Casey as "co-counsel" ...good strategy or no?

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KC modeling "co-counsel" Good defense move or bad move?

  • It's a good defense strategy

    Votes: 14 4.5%
  • It's a bad defense strategy

    Votes: 266 85.0%
  • Other (explain)

    Votes: 33 10.5%

  • Total voters
I voted "other"....because I know the DT reads here and I waaaaant her to keep up the good work. I want the jury to see just how hard she is working to free the know....that other person KC has invented in her mind as the Defendant. Not herself, of course.
Keep up the good work KC. I want you to get "paralegal of the year" hang next to your MOTY award, and your EOTM.

I just want to tell you how brilliant you are, I love it.
At every stage of this investigation an A has attempted to step in for the professionals---they have mimicked being police officers, missing children finders, nurses of decomposition, private investigators, media spokespersons, etc etc, so it's not too surprising to now have a bogus A Esq. showing up, ready to work.

Post of the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I suspect by the time trial starts Casey will morph into a different persona. She's been at this one long enough that she is probably already bored with it. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't suddenly turn into grieving mom and loving daughter.

She has a few more phases to go till she needs to play the grieving card.
She played the Perfect prisoner but got away with breaking rules with prison guard. She is playing the perfect paralegal while pretending she is not the defendant. When she arrives at the real prison she will need to play the
perfect daughter, grieving mom and perfect friend for her safety. But I have a sneaking suspicion she will become an attorney in her mind to impress her coharts at the prison after all she ran her own defense for 3 yrs.

OT It amazes me she never paid a dime out of her own pocket for her defense and gets to order from the commisary even if she has no money.
Story of her life, maybe she can be a financial advisor. "How to get something for nothing"
How's this, Lance?


They both look unconcerned with what is going on, IMO.

You Rock! :rocker:
I voted other. Let her look like the cold, uncaring person that she is.

Is it good strategy? Define good.

If shuffling papers keeps her in her seat, go for it. It will show the jury what she is.
Does Casey have a law degree now, I think NOT.
Yeah, but when has that ever stopped her??? She told LE she had a degree from Valencia college (e.g. "I'm not a doctor, but I played one on TV/stayed at a Holiday Inn once"). She and George are legends in their own minds!:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I voted "other"....because I know the DT reads here and I waaaaant her to keep up the good work. I want the jury to see just how hard she is working to free the know....that other person KC has invented in her mind as the Defendant. Not herself, of course.
Keep up the good work KC. I want you to get "paralegal of the year" hang next to your MOTY award, and your EOTM.


I will be anxious to see if KC is still "writing notes" and doing "research" this Friday & Saturday!
To me it seems as if she is pretending... scribble, scribble...refer to tabbed page, look up important information, scribble some more... it reminded me of the days in middle school when you KNEW someone was watching you so you pretended to be totally absorbed in what you were doing; but really you were just going through the motions and writing down jibberish.

This is exactly what it reminds me of but I think that in this case it is probably better for her case, appearance wise, than the alternative.
The defense better watch it. She may buy into her new role so much she decides to take the stand against their advice.
I can envision Casey becoming hard to handle during trial. The SA's opening statement should be the first indication of how Casey will behave during the trial.
I say, "Put her back in her jail attire". I wish Strickland never agreed to such a thing. When you give this defense an inch, they take a yard. This is a good example.

....I voted it was a good defense strategy given the alternative of her grooming during the entire hearing.
Really good point and I would point that out if I were the prosecutor. Excellent point her sitting there writing and looking over exhibits -.

I am a tad angry since I looked at the picture of Caylee in the trunk outlined and could see her tiny hand and a tiny thumb fingernail. The more you look at the outline, the clearer the outline of the baby becomes and she is such a baby.

Can someone direct me to the picture of Caylee in the trunk, outlined??? Was it in a new doc dump?

