Casey as "co-counsel" ...good strategy or no?

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KC modeling "co-counsel" Good defense move or bad move?

  • It's a good defense strategy

    Votes: 14 4.5%
  • It's a bad defense strategy

    Votes: 266 85.0%
  • Other (explain)

    Votes: 33 10.5%

  • Total voters
I think that the two sides are going to be as different as night and day to a jury. First we have Team Caylee:


LDB, JA, YM, and KB! All determined to find the truth! All determined to get justice for Little Caylee Marie!
Then we have the Baez and Mason Three Ring Circus, aka Team KC!


JB, CM, CA, GA, LA, some random dude to do shout outs in open court, and of course, KC the file clerk. All angry, confused, or bored! All determined to get KC off!

Now, seriously! Who do you think the jury will believe? :crazy:
Do you think there's really words on there?


Make them stop. Make them stop. Make them stop. Make them stop. Make them stop. Make them stop. Make them stop. Make them stop. Make them stop. Make them stop. Make them stop. Please don't let my ears look so big.Make them stop. Make them stop. Make them stop. Make them stop. Make them stop.
Before I read the other posts my opinion is that ... it isn't going to work and will likely be perceived a lot worse than just sitting there and trying to act appropriately.

It sorta/kinda depends how this is done. On the one hand I think that ICA should be engaged and involved in her Defense but there is an appropriate way to do it.

ICA should be helping the Defense and being seen to do so is fine. However, ICA should also pay close attention to the testimony and react appropriately as needed. There needs to be a fine balance where ICA is defending herself but also recognizes she is the accused defendant and her daughter was murdered or died.

The way this is playing at the moment I think it is way over the top and is going to backfire. ICA appears totally detached from the proceedings most of the time, way too detached but there are still 'tells' that everyone picks up on and the media highlights, such as the Vass testimony. They become more significant.

Also, ICA is trying too hard to keep herself busy so this becomes transparent to most, that she is trying to use up all of her nervous energy but it portrays as 'fake' and uncaring. Over the top.

It also doesn't play well because ICA is working so hard at the Defense table during motion hearings but never really addressed her lies, as far as we know to help find Caylee or seek that SODDI that is supposedly out there ... :waitasec: the A's have done a dis-service to ICA in not calling repeatedly for the killer to be found ... and neither has ICA. Why? Why work so hard [fake] when you originally did nothing to help LE? -- only frustrate them?

ICA is in a catch-22 given her challenges in how she presents herself, how she responds to emotions (or not) and, acting appropriately so that she can connect and resonate with a Jury as the Mother of a child who was tragically killed at someone else's hands. :loser:

ICA is damned if she does and damned if she doesn't because she cannot win sympathy whether she sits there and pays attention or does 'busy work' -- the problem with the 'busy work' is, like others it comes across to me as Couie with his Crayons ... keeping a guilty defendant busy to control the in-appropriate anger and emotions.

It doesn't work and has the opposite effect than intended. Bad idea. :twocents:
They do this to keep her busy or she would go crazy nit picking at herself and her clothing, making bad faces and playing with her hair. That is why she scribbles or she would be yelling, Make Them Stop!!!! Just wait until trial begins. Ought to be entertaining to say the least.
Imo, the DT thinks that the jury will view KC as a young, single mother, wrongly accused, and desperately fighting for her life. What they will actually see is this:


:rocker: :rocker: :rocker:

I'm hoping someone will post a side by side photo, Couey with his crayons and Casey with her Bic. Then ask the defense if they think this is a smart move.

Exactly!! that is the first thing I thought. Same stare in the eyes. I think they are trying to keep her in line.
Just remember folks KC has every right to be proactive in her defense. It is she who is on trial so there is nothing wrong with what she is doing so the state is not going to object. We see it as a tic, which is probably true, but she has the right to look at all those papers and it does keep her from doing other annoying things that the jury will spot right off the bat. Since her attorney has no idea whether what she is writing is true or false, based on her word, it's probably an exercise to keep her out of trouble. jmo

You may now boooo me.
I voted "bad idea" but honestly, WTH else are they going to do with her? (Though I bet they are hoping someone here comes up with a better idea, and PDQ IYKWIM...)

Thinking back on other defendants I have seen at hearings and trial, they really are damned if they do and damned if they don't. Melissa Huckaby admitted her guilt and was wracked with emotion whenever she appeared in court. The FL v. Sutton trial--he claimed innocence but his courtroom demeanor was arrogant and cold, and IMO his testimony (he did get on the stand) served to underline that perception. He was found guilty. The Essa trial--he claimed innocence and was perhaps not as seemingly arrogant at the defense table but was certainly unemotional, even as his murdered wife's family members broke down on the stand. He was found guilty.

