Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #85

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But, unlike Casey, don't her friends have to work for a living? I think they saw her mostly on nights and weekends when Cindy was available to babysit. Another option though could be that Zanny the Nanny did refer to Xanax and she left Caylee drugged at home whenever she wanted to be free to meet her friends during the day during the week.

But didn't Casey leave the house every day to go to work? If George and Cindy weren't watching Caylee during the day, where was she? Where did Casey spend her days? Like you said, her friends worked, so she wasn't with them. Did she just sit in her car for 8 hours every day?
I have been off the computer for 5 hours. Was the a press conference today?

Also, I have a timeline somewhere in a thread and can't locate it, so I updated my timeline and thoughts as of 8/10/08(lots of them) here:

Very interesting read. You probably already have the answer to what happened the evening of the 15th, but Cindy talks about taking Caylee swimming, it was too cold for Casey, talked about how she handed Caylee out of the pool to Casey
Just thinking out loud about George's comments and thoughts.

It seems like he thinks that someone has Caylee and that whoever they are - they are not necessarily all that bad - that they could and should just come to their senses and release her - or they may not even realize that they have Caylee - but that they might see something to make them realize this and release her.

It's like he thinks she's been passed off to someone - sold maybe? Like there's another layer of bad people between Casey and wherever Caylee is now. That layer of people are the ones being watched?

I know ... it's as if she was 'adopted' out to a couple or person, who have no idea she was taken. ???
but Cindy talks about taking Caylee swimming, it was too cold for Casey, talked about how she handed Caylee out of the pool to Casey

Oh boy. Why does that cause a sinking feeling in my stomach?
But didn't Casey leave the house every day to go to work? If George and Cindy weren't watching Caylee during the day, where was she? Where did Casey spend her days? Like you said, her friends worked, so she wasn't with them. Did she just sit in her car for 8 hours every day?

You think Casey had a job, Chilly Willy? B/c I don't.
But didn't Casey leave the house every day to go to work? If George and Cindy weren't watching Caylee during the day, where was she? Where did Casey spend her days? Like you said, her friends worked, so she wasn't with them. Did she just sit in her car for 8 hours every day?

She was an event planner, variable hours, mostly evenings and weekends when Cindy could watch her kid for her I am sure.
Housemouse.............based on what LE has now stated about Casey borrowing the shovel on the 17th, NOT the 18th, I think your chart for June 16th, leading into late June 17th/early 18th, would be correct.

Leila, I have no special knowledge. I am just an honest researcher, with a solid understanding of serious astrology.

I would be heart-broken if any websleuthers or visitors decided, on the basis of my posts, that they should seek out an astrologer for "prediction". There are just as many fake/phony astrologers out there as there are phony "psy-kicks", if not more!!!!!

Astrology can't tell you what to do with your life, or who to marry, or whether you will be rich and famous. That isn't what GOD had in mind when he created our planets and stars.

It is just a giant clock, and careful observation over the years has given us a bit of information about the world we live in, and the energies that are active at a point in time.

What we do with those energies is our free will. A talented and honorable policeman and a criminal could both be using the same energies, one for good and the other for evil.

Always make the very best of any situation, given the challenges in front of you, and you do not need astrology to live a good life. And, never pay an astrologer for charts or "readings". Find someone to give you the info for free, and study it yourself. It really isn't that hard.
&lt;snipped from my earlier post&gt;</P>
<P>Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote</P>
<P>at 2:40pm on June 24th, 2008</P>
<P>she still has yet to move into the house. hell, in the past 9 days, i haven't even been living at the house. DRAMMMMMA. i'll fill ya in later on.</P>
<P>miss ya, yo.</P>
<P>Whereever "the house" they were moving into is Casey hasn't been staying there. Interestingly 9 days earlier puts us back on June 16th, a date that just keeps coming up. .
<P>So on the 24th she says she hasn't been living in the house the past 9 days, going back to the 16th, and implying she lived there at some point previous to the 16th.&nbsp; If she had never been living there, it wouldn't be phrased that way.</P>
I was just reading this:

"George also says since the meetings with his daughter in jail aren’t private, she can’t tell them what they need to know to find her."

