Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #145

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I think at this point (and I really hate saying this) but there are two reasonable explanations for this. Either they are helping her cover it all up, OR they are all wacked. Either way, I guess they are still all wacked!

What about the hair in the trunk. Preliminary investigations show it WAS Caylee's hair and it showed that she was dead when it was left. How are they gonna explain that one? That someone put Caylee's body in the car at the inpound lot but it wasn't Caylee.

I just cant understand how these people (Especially Casey) do not realize that forensic science DOES NOT LIE. (Obviously unlike Casey).

Don't cha know? According to Cindy> it's all Hocus Pocus!:bang: I guess we all know the Anthony Family Motto -- Deny, Deny, Deny and it just won't be true. Very Sad.
they would need the full amount, not 50k, the security bond for a half mil goes away when they take her back
No they wouldn't.

They would walk into a Bail office and Pay the 50k to a bondsman who would be more than happy to write the Bond.

He then would becaome responsible for the entire 500k

Thats how it works
I guess I thought that fund was set up in the very beginning when the search for Caylee was new. Billboards, t-shirts, bracelets, information distribution, very sad rolling billboard driven by granpappy to Oviedo following clues from "Casey's world". That sort of thing. Locals were very anxious to help get the word out in the beginning, so I thought these funds went towards organizing and implementing those first efforts.

IIRC...........all of those were paid for by a non profit who helps with missing children cases...........I know they said the sign was.

All trust/fiduciary funds and the accounting under Florida law can be requested under FOIA, and I intend to do that shortly if the news media does not do it first. You have to be a Florida resident to do it, and since I own a home there, I believe I can.
I just sent an email to Lee. Not a nice one either. How dare they ask us for money while they pamper poor little Casey?? Casey riding around in a SUV and bodyguards? Give me a break!
When the dust clears, I hope George and all others involved in soliciting money even though they knew the "Find Caylee" schtick is unpossible......are prosecuted for fraud (among other things).
I wonder if there was a life insurance policy on Caylee....

Wasn't Casey's grandfather in the insurance business?

:eek::eek: OMG, that is some TURBO thinking! After all, the GP's were in a bad financial state. I don't even want to entertain that idea in my mind.
These people have moved on. After the incident (whether accidental or not), Casey was probably very stressed (even if just from digging and body hiding) and afterwards and eventually...she de-stressed and moved on. After all that stress, she was ready to put it all behind her. She got a new tatoo to commemorate her daughter ("A beautiful life" -- clearly suggesting past tense), a new boyfriend, went back to her beloved nightclubs and adjusted back to her new life. She probably patted herself on the back for having healed from all that stress. But you can see from the first 911 and other calls, Cindy clearly had some catching up to do because she wasn't aware of what happened. But Casey was almost annoyed that people were freaking out/asking where the hell Caylee was b/c Casey had already made peace with the situation and she's annoyed with having to deal with it again. But soon enough, Casey and George (and eventually Lee) find out Caylee is not alive either. Casey probably told them it was an accident and that she got scared and didn't know what to do with the body and George/Cindy accepted it and have been spending their time with their daughter re-bonding and sticking together. Because they can't bring Caylee back but at least they can try to keep their daughter from going to prison for the rest of her life. I think they've all been in the house bonding and that's why Lee is now spouting stuff about how everyone should believe in "innocent before proven guilty." These people have so moved on from the whole incident (the grandparents probably having truly grieved at least for 20 minutes, unlike their daughter's 30 seconds, if that) and I think that's why they are acting differently. Now...the media is just annoying them with *stuff* that they are so done with already; hence, the nasty/snarky comments. They probably think their daughter Casey is going to be unfairly tried for murder since they think it was just an "accident" and a young girl scared about what to do with the body. So now it's the entire Anthony family against the world and I wouldn't be surprised if it continues like this and gets worse if the prosecutor's office starts to do things the Anthony family thinks is "unfair."

Just my feeling is all.

