Cindy's Testimony at 911 Tapes Hearing

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Does Cindy Anthony Really Believe Caylee's Alive?
Expert Weighs In On Response During Testimony

POSTED: 5:23 pm EDT July 16, 2010
UPDATED: 7:19 pm EDT July 16, 2010

“She’s maybe trying to discredit herself by making statements like this that would make her sound crazy so that they wouldn't use the 911 calls as evidence. That way maybe she could save her daughter from the death penalty,” said West.
IMO, there were lots of little lies in CA testimony but there was a lot of truth. I was shocked by how truthful she actually was at times and I really think her testimony is helping her bury her daughter. I wondered why and my first thought was that she is finally doing the right thing in a court of law because she respects it and is finally faced with the reality of what happened. Now I have another idea. Her dysfunctional relationship with casey, her desire to control and punish. God forbid anyone but her would accuse her daughter of anything or sully the family name. But, CA views herself as a victim, which she is, and she is angry at her daughter, I think, for what she has been put through. I also think that anger boiled over once casey began refusing visits and refusing to write. CA is no longer in control and that really pizzes her off. So what can she do? She can sit there and face her daughter, who cannot say a word, and she can express a tiny bit of how she felt on that day, at that moment, when she learned what happened: "I was panicked. I knew I had to get the police there now." And casey just had to sit there and listen.
I noticed that casey did not like it much either. She was very upset and even shook her head no during some of her mother's initial testimony.
I don't know, it's just an idea, but it came to me. This is a complicated, messed up family in which punishment, control, praise, sympathy, selfishness, love, hate, anger and protectiveness are all rolled into one.
LOL he especially looked annoyed when she was underlining what she was writing. CM knows the prosecution is watching exactly what causes KC to write down things on a pad. This isn't CM first rodeo although he sure doesn't seem like a great cowboy to me.

I noticed that too. She was writing really fast and completely entrenched in whatever she was writing. I guess the best way to describe it is 'angry writing'. I thought she was going to rip the paper when she underlined something. I wonder if she thinks she'll get off on some silly technicality like Cindy shook her and lied about it -or- Lee was in the kitchen, not the living room.

Belich needs to get some telescopic eye glasses so she can report Casey's rantings.

Quote Respect kushka :)

I do not see love in Cindy's actions. Any of them. Not what I call love. Accusing innocent people of the murder of her granddaughter is not "one" in a list of behaviors I have against Cindy, it is a fundamental difference in what one thinks is right and wrong. The reality of what happened to Caylee is too awful to believe one human being could do such to another that we say we have sympathy for what Cindy must be going through knowing Casey, her own daughter is accused-yet Cindy was willing to visit that very same awful label on innocent people. If Cindy was anywhere near being effected by "what happened to Caylee" I do not believe she could so easily accuse and put that pain upon innocent people.

Cindy is saying she believes Caylee is alive. And, she has(from almost the beginning)offered up anyone and everyone else as the person who has Caylee. Recently we saw a letter where Cindy tells Casey she has a "tip" about Caylee being in New York with a Latin named man. At the hearing Cindy talked about "zanny."

If Cindy loves Casey and truly believes Caylee is still alive and out there, why isn't she doing something about it? How can I believe Cindy(George and Lee)love Casey when they allow her to sit in jail, facing the death penalty while they profess she is telling the truth and do nothing to help her?

I do not have children but if my husband was in jail waiting on the death penalty and I knew he was innocent and I had tips(and 200,000 dollars)I would be following those leads myself. Let alone my daughter.

Cindy thought Casey had made a mistake in getting pregnant and threw it in Casey's face. Cindy herself in one of the 911 calls threatens to take Caylee away "we'll do the child thing and you'll never...", Shirley P told LE that Cindy had gone for advice regarding taking custody of Caylee from Casey. Cindy knew what a bad mother to Caylee Casey was and she feels some guilt but that is squashed quickly because like Casey, Cindy can not take responsibility because that would make her less than the perfection she wants to convey. I agree with Dr. Glass's assessment that in Cindy's letters to Casey, Cindy is trying to get Casey to feel guilt. Cindy does not want to feel responsible for anything that happened to Caylee and she wants, needs to be seen as a martyr. Truly, attention for some, is the ultimate and the only time they feel alive.

