Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #48

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Where the professional searchers?

I could be wrong, but I think they would need to be invited by the family, of course, not the part of the family that is in jail and under suspicion, but the rest of the family. I don't think organizations like TES would want to come in and search if the family did not want them to. Can you imagine, Cindy on the news saying that the searchers are endangering Caley's life? Not to be down on Cindy, I'm not saying she would say that, but I can see the concern. I actually have a lot of sympathy for Cindy, and think she must be going crazy with grief and worry about now.
To add to Suzy's point, it is as easy as making a phone call to TES..
they have a 24 hour answering service and will begin immediately upon verification with LE as the the MP case number as I have posted before adnauseum. I have volunteered to make this intro personally, with no response from the family- soooo..
Important point, TES has in some case, worked on cases where someone was found alive, there is no "presumption of death" necessary

As Cindy says the truth will come out and this will all make sense. To me there is only one truth that would make you not call TES.
LE has stated that searches are going on and they will not publicly release where.

Kudos if they are, but there doesn't seem to be any of the big "manhunts" you see any many kidnapping cases. I would say if you have evidence of a dead body somewhere, that's the place to start.
Maybe I should have just kept my letter to Padilla and his response to myself.

LOL- not at all, I for one are proud of the fact that you took the initiative to clarify his statements. However, I know EXACTLY you feel, stay in it Patty!!
Hi all! Wanted to let you know I was out on Sat and there was a search going on for Caylee. It was around the Dean Rd area close to Blanchard Park. I would say there were about 12 people wearing Caylee shirts searching close to one of the paths.

I think those 12 people should be knocking on the Anthony's door asking them just WHERE DO THE ANTHONY'S WANT THEM TO SEARCH???
As Cindy says the truth will come out and this will all make sense. To me there is only one truth that would make you not call TES.

Sense to them, and sense to the rest of the world seem to be 2 different things.
As Cindy says the truth will come out and this will all make sense. To me there is only one truth that would make you not call TES.

True dat? Now, will someone in the media that is reading this ask the Anthony's that question specifically...

"Why have you not contaced Texas Equusearch?"
I just don't understand it. My son is 2.5 years old. The closest panic I've ever felt to "losing" him was a night a month ago, in the back yard. It was dark. My husband had the flashlight and was headed around the side of the house in search of our escape artist cat. I was about fifty feet behind him. My son shot out across the yard after his Daddy and for a distance of about thirty feet he was walking in total darkness, toward the beam of the flashlight, and I couldn't see him. I was hysterical, and I was ten feet behind him.
I shudder to think what's happened to this child. I cannot help but ask myself, if she's partying and living a life so seemingly normal when her child has been 'gone' for fifty days, then it's just NOT possible that she doesn't know EXACTLY where this child is. If she were alive, and this girl wanted to get out of jail so badly, then she would tell someone where to find Caylee. She must know where Caylee is, and she doesn't want to tell anyone where Caylee is because she knows if she does, she will spend the rest of her life in prison. So she tells lies and strings them along. I believe that her parents are in denial. They know what happened to Caylee, or they must have some idea, but that's a reality they just can't face.
I hope I'm wrong. God knows I want to be wrong.
I think we are looking for a deceased child since LE has said consistently there is no evidence of Zanny having existed beyond Casey saying she did.

LE may not know yet as far as Casey's movements...she's a pathological liar and now she's not talking. Other than credit card receipts and phone records, not much to go on. The places they know she has been may not be conducive to hiding of a body. At this point, I am content to trust the police know what they are doing and if they haven't conducted a manhunt type of search yet, its for good reason.

Ok, this post cleared up my questions from the last post a little bit...I can see what you're saying.

Only we do know that Jay Blanchard has harbored bodies before:( There have been a few homicides there lately, if I'm not mistaken. Plus lots of brush as per images I've seen of the park.

But I see where you were backing up your post now, and understand your point better.
Hi all! Wanted to let you know I was out on Sat and there seemed to be a search going on for Caylee. It was around the Dean Rd area close to Blanchard Park. I would say there were about 12 people wearing Caylee shirts searching close to one of the paths.

I am so glad to hear that. Especially close to that park. I still wonder why no organized search. There is power in numbers!! Also, if they are trying not to discourage the public, hasn't that already been done with the 2 cadaver dogs hitting on 2 different locations? And the news about the smell of the car, the fluid in the car, the hair in the car, etc. etc. I think many people are assuming the worst at this point. So, find that baby and get her home!!!!

I just don't get it.
The down side I believe is for traction for something like this you need the family to stand up for it. The families voice really drives a campaign like that. This family has no desire to see a law like that.

True and that's really a sad commentary that minus the family little Caylee has no voice in this world.
Did I just hear on Fox Cable News that Tony now says that he did not hear Caylee on the phone on the 24th? My heavens and they wonder why so many feel the way that we do. It's just one lie right after another.


And I don't think Jesse was lying. I think he assumed he heard Caylee but perhaps did not.
I'm not trying to criticize anyone (LE, the family, volunteers) for not searching, I'm just saying it's strange, and makes me think there are reasons we don't know about that no searches are taking place. I just can't imagine what those reasons could be. I can't see any difference between this case and others in which searches took place.
Do you have the link to the vigil?

Sorry - I can't seem to find the link, though I got it from this forum. Can anyone else post it?

Now, I have to go back to work...:)
As Cindy says the truth will come out and this will all make sense. To me there is only one truth that would make you not call TES.

Lemme guess.

That you don't want experts like TES there, because they WILL find what they're looking for.
PLUS SHE IS SAYING CAYLEE IS CLOSE TO HOME. VERY CLOSE TO HOME. They should look near her mother's house. She had her in the backyard most likely and probably didn't take her far with that smell to get rid of the body.

I think with the cadaver dogs hitting in the backyard and the car, we can assume a dead body was at these places at one time. Logically, a search should start from there, and from where the car was abandoned? Casey doesn't look like a rocket scientist when it comes to covering her tracks, the body could have been dumped very close to home, or to the car.
Didn't TexasEquuSearch do the majority of that searching for Natalee? Because the family requested their help? Wasn't someone saying that recently that these non-profit organizations have to be asked to help first?

Also, shouldn't it be considered that she isn't likely to have gone far if she had to steal gas from her parent's gas cans to get somewhere to begin with? On more than one occasion. It's not like she had endless funds to fill up. Not to mention that the further she goes, the more likely someone would have seen her.

I wish we had some concrete answers as to if they are searching and if not, why? I really think if they were out there searching, the media would be ALL over it. Don't y'all?

It has not been confirmed to my knowledge that it was Casey who stole the gas. You can go pretty far on a tank of gas and Orlando is on the ocean, I posted earlier if anyone knew whether Casey might have gotten access to a boat, but I never got an answer.

I believe the woods around her parents house have not been searched because LE doesn't believe the baby is burried there, probably based on some kind of evidence or indication of Casey's timeline.

Plus, let's be honest, the child was missing for 31 days in Orlando in the summer, by the time the 911 call was made, most likely the body was already too decomposed to make much differerence in the case.

It does seem to make sense to search possibly around where the car was found, but again, 31 days is a long time, nobody can even pin down the most likely week the child really disappeared...let alone where Casey was when this occured.

It makes sense to me that police are trying to retrace her steps based on phone and credit card records and talk to witnesses to see what if anything they saw. Possibly after that phase is complete, they will move to some searches.
I was also at the Publix on Chickasaw this afternoon and I didn't see the tent. I looked everywhere, but just didn't see it.
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