GREAT POST AND ANALOGY !!!:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
We should send the NG show a list of words to use in place of BOMBSHELL!

here are some ideas:

barn burner
sledge hammer
flame thrower
hydrogen bomb
panty raid
big dipper
gut gasper

Well, ripsnorter might be my favorite, don't overlook:

Did George go straight home after picking up the car? I can't remember. TIA
Is this thread about Caylee or not? So, WE are here posting Casey and her family are guilty... more so gossiping. Does anyone have any ideas of how to help this case, or should this thread actually be here? Should this thread be called Casey Anthony and her family are guilty? Because not 'much' is discussed about Caylee here.
These people have moved on. After the incident (whether accidental or not), Casey was probably very stressed (even if just from digging and body hiding) and afterwards and eventually...she de-stressed and moved on. After all that stress, she was ready to put it all behind her. She got a new tatoo to commemorate her daughter ("A beautiful life" -- clearly suggesting past tense), a new boyfriend, went back to her beloved nightclubs and adjusted back to her new life. She probably patted herself on the back for having healed from all that stress. But you can see from the first 911 and other calls, Cindy clearly had some catching up to do because she wasn't aware of what happened. But Casey was almost annoyed that people were freaking out/asking where the hell Caylee was b/c Casey had already made peace with the situation and she's annoyed with having to deal with it again. But soon enough, Casey and George (and eventually Lee) find out Caylee is not alive either. Casey probably told them it was an accident and that she got scared and didn't know what to do with the body and George/Cindy accepted it and have been spending their time with their daughter re-bonding and sticking together. Because they can't bring Caylee back but at least they can try to keep their daughter from going to prison for the rest of her life. I think they've all been in the house bonding and that's why Lee is now spouting stuff about how everyone should believe in "innocent before proven guilty." These people have so moved on from the whole incident (the grandparents probably having truly grieved at least for 20 minutes, unlike their daughter's 30 seconds, if that) and I think that's why they are acting differently. Now...the media is just annoying them with *stuff* that they are so done with already; hence, the nasty/snarky comments. They probably think their daughter Casey is going to be unfairly tried for murder since they think it was just an "accident" and a young girl scared about what to do with the body. So now it's the entire Anthony family against the world and I wouldn't be surprised if it continues like this and gets worse if the prosecutor's office starts to do things the Anthony family thinks is "unfair."

Just my feeling is all.

Well I certainly wouldnt have put it in that context but you definately verbalized what I feel is going on at this point. It really is a summation of what has happened thus far!
No they wouldn't.

They would walk into a Bail office and Pay the 50k to a bondsman who would be more than happy to write the Bond.

He then would becaome responsible for the entire 500k

Thats how it works

No it isn't. Why would he hang himself out for a half a million payable to the court if she doesn't show. You have to have something of equal value to the bond to get them to write it, like your house. And their house minus the mortgage wouldn't come anywhere near it. If they could have bonded her out for 50k, they probably could have come up with that.
But who's searching? Who's gone anywhere that they'd need a supply of bottled water and DEET? Or gloves?

I would have no problem with it if there were an ongoing my knowledge, the only search that was going on before TES showed up was being conducted by a small group led by a WS member.

In other circumstances, I'd see no problem with it. In these circumstances, it appears that no searches have been organized. Remember...the family still asserts that she's alive.

It's just discombobulating.
Hopefully, they will go to the nonprofit organization to help with other missing children searches since none are taking place except for TES now. I don't think the Anthonys will be seeing any of those gift cards, monies, or other items donated...but I could be mistaken. If they are...they will have to account for how they were used.
Hey super sleuthers, I have a question. Remember all the "flurry" of phone calls on the 16th ? LE said some were to TonE, how exactly would they know.? What if it was the Tony that just got fired from LE? Any thoughts on that?

LE had the phone records, showing the phone numbers Casey called, and the phone numbers of the calls received by Casey's phone, along with the duration of each call and whether or not the call was answered.

I have no doubt that LE has obtained the phone records of all people involved in this case.
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