Thanks Much.
I think it's a good idea to have ICA play her own defense attorney :) It provides the DT an excuse for all the lousy lawyering they've demonstarted so far. :)
Seriously though, if ICA really was reading and comprehending all the documents she rifles through each day in court, then she'd know how much trouble she's in and doesn't.
ITA with those who think she's going to be a handful in court during trial. I wish I could be a fly on the wall for jury selection. Should be the flirty girls moment of glory.

Does anyone know if CA and GA will be allowed in court during jury selection?
I know we're all talking about what the defense is doing to make Casey look bad. But I think there's one thing they're doing right.

Tighten that hair as tightly as possible and put it in a bun. This way she can't possibly twirl it for 8 hours straight. Before the bun, the hair twirling, pulling, was driving me potty.

Hey, I thought I just might throw them a bone ;)

Imo, the DT thinks that the jury will view KC as a young, single mother, wrongly accused, and desperately fighting for her life. What they will actually see is this:


Great comparison, chefmom.

One thing tho....I really don't see any real tears with George daughter-like father? :waitasec:
Bad bad news in the long run. On one hand, we can say it's good because this is the very behavior the SA will be trying to paint a picture of when they present this case at trial. Detached, aloof, uncaring, dissociated, but this is bad if she is trying to seem 'engaged' and wanting a 'mistrial or acquittal'. I say that tongue and cheek, of course.

I was wondering if anyone was catching her snickers and ears moving upwards when she hears something interesting, or the side eyes as she listens to her team 'commenting' to each other behind her? I can't help but be fascinated by her smirking when she hears the DT make a snide remark about the SA, or the procedure. I can't really say what it is, but the bulging eyes, ear movement and over all look of surprise from ICA is.....well..........Odd at best and down right creepy at worst.

BBM. Interesting point, which leads me to a dumb question I can probably answer myself, but... is the State allowed to make any reference to what's she's doing now (or will be doing then, for sure) during trial? I mean, are they allowed to say "Just look at her, sitting there detached..."? I suspect not, because they need to only rely on presented evidence, and not editorialize. But maybe in opening or closing statements "you saw for yourselves how she morphed into a paralegal" and tie that into her daily life of make believe?
I know we're all talking about what the defense is doing to make Casey look bad. But I think there's one thing they're doing right.

Tighten that hair as tightly as possible and put it in a bun. This way she can't possibly twirl it for 8 hours straight. Before the bun, the hair twirling, pulling, was driving me potty.

Hey, I thought I just might throw them a bone ;)


I think they should have her cut her hair into a more manageable hairstyle. This "bun" look does nothing for her. It makes her face look very sharp and she looks so mean. Not to mention, you can see the veins in her neck.

If I were on her defense team, I would suggest a style to soften her appearance as well as show her youth -- maybe like the night Caylee was reported missing (the big smile photo). But, I'm sure they are thinking they do not want her to look like the same person. I think she looks best (out of the most recent hairstyles) with the ponytail, but the twirling was out of control.

As for the point of the thread, I think she is 'keeping busy' so that she won't become emotionally involved. Bad decision! She should be emotionally involved - this is her daughter, afterall. But then again, she's never been emotionally involved unless it involved her (certainly not Caylee).

It wouldn't surprise me if the folded notes are letters to her mom. She typically shows them to Baez (for approval maybe?) and then puts them away. I wouldn't be surprised if he is taking them to Cindy. As well, I'm sure there are letters in the folders that she first reviews from home. Anything for the inmate! :rolleyes:
Imo, the DT thinks that the jury will view KC as a young, single mother, wrongly accused, and desperately fighting for her life. What they will actually see is this:



And seeing these very closeup photos brings to mind yet again...

Why do all sweaters that ICA wears to court seem to be a size larger so that the sleeves hang down over her wrists to fingertips? This has always bothered me....I have even seen live footage where she continually pulls the sleeves down?

Even went back through old hearing photos and video and she is consistent in making sure arms are covered to fingertips...


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