Chuck and Judith Cox file for custody

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I watched the video of JP in court and must say that was quite spooky. I could see the wheels turning in his head, and saw that he was trying to stay a step ahead of the judge.

He continually interupted her, for the sake of interupting her. When she gave him the floor, he spoke with great hesitency (like he didn't know what he was going to say).


He talked similarly in the last network interview "".

If you are confident in your thought, or feel comfortable in what you are saying, you don't hesitate like he did then, or he did today.

His mindset skeers me!


The counsellor for the kids should be very interested to find out more about these late night camping trips in freezing weather, for multiple reasons, not the least of which the safety of the boys in such conditions.
I will not sleuth the poster

I will not sleuth the poster

I will not sleuth the poster

I will make my brain believe this poster is some type of heavy metal poster.

Who in their right mind would even produce such a poster!

I will not sleuth that poster.
i keep thinking there is going to be more to this "story" and so far i've been right. in some ways i hope i'm wrong...especially since there is SP's 2 daughters already involved by just being born into this "family"
Gitana, I'm so glad you are following this thread! Having you help us answer the legal questions is just plain awesome! :highfive:

You're welcome. I hope I can be helpful and not confusing!

For those of you are just catching up and haven't had time to read this whole thread from today,..........While they were in court, another Websleuther brought our attention to an article today in the local paper. This may be good fodder for the judge to review when she makes a decision on this case and the TRUTHFULNESS, OR NOT of Josh Powell.

There's NO way in heck JP didn't know what SP had and was doing. NO way!:liar:


*advertiser censored* was factor in Steven Powell divorce

In the court documents, Terri Powell wrote that Steve Powell talked of teaching his children about birth control methods when they were as young as 9 years old. Terri's sister, Becky Mulcahy, wrote in the documents that Steve Powell told her that he had shown his youngest children books about sexual intercourse when they were 6 and 8 years old.

Terri Powell said her husband viewed people as animals and that they should be able to have sex with anyone at any time. She recalled a conversation in which Josh referred to a girl his brother, Johnny, liked. "All she is good for is her body, right Dad?" Terri recalled Josh saying.

"Yeah, that's right," Steve Powell replied, according to the declaration.

<<<<<<<<<< more at link >>>>>>>>>>>>

This is atrocious. Simply gross. I'll say I don't have a problem teaching little kids the birds and the bees in an age appropriate manner, but you know this horrible person just showed them a *advertiser censored* book, or something.

I'm sorry, but he is just one sick, sick, person. You can see that he was terribly twisted by what his father did to him and made to hate women. Then, he was allowed to do that to his own kids.

But regarding custody, it looks like the younger ones were placed with mom and the older ones with SP after they wrote declaration or spoke with the court about how bad their mom was and how much they wanted to be with their dad.

Also, while we read these allegations as fact (and I am positive they are), the court does not. They read them as allegations and then just decide who is more truthful. Parties to a divorce often come up with incredible allegations but if the other side says it's not true and if the kids don't back up the allegations, it can be hard to prevail. Maybe the kids didn't back up the allegations at first? Or couldn't remember them?

The thing is, the smaller ones may have been too young to remember. And maybe the 11 year old was sent to live with mom but the teens with dad due to the teens' strong feelings and/or the feeling by the judge that they were old enough to protect themselves from whatever SP was capable of.

IIRC, JP wrote a scathing declaration against his mom, was given to his dad but then moved back with his mom at one point, telling the court that she was great and could provide him what he needed.

In any event, it is certainly easy to see that any decision allowing SP to have custody at any time was a horrible decision. I'm thinking much of the damage was already done by then, though. The kids were probably subjected to his insanity for years prior to the divorce.

All I know is that this is what generational parental alienation looks like. SP was twisted into the monster he is by his dad's act, he did the same to his kids and then JP tried to do the same with his (listen to the last websleuths radio broadcast for more on that!). Maybe his attempt to drive a wedge between the boys and their mom didn't work so well. So, he did the next best thing and murdered her.

These people are horribly messed up. SP sounds almost psychotic in his hatred of women and the Mormon church. JP is as monstrous or worse than his father.

I sincerely hope that the Coxes' attorneys grab every bit of info they can, from JP's family and old court records, from people who knew Susan and JP together, everything they can find, and submit it to the person evaluating joshie.

I have been through enough of these evaluations to know that the people taking them can omit any information they think would be harmful to them, denying the evaluator the opportunity to see the complete picture of who the person is. Having collaterals send in information, and preparing a package with as much evidence as possible for the evaluator is invaluable.

