Casey's Diary Entry for June 21st & Missing Pages #1

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The Today Show had on an analyst on where they talked about the journal, and she says that there are 2 styles of writing where one is a more mature style of writing than the other page. In other words: she thinks the 03 side was done when Casey was younger, but the June 21 side shows more of an adult style handwriting, thus she implies that she thinks it was written after Caylee's death. Not sure if that makes sense, but that was her analysis.
I don't think she wanted to get rid of it. She was probably stupid enough to think that the '03 date on the first page would throw LE off the trail.

Agreed and her lies and tricks had been working pretty well. She had family and friends convinced she had a job. Even went so far as to generate fake e-mails from fake employees at her fake job. :rolleyes:

She had family and friends convinced she had a nanny.

She took LE all the way to Universal, went inside, all the while insisting she worked there.

And this is a very short list of her lying ways....
A few thoughts:


- I do think it can be established when the entry was written. And I'm not talking about the ink. The diary itself probably has some markings that show roughly when it was manufactured, distributed and/or sold in retail stores. If any of those dates are between 2004-2008, the journal entry could not have been written in 2003. The "03" would just be self-serving on Casey's part.

- Some have questioned whether Casey would have actually written things in an old-fashioned journal as opposed to a myspace entry. I think Casey knew that myspace and any electronic format was risky (anyone can see electronic diary entries) and she knew that writing out her feelings on a myspace would bring questions - even well meaning ones (such as a friend commenting....."what decisions are you talking about hon"?) I think she wanted to write out her feelings but she actually wanted them to stay private and you can't do that on myspace. Plus, she knew the entries could be incriminating if anyone saw them. Hence, she used a traditional written journal.

- I do think Casey wanted badly to put out her feelings somewhere - she certainly couldn't share what actually happened with anyone, right? So she chose to use a written diary. She kept things vague-ish as somewhat of a precautionary measure. much as she acted callously during and after Caylee's death (partying and all), Caylee's death was still a huge watershed moment for her. She was now free. Maybe she justified killing Caylee by reasoning she didn't want Caylee being raised by Cindy and George should they obtain custody (she was "saving" Caylee from such a fate.) Who knows what BS justifications she used in her own mind.

But definitely Caylee's death was a big moment in her life -- besides being free to do as she pleased from thereon, she must have felt incredible relief at no longer having to deal with more immediate troubles - driving around with a decaying body in her car. It's horrible to think about but at a certain point, whatever sentiment she may have had for her child at some point in her life, at the end this baby was a stinking corpse that was getting in the way. Clearly, Casey fumbled all over the place in figuring out what to do with poor Caylee. In the end, the relief must have been great. No doubt she wanted to document the relief she felt and keep a journal of things after this watershed moment.

- The journal might have been tucked away somewhere in her bedroom and as to why it was still there for LE to take: Why didn't she throw it away? Because she wanted to keep it. Continue writing in it. All that effort to write out your feelings - who wants to throw that away? It might have been hidden in a spot Casey thought nobody would look through. But just in case, she threw a "03" legend on it and speaks in "code". My sister used to do the same thing in her own diary (I knew where the key was and used to peak all the time). She didn't think I'd ever find the diary but just in case, her entries wouldn't be clear on who she kissed and what parent rule she broke, etc. She used code or would be vague. Just in case. That's what I think the "03" legend is.

Sorry for the long post. I guess we'll find out eventually the date the entry was really written.

Bolded by me.

ITA, especially with the bolded part. I don't believe Casey ever had much privacy or that "her" room was really hers. I think she suspected her mother would go thru her things whenever she could. The '03 was to throw Cindy off should she find the Journal.
I have gone through the property sheets listing items seized from the Anthony home during the two searches (Dec. 11 and Dec. 20) and the diary or anything remotely like it is not listed.
You could be right. But I think they would want to photograph everything together that they found in the same area. And there is too much on the bed to fit in a drawer at least the ones shown in pic 5 or the end table. So it might have been taken out of a closet, but I find it odd there was no closet shot showing all the stuff in the closet first. (Although there may have been, but we haven't seen it yet.) If I had to guess. This stuff was already on the bed. Didn't I read that KC slept on the floor in George and Cindy's room when she got out jail.

I assumed this was a picture taken the night of the 15th/16th after Lee brought all Casey's things back from TonEs.
How so, Lanie? For me, that it was next to bed would indicate more recent use. That's prime real estate and not used lightly or for storing archives around here. :)

ITA. She had stacks and stacks of scrapbook stuff, craft stuff, boxes, bins, etc. If this hadn't been used in years, then it would more likely be stashed away in one of those many boxes and bins and what have you. I definitely think that if that were indeed the location of this journal, then it points way more to recent use.
I would love to see the previous pages in that diary just to compare the handwriting.
I wanted to put these together just to see if the diary entry is consistent with Casey's current handwriting. Waht do y'all think?



I have gone through the property sheets listing items seized from the Anthony home during the two searches (Dec. 11 and Dec. 20) and the diary or anything remotely like it is not listed.

We can always count on you to bring us back to reality. Well, that says it all. They didn't take it into evidence. It means nothing and won't be used against her.

JWG, you don't think there's a possibility that they did take it, but didn't release that part of their inventory sheet, do you? Since it would be an "ongoing investigation" if they did in fact take it...I know I'm grasping at anything here :blushing:

It's just such a letdown when you see something like that, that seems so "WOW", and then find out that it's likely useless.
I would love to see the previous pages in that diary just to compare the handwriting.
I wanted to put these together just to see if the diary entry is consistent with Casey's current handwriting. Waht do y'all think?