Found here:

My thoughts:

If that's the case (supposedly), then why don't they just allow a few 'private' visitations between Casey and her parents, so she CAN tell them everything?

Just doesn't make sense, why they wouldn't do that .. if it DID mean finding Caylee.

Casey had every opportunity to tell the Anthony's the dangerous kidnap story after she was picked up by Cindy, in calls and online before that, in between 911 calls, and all night while police were at the Anthony home questioning every one. It's ridiculous for the Anthony's to go along with and promotethis charade and feel that they are the only ones competent enough to find Caylee. They should quit criticizing everyone and listen to the authorities.
Very interesting read. You probably already have the answer to what happened the evening of the 15th, but Cindy talks about taking Caylee swimming, it was too cold for Casey, talked about how she handed Caylee out of the pool to Casey

I don't have an answer to the evening of the 15th. I am still questioning myself about "where did Caylee sleep that night?" I know Cindy said: "I know where Caylee slept that night", but she never came out and said "Caylee slept in her bed".

Then on June 16th, there is Casey and Caylee with backpacks at 12:50 PM, but no sight nor sound of Caylee playing around in the house, eating, nothing all morning. They both just show up!
This case is truly heartbreaking, I am becoming obsessed with reading about it......I cant wait until we know for sure where little Caylee Anthony is
I don't have an answer to the evening of the 15th. I am still questioning myself about "where did Caylee sleep that night?" I know Cindy said: "I know where Caylee slept that night", but she never came out and said "Caylee slept in her bed".

Then on June 16th, there is Casey and Caylee with backpacks at 12:50 PM, but no sight nor sound of Caylee playing around in the house, eating, nothing all morning. They both just show up!

Supposedly, according to Cindy, she tucked Caylee into bed on the 15th. Then the next morning she said she heard them behind (the bedroom?) door.
She was an event planner, variable hours, mostly evenings and weekends when Cindy could watch her kid for her I am sure.

Okay, that makes sense. So the elusive Zanny/Nanny would have been an occasional babysitter for those times when Casey had to "work" and her parents weren't available to watch Caylee.
Hey Sleuthers..Been reading here forever but allways had AOL and couldn't register.
Now have rogers so I can , anyway im 29 from Ontario Canada. I just wanted to say the more I read about this case and the more I hear about the narrowing It down to the 3 days I keep thinking about Melinda and Trenton Duckett If u remember they had her narrowed down to a gas receit on a certin day and with in 24 hours I beleive. I really hope theres a better outcome here.
My thoughts:

If that's the case (supposedly), then why don't they just allow a few 'private' visitations between Casey and her parents, so she CAN tell them everything?

Just doesn't make sense, why they wouldn't do that .. if it DID mean finding Caylee.

The more important question is: Why can't any of this information be heard by the police who's only vested interest is in finding Caylee? Any logical person would tell the police and the very reason Casey is in jail w/ a lack of privacy is b/c she hasn't done so.[/quote]

Right, very true .... but I guess I was looking at what George was saying, as the excuse of them not knowing 'where' to look .. because Casey CAN'T tell them, not WON'T.
Supposedly, according to Cindy, she tucked Caylee into bed on the 15th. Then the next morning she said she heard them behind (the bedroom?) door.
I heard Cindy say that ... yup.

As I sit here I think back 40 years when my son was 3. He was up and out of bed. He wanted to eat, he wanted to watch TV and he was just all over the house. I find it hard that no one saw Caylee when she woke up, go potty, eat, play, make noise, nothing until she is dressed and with a backpack.

Something is odd with that morning.
Casey had every opportunity to tell the Anthony's the dangerous kidnap story after she was picked up by Cindy, in calls and online before that, in between 911 calls, and all night while police were at the Anthony home questioning every one. It's ridiculous for the Anthony's to go along with and promotethis charade and feel that they are the only ones competent enough to find Caylee. They should quit criticizing everyone and listen to the authorities.

Yes, I see your point ... I'm not sure why she wouldn't have told them that day ... just trying to figure out why George is saying what he is.
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