In the interview with LE at Universal, they let Casey know everything she has told them is a lie. (Casey retorts with "not everything" :rolleyes: ) Obviously they know she does not work at Universal, yet she tells them she goes to college. In Casey's mind, she lost some face in the "perfect person" category and must now make it up: so she "impresses" them with the "fact" that she is a college student.

I see where Casey learned to take control but not take responsibility for the outcome. True love would let Casey pay for her actions but I don't expect that: I would understand if Cindy had truly protected Casey through out. LE told Cindy what she was doing was not helping Casey or Caylee, why would she continue to do what was not best for those she supposedly loves? LE knew Casey had done something with Caylee and yet they offered up to Cindy what could ease the consequences for Casey. And, Cindy as a "loving" mother did not take that gift.

What about Caylee? If I was Cindy's friend I would ask, "Is Caylee in New York, Cindy?" and then I would say, "OMGoddess! Let's GO! Now!" I saw a early interview where Cindy says she will knock on every door forever looking for Caylee, when they never even left their house to search in the neighborhood. Cindy "hired" a P.I. and sent him out to the woods near her home to look for a "live" Caylee. How could Cindy hold a memorial for Caylee and accept all the donations and sympathy for the death of her granddaughter if she still believes she is alive?

How can she have it both ways? If she is in a delusion, mentally ill believing Caylee is alive, not able to come to terms: how was she able to have a memorial and funeral? And, if Cindy is not mentally ill and believes Caylee is alive(making Casey innocent of murder!) why does she do nothing about it?

When you can't figure something out, it is because there are a bunch of lies. Cindy is the same as Casey, the only difference is Cindy didn't actually kill anyone, it is all about Cindy all of the time. Casey wanted it to be all about Casey all of the time and so they clashed: and then Caylee came along. Both women still wanted it to be about them all of the time and now they used Caylee for each of their purposes. That same dynamic was still going on in the courtroom during the hearing. The reason it seems like this is not about Caylee...with Casey's actions and Cindy's telling of the story(even with the changes)is because it never was about Caylee to Caylee's family.

It was said long ago on Websleuths and has been repeated many times(by that I mean documented), "Casey hated Cindy more than she loved Caylee" that Casey wanted to hurt Cindy. Casey is a phony but she knows her mother is an even bigger phony, and when it looked like Cindy was going to push Casey out of the house and win: Casey did what she had to do(in the mind of a sociopath). Casey had so much invested in being a "perfect mother" just like Cindy did: but Cindy didn't have anyone saying she was a bad mother and threatening to blow her cover...

Now she does. What is that other quote, "now she knows how it feels?" Cindy was no more showing her real self by her dress, hair and make up than Casey is: this being the first case I have ever followed I have now had my first taste of "image making" and a "image makeover" being used to sway peoples emotions to get them to change their minds. When the nominations for best costume and best actress come out, I nominate all those that worked behind the scenes to get Cindy Anthony to come across as a sympathetic human.

I have sympathy for everyone, but not their actions. It makes me mad because it is wrong to lie. We teach children that fact, we supposedly base all that we are as good and decent human beings on the idea that it is wrong to lie. I don't mean it as any religious statement, I feel not lying is part of what it takes to truly be human. Then there is the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have done to you. And, when I judge myself for my anger at this woman and her family, I remember how important not lying and the Golden Rule is because if the Anthony family, who would want you to think they are like that, were really like that: then Casey could not have killed Caylee.

George said, "I don't want to believe I could have brought someone into this world, raised someone who could have hurt..." And, that is the awful thought that Cindy does not want to take responsibility for, that she raised a daughter that killed her daughter. If Cindy had not said all the things she has I would have no choice but to have some doubts that any of this was her fault but she has documented otherwise, just like Casey. Cindy has been covering for her crimes just as Casey has, that is why neither of them make any sense and constantly lie. And that is why Cindy can't save Casey, she is busy saving herself. Cindy did not defend Lee against the next worse accusation to murder, sexual abuse. I am sure on the grounds that doing so would bring up uncomfortable subjects for her, even if it's not true.

