Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #149

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Ok, if Orange County detectives have the dead body evidence, then she will be arrested, no need to revoke. They (Orange County) still has not confirmed that evidence right? If they truly have the evidence in hand, then why is she still out?

I do not have the answer to the questions except to say that they do want to have Caylee's body back so that she can have a dignified burial, IMO. I firmly believe that Casey is not the only person in that family who knows what happened to little Caylee. I also just am of the opinion that George helped Casey dispose of the body after the fact.

Also, it takes time to get a Grand Jury inditement, IMO. I do not want to see Casey have another weekend of relative freedom. I feel she should be back in jail, and that is my honest feeling.

Which one of Tony's comments from last night did you post?

Here you go.

Yesterday, 10:38 PM
Tony Padilla
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 450

Originally Posted by ialy [URL=""][/URL]
Do you too? There seems to be speculation that she is going back Saturday and you were both on board with that, but also heard -- and am I getting this right from what you are saying -- you are not in agreement with that? Is she going back?

I really don't want to put her back. I think the end is coming near and we should stick it out. But, I don't have much to say about it as Leonard is the indemnitor or guarantor. George is losing it big time too. First Cindy, now George, next Lee will be doing something crazy. Why is it the only famiy member who seems calm and assured is the littel b*tch Casey?

I hope the grandparents make it through this weekend bewteen the press and having Casey holed up there.
Lee doesn't live there. Lucky him!! To bad his sister never had his work ethic.:rolleyes:
Something going on because Cindy parked outside
You are right Puff. They received the noticed and I remember Cindy saying on one of her many interviews on tv that the notification was stuck on the front glass of thier front door and they didnt get it until they day the picked it up at the post office and then fetched the car.
So what is your understanding of when she first noticed the notification?
IMO, Tony's comment last night could be very prophetic. I kept reposting it today, but it seems to have been ignored for the most part.

Another thing I've noticed about Tony's posts are that you can gather a lot of information from what he DOESN'T say. IMO
It looks like a white line in front of the fellows sitting in lawn chairs, George cannot stop them from crossing that line. I would cross it,and if he touched me, Casey would not be his only problem right now. I wish I lived there just for that.
Is the guy in the white shirt the same guy that was "calming" George down?
Why do you think LE released her interview ???

Seems like they are witholding ALL info that would pertain to any MORE charges.

PS....the "wrong add." info came from another forum poster.

gotcha, sorry about that:waitasec:
Cindy just had a brief exchange with the camera guys and, of course, got swarmed by the reporters.
Now there is a guy beyond the signs , beter move Gorege might be nasty behind the wheel when he returns, run them right over put them in the trunk and say there a bad pizza
They'll going to need that umbrella if Cindy resorts to the hose.
I've been meaning to comment on it all day SuziQ! The whole thing smells to me, I've been waiting to hear what TP had to say because LP was SO ADAMANT about her going back, he wasn't only commenting on her safety but making comments about the DNA too. TP said he was going to basically do what LP wanted whether he disagreed or not but something shifted today. I swear LP got whiplash today with that turnaround.

Omg, he had to have! Certainly gave me whiplash.
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