplies. My relatives in Port Arthur have already made reservations in Fort Worth (closest they could find to PA) and will evacuate tonight.

My sister on the coast of Tx just evacuated due to family advice from LEO who said evacuation may soon be announced and advised.
Thanks, so I'm guessing she was officially charged for that. But I'm reading other posts that are confusiing me, what 911 call happened, did that happen last night?

I don't know what they are fussin' about 911 calls over.
I missed wehatever happened last night in the news. How was it decided that Casey went back to jail? Can somebody sum that up for me.

Quick take:
CA was arrested for stealing and using Amy's checks. LE went to her house and arrested her, as a protest by (a local sluether says so) some folks who were neighbors and some who were not.

In the middle of the night, the Florida bond company that wrote the bond revoked it. They said they'll re-evaluate re-writing it next week.

So, Case's in jail, no bond (as of this writing).

Use your imagination to figure out what Jose and Cindy had to say, it's pretty much the same ol same ol with those two.

How's that?
WE KNOW it was unsupervised. If Cindy did not know about it, she could easily be tripped up over it. Didn't the police take all the computers from the house? Was she doing this at the lawyer's office?

Watch the interviews. she was in her room on her computer, most of the time that Tim Miller was there. Cindy knew, it was on the news. And even if she does trip up, that will be overlooked as are the millions of other discrepencies with the GP's. In an LE investigation, it doesn't matter what is known, only what can be proven. If we could go with what we know, Casey would already have murder charges. (I really hated to write that last sentence.)
I'm really not sure. I've seen references to Beth getting involved, but haven't seen anything on an actual meeting planned.

I'm keeping an eye out for it though.

If Beth is smart she will stay far away from the Anthony's.
Perhaps Beth and Sharon should take Cindy to lunch - or for a drink, or a Xanax, or whatever...

OK, maybe not Xanax for this case - Prozac?
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