Caylee Anthony 2 years old #4

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With all of this 'double talk', 'hemming & hawing' and 'talking of codes'....I have to wonder if Caylee's parentage is the big family secret?

I think it is a big secret. I think Casey never wanted her mother to know who the father is and Cindy let her tell that lie, in order to keep from having to share Caylee with the paternal family.
Does anyone have where it was posted of a "friend" of Casey's? I think the post was something like, a girl posts about the father and says "that's not what Casey told me" when mentioned the father died.
Seems to me Cindy is afraid of the questions that may be asked about what happened to her grandaughter....... and much more afraid of the answers she may hear.

Also why release Casey so she can help?
If she wants to help so much, why can't she do so from where she sits?

She had 5 WEEKS to "help" for crying out loud!!!!!!! She partied and lied to everyone instead - why on Earth would she "help" now???
My theory is that the father may be a married man. How and where was Casey getting all the money to party if she wasn't working?

Could it be that the only way this man could keep them from saying something to his wife would be to give them money? Maybe they were blackmailing him.

Anything is possible. But it does seem to be the big "secret" to me.
Just weighing in with my .02 worth:

I think Casey's parents are playing the supportive role because they know Casey did something to Caylee, and she's the only one who can lead them to the baby. I think they feel that if they play it right, Casey will give them information.

However, at the same time, I believe Casey killed her little girl -- whether by accident or otherwise, I don't have a theory. But with all the coverage this is getting, if she had passed the girl onto someone, they would have come forward by now OR someone would have seen her out somewhere.

The tattoo Casey got - "Bella Vida" - leads me to believe this even more. That sounds like a memoriam to me.

I also believe that Casey is mentally ill and/or has a personality disorder of some sort. She didn't just start making up lies a month ago - she's been this way for a long, long time. Her parents know it.
I still think that Cindy, while doing more harm than good for herself and her daughter, is a woman possessed about bringing her world right again. I think that as things progress, some of the nonsense she states and some of the "information" she blurts out during interviews will be proven or disproven pretty easily.

I can see that the strategy LE is employing, in a way, has been successful in terms of applying pressure to this family. If Casey is indeed begging to be released, and there is no reason to believe she isn't, then the very first part of a deal she would offer is let me out and I can find her because I know who she is with...but maybe not so much where.

LE is drawing a line and saying, Oh no-we have had enough and you will tell us where she is now before anything else happens.

During the denial of bond, did any of you catch Casey agreeing with the judge when he said it appeared that she did not care very much about her child since it took so long to report her missing??? She nodded her head repeatedly...
yes, having the father "die" was mighty convenient for everybody. Another lie is my guess. Casey is young and I'm guessing so was the least not that old to die right before she had the baby. Course if he died in a car accident or something, OK...but why wouldn't Casey have told her mother that. Why would that be such a big secret? GM says she doesn't know how he died. I mean, c'mon.
She had 5 WEEKS to "help" for crying out loud!!!!!!! She partied and lied to everyone instead - why on Earth would she "help" now???

So what's the deal about releasing her? As far as we can see it wouldn't encourage Casey to tell the truth.
In fact, it would reinforce the fact she 'can get away with anything' once again...
The family better hope a hurricane doesn't hit the US coast in the next 96 hours, their story will be pushed to the back of the line. We have not had hurricane coverage in 2 years and the networks are ready. Even a small storm making US landfall will get massive coverage. This is a seize the window opportunity for them.
I hope they are able to keep her in lockup for the 30 odd days,and don't allow Cindy access to her,she just wants to keep the story straight. secrets secrets
Well, I'm out of here. I've been following this since the start and even began the very first thread.

But I find myself increasingly unhappy and disappointed by most of my fellow websleuthers.

Legitimate questions have been asked such as when was the last time anyone saw Casey driving the car (for example) yet no one (or hardly anyone) even tries to answer.

For the most part it is villify Grandma and say someone should force Casey to talk.

Well, this is America and the unfortunate truth is we can't force anyone to talk.

Unless evidence ends up showing me otherwise, I will try ad remain understanding of the Grandmother. She's lost her beloved granddaugther (and I have seen no evidence to prove otherwise). The daughter she loves has been show to be a pathological liar in front of the whole world. A daughter she probably had no reason to doubt until now.

And that daughter is her her only link to Caylee.

If I were her, I would also be desperately hoping Caylee were alive. That my daughter didn't harm her. that Casey, despite everything, might still tell the truth. That if the grandmother defends her enough and believes in her enough, something good will happen. What else can she do?

This thread(s) remind of the Ramsey boards. Vilify the parents or grandparents. Ignore other lines of inquiry.

I will continue to hope and pray for Caylee as well as for those who love her.

First you are not the one who started the original thread. You started a duplicate one, in the wrong category,which a mod combined with the original, correct one.

Second, You need to read Websleuths (WS) Etiquette & Information
regarding attacking other posters.
Man....I'm chomping at the bit to say WHO I THINK is Caylee's dad....Please don't let me say it...
Is any one able to access records, birth,marriage,adoption. Just curious about Casey.
I have never ever heard a family member asking for the media's HELP in finding their missing loved on be so RUDE and arrogant! I game gma a pass on the Geraldo interview and chalked it up to being stressed and tired. But this is uncalled for!
IMO, gma knows something. The family needs to be truthful and Caylee will be found! Casey and gma need to get their acts together and SPEAK THE TRUTH asap! :mad:

So true so true! At first I thought,.. how would my mom feel if my daughter was gone and it was I who came up with this story??? My mom would air out ALL our dirty laundry to try to get my daughter back. She would not be acting like this GM. The media is trying to help and they are asking LEGITIMATE questions and she is being nothing but rude! How can you talk only about Caylee and her being missing when HER MOTHER left her with an unknown babysitter at a apartment that wasn't rented since Feb and didn't report her missing for 5 weeks??????
It is just absurd!:bang:
As a grandmother myself, no one can make me believe that Cindy didn't know the father's last name. That's too convenient. Especially if the father suddenly dies in an accident. A grandmother's heart would be breaking for that family that would only have one thing in life left of their son,... Caylee.
It's crossed my mind that Caylee may be the product of incest between Casey and a family member. :(

I think there are deep, dark secrets in this family.
Seems to me Cindy is afraid of the questions that may be asked about what happened to her grandaughter....... and much more afraid of the answers she may hear.

Also why release Casey so she can help?
If she wants to help so much, why can't she do so from where she sits?
Forgive me for jumping in as this may have been addressed earlier, but I just got in from work. GM stated that she has not had time to speak with her daughter. Excuse me, but weren't they together setting up a MySpace page? (I believe that was mentioned on the Today Show this morning.) You don't question your daughter about her child's whereabouts? You don't ask her for the number of the "babysitter" so you can call her...a babysitter even the GM admits watched Caylee for a a year and a half? Take that one step further, why doesn't GM have the number of the babysitter if she was REAL? The gal on the Today Show asked great one point I thought I heard someone off camera say not to answer the question. Also, I know how daughters can get with their moms. I also wondered if Casey had removed Caylee from GM's life to punish her. I can even understand that to a point...but to the extent she is now carrying this out IMO is twisted. I saw her nodding at the judge when he berated her for her lack of concern for her child...and I wanted to wipe that smug look off her face myself. GM keeps saying "let her out" so I can talk to her. This girl is best off where she is and I hope she's receiving therapeutic care while she's there. She needs it!!
Is Cindys husband name George?
I was looking up Orange county documents and found a Domestic court relations paper in Dec. What in the world could that be?
There are a ton of judgments in there too.
Just wondering if there were any troubles in that home before Casey left.
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