Casey Turning Herself In on NEW Charges

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I see fear in her eyes today. Not sadness. Fear.


i do, too, without a doubt. if she is sad, it's not because she's sad about what's she's done to contribute to this mess. she won't let herself feel anything that would hurt.

she looks like a bit like a deer caught in headlights.
IMO she looks a little tired, she couldn't hide the baggage under the eyes.

I agree only I would go a step further and say she looks like she's getting worn out. Doesn't look at all confident anymore. I'm hoping that means there's still some part of her that has a conscience and wants to do the right thing. Like I said, I'm hoping.
"Gee, officer, I'm not sure, they all look so much alike to me, but if I had to guess, I'd say the one on the far left."

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, priceless.

I swear it looks like her nose is getting bigger


She just has this dead look to me. Incapable of feeling any kind of emotion cause thats just a waste. A huge waste.
I love the video clip of Jose Baez claiming that Casey is the victim of law enforcement!

That's pretty ripe coming out of his mouth. The victim, in case he needs to be reminded, is Caylee. Not his client.
I have to wonder if JB is telling her she will do some time or he will get her off?

However, Dr. Schurman-Kauflin said that there are signs to look for, which could signify Anthony is getting ready to talk.
"Look for her to turn to religion and either attempt to or speak of fleeing. When she gets to that point, she is most likely to talk about what really happened."


Hmmm. Good catch!
I love the video clip of Jose Baez claiming that Casey is the victim of law enforcement! He will do anything to make Casey look like the victim ... before this is over, he'll have Chloroformy, the dancing chloroform rag out front doing cartwheels talking about how chloroform is healthy and fun for all ages.

HAHA, just about spit my coke on that one!
Every scaredy cat murder turns to god whenever they are scared of getting fried
My 4yo son walked by as I was looking at the slide show pics of Casey's arrest and said "Mommy that's you." I said no its not and he, very seriously keeps saying yes that was you, and that was you in the car. :eek:EERIEEEE!!!!
I can understand a small resemblence but my own child swears it is me and thinks I am lying to him. I think I will dye my hair blonde or never leave the house again. Thank goodness I live nowhere near Florida.

Kbay, don't feel bad. I have always thought that Casey could be a very pretty woman. She looked stunning in that picture shown on Greta (the framed one that looks like a H.S. headshot). But like my Mom always said, "Pretty is and pretty does!"
I kinda see "disgust" on her face. That "here-we-go-again look. But then again maybe you are right and she is PETRIFIED. ABSOLUTELY "on that level".

I am thinking she might also be thinking this is the time she is NOT going to get out -- the time when they drop the "big bomb" on her.
Differing opinions. I see how Casey behaves, what she wears (Caylee shirts and rosary beads) and the decision she makes to wear them as relevant. Some may not see her choice of plastering Caylee over her front, accompanied by rosary beads as manipulative. That's OK, their opinion. Their opinion is not more valid than my own, though.
I have no interest in your little argument I just wanted to point something out about this post..

You say "when the case goes to trial and you see just what JB disputes and how I'm right, then you'll understand"

And then you say "it's frustrating trying to debate people who are stubborn"

There is no debate when you are sure you are right.. there is bullying, trying to force people to believe what you believe, trying to make people believe that you are the only one that knows the truth.

The coversation you were having with others here in this thread had nothing to do with debate.

Actually, when two people are involved in a debate, both sides are arguing with factual evidence. elitenls has every right to post what he or she wants on this forum because the only "facts" that most of you have are indeed NOT facts yet. Also, there are two schools of thought. However, I truly believe that this forum was created to discuss the facts of this case. elitenls is just simply reminding us that leaks and statements from LE aren't necessarily facts until they are proven in a court of law. And he or she is absolutely correct.
Her eyes do seem different today. COuld be the camera, or white shirt. I wonder why she wears the beads and bracelets.. Maybe they are Caylees favorites.
That's ok. I don't take it personally. I think that if my kid were missing, I would forego the tight jeans and live in my sweatpants, pregnant or not. But then again if one of my kids were missing, I would not be able to get out of bed except to search.

BTW: I like you too. I think you are one tough cookie.

Me too. I have no doubt that if my child were confirmed dead, I'd be dead within an hour also.

A tough cookie indeed but brutally honest as well and that wins me no friends ;)
I watched todays arrest video. She definately did not do her bump and grind walk! Could have been because there was not an audience.
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