The one thing narcissists fear the most is what people think of them, and this makes them very shallow people, and I think it is shallow of them to believe that any kind of a meek and loving person would do the things Cindy has done in the last two years(alone). I wonder how the Grunds view the "new" Cindy? I wonder what Amy thought as Cindy "couldn't remember" any thing she had said to Amy regarding everything Amy learned and went though that day, I bet that day is ingrained in Amy's memory and she is still processing all the emotions. And, Cindy only remembers that Amy knew right where Tony's apartment was and as Cindy gave out all kinds of detailed extra information about Amy and mentioned Zanny again...

We combine this with interviews where Cindy(in page after page)lays out her theories about Amy, connecting her to needle drugs and being Zanny and we can see that right on the stand Cindy was still doing the same thing. So regardless of her appearance, I still saw the same old Cindy.


Thank you Chiquita71 for writing this – I have been thanking about the truths of you post for a few hours now, and I just had a strange thought – I wonder that if someone could only convince KC that the one way to truly hurt Cindy was for her to confess, she just might do it. After all she killed Caylee to win a battle in this mad war with her Mother, is it not just a small step to finish it and destroy them both?

As Cindy's Mother stated, Casey hates Cindy more the she loved Caylee, And As you stated ‘And, that is the awful thought that Cindy does not want to take responsibility for, that she raised a daughter that killed her daughter.” And “The one thing narcissists fear the most is what people think of them”,

If Casey could only see that if this goes to trial even, if she is found guilty, Cindy will be better off. She will just say there is a miscarriage of justice and KC is innocent, she will still go on morning shows, still get donations to kid finders and, maybe write a bestseller all the while KC rots in jail. The only way KC can destroy her Mother is to confess, and thus show the whole world that Cindy raised a murderer. She can elaborate it by telling on her Mother, not just about her Mother chocking and raising her badly and working to steal her child before all this happened, but her Mother actively covering up the crime etc. Of course Casey would be destroying any chance she had, but it is such a small chance, and I just can’t help but wonder of her if she was brought to realize just how far such a confession would destroy Cindy – she just might do it
OMG Cat - I just realized who CM reminds me of!!

After watching LDB question Cindy (for the second time), I am more convinced than ever that justice for Caylee will be safely delivered. She was outstanding. I was concerned that it would be difficult for the state to handle witness testimony, given the huge amount of discovery in this case, but am not anymore.

The facial expressions from those at the defense table were priceless. Jose looked physically ill. Cheney looked like he knew the ending to this story and it wasn't going to be pretty. I don't guess Casey was too happy with her mom's performance. I think a bit of reality may have set in (after watching Cindy's testimony, I don't see how it could not have).

I get the feeling that Cheney doesn't want to take this to trial and even Jose, by now, may be thinking plea deal. The question IMO is, will Casey give in ?
After watching LDB question Cindy (for the second time), I am more convinced than ever that justice for Caylee will be safely delivered. She was outstanding. I was concerned that it would be difficult for the state to handle witness testimony, given the huge amount of discovery in this case, but am not anymore.

The facial expressions from those at the defense table were priceless. Jose looked physically ill. Cheney looked like he knew the ending to this story and it wasn't going to be pretty. I don't guess Casey was too happy with her mom's performance. I think a bit of reality may have set in (after watching Cindy's testimony, I don't see how it could not have).

I get the feeling that Cheney doesn't want to take this to trial and even Jose, by now, may be thinking plea deal. The question IMO is, will Casey give in ?


I don't think KC has grasped the reality of her situation. She is in a fantasy glowing with her "celebrity status". This will probably go to trial before some of the shocking evidence and tons of witnesses against her give her a reality check.:HBwhiteflag:

Video 3 of 911 hearing testimony for minute marker 1:37 approx CA is testifying that she didn't get into an argument in front of Amy H while in the car with KC because "she respected KC" pans to KC, who intakes a breath, rolls her eyes, and CM has to tap her arm........very telling......