I'm no expert, but that's the same writing. S's, F's, 2's...all the same. Look at her signature on the police report, it's cursive, and the S and Y are the same as the diary entry.
I don't think she wanted to get rid of it. She was probably stupid enough to think that the '03 date on the first page would throw LE off the trail.

And up until the day Caylee was found, LE hadn't raided their house and tore it apart. CA and KC probably felt pretty confident leaving stuff like that around. In fact, Ca was allowed to just hand over what was asked for previously and she then handed over something different. Then leaving writings and docs in a trash unshredded. And CA isn't so careful about her emails either. That family has a thing for documenting everything. I've always felt that this family's downfall was gonna be their notebooks.
They can take the paper, put it in a solution, extract the ink and determine it's composition and compare the results to inks of 2003 against inks of 2008. They can scrutinize the chemical composition and determine probably what company used the inks in their pens and when.

It doesn't matter anyway, because it's the laundry bag that's going to cook her. I have never seen a laundry bag like that in my life, ever. The Anthony's have another one just like it at their home? She's done. The diary is neither here nor there. IMO.
Here is a tip about comparing writing and signatures. Way back in my finance days, I had to decipher forged signatures. I was taught to turn docs upside down and compare shapes. That way your eyes aren't fooled by reading words.
Can anyone remember where the evidence photo is that shows Casey's writing found at Amscot?
I would love to see the previous pages in that diary just to compare the handwriting.
I wanted to put these together just to see if the diary entry is consistent with Casey's current handwriting. Waht do y'all think?




IMO, the police report is in print and the diary is in cursive. Too different compare.
The Today Show had on an analyst on where they talked about the journal, and she says that there are 2 styles of writing where one is a more mature style of writing than the other page. In other words: she thinks the 03 side was done when Casey was younger, but the June 21 side shows more of an adult style handwriting, thus she implies that she thinks it was written after Caylee's death. Not sure if that makes sense, but that was her analysis.

Alot of sleuthers here said the same thing yesterday. I wonder if the video is up?
We can always count on you to bring us back to reality. Well, that says it all. They didn't take it into evidence. It means nothing and won't be used against her.

JWG, you don't think there's a possibility that they did take it, but didn't release that part of their inventory sheet, do you? Since it would be an "ongoing investigation" if they did in fact take it...I know I'm grasping at anything here :blushing:

It's just such a letdown when you see something like that, that seems so "WOW", and then find out that it's likely useless.

I have wondered if there is another evidence sheet out there. Because it appears to me that there was alot more I saw being taken out of the house than what was on the list we got. Wasn't there a couple of boxes of notebooks and papers taken out? A couple of file box type things?
I have wondered if there is another evidence sheet out there. Because it appears to me that there was alot more I saw being taken out of the house than what was on the list we got. Wasn't there a couple of boxes of notebooks and papers taken out? A couple of file box type things?

The first search removed a lot of property from the home, including a box of newspaper clippings and a bunch of photos, but no books.

The second search removed far less property but included sticker sheets, a scrapbook page, some notes, but no books.

If they take it they have to list it on the property sheet. I think they photographed the scrap book because it was not part of the warrant, and they wanted evidence that it existed in case they execute a future warrant.
We can always count on you to bring us back to reality. Well, that says it all. They didn't take it into evidence. It means nothing and won't be used against her.

JWG, you don't think there's a possibility that they did take it, but didn't release that part of their inventory sheet, do you? Since it would be an "ongoing investigation" if they did in fact take it...I know I'm grasping at anything here :blushing:

It's just such a letdown when you see something like that, that seems so "WOW", and then find out that it's likely useless.

Maybe not grasping; maybe very perceptive. Takes time to get ink etc. analyzed. Very well could still be "investigating" this bit of evidence. Also, are we sure it found after the body and not on a previous search?
I am going to chime in again and reiterate a few things I said much earlier in this thread. I believe the diary is from '03.

If you have ever bought a new a journal type book like this, sometimes the glue that is used to hold the pages together oozes a little. When you open a new book wide and flat - as you are getting ready to write in it, the glue that has oozed up sticks to the inside part of the page and it looks exactly like the pages in question in the photo. If pages were ripped out - the spine would have a more ragged appearance. If pages were cut out, say with an exacto knife, you would see a much larger space between the pages. I have also had this happen with a new hard cover book - the glue oozes up a little and makes the part of the page closest to the spine sticky, similar to the bumps you get on the flap of an envelope when you open it, sometimes.

As to what she was referring to in the entry. I think she was talking about losing her virginity or sleeping with a particuler 'new friend'. go back and read the diary entry again, imagining that she has just had 'sex' for the first time or for the first time with 'someone special'. We know she flitted from guy to guy and each one was 'the perfect someone' in the beginning.

As to why LE photographed the entry - I have no idea. It is possible that they did not notice the '03 when they first saw the diary and the entry. A lot of people didn't, as we well know. Or they may have a completely different reason for photographing it. Do we know whether they took the diary into evidence? Or did they just take a picture of that page? If the diary is not listed as evidence - I go with the theory that they took the picture BEFORE they noticed the date up in the corner.

As always, this is only my opinion.
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