Casey's Behavior Toward Parents and Vice-Versa In Court Apperances

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It sounds to me like there may be some infighting in the defense ranks. Maybe begun by the jail. Conway coming forward about Baez 'controlling' the A's letters to KC. AL saying that KC should have a video visit with the A's. And Baez doesn't seem to be responding to it. I think we are looking at in-fighting.

First it was jewelry, now letters. Wonder what JB will carry in to KC next? Maybe she would like a pizza???

Yeah, the jail may deny it. But I suspect that they found evidence of contraband being brought in by the attorney and have chosen to first give a warning by making a general notice to all attorneys. I wonder if the contacted the A's to see if they admitted to the letter passing and giving them a personal warning?

BTW.... If Baez has been breaking jail policy by bringing in contraband letters from her parents, would that be an ethics violation? It definately is another sign of something weird with Baez's relationship to his client.
He'd be breaking the law, IIRC.
It's true in Texas. When I went for my daughter we were all given about a 3 minute speech that "anyone" who made even a jesture to any of the inmates would be thrown out of the court. There would be no warning!

Except, it's the A's who are doing the gesticulating and mouthing of words -- and they are not being removed. :confused:
Hmm.. As we learned from the plea/no plea deal, JB speaks with a forked tongue.

He knows he isn't suppose to be a mail carrier. But did the A's know that? Did he allow them to think he was giving her the letters, just so they would leave her alone...

When they visited her in the Jail, she tried to keep the conversation away from her case. Cause she knew she was being tapped. But THEY kept bringing it back to the case. Cause they wanted to find their G-daughter. And knew she had info that would help.

Is it possible that JB didn't want any more such conversations on tape or on paper. CA doesn't seem to listen to anyone. I think it's possible that JB allowed her to think he was playing mail carrier.. but, just didn't.

The A's get it now, I think. Cindy might be able to keep from talking about the case, etc. They might as well get use to the idea that their private Family time will always be taped. Even after she is convicted and is in state Prision.

It's to stuff a sock in KC, prolly. She makes a lot of little accidental confessions.

And, he doesn't want to look like an idiot on NG, again.
FWIW, when I worked for a defense attorney on a dp case, we had all the personal correspondence of the client -- to and from -- that went through the regular mail at the prison. They make copies and put them in their files. If you are guilty, every written word is open to interpretation.
:waitasec:I thought it had already been confirmed (at least on the A side) that they were exchanging letters back and forth that was how they stayed in touch??? haven't read all the comments yet---but this is what I recall them saying during the funeral bit....:waitasec:
I think she does not look at them or want to see them because she cannot face them. She is guilty. That is why when GA speaks she cries and she & JB both know that if she was to have a visit from them in prison, she would lose it & confess...

I respectfully disagree. She doesn't care that they know. Although I do believe she somehow convinced them it was an accident. Mostly from the way they defend her, and how Lee spoke about her at his depo. "I still believe everything my sister tells me."
Again, she doesn't care that she killed Caylee. She doesn't care about facing her parents. She just doesn't care... otherwise she would've never killed poor Caylee in the first place.

She will never confess. I do think she believes her own lies.

P.S I like your sig. That's gonna be her home for a long long time. :)
:waitasec:I thought it had already been confirmed (at least on the A side) that they were exchanging letters back and forth that was how they stayed in touch??? haven't read all the comments yet---but this is what I recall them saying during the funeral bit....:waitasec:

They also mentioned that they were exchanging letters on one of their last media *advertiser censored* tours. I just can't remember which one it was because they've done so many.
And let's not forget in the 911 call earlier that day, you can hear CA threaten KC regarding the custody issue. KC might still have a little smug left in her, even after these months in jail.

The WORST of their crimes was not being able to cover for her, and get her out of jail.

After all, if they hadn't upset her, she wouldn't have killed Caylee. It's THEIR fault!
Eunice, she CAN'T having anything on them that's worse than baby murder.

Though, I DO think she's prolly the family expert on pushing buttons.

IMHO, she's doing it because she's a control freak. And, because she's a sociopath, she's better at it than her control-freak mother. No emotions to get in the way.

Casey to Lee "Maybe because I am a spiteful *****!"
To get back to the courtroom behavior, in the snapshots of the last court appearance, I wonder what CA was laughing about behind her hand?
Something that the tall bald guy sitting next to her said? And who is he? And in another snapshot she is acting positively giddy, almost vampish. Hardly appropriate court behavior of a mother of an accused murderess. And afterward she was overly happy about seeing KC even though she hadn't even been acknowledged by her. Carryover from the amusing little incident in court?
Sorry I came into this conversation late.

