Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #128

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I believe Amy to be an easy mark for Casey. Just comparing the two in pics is telling to me. Amy seemed to be having guy trouble and maybe feeling unloved. Casey tells her over and over "Love You" and talking about how boys are mean or something like that. Casey seems to be honing in and giving Amy what she needs, but then steals from her (according to Amy) even using psychological manipulations. Amy does not look to be a rough person in her pics while Casey looks wild eyed. I just can't believe that she's involved in helping hide Caylee. She was so trusting that she believed Casey in telling her that she hid the money in her sleep. No one could come up with something like that and be in on it.
Check out this post from the Padilla thread. I'm sorry but each new theory gets more and more out there.

Tony Padilla

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Originally Posted by CHICANA
Tony, your uncle mentioned Casey's a few of Casey's friends including JP Chatt.
You've probably heard the theory that he might be Caylee's dad, is he someone LP is seriously looking at ? I posted some info I found on the Chatt family on the Geraldo Rivera thread from last night if you wanna take a look. It explains how I found the info.
It looks like JP's family has some serious $$ and help to run and international shipping company. Planes, boats, cash. Just thought it was interesting. There's a link to the company site with I believe both of JP's parents listed on the Geraldo thread.

Thanks!! You have some very good insight here!!!

Well done Winnts.

Here's another earworm for ya:

I want my baby back, baby back, baby back, baby back, baby back, baby back, baby back...

I want my baby back, baby back, baby back, baby back...

Casey's baby-back fibs...Casey's baby-back fibs.


Puddle of Mud has a song called "Psycho"
there are so many people on here and we are all just trying to make some sense out of why this mother won't cooperate and tell anyone where her beautiful little girl could she not even be wondering if she is cold or sick or hurt or lonely and scared.. how could she not miss hugging and kissing her..everyone on here who has a child or a niece or nephew or any child close in there life, can't even imagine the thought of them being missing but we all know we would be going crazy with worry and telling the police anything they needed to know.. so why isn't casey.. i am opened minded and i love to read what you all think happened.. and i have read some great theories and most of them could possibly happen.. but even when u try to make sence of a kidnapping or her handing over caylee to a friend it just doesn't add up.. it doesn't make sense with the facts..or most important casey actions.. this story is national so everybody knows what's going on.. even the kidnappers or friend who has caylee so at this point there is no reason for casey to try to protect she claimed if she talks they will kill cayle.. if they will kill her because she talks.. it's to late for caylee now anyway because everyone is looking for that child so they would have already killed why wouldn't she talk now, so at least the kidnapper will get punished.. sorry but even if you want to believe this kidnapper theory and try to make sence of it, you can't.. everything points back to casey.. and the fact that casey did something on purpose or by accident..either way it points back to casey...and only casey..

I hear your pain and we are all feeling it! Whatever involvement Casey did or did not have, that partying and smiling photos are unnatural....:mad:
You just made my head hurt thinking about how many bodies could come out of this one case. If the defense has their way, the car will have been stolen from the tow yard, stolen from the parking lot, or Casey will have loaned it out to be used to move "another" dead body. OR...the defense will say that in the backyard of the home that 50 years ago that place was some kind of sacred burial ground and the reason the dogs hit there. I can see it all now! Sheesh!

I'm sure we'll all be shocked at the "scenarios" to refute those dog hits...

but I personally won't be buying them, either.

The two separate dogs are hard for me to get past...
Good morning where are we at in our strategy in our attempts to solve Caylee is really missing? We have testimony from LE under oath and a zillion mis-truths and stretching the truth (aka) lies flowing from the Anthony household.

I already know what LP's strategy is as a BH. See I'm keeping up. I also viewed a song called Casey take a Bow on youtube, all I can say is individual artistic freedom. By the time I do hit submit, I bet were pages or a new thread ahead. Oh well catch up again. :)
Isabelle starting a thread is a good idea. Then anyone that is interested can join in your discussion. let me know if you need any help

I may consider doing so. I will let you know - won't be tonight though.


Well done Winnts.


But Isabelle, this same circus thinks that's a viable lead but could not answer my question of Is Casey saying she gave Caylee to Zanieda, a friend or was it a kidnapping.

My point is before we search the world...why not start with the one that LOST her child. This group just glosses over that fact. One day she knows but can't tell, one day the kid is kidnapped, one day the child is safe and with friends, one day it's too dangerous to tell the police.
My apologies Blink34. It was Seriously Searching I should have responded to.


and, No, I am not being paid by the defense. I don't live in Florida and do not know anyone involved in this case.

I appreciate the apology and would appreciate you edit the post where you accuse me of it in the first place if the mods have not gotten to it already.
But Isabelle, this same circus thinks that's a viable lead but could not answer my question of Is Casey saying she gave Caylee to Zanieda, a friend or was it a kidnapping.

My point is before we search the world...why not start with the one that LOST her child. This group just glosses over that fact.'s so tempting to explore all of these avenues, but I keep coming back to what I feel is the "big picture"...and Casey knows where Caylee is, one way or another.

Also, I keep coming back to today when everyone was saying Casey was "relaxed/relieved"... didn't she JUST say in jail a few days ago that she suddenly felt Caylee was in danger? What changed to make her feel differently?

edit: not sure the relaxed and relieved is correct, but something of similar sentiment:)
But Isabelle, this same circus thinks that's a viable lead but could not answer my question of Is Casey saying she gave Caylee to Zanieda, a friend or was it a kidnapping.

My point is before we search the world...why not start with the one that LOST her child. This group just glosses over that fact. One day she knows but can't tell, one day the kid is kidnapped, one day the child is safe and with friends, one day it's too dangerous to tell the police.

And one day, the child was in danger IIRC. It was right when the Anthony GP's talked to LE that Friday of the Daytona charity thing.
cindy and casey seem to hate each other

i know people like that- it happens

why does it happen ? the book would be about a million pages long to describe all the situations that cause such a bad relationship between mother and daughter.

might be that they are jealous of each other in different ways

one wants to be young again and one wants to have a husband or boyfriend

im just ranting.......but they relationship between the two of them probably fits into this somewhere..

Mommy dearest said she was her best friend.
Casey must have been looking at those sink holes wondering how long before they all sucked themselves into a bottomless pit.
Isabelle- I wondered since first reading your posts why you signed as "Ray's mom" . I'm so sorry for your loss.
My heart goes out to anyone who has lost a child, a sister a brother, family or a friend but that group just is enraging me. Who is speaking for Caylee? If you want her safe (Bounty hunters included) IGNORE the lawyer and drill her until she tells the truth.

I'm sorry guys I'm just testy tonite. I want caylee found.
The point of two seperate dogs is for LE/court verification purpose's, for those who do not understand or take Cindy's and Baez's word. I understand exactly how it works as do many others on the board, so its not really a issue of concern. IMO
Not only was it used to transport someone's body(but not Caylee), but somehow that body ended up in the Anthony's back yard.
Or was that different body?

No proof beyond a reasonable doubt yet.

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