I was hoping ICA's reactions were caught on camera...Thanks GMA...I give you credit to endure looking at the tape of the trial, again..

I'm betting during trial, when and if CA gets back on the stand, they will hammer away at points that CA will of course try and sugar coat which will enrage ICA...maybe we'll get to see an outburst...I see a storm abrewing...JMHO

Just watch for those pursed lips on ICA's's a sure clue on her anger...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Cindy actually says she wouldn't yell at Casey in front of Amy out of respect for Casey in her testimony! That one made me laugh..Cindy's lies of omission about her own emotional displays that night, and how she treated Casey in front of her friends etc, are just to cover the part she herself played in the lead-up to Caylee's murder. The fact that she felt the need to lie give just Cindy's behavior more weight. IMO she drove Casey to it.
After watching LDB question Cindy (for the second time), I am more convinced than ever that justice for Caylee will be safely delivered. She was outstanding. I was concerned that it would be difficult for the state to handle witness testimony, given the huge amount of discovery in this case, but am not anymore.

The facial expressions from those at the defense table were priceless. Jose looked physically ill. Cheney looked like he knew the ending to this story and it wasn't going to be pretty. I don't guess Casey was too happy with her mom's performance. I think a bit of reality may have set in (after watching Cindy's testimony, I don't see how it could not have).

I get the feeling that Cheney doesn't want to take this to trial and even Jose, by now, may be thinking plea deal. The question IMO is, will Casey give in ?

ITA, I feel the SA has spent hours getting ready for this.

KC hates her mom, it was her and Lee against mom most of their lives. I think everyone worked together to keep mom happy by hiding a lot from her.

I think there is one more question besides will KC accept a plea...will the state offer/or accept it?
Cindy actually says she wouldn't yell at Casey in front of Amy out of respect for Casey in her testimony! That one made me laugh..Cindy's lies of omission about her own emotional displays that night, and how she treated Casey in front of her friends etc, are just to cover the part she herself played in the lead-up to Caylee's murder. The fact that she felt the need to lie give just Cindy's behavior more weight. IMO she drove Casey to it.

That statement made me laugh too and I wonder how KC felt. "out of respect" I don't think CA every respected KC. I would love to see what KC was writing at that point.
Thank you Chiquita71 for writing this – I have been thanking about the truths of you post for a few hours now, and I just had a strange thought – I wonder that if someone could only convince KC that the one way to truly hurt Cindy was for her to confess, she just might do it. After all she killed Caylee to win a battle in this mad war with her Mother, is it not just a small step to finish it and destroy them both?

As Cindy's Mother stated, Casey hates Cindy more the she loved Caylee, And As you stated ‘And, that is the awful thought that Cindy does not want to take responsibility for, that she raised a daughter that killed her daughter.” And “The one thing narcissists fear the most is what people think of them”,

If Casey could only see that if this goes to trial even, if she is found guilty, Cindy will be better off. She will just say there is a miscarriage of justice and KC is innocent, she will still go on morning shows, still get donations to kid finders and, maybe write a bestseller all the while KC rots in jail. The only way KC can destroy her Mother is to confess, and thus show the whole world that Cindy raised a murderer. She can elaborate it by telling on her Mother, not just about her Mother chocking and raising her badly and working to steal her child before all this happened, but her Mother actively covering up the crime etc. Of course Casey would be destroying any chance she had, but it is such a small chance, and I just can’t help but wonder of her if she was brought to realize just how far such a confession would destroy Cindy – she just might do it


Ya know now that I think about it, you are on to something here. ICA is just itchin' to tell all. But, she also is smartly doing it. ICA is totally ignoring the As, specifically CA. CA knows this and writes things she knows will push ICAs buttons. But ICA just sits on it. Probably smiling and giggling.

