Caylee Anthony 3 year old General discussion #93

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And the fact that he called Casey to let her know! This was a man who was led to believe that Caylee was his daughter, who broke off their engagement when the paternity tests came back, whose parents ALSO took care of her for the first 10 months, and THIS is someone he calls to let know of his resignation?!

If Jesse really was/is moving to Georgia - he probably wanted to see Caylee before he left.

Would love to hear more from Jesse - maybe Greta could try and get him on the show.
I just don't think the info on the exact amount taken by Casey from Cindy's account(s) has been published. We've seen references to credit card charges and checks, but not dollar amounts.

More info was given regarding the amount taken from Amy, but I've been seeing $700, 1000 and 1300/1700 posted here as the amount taken (initial missing cash plus from checking account). Researching back, we should be able to establish a firmer figure here.

Original reports on Amy were $700 cash in vacation money and $1000 from her account via stolen checks.

Nancy Grace said $45,000 spree on Gma's stolen credit card. Given NG's unblemished record of being a fountain of indesputible facts, we can assume the credit card may have never existed.
One thing that has been bugging me is about Cindy's myspace rant on the 3rd - is when she says - "the only thing I'm guilty of..."

Odd choice of words - as if it is in response to someone who has said she is guilty of something. And I don't mean just loving little Caylee too much - or anything like that.

I take it just as a mother defending herself from her daughter's selfish rants regarding her being too overbearing with Caylee. JMO.
Oh yes, for sure the mother of the year award!! :furious:

I can't tell you what I'd like to do with her trophy!

One thing I find interesting to watch is, in the video clips in jail, when she's on the phone, how her eyes shift constantly from left to right. Which side is it that a liar's eyes go to when they're spinning their tails, is it the left side?


I think I heard when not telling the truth its the left:
Left lie
Right, recall.
I agree. I've heard comments about Casey being a very smart girl but I just don't see any evidence of this. Her lies to LE were so harebrained, so idiotic as to undermine any notions of her supposed intelligence. And all the more when you consider that she had about a month to formulate an explanation for Caylee's disappearance.

She doesn't appear to be very street-smart either. Knowing that she would one day have to explain Caylee's disappearance, she still left a paper trail of her actions, based on computer usage, phone calls, credit card usage, etc. And given the situation she was in, she didn't know enough to exercise her right to remain silent when first confronted by LE.
i made the comment that casey is smart like a fox..not that foxes are so smart but more as quick like a fox.
You're most likely right because Cindy said she was trying to give LE receipts. Probably cash.
I think Casey may have enjoyed those colorful pills and who nows maybe even the glass pipe. IMO Stuff ani't cheap
One thing that has been bugging me is about Cindy's myspace rant on the 3rd - is when she says - "the only thing I'm guilty of..."
Odd choice of words - as if it is in response to someone who has said she is guilty of something. And I don't mean just loving little Caylee too much - or anything like that.

(bolding mine) That could be in rebuttal of allegations made against her by Casey, i.e., "you're always in my business", "it's none of your business where I'm going or when I'll be home", "I don't care if you like my friends or not", "Caylee is MY daughter", etc. . . IMO
We need to remember that while there is a lack of factual information available on this case, there is also a large amount of MISINFORMATION and unconfirmed rumor. There is basically NO CHANCE that the Anthony family had any credit card with a credit limit of more than $45,000! The company's own security procedures would have prompted calls to the owner of the credit card if a sudden flurry of charges occurred and George or Cindy could then have put a hold on the card and/or canceled it immediately. IF the card was given to Casey to use, then any amount is NOT theft. IF it was taken without permission, then they are obligated to either report it missing to the company, cancel the card voluntarily, or be responsible for the charges.

If there is a link to EVIDENCE that there were $45,000 worth of charges within one month.....Could someone post that please.

While I agree that there would have been calls if that much was charged within a short period of time, I think it is certainly possible that they had a credit card with a limit that high. I am only 33, have had the same two credit cards since I was 18 and my limit is $28,000 on one and $23,000 on the other. I can only imagine that it will continue to go up and by the time I'm their age, it will easily be close to $40,000, if not more.

