Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #131

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Originally Posted by Lovejac
Dude, WTF! now KC was sexually abused/Assaulted, have NOT ever heard this before. Bow, the case just keeps getting wierder and wierder and wierder......

this was considered ages ago when people wondered why a sex crimes person was at the house and then we were told t was because she was also a missing persons expert or something

I know we discussed it but this is a response from JJ just today (oops yesterday) on a comment made by Garrison. He must be saying CA was sexually assaulted or something. This is new - not old rehash of speculation.

I need to read it again.

I agree, why would josephsjordan bring that up yesterday, :waitasec::waitasec: unless he knows something else. I am very curious
I'm not in Florida, but I'll volunteer to take on Local6's website.
I am sure that the dumpsters in Florida are different than the ones around me. But rest assured, a body would be found around here. People go "dumpster diving"...have to be really sure you shread everything. Some people do take things they don't want anymore and leave them sitting by the dumpsters.
Can somebody answer a question for me.....?????

On the thread that was just closed someone stated that Casey sent messages to all her friends that her child was missing

This is the first I have heard of this & I was wondering if anyone could confirm or deny this & if it is true when did she do this?

Thank you

Amy was on her computer talking about Caylee missing by 11:40PM ...7/15

another friend spoke to the press & said she had been texed (with the news)
by Casey.. (this info from news link)
I'm curious about the church thing allowing Casey to be gone weekly from 10am-2:30pm.

Even at a church that has a later service starting at 11:30, and 1 1/2 hours being on the long end of a service length, that'd be church done by 1. Being in ministry and knowing a lot of churches, it's rare to see services starting much after 11am (with a few more like 11:30) for morning services...

Even if you found a 12pm service, it almost seems like they're building in a "lunch" allowance for her time period to be out of the house given the 2:30 time parameter...unless she's going to a church that involves a considerable drive?

But doesn't her being "out" time really mean only going to church? Or are they allowed to stop on the way there/back? That would seem unlikely to me?
I am sure that the dumpsters in Florida are different than the ones around me. But rest assured, a body would be found around here. People go "dumpster diving"...have to be really sure you shread everything. Some people do take things they don't want anymore and leave them sitting by the dumpsters.

Carseat anyone? just sayin......
sheesh peeps! i came back an hour ago and have just now caught up...I think.

So basically I've missed:
*There's a bunch of pics of a random dumpster that we're all waiting eagerly to see..(?? erm..ok)
* There are 400 pages of docs that obviously hold SOME previously unpublicized info else JB would not have tried to have it delayed...
* Casey is (or is not) at home after going WHERE today?
*She did or did NOT go to church yesterday? (obviously didn't, else headlines might have been of sudden church collapse...)
*And we all need cookies and warm milk and big hugs all around?

Have I missed anything else?

Newbies have nothing to fear, and someone is strapping one on to read the docs.

Other than that, you summed up the day quite succinctly :)
sheesh peeps! i came back an hour ago and have just now caught up...I think.

So basically I've missed:
*There's a bunch of pics of a random dumpster that we're all waiting eagerly to see..(?? erm..ok)
* There are 400 pages of docs that obviously hold SOME previously unpublicized info else JB would not have tried to have it delayed...
* Casey is (or is not) at home after going WHERE today?
*She did or did NOT go to church yesterday? (obviously didn't, else headlines might have been of sudden church collapse...)
*And we all need cookies and warm milk and big hugs all around?

Have I missed anything else?

Pictures and cd's found "in a dumpster", believed to be Casey's...
Everything else you've listed is pretty much right on !
Amy was on her computer talking about Caylee missing by 11:40PM ...7/15

another friend spoke to the press & said she had been texed (with the news)
by Casey.. (this info from news link)

Amy knew information before everyone else because she is the one that led Cindy to Casey at tony's that very night. Cindy found Amy's # is the car and called her.

She suffered a very informative yet i'm sure uncomfortable car ride back home with casey and Cindy in the car.

That is why she was privvy on 7/15. Cindy was grilling Casey as to where Caylee was or has been for the past month.
Also, some name Ryan and the last name started with a P? The guy flipped through the pages kind of fast. Saw Yuri's name underneath it and the word interview.
Duh.. should have known.

She is of the pain meds etc. something that affects your motor skills etc. Besides the finger thrashing hose incident she's been VERY slow..movements as well as speech in the opinion of a Speech path..I've made her watch all the CA It could be totally not true and I'm NOT spreading rumors just an observation by a professional.
While I don't think parents are necessarily to blame when a child grows up to be a monster--Think Jeffrey Dahmer--
I do blame the Anthony's for enabling Casey during this whole mess.

What about Caylee? Do they even care what's happened to their grand-daughter?
What did she do to deserve this?

And before all the Casey apologists burn up their keyboards trying to get me to believe Caylee possibly being alive somehow makes everything alright, let me tell you there is NOTHING anyone can say to me that will make me believe any differently.

What IF Caylee is alive, being held somewhere...what must SHE be thinking? How must SHE be feeling?
Does she think she did something bad to have her family send her away?
Casey may be the worst mom in the world( or a child killer) to me, but to that little girl, she is MOMMY, and caylee must really be missing her mommy by now.
Missing her home, her bed, her friends.
Her family that claims to love her so much, but have taken Casey's side over her well being.
They ought to be ashamed!
I am sure that the dumpsters in Florida are different than the ones around me. But rest assured, a body would be found around here. People go "dumpster diving"...have to be really sure you shread everything. Some people do take things they don't want anymore and leave them sitting by the dumpsters.

I'm guilty of dumpster diving, myself :blushing:

anything for art

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