Casey Anthony's 'failure to protect' caused Caylee's death, DCF said

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June 12:

[ame=""]Ping Map for June 12, 2008 - Discuss that day only - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
There is a social services report around somewhere and it is very interesting - I don't know how you go about getting it; but the ss person who was at the Anthony home and went there to get information from KC about Caylee remarks in her notes on the back and forth between Cindy and KC and it is eye opening. There is no way, no way, no way that Cindy was not aware that KC was involved in this. The report speaks volumes. It is incredible to read and see how much Cindy will deny.

By the way Logical - have a great weekend.

Thank you Solace - you also. I have another day of doing desk battle here at work but then I surely will need a good one!
Casey Anthony's 'failure to protect' caused Caylee's death, DCF said
After a nearly three-year investigation, DCF officials release comprehensive review of Caylee's death.

11:20 a.m. EDT, August 11, 2011

DCF officials this morning confirmed that Caylee Marie's death was the result of Casey Anthony's failure to protect her, an agency report released today shows.

"It is the conclusion of the Department of Children and Families that [Casey Anthony] failed to protect her child from harm either through her actions or lack of actions, which tragically resulted in the child's untimely death," the investigation's report states.

The nearly three-year investigation verified three allegations classified as "maltreatments," including death, failure to protect and threatened harm.,0,1774056.story
Does this mean anything? Sorry...haven't read the thread yet. If it means folks won't be getting in line to pay her big bucks for her "story" I'm all for it. Yipee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmmmmmmm by chance do you have a lnk to that one? I must have missed that one........other than a coronary, I don't think i could get anymore pizzed if I read additional info!

You could if you read this. In the report (which I do not have a link to) KC tells the interviewer from SS that she called about her daughter and yade yade yada and she goes on to say she wants to tell her about it and that Cindy should not interrupt (not in those words). But she out and out lies about reporting the child missing and Cindy just sits there and lets her. It is her and Cindy talking to someone from child services I believe and KC just spews out lies per the report.
The Ants would be told there is nothing to be done, since they did not have custody. That is the law. Welfare of the child be damned. Really, that is how it works. I went through a similar circumstance and was told because I was the grandmother, nothing could be done!

Also, I do not think this document has any bearing on KC's future children. It would affect adoption, but she has plenty of other reasons to disallow adoption. I have seen many many cases where child protective services removes ONE child, and leaves others. I have seen on the news that a woman had children removed for abuse, and she goes on to have more that ARE left with her, till abuse is once again see. Pitiful.

While I believe friends, family and neighbors should not generally interfere with parents, sometimes it is important to report them. Not interfering can be fatal. Non-parents have no say if they disagree with a parent's clothing choice, educational/religious values, or TV schedule, for the child, but too often no one, including the authorities wants to say anything is they see an abused or neglected child. So sad.

The only responsible thing to do is report anything that you think is abusive. It will require a visit by DCF. If you see more, continue to report it. It is really the only thing a responsible relative can do. If something bad happens you at least know you tried. Parent's rights trump all others. But if enough people were to complain DCF might have to listen. You can only do what you can. jmo
Did they ever do the presser? Could it be that some lawyer(s) threatened them with action if they did? MOO
Both of these Grandparents should be charged with negligence. There daughter left their home with their car and with the child they completely care for. There daughter had no job, no money. She stole any money she had. She removed their well-cared for grandchild and took no food or clothing for the child with her. These two geniuses couldn't figure out on their own how to find their grandchild and never solicited any agency for help in locating her. They could have called THEIR car in stolen and LE would have found their daughter ASAP.

I want a good reason why this was never done and why they shouldn't be charged with neglect of the child. ANY concerned parent, grandparent, family member would not have taken 31 days (and longer if not for the circumstances) to look for a child who is with a mother who has no means of support and took no clothing for the child to wear.

Come on....the Anthonys know something terrible happened and played their "Denial" game which is their excuse for getting out of trouble. No wonder they have an attorney, they are also also guilty....guilty of stupidity and neglect of a child. I am sick of putty-footing around this. Why didn't they go and find their daughter ASAP?? I don't want to hear the excuse.."She was with her mommy". Her mommy has no money and didn't bring any clothes for the child. We have given these parents a pass. They have been covering for that daughter of theirs since the first hour she drove off in THEIR car with Caylee with no food, clothing or money to care for the child.

