Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #116

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It's been so hard keeping up with all this information, between reading threads and going back and forth to reference links, my eyes are about to bleed from strain!

Indulge me a couple of thoughts, and if they've already been asked, please forgive me... Does anyone else think it's "cute" that Baez's pocket hanky matched Casey's shirt?

And if it is there intention to have Casey help find Caylee, which is still the primary focus of this whole thing, does that mean that's she's "close", like within 150' of the phone, cause she can't go anywhere else?

Finally, I think Casey was entitled to everything she got when she walked out of jail today, and I'm glad LE didn't provide her an unobstructed path; she sure hasn't provided one to them!
I have to say, if there was a smell in the car, there would have been charges by now or it wasn't Caylee. I'm not going on what is said in the news. I listen to that and I try to reason, but what I'm saying is that my body (I guess) and maybe my spiritual side say's that is not the case. Can't explain that sorry, it's hard. It just is a feeling.

Katie -- I actually agree with you somewhat. I do believe the smell in the car was related to Caylee -- the stain -- possibly not. I believe that if they had something on her they would have kept in jail on something.

I think the DNA tests on the car came back negative (it normally doesn't take 30+ days to get DNA results back) -- so they grabbed a bunch of her clothes to test.

My worries hinge on the fact that even if they had the results back -- and they were positive -- it doesn't prove "murder".

I've also been under the impression that Casey probably wasn't watching Caylee like she should, and something happened to her. (Drowning, etc..)

Casey obviously thought it was her fault and she would get blamed for it -- thus not calling 911 and trying to cover it up.
I don't think she has told him anything or anything that has proved accurate.

So he is going with what many posters here believe, if there isn't proof Caylee is dead then she is alive and someone has her. That is the posters right and Jose's as well. It just may not make a very good defense in a child neglect case.

I dont believe I said anything about anybody's right to believe anything, you may want to re-read my post, thanks.
That's no true about the charges.
With you on DAT Cdf! Grand Jury. Also the statement LE made (presser wise) that said they would release info to press only if they deemed it necessary (ie they needed public help). I personally feel they have a huge case building behind scene as we "forum" here about it... Any thoughts on that? Checkda?
If Casey said hold her head up high because she is innocent.

My question since no crime has been committed as per Jose, Casey etc. What is she innocent of?
I have to say, if there was a smell in the car, there would have been charges by now or it wasn't Caylee. I'm not going on what is said in the news. I listen to that and I try to reason, but what I'm saying is that my body (I guess) and maybe my spiritual side say's that is not the case. Can't explain that sorry, it's hard. It just is a feeling.

I don't think they can arrest someone for a smell
It's been so hard keeping up with all this information, between reading threads and going back and forth to reference links, my eyes are about to bleed from strain!

Indulge me a couple of thoughts, and if they've already been asked, please forgive me... Does anyone else think it's "cute" that Baez's pocket hanky matched Casey's shirt?

haha I caught that but didn't wanna point it out. I guess it's kinda like Prom for them.
Okay, I'm going to stop being Spiritual here. Just wanted to explain my feelings.

Not sure about the smell in the car and no charges. Very inexperienced in that. I just figure if anything came back, they would file more charges by now. Personally, I don't think they have a case OSC. They would have never let her out, or maybe they want to have her trip up. I just don't think that is the case.
I still want to know how Casey is going to get emails from Tom Manley at Universal if she is denied access to a computer?

How is she going to know what events she is supposed to work in the coming weeks?
Originally Posted by Winnts


Did I miss one?


shut up gate
Okay I asked this earlier and then left and lost the post...Anyway so say Caylee drowned in the pool as some believe..would the air test show chlorine in the air of the trunk or car?
I'm telling you what she said was..."is that a beer in your pocket or are you just happy to see me"...replay the tape lol.

Now I have gone from reading a thread with panty detail, to hairy white butts, and now...mae west....:waitasec:

Where we gonna go next
How about

and put up the ladder while you're at it.
Okay, I understand. Put aside your mind-side of proof and media. What do you feel inside trying to set all that aside. Your Gut?

My gut? My gut says she's still alive. My gut says that when all of the truth comes out, we are all going to be like WTF just happened!!!!!!!! Usually, the simplest explanation is usually the right one but my gut in this case says it's definitely not that way.
I dont believe I said anything about anybody's right to believe anything, you may want to re-read my post, thanks.

Um, maybe it wasn't clear but I was agreeing with your post. His defense is going to have real issues if he has to believe her lies, and that produces no Caylee and he has defend against child neglect. He would have to represent Caylee is alive because there is no body and Casey says so.
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