Caylee Anthony 2 years old #13 General Discussion

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Originally Posted by athy
where did she go to look for her?

Does she golf?
Ah, so I see the Rev. has weighed in with his take on Casey's personality.

And an unflattering picture it is he's painted.
The reward money wasn't put up by the family. The bulk of it was donated by a wealthy local car dealer, and I think a missing children's organization is also participating.

The family has set up a trust fund for Caylee that was under discussion earlier today - no one seems quite sure what that is for.

Just adding the reward is good for 90 days from now, and is only for information leading to Caylee's safe return.
Maybe LE could start asking who the natural father is of this child, and if in fact the biological father has Caylee, and if not, where is Caylee's body?? I sure hope this Casey starts talking, and the Grandma stops covering for her. The fact the Grandma brought up the car being stolen first and money, really makes you wonder, what's really going on, and the family doesn't seem that upset about missing Caylee. Are there searches underway, are their descriptions of what Caylee was wearing??

Casey better start talking!
My thoughts on Greta so far? I am glad she has her panel back tonight. I agree with Ted and Bernie. What kind of a mother is that calm when her child has been missing for 31 days???

I was bothered too by how calm Casey was in speaking to the 911 operator. When the operator asked for the name of the babysittter, Casey spelled the first name and then said, "Fernandez hyphen Gonzolas. Someone who is under stress just doesn't think that precisely to add the hyphen in surnames. By contrast, look at her mother's reactions to speaking with the 911 operator. And also compare her composure to other 911 calls we've heard.
I have a question and if it's already been asked and answered please forgive me. How can Cindy and George, Caseys mother be posting a $250,000.00 reward if they don't have $50,000.00 to pay a bondsman to bail Casey out of jail. IMO I believe the reason she can post that award amount is because she know's Caylee is dead and that she and her daughter and most likely her husband know's where Caylee is. Am I crazy for thinking this thought?

Windchime, I see where you are going with this, but supposedly this reward money has been donated from others- one a businessman and another from a nonprofit called Never Loose Hope Foundation of Orlando.
hey all...

so, i took it upon myself to message jesse's dad on his myspace, from mine, and simply ask him what we all have wanted to kno... could jesse be the dad.

i explained that that is why (in my opinion) many of started talking about him/his family to begin with... no one knew where the bio. dad was and no one had proof that he was dead. and with jesse seemly genuinely interested and him having pics up and his mom having a newborn pic up, etc... that that led to questions.

we'll see if he answers and maybe that'll clear up THAT aspect of the story.
Thank you so very, very, very much for sharing...and thank you to all the rest of you as well for sharing similar things that underscore your passion here.

my classmate, Tina Marie Harmon, was kidnapped, tied, brutally raped, and murdered when I was in second grade. That is why I am here. I have never, ever, ever been able to get it out of my mind...he little black desk chair sitting there all empty....
Just adding the reward is good for 90 days from now, and is only for information leading to Caylee's safe return.

Is it just me, or are you sick and tired of hearing reward for safe return? AS much as I pray that is the case with every single missing person, you just wonder if the reward was for any information leading to Caylee's whereabouts, that maybe someone would come forward?
Well, we are all coming on here being sneaky then, since no one uses their own name or posts personal information that can identify them.


Nope! you're wrong! I post with my real name & even have my street sign as my avatar.

If people don't wanna discuss crime cases they shouldn't come here. And most surely shouldn't tell us people that like sleuthing not to.

Back O/T... that looooooooooong grpa letter seemed so unchristian to me.

yes my REAL name, I was born with it & like it a lot
I couldn't believe the difference between the grandmother's 911 call and her words on television.

She's completely accusatory of her daughter in the phone call, she says she smelled a dead body in the car, but on television says it was old pizza perhaps?

I've had old fast food left in odd spots in my car and nothing has come close to the smell of a decomposing human body. Not even when we accidentally spilled the glass of milk left in the car.
I was bothered too by how calm Casey was in speaking to the 911 operator. When the operator asked for the name of the babysittter, Casey spelled the first name and then said, "Fernandez hyphen Gonzolas. Someone who is under stress just doesn't think that precisely to add the hyphen in surnames. By contrast, look at her mother's reactions to speaking with the 911 operator. And also compare her composure to other 911 calls we've heard.

Question to our very own Annette or anyone else who it common to hyphenate latino names like that? Could the hyphen be a way to throw someone off...say like giving LE a bogus number???? Should we not be looking for the hyphen?:confused:
Goldenroad and Colonial is not necessarily a bad part of town. It's not necessarily upclass and snooty, but definitely not the hood.

Ah ok. I was thinking someone last night said it was a drug part of town. Thanks :)
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