Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #136

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Amy didn't go to P. Rico until July 8th or somewhere around there so what was Casey driving between June 27th and July 8th. The tatto parlor says she had a compact, maybe toyota faded Maroon car when she came in for her tatto. Amy's car is a red toyota but Amy's statement says she lent Casey her car while she was in P. Rico. Who's car did Casey have or is Amy not being upfront about how long she loaned out her car for.

I might be wrong but I thought Amy was with her at the tatoo parlor.
Dont know if this was been posted yet, Caylee was just added to the TES website!!

Sorry to quote myself but Caylee's date missing is listed as June 9, 2008. wth, can't this family remember dates? also, her picture is on another missing persons info and vice versa. Oh well, I should just be happy TES in going to look for her:clap::clap:
I know assuming makes an a$$ out of u and me (you know that saying), but in the tow report the guy stated that george opened the car with his key and discovered it empty and went off to get his gas can. I am sure the George would have started the car (or car man would have helped him with this car fact if he were that auto ignorant) to check if it were empty.

Good point Nurse, but I thought he left to get cash, not to get gas. I'll need to reread that... (Now that I think about it, I am not sure why I thought it matters...LOL)
Yes, but George the police investigator guy didn't seem to realize this.
he was twisting the truth to make the poi look good imhoo. The tow guy said he went to his trunk to get gas after discovering it was out of gas. George brought gas with him to pick the car up.... perhaps this wasn't the first time this happened???:confused: (in terms of Casey running the car out of gas...only being this time she left it instead of calling her parents for the gas cans)
One of the things that really hit me was in Amy's statement. About how when she took Cindy to Tony's apartment to find Casey, that Cindy immediately started in on "Where is Caylee" with no mention of the supposed stolen car or credit card thefts at that point. It was all about Caylee!! I have no doubt in my mind at least, that that was what it was all about from the beginning anyway so why didn't Cindy just say that in the very first 911 call.

Sorry but for me nothing about what Cindy or George said or did in the very beginning, or since then has made sense to me. IMO

ALso struck me when Amy mentioned the phone conversation she had with Cindy before Cindy picked her up from the Mall- saying Casey is in big trouble! ANd that Casey could go to jail if they dont find her. And that was after they picked up the car from the towing company. They knew something happened to Caylee then. And it bothers me now why all the covering for her. Their behavior,
IMO, it smells worse than the car!
Sorry to quote myself but Caylee's date missing is listed as June 9, 2008. wth, can't this family remember dates? also, her picture is on another missing persons info and vice versa. Oh well, I should just be happy TES in going to look for her:clap::clap:

Good Grief. Can't they remember they saw Caylee on Fathers' Day with GGP?

I wonder about this. Was the car really out of gas, or was that just GA's assumption. i.e., Casey must have run out of gas therefore I'll bring some. IIRC the gas gauge was faulty (per Casey? George? a friend? who knows anymore?), so my thought was it would have read "E" regardless of the fuel level...

Actually this answers one question I had. A lot of people thought that George was lying about seeing Casey on June 24 when he retrieved the gas cans and that he didn't get the gas cans back until he picked up the car. Obviously he had the gas cans so maybe he really did see Casey on June 24.
woohoo its about time they're getting TES there.
How do I find this same thread in the morning?

You can look for it by the number (#136) in the archive section, the link is at the top of the forum. It will likely be there given how fast these threads fill up and go onto the next number.
two other interesting points on that:

1) in the tow report it states that the gas gauge was on empty when George opened it and then he went to get his gas can.

2) Casey stated that it just ran out of gas but the sensor was broken because it didn't read as empty in her "official statement"

3)In Casey's official statement she stated that she ran out of gas at the light...and two guys helped her push it into the parking space. Would seem to me there would be witnesses to that effect!

(oops that was three points)

My gas gauge may read empty but will really go many more miles. Did George try to crank and drive it before adding gas? Not according to his testimony and we know the tow company didn't either cause they didn't have the keys (and they aren't allowed anyway) so we're relying on Casey's word that the car was out of gas and therefore that statement is questionable and possibly false. I think it's very likely she left it by the dumpster with the hopes it would be stolen and it probably had enough gas to get a thief a little ways down the road, enough to compromise the crime scene,,,,,only no one around was in a car stealing mode,,,,at least they didn't want a stinky car anyways.
Just wonderin' how Cindy's brother, Rick, is taking the latest news?!

I was wondering if he'd ever post again. He may have previously posted on another site I visit. The other day there was a mention that sister Cindy may have found out and he stopped.
Now that I look back on the things he said, he could have been a ok. Up to the moderators discretion to shut down any thread doubting the validity till they could check things out.

swa--I saw your post several times but could not quote from the previous thread.
No, I do not think it is ever ok to bring a child of any age to a stranger's bed with them. She had little Caylee sleeping in different places and who knows who's beds. Not suggesting any of the guys were perverts, but again who knows? Just another icky thing in this mess.
why had she better not find her online.. and what's on hold.. do we know this?

Is it possible that Casey was worried Amy would go on line and tell everyone what she knew? I can't recall what time the text was, but Casey had to be worried Amy would find out about the cleared out bank account at the very least. If the text was after the ride home from Tony's, then again, Casey might have been worried that Amy would post about Caylee being missing?
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