Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #116

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So basically what Baez is saying is that they have come up with a defense strategy that will address her fear of telling people what happened to Caylee and still offer up anonymity. They have to keep the perps anonymous so that they are not questioned why she did not persue them. if she gets out of jail and starts giving up info, specific info on how to "find Caylee", then that will hurt her defense because it will crush the anonymity basically the new excuse for not talking will ruin the current defense strategy if the specific info she provides does not produce Caylee. Apparently her attorney has no faith in any information she would provide or felt the info she was planning on providing to her family (lies) should not be givin. It's all about the defense strategy. She has been told, "if you cannot give info that you are 100% sure will bring Caylee home alive, don't give any at all". It could be used against her in court and even her atty knows she is full of sh**!!!!
I agree...and when my hopeful brain is engaged....I entertain the same thoughts. I am a jaded open heart nurse....(and wife to an army officer that has been downrange more times than I can snot at)...and I tend to see the facts in this case blaring the nagative. Your thoughts are refreshing...and I hope and pray...true! :blowkiss:

You are very sweet and POSTITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!! :blowkiss:
I only say to turn both pics over to LE because we have no idea what other undies they have. Tuesdays could be on the fence and Wednesdays could be on her a$$ in the picture, but came from the same pack.
I know you and I have been through this before. I have articles and news reports that state that it was two dogs in the trunk and was just trying to further verify my stance on it. :rolleyes:

Nurse, thank you very much for all of your help.
you are very welcome...I thought it was great coverage of the bond hearing... for those who missed it and do not want to dig for the link.....
How 'bout "time-out-gate" ? :crazy: I was here for 2 days and have already been punished!, I just stay away from the Padilla thread, seems to be working:woohoo:!
DUDE! you sooo made me laugh!!! You are all right dude!:crazy:
We have so much discussion on this board. Does anyone other than myself and JBean feel that she is alive. I mean in a physical sense, not by opinion of what we see?

I honestly do not know. I am waiting to hear the DNA results. There are not enough facts for me to base my conclusion on whether or not she's alive. I think the mother in me hopes and prays she's alive but the circumstantial evidence thus far points in a different direction.
We have so much discussion on this board. Does anyone other than myself and JBean feel that she is alive. I mean in a physical sense, not by opinion of what we see?
I should add that while I do have that sense, I am still looking at the information with an open mind. Maybe that sense makes it easier to keep my mind open..not sure.
Paladine, in rereading my post I can see why it was insulting to you. I sincerly apologize. I did not have you in mind nor was I speaking of any poster in particular. But still, I could have chosen better words and I will be more careful in the future.

With that said, I don' think polka dots being the same or dfferent is an opinion.

Hey, need to explain to me! I am well known, I'm sure, for not using the BEST wording, at times, myself! :bang: It is sometimes difficult to get true intended thought from brain to keypad, lol. Just saw some tension, and thought I'd try and diffuse it...
So basically what Baez is saying is that they have come up with a defense strategy that will address her fear of telling people what happened to Caylee and still offer up anonymity. They have to keep the perps anonymous so that they are not questioned why she did not persue them. if she gets out of jail and starts giving up info, specific info on how to "find Caylee", then that will hurt her defense because it will crush the anonymity basically the new excuse for not talking will ruin the current defense strategy if the specific info she provides does not produce Caylee. Apparently her attorney has no faith in any information she would provide or felt the info she was planning on providing to her family (lies) should not be givin. It's all about the defense strategy. She has been told, "if you cannot give info that you are 100% sure will bring Caylee home alive, don't give any at all". It could be used against her in court and even her atty knows she is full of sh**!!!!

I don't think she has told him anything or anything that has proved accurate.

So he is going with what many posters here believe, if there isn't proof Caylee is dead then she is alive and someone has her. That is the posters right and Jose's as well. It just may not make a very good defense in a child neglect case.
I only say to turn both pics over to LE because we have no idea what other undies they have. Tuesdays could be on the fence and Wednesdays could be on her a$$ in the picture, but came from the same pack.
yup....kinda like those matching rip lines on a roll of trash bags! seriously now peeps!
I honestly do not know. I am waiting to hear the DNA results. There are not enough facts for me to base my conclusion on whether or not she's alive. I think the mother in me hopes and prays she's alive but the circumstantial evidence thus far points in a different direction.

Okay, I understand. Put aside your mind-side of proof and media. What do you feel inside trying to set all that aside. Your Gut?
I only say to turn both pics over to LE because we have no idea what other undies they have. Tuesdays could be on the fence and Wednesdays could be on her a$$ in the picture, but came from the same pack.

Oh, yeah, I definately agree. Guess I should have put IMHO in there somewhere..LOL...still learning.....But you do have a vaild point.
I honestly do not know. I am waiting to hear the DNA results. There are not enough facts for me to base my conclusion on whether or not she's alive. I think the mother in me hopes and prays she's alive but the circumstantial evidence thus far points in a different direction. to an exact T.
f she had worn something different they would complain about that also. Damned if you do and damned if you don't sort of. Anything to bash about no wonder there are 113 threads. We are helping to solve this by just bashing anyone connected to CA

Well instead of bashing I guess we could launder some pants and wait to tell LE for 19 days and lie about it to the media, lie about gas cans, make up imaginary kidnappers as a distraction for finding out what really happened to Caylee, court the media like there is no tomorrow and then threaten them with a garden hose when their presence becomes inconvenient, continually lie to the media and the public, and do nothing but impede a Law Enforcement investigation.

Oh wait. Thats already been done.

I am not sure if you quoted everything this person said. It is soooo hard to keep up at this forum. yikes! But, from what you quoted.
I don't think they were defending Casey. I think they were defending who have ever been associated with her.
I do agree that if Casey came out wearing something different, or made it out of jail without media catching it on tape, that there would still be complaints. That does not mean that anything you have mentioned is bother-some.

It is all very frustrating to everyone who has become "attached" to this case.
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