Hey, and now they want to draw salary from a non-profit working for "grandparent's rights". What rights exactly do they think they should have been entitled to, as the grandparent's in this debacle
Did they ever do the presser? Could it be that some lawyer(s) threatened them with action if they did? MOO

I believe whatsthatclue was watching channel 13, said there was a few words said, appeared to have been a replay??? not live, was waiting for a link on the website. Nothing much was said, so I think it was highly edited.

ETA: Found the post:

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Casey Anthony's 'failure to protect' caused Caylee's death, DCF said[/ame]

And the news site, but I don't see the video up yet:
So... where's Lippman and his response? Can't they figure out what to go with yet? Maybe they are waiting on a call from a P.R. firm to know what to say.


:rocker: Good point !

:waitasec: I wonder if he will be on NG tonight "spinning" today's latest news for the Anthony's ?

MOO ...
Of all the people on this planet, the Anthonys, including Lee, knew that Casey was irresponsible, stole everything she could get her hands on, including gas, Caylee's piggybank, Caylee's savings that George set up, Cindy's charge cards and money, Grandparents' checking account, took money from Lee, never paid Lee for his car, stole from her friend Amy (and probably more, but they never figured that out yet). Cindy even warned Tony L about her. Casey was consistant about one thing - lying about everything and being an accomplished thief. Her family knew that about her.

Casey is a low down thief who abused her family ties to get her hands on their money. So when Cindy and George and Lee didn't talk to Caylee for weeks and weeks, they had to know Casey was NOT taking care of her. Remember Lee's statement to Casey on her first jail phone call? "I'm not going round and round with you. You're not going to put me through what you have put Mom through for the last several weeks. So Lee knew because Cindy had told him. She told him because she was worried sick that something had happened to Caylee. She sent Lee out to look for her in Orlando because he had seen a My Space entry about where she was going that night. So Cindy KNEW Casey was in town. She expressed her fear in her My Space statement "My Caylee is Missing". So who is to blame for not reporting Caylee missing? They all are. There should be some accountability, but it appears the only people who will hold them accountable is the general public. The Justice system isn't going to do it. So it's up to the general public to put pressure on them and not let up. The whole family knew what kind of person they were dealing with. This was nothing new.

We have to stand back and watch them make money off of this fiasco. But we don't have to be quiet about it. Public clamor does get its share of attention with the media. Hey. It's a story and the media loves stories.
I could seriously BLOW a gasket! I honestly have NO words how in the HECK can the feds NOT bring a case against her!!!
Last night I wondered the same thing...we don't know if they will or they won't. They could be building a case against her as we speak...we wouldn't know. That could also take a really long time. I just had the feeling that something was/is going on. Authorities coming out stating they're not pursuing this/ they're not holding her responsible for that. It doesn't make sense. Maybe I'm giving the government the benefit of the doubt. But, then today we have this report. Who would have thunk that? I still don't know if it means diddly (haven't finished reading), but maybe it's the start of something big...and something really, really good. I know, I have a lot of wishful thinking today. in PDF form :
DCF Review of Caylee's Death
DCF REPORT: Casey Anthony Failed To Protect Caylee

A report by Florida's child welfare agency says Casey Anthony failed to protect her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, which ultimately resulted in the child's death. But Anthony will not face additional charges as a result of Thursday's report.

"The inactions by the mother were clearly failure to protect. As the child was found dead, obviously the failure to protect led to the death," DCF spokesman Joe Follick said.
Did they ever do the presser? Could it be that some lawyer(s) threatened them with action if they did? MOO

:waitasec: Maybe it was Dorothy Sims ... :floorlaugh: she certainly "danced around" the question if she would let CFCA "babysit" her children when she was interviewed on HLN ... :floorlaugh:

:seeya: Hi Dottie ...

:waitasec: Maybe it was Mason -- using that favorite finger of his ... :floorlaugh:

:seeya: Hi Cheney ...