Are the A's committing the felony or is Baez? Wouldn't it be fair to say they gave him the letters and assumed he was handling them according to County Rules. He could have been checking the content, then mailing them. Once they are out of the A's hands, how they got to KC would be her attorney's problem not theirs. Right or not so much?

We have been aware of this rule from the beginning and all along there have been comments made right on this forum suggesting Baez was handling her mail inappropriately. All because of a because of a comment made either by Baez or KC way back when. I'm sorry, I don't remember exactly how it was said or by who. It's been some time ago now.


:birthday:Happy 2nd Birthday Sweet Emma. We are thinking of you with lots of love.

JB would be breaking the law-- IF that's what he's doing. Which we don't know, for sure.
:waitasec:I thought it had already been confirmed (at least on the A side) that they were exchanging letters back and forth that was how they stayed in touch??? haven't read all the comments yet---but this is what I recall them saying during the funeral bit....:waitasec:

And, can they be believed? About anything?
They haven't been staying in contact ever since everything they said on video was released and they realized they are their own worst enemies.
Everytime they open their mouths they bury their daughter deeper and the same goes for her.

Enter AL. Her only job is to see that KC does NOT get the death penalty.
Don't think she hasn't been noticing GA and CA's behavior towards KC.
Throwing ???!!! KISSES!!!??? to their daughter that murdered their baby grand daughter!

She will use it for all it's worth.
Now the Anthonys will really have a script to follow.
One titled: "How to keep your daughter alive."

She knows any video will be released to the media and public.
So why not make it work for her? For "them"?

They will rehearse their lines and then put on the performance of a lifetime to save the murderer.

I'm sure JB has to go along with this.
They aren't going to win the case.
Only get lots of publicity and maybe save the murdering mom's life.
I think that is their only priority now.

Reality is creeping in and there's a whole new script being written behind the scenes as we speak.
To get back to the courtroom behavior, in the snapshots of the last court appearance, I wonder what CA was laughing about behind her hand?
Something that the tall bald guy sitting next to her said? And who is he? And in another snapshot she is acting positively giddy, almost vampish. Hardly appropriate court behavior of a mother of an accused murderess. And afterward she was overly happy about seeing KC even though she hadn't even been acknowledged by her. Carryover from the amusing little incident in court?

You can chalk that up to good old fashioned prescription medication. ThE GUY YOU ARE ASKING ABOUT IS A REPORTER.
I'll bet JB told her to act less animated. Someone posted that her smile and wave, at the first hearing, did not go over well, and they are correct! Even George ignored Casey, when he testified. It's all an act produced and directed by Baez.
I'll bet JB told her to act less animated. Someone posted that her smile and wave, at the first hearing, did not go over well, and they are correct! Even George ignored Casey, when he testified. It's all an act produced and directed by Baez.

In one of the earlier hearings, the mic was hot at the defense table and Baez could be clearly heard telling Casey to not fidget, to write on the piece of yellow notepad paper he was handing her, then cover it up and be careful what she wrote in case the camera's zoomed in on her. The very first day Andrea was in court, she, on the contrary told Casey "Don't do that, put that away, now please", and you see Casey folding the paper repeatdly and looking visibly miffed.

I think that is a little tiny example of what has gone on, she has come in, a grown up, and called the class to order and told her and Baez that the hamming it up, and gushing seems to come off as flipant and disrespectful and she should sit there, sober and quiet and appear heart broken and wipe the smile and smirk off her face. That is my opinion, there is a grown up at the table.
Does not have to be put before anyone's mail. NO ACCEPTIONS. It just can be screened by the jail's Admin....
And it can also be sent by post...
MY assessment is there is more to this then we know.

Bold is mine-

There is, they are called laws!

Everyone has the same laws to follow and everyone must follow them.. there are no exceptions for certain princesses. Jail is not supposed to be fun or fair-the guards are not on duty to go through what lawyers are bringing into the jails. Jails are overcrowded, prisoners and gangs within the jails are getting out of control. It is getting harder and harder to keep empolyees within the jails, they are overworked and underpaid. They have no time to go through peoples mail when their lawyers show up for visitation. Letters are to be sent via mail, it's the law!
Except, it's the A's who are doing the gesticulating and mouthing of words -- and they are not being removed. :confused:

Nobody calls them on any of their behavior. It's a friggin' joke.
I'll bet JB told her to act less animated. Someone posted that her smile and wave, at the first hearing, did not go over well, and they are correct! Even George ignored Casey, when he testified. It's all an act produced and directed by Baez.

JoseB seemed to encourage her behavior, IMO. The flirting, pen stealing, grinning, etc. I think the DP lawyer was probably the one who told them both to chill out!

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