Casey's Life in Jail, Visitors; Phone Calls; Commissary etc.#3

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Bet Casey's pizzed and not sleeping well tonight with her potential jury, especially those last few, who believed in the DP, and the women who told her they thought she was Guilty, and the one who told her all about her wild goose chase and the duct tape and heart sticker and her phony job!!!! She was pretty agitated when she left!
How does the Anthonys get $400 for her they work now?

Let's see:
1. Donations ..the Caylee Foundation
2. cindy's disability
3. George's disability
4. I bet GA gets a pension from Ohio
5. TV appearances,

They have extremely low house payment...thanks to them getting special treatment and placed at the top of the list for huge reduction of mortgage.
I bet ICA sleeps just fine and if she doesn't she will get meds and make sure she gets sleep. I wish I could think she was suffering but it probably isn't so.

She gets anxiety whenever she has a change. She doesn't like and she can't handle it. I am waiting to see what happens when she goes to the big house.
I hope it goes back to Pinellas County to pay for all the overtime hours that Casey has caused them this week! Especially the court reporter, I bet her hands are just flat worn out this week!

Kind of ironic though that ICA is the one rubbing and massaging her hands like she has carpal tunnel all day and yet she hasn't lifted a finger in years, maybe ever.
Someone must have deposited money into Casey's Commissary Account, as the balance is currently listed as $100. Now I'm curious if anyone knows whether or not she's permitted to buy snacks to take along to eat while on breaks during court.

LOL! They must have transfered the money from Orange County because I just checked and her balance is now $300.25!

ETA: Oops! I see someone already posted this amount. Thing is, she probably hasn't been able to use it because it probably takes a week between the order and delivery.

I also wonder how much clothing traveled with her. She went through 7 days without a repeat. I'm looking forward to see what she wears if she runs out of new outfits.
Could the DT have deposited money in her account? Does anyone know how often she can wash all that hair?
and the women who told her they thought she was Guilty, and the one who told her all about her wild goose chase and the duct tape and heart sticker and her phony job!!!! She was pretty agitated when she left!

Did these two get in?

I would be particularly concerned if the latter got in?
Let's see:
1. Donations ..the Caylee Foundation
2. cindy's disability
3. George's disability
4. I bet GA gets a pension from Ohio
5. TV appearances,

They have extremely low house payment...thanks to them getting special treatment and placed at the top of the list for huge reduction of mortgage.

I didn't know that Cindy and George were receiving disability. I recall a few years back the church they attended was helping them with bills.
I am half Gypsy and we cannot withstand being confined. Gypsies were also rounded up and sent to death or work camps during WWII by the Nazis but died much quicker than the Jews, for example. They could not stand the confinement.

Hence, jail is one of my very worst nightmares.

But just the food alone would be torture for me. I don't eat processed foods or white refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup, chemicals or preservatives. I eat whole grains like brown rice, whole wheat, etc. I eat a lot of fresh fruit and fresh or frozen veggies, not canned.

I believe that the sugars I mentioned and processed foods plus chemicals, pesticides, preservatives, etc., kill people. They are poison, IMO. They cause cancer, they age you, they cause diabetes. I get physically ill if I eat them more than occasionally feeling weak, fatigued, low blood sugar and in the case of certain sugars, I get very anxious.

I would simply die in prison or jail. I know what they eat and there is nothing you can do about it. I would die.

You can tell that casey has not benefited from the diet. Her skin and hair look bad and she has gained weight. She will look even worse a decade from now.

Yup. I make sure that I never do anything that could cause me to go to jail.
I loved and respected your post. I, too, cannot- simply CANNOT!!- conceive of a life (worth living) while incarcerated for years... decades... ugh. If I knew I would be locked up for many years, I would have to commit suicide, plain and simple. Not trying to be dramatic; it is simply a fact. One of the greatest things about being a WS'er is that it seriously deters one from committing crimes, lol!! ... Just wanted to say that I took your post seriously, and I "get it." And I know this is O/T, but I have always enjoyed reading your posts, and I think that the child pictured in your posts is truly gorgeous; that kid's face is like that of an angel!!:heartbeat:
I loved and respected your post. I, too, cannot- simply CANNOT!!- conceive of a life (worth living) while incarcerated for years... decades... ugh. If I knew I would be locked up for many years, I would have to commit suicide, plain and simple. Not trying to be dramatic; it is simply a fact. One of the greatest things about being a WS'er is that it seriously deters one from committing crimes, lol!! ... Just wanted to say that I took your post seriously, and I "get it." And I know this is O/T, but I have always enjoyed reading your posts, and I think that the child pictured in your posts is truly gorgeous; that kid's face is like that of an angel!!:heartbeat:

I agree with you. I have worked some in the Pinellas County Jails and have been to the unit that ica is in, and it is one of the nicer ones.

However, I have wanted to run screaming from some jails. Just the general smell of dirty laundry and the looks on the inmates faces are enough for me to want to FLEE and protect myself from any one who might want to leech from me. And I agree about the food.
I hope it goes back to Pinellas County to pay for all the overtime hours that Casey has caused them this week! Especially the court reporter, I bet her hands are just flat worn out this week!

Some time in the last week or so someone called in to Prime News and wondered if all of ICA's fidgeting could be her telling someone something like Carol Burnett was doing when she would tug on her ear.

I'd never heard of that so I looked on youtube to see it, and I found this skit she did on her show, playing a court reporter with a defendant trying to sell a load of carp and a not too effective attorney. For some odd reason I thought of ICA.:crazy:


p.s. When Carol tugged on her ear she was telling her grandma she loved her.:blowkiss:
Could the DT have deposited money in her account? Does anyone know how often she can wash all that hair?

I can't think of any reason why they wouldn't be able to. But the few times I looked I don't think I've seen anything like that. One time I saw that some random guy had contributed close to $2. Big spender. :floorlaugh:

I don't know about her hair. I've seen some close up pics where it looks bad. I don't think she's washing it every day. Maybe every third day. I don't think that she can style it for court, she still should cut it into a shorter ponytail. She'd still look worn and weathered, but maybe slightly less so.

Seems like the last couple of days her hair reminds me on the compound women from 'Big Love'. Makes her face look even looooonger and her eyes even beadier, when she's not bulging them.:eek:

I don't think that she can style it for court, she still should cut it into a shorter ponytail. She'd still look worn and weathered, but maybe slightly less so.
Casey's commissary account balance in the Pinellas Co. Jail has gone from $300.25 to $0.00 overnight.
Casey's commissary account balance in the Pinellas Co. Jail has gone from $300.25 to $0.00 overnight.

That just means that the balance has been transferred to OC. ICA is probably on her way back. I do hope she enjoyed her stay, heck, I even hope they took the scenic route over the Howard Frankland bridge so she could see Tampa Bay. It will be a long time before she gets to see it again, if ever.
That just means that the balance has been transferred to OC. ICA is probably on her way back. I do hope she enjoyed her stay, heck, I even hope they took the scenic route over the Howard Frankland bridge so she could see Tampa Bay. It will be a long time before she gets to see it again, if ever.

Happy day! looks like a high balance really fueled a body type that will hurt her ability to appear like a small, vulnerable single mother preyed upon by her family and others.


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