The DT is well and truly scrooged with this client.

- She cannot sit quietly at the defense table while experts are testifying about the duct tape found on her baby's skull (or worse, the photos are shown to the jury), the stench of death in her own car trunk, etc. If she is stoic through that, the jury will read it as detachment. And we know she can't be stoic through that sort of thing, as her plea to AL to "make him stop" while JA was laying out the SA's theory makes clear, along with the constant self-grooming activity we used to see... The defense knows that her involuntary reactions if she IS paying attention to testimony will make her seem cold, at best.

So they have to do something with her. Preoccupy her. At least the paralegal act MIGHT be interpreted by that "ONE" juror they are hoping for as an innocent mom taking an active role in fighting against the Great Conspiracy Against Her.

To which I say, LOL to the defense team.


it is a horrible idea

but is it a strategy or is it Casey's own compulsion? I am personally not sure.
I think it's a bad strategy. I think the defense is trying to make her look less guilty by having her appear to be more engaged in working her defense. Using this tactic IMO makes her appear less confident in the way her attorneys are handing her case, thereby having to have "control" or "assist" them.

IMO clients usually do not assist their attorneys by keeping notes, handling files, handing notes, keeping watch over laptops, acting as co-counsel, etc. IMO clients with reputable and intelligent attorneys feel at ease with the way their attorneys are taking care of their case. And if they are innocent, they will sit at counsel table with the appearance of such. That's just my opinion. I think it's a BAD strategy.
Wow, just wow! I'm at a loss for words to describe how the look in her eyes made me feel....................

The bulging eyes picture is the one that strikes me the most. No poker face here, that's for sure.
She is responding visually to being impressed with some stupid snipe that JB made, if I remember correctly. She's very impressed when he gets what he thinks is a dig in at the SA. Problem is, no one else is. She's a fool.

The other pictures are very eerie. The look on ICA's face as GA is walking up to the stand. SHE HATES THIS MAN. Worse, she has zero respect for him and the fact that he is willing to lie to win her over, makes her hate him even more.
Who could respect a parent that fears their child? He lost that years ago and now she looks at him with contempt. Just look at those expressions.

I have a "recommendation" that can be used at the upcoming hearings and trial to keep Casey "under control" ... :silenced::silenced:

But the mods might put me in T/O ... and I really love WS and posting here, so I will just :shutup::shutup:

I completely agree... What struck me most while watching her do this ... is that it is the same behavior she has always exhibited. Years of pretending to have a job, rattling off about this event or something she was working on at work (would bet ya dollars to donuts that she has work "notes" laying around that she flashed on and off) and then even going to work. This is the true Casey.. the one that is completely comfortable living a lie, keeping herself busy by pretending to get ready for work, packing her work bag, and having to leave somewhere so she can head to "work". Casey's home life was nothing more than a charade... and she is continuing it just as she always has done. She is more than comfortable with this type of behavior, she ENJOYS it.

as always.. just my opinion


:clap::clap: Classic ICA :clap::clap:
Just remember folks KC has every right to be proactive in her defense. It is she who is on trial so there is nothing wrong with what she is doing so the state is not going to object. We see it as a tic, which is probably true, but she has the right to look at all those papers and it does keep her from doing other annoying things that the jury will spot right off the bat. Since her attorney has no idea whether what she is writing is true or false, based on her word, it's probably an exercise to keep her out of trouble. jmo

You may now boooo me.


Lol! Just kidding, Lambchop! You know we love you and always look forward to your insightful posts!
Oh there's no question is about as off-putting and bizarre as it could be. Here we have a barely-literate high school dropout on trial for murdering her daughter, and she's acting like she's at a 10$ an hour job sorting papers or something.

She comes into court smiling ear to ear and "Baez" hands her a folder for her to start sorting through - WHAAAT?? What is she doing? What is the defense team thinking? She can't bury herself in legal pads and notes from Cindy to hide from ot detach herself from the hearings or trial. Do defendants usually do this? Scribble for HOURS?

She is probably doing exactly what you said. Writing her thoughts to her Mom and answering Her Mom's letters. She could write pages and pages to her jail house friend who then sent them out to keep just in case she could use them. I bet her Mom is going to add these pgs. to her future tell all book and have her daughters feelings moment to moment thru this whole trial, all in her daughters handwriting. the best place to accomplish this is while sitting in court with nothing to do for hrs. and hrs.
JB is collecting signatures also from LE and Scientists for his future writings .
I don't think we will ever see the likes of this kind of legal proceedings again unless another A is involved in a trial and JB is their lawyer.
Of course these are only my suspicions:):)
I actually think she's trying to write a script for GA. Check out the news thread.

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