MOO ...
Hey, and now they want to draw salary from a non-profit working for "grandparent's rights". What rights exactly do they think they should have been entitled to, as the grandparent's in this debacle

Grandparents have no rights and will never get any rights as far as their grandchildren are concerned unless the court finds that their particular case warrants them getting custody of their grandchildren. Each case is different. No one has the right to try and take children away from their parents unless there is neglect and that is up to the courts to decide on an individual basis. GA and CA had no right to take Caylee away from KC, BUT, in fact, they could have very likely gotten custody, even if it were temporary, by reporting KC to LE for the thiefs of money and misuse of CA's credit card. They could have gone to DCF and showed KC had no job and they were indeed supporting Caylee.

As a grandparent we can't ask to have a law in place that would permit us to just walk in and take a child away from the parent. It's never going to happen. Grandparents who are frustrated with the system that does not seem to listen to them will of course support the A's foundation but in reality it is never going anywhere. It's just easier at this point to blame the system (lack of grandparent's rights) than to admit there were "red flags" but CA was too busy covering up KC's misbehavior incidents and lost her opportunity to keep Caylee from harm. She did not know, or imagine, how spitful KC really was. Watching the jailhouse tapes and knowing KC knew Caylee was dead and how she taunted her mother with speculation that Caylee was still alive and with someone who would not hurt her.

Anyone else notice that in the DCF report they stated that there was "no medical history found on this child". No doctor's reports, no dentist reports. Am I understanding that correctly? They surely had to check with Caylee's doctor to see if there were any signs of suspected abuse, unexplained injuries, etc. There was no medical history found. I'm sorry but if this is true that is neglect. jmo
Cindy did on the 15th, after finding her at Tony's, however, the DCF report claims that mom and dad confronted Casey on the 12th as well. That was before the car was discovered to be in the tow yard, before mom and dad knew about the smell and is obviously not correct information.

I'm wondering if CA trying to get in touch with her by text saying call us - big trouble was on the 15th or the 12th? Could this be what the DOC is calling confronting her?
You could if you read this. In the report (which I do not have a link to) KC tells the interviewer from SS that she called about her daughter and yade yade yada and she goes on to say she wants to tell her about it and that Cindy should not interrupt (not in those words). But she out and out lies about reporting the child missing and Cindy just sits there and lets her. It is her and Cindy talking to someone from child services I believe and KC just spews out lies per the report.

---Solace---this is the original report that you are referring to:

---DCF case workers William Procknow and Dawn Murray reports on the Casey Anthony file. interesting excerpt from that report:

As the conversation was wrapping up Casey began to talk about all the missing children in Florida and the U.S.A.
She felt proud that a serarch for Caylee in one area turned up a child that was missing. ( i don't remember this ??)

She stated that she has enjoyed working with all the agencies and volunteers looking for her child and that is going to be her new vocation in life.

She has 2 web sites dedicated to Caylee and that people have been responding.
She stated that even the media is starting to give her more positive press coverage.
count on it - names released in what, october? Followed by November sweeps. Plenty of time for the interviews (if they aren't being done already)

I think Merc said it above - this is just administrative. Closing the file and trying to mitigate against and potential legal action.

Yep once again the agencies that are supposed to serve and protect us are really only interested in covering their own butts.
Hey, and now they want to draw salary from a non-profit working for "grandparent's rights". What rights exactly do they think they should have been entitled to, as the grandparent's in this debacle

They do have rights as grandparents, I believe, to sue Casey in civil court, for the wrongful death of their granddaughter.
I doubt if, in any of our lifetimes, will we see them exercise those rights.
IF I am not mistaken, and I could be, the "big trouble" text was on the 15th after the car was brought home.
I believe whatsthatclue was watching channel 13, said there was a few words said, appeared to have been a replay??? not live, was waiting for a link on the website. Nothing much was said, so I think it was highly edited.

ETA: Found the post:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Casey Anthony's 'failure to protect' caused Caylee's death, DCF said

And the news site, but I don't see the video up yet:

That's right, I was watching on tv, Ch 13, and they played part of the presser. A video. Prior to that, they reported it would be live...or maybe I misunderstood and they said they'd be there live.
Then they played a video of part of it.
DCF said nothing new.
And I haven't found the video online yet. I would think Ch 13 would put it on their website? Not up yet tho, and I can't find it anywhere....what the hay?

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