However, I think this $45,000 claim is bogus and something that was misspoken by someone along the lines & it's been run with.
Did anyone notice in the report that was taped in the club Fusion that there was a child playing on the couch behind the reporter? What time of day was this taped? And is it normal for kids to be hanging out there? Just seemed strange to me if it was taped in the evenng hours. Here in PA ppl under 21 are not permitted in clubs/bars after 9pm.
Fusian is also a sushi restaurant, so there's probably a cross-over in the early evening.

The banquettes the producer was standing in front of were in darkness, so I think it was recorded at an off-hour.

(Doesn't excuse the fact that he should have gotten the manager to hit the lights for the few minutes he was standing there.)
Fusian is also a sushi restaurant, so there's probably a cross-over in the early evening.

The banquettes the producer was standing in front of were in darkness, so I think it was recorded at an off-hour.

(Doesn't excuse the fact that he should have gotten the manager to hit the lights for the few minutes he was standing there.)

Ahh, thanks for the info.
Just out of curiousity.... What if the car hadn't been towed? What if it was still sitting there, or it was towed and no one sent the Anthony's a certified letter, or it WAS stolen and dumped in a body of water, never to be seen again? Who knows how long the lies about the car could have gone on before the car was even reported stolen or found...maybe indefinitely?
Would anyone even now realize that poor little Caylee was gone...except for Casey? Would Cindy still be accepting that she was being punished and therefore not permitted to speak to Caylee(that's just my opinion)? Would Casey STILL be working her imagi-job? Would she still be calling the imagi-nanny and claiming that Caylee was at the imagi-beach? You know, when you just think about it from that perspective..that is some pretty scarey .
Poor Caylee....everyone in her life seems to have failed her on some level. Let's hope someone has the strength, dedication and determination to bring this child way or the other, so if nothing else Caylee can be at peace.
I've always been a firm believer in "everything happens for a reason." This is really beginning to cause me to rethink that philosophy. If I live to be one thousand I don't think I could EVER find a "reason" for THIS to happen.
i made the comment that casey is smart like a fox..not that foxes are so smart but
more as quick like a fox.
Smart does not mean common sense either, which she surely lacked.
I recall Clint saying he really didn't know much about fathers' day weekend because he was out of town with his own father...Jacksonville, if I'm not mistaken...:waitasec:
* Clint said he went to Jacksonville and he returned on Sunday. When asked by Greta if Casey was there that night his reply was, "I believe so, yes, she was there. Caylee wasn't there." Greta: Fast forward again to Father's Day, June 15th, you returned later that day, you think Casey spent the night there that Sunday night. Do you remember waking up that next day, the day after Father's Day?

Clint: Ah, yes, Monday for class.

Greta: Do you remember seeing Caylee?

Clint: Uh No. Caylee was not...Like I said, Caylee never spent the night over there.

Greta: How about Casey? Was Casey there that morning if you remember?

Clint: I can't recall.

Greta: Do you remember anything else about June 16th?

Clint: No, nothing out of the ordinary.

(August 13th interview with Clint by GVS on Fox.)
Yes, but unfortunately, the true fools are the parents who swallowed whole all of Casey's lies for years.
Parents did NOT believe her lies. Just quit the interrogating long ago. Remember with this family it is all about appearances.
Mom Cindy is SO concerned that she raised a rotten daughter. People will come to know they accepted her lies.
Cindy will not be mother of the year either...and this to her is about as bad as losing a grandchild. Remember, it is all about appearances with those two women.
This is what is really bothering me...I hope this doesn't happen.



I didn't watch Greta last night. But others posted here that her and her legal panel said it didn't add up. Or said something along those lines. I'm not an attorney, but IMO, it's a reporter misreading and making a false interpretation of a statute they located somewhere.
He did...UNTIL he returned home that Sunday. Then he was pretty specific that Casey was with Tony at their apartment that night. Let me go get the transcript I did from Tivo of his exact words.

Thank you SS...that makes sense!
I understand this is your opinion. My opinion is
If my granddaughter was missing and I was trying to suppress the thought that my own daughter did it and the media was hounding me, I would snap worse than him.
I said early on I have no idea how they are NOT freaking out. They have both been too calm for me.
I guess you never know if you haven't lived through it. I pray we never have to.

With the hours of TV time that both have done, I can't believe that we have seen such little true emotion. Yes, we have seen George's chin quiver and some shouting, but Cindy ? - Nothing remotely close.
People are just different I guess, but Cindy/Casey are not the powderpuffs that my wife is, who cries at movies !
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