JP is going to be taking the MMPII, a psych eval test. But the test results are subjective. They are open to interpretation by the psychologist. If JP is not forthcoming in his responses, extra info can help to paint the total picture. If he is accidentally forthcoming but manages to charm the psychologist or make him or her feel sorry for him, extra info can change any first impressions the psychologist may have and allow them to see the big picture. Hmmm. Maybe I will stick my nose in and send an e-mail to the Coxes' attorney. I am one of the only attorneys I know who prepares the clients so intensively for these things. So who knows, maybe my advice would prove helpful?
I think we will be hearing a lot more from Terri, JP's mother. SP no longer has leverage of the grand children and she can voice what she knows about SP and still have her grand children in her life.

I don't know if we will hear from her at all. She is in a terrible position. After all the fighting to keep all her kids, then losing some of them. Now her son is accused of an horrific crime. I can see a lot of mixed feelings for her. But always he is her son. I'd say she is in a very bad place emotionally and has been since Susan went missing.
I will not sleuth the poster

I will not sleuth the poster

I will not sleuth the poster

I will make my brain believe this poster is some type of heavy metal poster.

Who in their right mind would even produce such a poster!

I will not sleuth that poster.

Man, that was so sick, I can't even fathom. Who has such a poster? Who would want that? And in the home of someone with a diagnosed mental problem? Worse, in the home of two small kids? What kind of people are these? Horrific.

I'm watching what there is of the custody hearing right now. I'll say this, JP is no dummy. He seems not at all intimidated by the judge, the cameras, the court process - nothing. And he seems to understand some nuances that non-attorneys usually do not - like amending the anti-harassment order only for the pendency of the placement. This tells me that he is as cool as a cucumber. Way too cool. Like many sociopaths, he does not really wilt much under pressure.

But, the failure of most sociopaths is their arrogance and that is when they get stupid. He may be cool enough under pressure to try to get away with murder, but he's not smart enough to realize that he's not smarter than everyone else. And that's where he gets himself into trouble.

Many comments he has made in regards to the disappearance of his wife have been ludicrous and obviously implicate him in her murder. Some of the comments he made in the custody case likewise hurt him.

I hope he keeps on talking. All the way to prison.
I don't think it is what the children might have seen that JP is worried about but conversations he has had open in front of them with his dad that he is worried about.

I am waiting to hear police are in the back yard digging it up any minute! I'm also thinking that in the future we are going to hear even darker things the people in that house have been doing. I mean dark!
After watching the wiley-coyote today, I have a feeling I know what he's been doing in his spare time. Reading law books.

As gitana1 pointed out - JP knows too much about the legal system, as I witnessed in court today. He could probably run a couple of laps around Jose.

Was he expecting this? Is he expecting an even bigger and better performance down the line?

Food for thought!


Ok here's the million dollar question I want to know the answer to, what the HELL did Susan see in Josh???? And why the HELL did she marry him?
Watch the videoclip on the KIRO tv website

You can see what Josh looks like walking out of court on Wednesday.

It's a good day that the Cox grandparents now have custody of their grandchildren. I hope it becomes permanent.

The more I read and hear about Steven Powell and Josh Powell, the more I dislike them.
Watch the videoclip on the KIRO tv website

You can see what Josh looks like walking out of court on Wednesday.

It's a good day that the Cox grandparents now have custody of their grandchildren. I hope it becomes permanent.

The more I read and hear about Steven Powell and Josh Powell, the more I dislike them.

notice his stutter when he said "I know my wife loves M..uh loves my children." What a total Freudian slip
I haven't read everything but in my own experience and in the state of VA a supervised visit typically starts off at a agency like social services. Additionally, they will have the session occur in one of those rooms with the two sided mirror where the audio is piped in the room where the people supervising are taking notes and recording the session.

Then eventually the supervised visits progress from there if the visits are deemed "successful."

Obviously, I don't know if this is what they are referring to when they mean supervised visits but hopefully it is.

They also usually appoint CASA workers for the children.
I heard that, like he was going to say me, then changed it to my kids (not our kids) and he also said I Loved my wife
LOL I hate to disagree with you but that look on his face? Looks just exactly like the look on my 17 month old grandson's face just before he fills his pants!

You need to come with a warning label.............:great:

You just about caused me to choke to death. I had just taken a drink of coffee while I was reading your post. I had a choice, on the screen or swallow!

I just want you to know I about died.................:floorlaugh:
Ok here's the million dollar question I want to know the answer to, what the HELL did Susan see in Josh???? And why the HELL did she marry him?

Love is Blind, deaf, and dumb! She was young and naive. God Bless her!
I heard that, like he was going to say me, then changed it to my kids (not our kids) and he also said I Loved my wife

That was my impression too, that he said he "loved" his wife -- as in past tense. I turned up the audio as loud as I could at about the 2:05 mark forward but I just couldn't tell.

Does anyone know who the two women behind Josh are? Is the one with her hand over her mouth his other sister?

Notice Josh's right hand.
Does anyone know who the two women behind Josh are? Is the one with her hand over her mouth his other sister?

I don't know who they are, but the lady in white has an "I can't believe he said that" expression on her face.
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