Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #116

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Sorry in advance, stupid ? from a newbie.

If LE found Caylee's remains, would they have to let anyone know? (media, family, etc)
HI Lovejac :blowkiss:
Only if they are going to use it in court I suppose.

ETA: well not the only reason.
Even if she is never charged for this . . . she will never be able to live a normal life in the Orlando area -- or possibly ANYWHERE in the United States for that matter.

She is possibly the most hated woman in the US right now.

She will never be able to go out in public again without fear of someone attacking her physically or verbally.

Her life for all practical purposes is over -- no matter what the outcome of this tragic case is.
I hope you're right. I can't believe how sad today was. Where's that sweet Caylee?
Okay, I'm going to stop being Spiritual here. Just wanted to explain my feelings.

Not sure about the smell in the car and no charges. Very inexperienced in that. I just figure if anything came back, they would file more charges by now. Personally, I don't think they have a case OSC. They would have never let her out, or maybe they want to have her trip up. I just don't think that is the case.

I've been resisting saying this, but think it's time. Katie, I understand what you're saying, but they could not keep her in jail. Right, wrong, or indifferent, anyone who is charged with a crime has a constitutional right to bail. I personally don't like it; I think they should have left her in the general population, and all the information would be out by now. But, keeping the constitution in mind, and the court's order, when the money was put up, she was out.

And, personal opinion, I believe LE is building a good, solid case, and keeping it close to their chest, until they swoop down with the next warrant!
Yes and you have to wonder at that quiet relaxing evening she just spend at know, with her family, Jose, the dogs, the cats, a 24 hr body guard. Like, was she watching the tube and getting a clue?

I'm sure Cindy made Casey's favorite dinner. Jose felt like he was on a date meeting the parents, Lee was still in Jedi mode, George was busy looking out the window for the kidnappers

and Casey was.....(anyone care to finish)
Not only that but she has missed like 22 days of imaginary work she has to catch up on. Prolly lots of calls and emails to explain where she has been etc. She obviously no call no showed, her imaginary boss may have even pretend fired her.

Awww, she lost her imaginary benefits too....I hate that. Imaginary healthcare providers will cost more of her imaginary (or allegedly stolen) money.
I'm sure Cindy made Casey's favorite dinner. Jose felt like he was on a date meeting the parents, Lee was still in Jedi mode, George was busy looking out the window for the kidnappers

and Casey was.....(anyone care to finish)

pretending to care!
Did anyone catch TonE's roommate on Greta last week who said that he watched Caylee one time when TonE and Casey were in the "other room" -- did that mean that Casey was having relations with TonE with her daughter in the next room?

And the winner of the Mother of the Year award goes to . . .
AGREE TOTALLY! She is a typical 22 year old that wants to be around her friends and such. I feel she had too much support to not help her child. She wasn't alone in an apartment wtih no support. Don't get it yet.

Classic case of enabling..her parents enabled her to live it up at the expense of her child.

IF Casey was single those pics would be chalked up to her being a crazy, promiscuous(sp?) 22 year old. BUT she is a MOTHER..that is where public opinion bites her in the butt.
If the panties are of stretch material, the dots would be farther apart on the panties in the park while actually on Casey's promiscuous butt.

On second thought, if they were Casey's the polka dots would be worn off from doing the horizontal polka with so many MySpace skanks.

Now, THAT is funny!!! :dance::clap:
With you on DAT Cdf! Grand Jury. Also the statement LE made (presser wise) that said they would release info to press only if they deemed it necessary (ie they needed public help). I personally feel they have a huge case building behind scene as we "forum" here about it... Any thoughts on that? Checkda?

Its sure appears to me that it's going to be one heck of a bang for the buck, when they bring it on forward. The whole mode of operation is fascinating and without a doubt, I agree. When LE comes uh knocking it will be with paper and cuffs in hand. No need to cover her face, we already know who she is. Better than we should.
I'm sure Cindy made Casey's favorite dinner. Jose felt like he was on a date meeting the parents, Lee was still in Jedi mode, George was busy looking out the window for the kidnappers

and Casey was.....(anyone care to finish)

Feverishly trying to find those polka dotted panties. (See, I was paying attention!)
I've never heard of someone emailing themselves to pretend they had a job . . . absolutely hillarious.

Crud I forgot she would have to email herself to pull all that off.
Awww, she lost her imaginary benefits too....I hate that. Imaginary healthcare providers will cost more of her imaginary (or allegedly stolen) money.

She does however get to keep her imaginary 401k though -- it had about 10,000 imaginary dollars in it.
I've been resisting saying this, but think it's time. Katie, I understand what you're saying, but they could not keep her in jail. Right, wrong, or indifferent, anyone who is charged with a crime has a constitutional right to bail. I personally don't like it; I think they should have left her in the general population, and all the information would be out by now. But, keeping the constitution in mind, and the court's order, when the money was put up, she was out.

And, personal opinion, I believe LE is building a good, solid case, and keeping it close to their chest, until they swoop down with the next warrant!

I agree with you 100%. LE's silence and refusal to take all of the bait (and there has BEEN A TON OF IT) makes that obvious.
Did anyone catch TonE's roommate on Greta last week who said that he watched Caylee one time when TonE and Casey were in the "other room" -- did that mean that Casey was having relations with TonE with her daughter in the next room?

And the winner of the Mother of the Year award goes to . . .

YES I'm so glad you brought that up..I was thinking okay, she's known these dudes for how long?? She is going to leave her 2.5 year old in "another room" with some random dude...NO me that is NEGLECT right there.
Ah thanks the heck are ya neighbor?:crazy:

No problem. ;-) I'm good! Just reelin' from this case but other than that, good. You?

I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be another crazy day..... I would expect Casey to hit the network circuit sometime next week. ;-)
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