Lets not forget, those first couple of jail visit conversations, one where CA asks ICA if she has seen the physic doctors and ICA replied "don't worry, I didn't say anything" .... comment. There is one humungous family secret the As don't want revealed. Then there is the comment from LA, "is this like that last time" ......

Whether ICA gets LWOP or the DP, there will be ample time for ICA to totally destroy Cindy, George and Lee with her mighty pen. And ICA and JB are cleaver enough to have royalty and profits given to agencies to protect abused children. I bet dollars to donuts that ICA has more evidence hidden that will incriminate them in some manner of past behaviors. CA certainly hasn't covered her deeds, or her azse, well enough from ICA not to expose them.

The facial expressions ICA to CA, from CA to ICA, the totally inappropriate :ilu" from LA to ICA, the pizzed ICA writing feverishly on her pad to CM and JB speaks volumes more than the spoken lies told in court.

So, ICA doesn't specifically need to plea out. She knows what her fate is but she is more satisfied with the "getting one up" on CA than she is getting the penalty for murdering Caylee.

Casey Marie Anthony is focused on the totality of destroying Cynthia Marie Anthony. George and Lee are simply collateral damage.
Hello WS :)

Cindy Anthony
Interview with LE

CA: Casey and Caylee and Juliette and Anabelle were in Casey's car and they did not get in an accident but Casey said that Zanny had gotten into an accident and totaled the car. Now I'm not sure who was, the car was totaled and someone got a new car. Talking to Amy from the airport, Amy told me and I (inaudible) again I wasn't thinking about her, Zanny any connection with Amy told me she had just gotten a new car that uhm, her dad had bought her a new car she had to go up to Jacksonville...
LE: (interrupts) Amy had just gotten a new car...
CA: Yes, she had to go to Jacksonville Casey was supposed to take her to Jacksonville to pick up the car and Casey bailed on her one day and wouldn't take her so she had to call someone else to take her and I think she actually had to rent a car to get herself up to Jacksonville to pick up her new car that her father had bought her, this is key because Casey had told me that when Zanny had totaled the car her car in the accident that her father had bought her a new car and she told us that it was a Ford Focus 2008 Silver Ford Focus. I don't know what Amy drives, I have no idea I've never saw Amy's car but I think its very pertinent if Casey has indeed given me clues to what's going on and she's trying to lead us these people so we can find and realize who it is so that we can watch them and maybe catch them where were gonna catch them off guard and get Casey home, Caylee home safely to us. It all kind of makes sense, see where I'm going with this? Casey said that Zanny's car had been totaled and that her father had bought her a car Amy in her own words told me that her car had been totaled, the dates I don't know if they match up and it could have just been something that Casey was throwing out there, could have happened a month ago but Casey was telling me...
LE: It happened on the way back from Tampa?
CA: Zanny's car had been totaled Mom and her father, a few days later she said her dad had you know was buying her a new car, 'cause her dad had money and said you know he would take care of it and get her a new car. So I think that's kind of something, I hadn't even put that connection together like I said until last night but the car accident and the new car thing and who gave it? Amy said her dad got her a new car the other connection was that Amy herself told me that Casey was taking, was supposed to take her to Jacksonville to pick up the car. That's the Jacksonville connection...not until...
LE: Shows Caylee being in danger...
CA: Right, not yet were not all the way there yet.
LE: Okay
CA: Okay
LE: And I'm still listening...
CA: I know you are...I know you are...
LE: And I'm listening all day long...
CA: I know, I know you are, I (long pause)(exhale)
LE: (inaudible because CA speaks loudly over him)
CA: I know, and I never thought, (?)when first meeting Amy and the last, or this morning never even thought a suspect never even thought a suspect but now look back over things it just doesn't add up some of the things that are going on...
LE: Let me ask you real quick, in the end are you going to say that she is Zanny?
CA: (pause) I'm not sure but I'm getting close to that conclusion, I'm getting close to that conclusion that that could be Zanny.
LE: Okay
CA: I...,I, I haven't said it just, I don't know and I don't want to falsely accuse anybody of anything but all I'm saying is its a big possibility that, that could be Zanny.
LE: Okay
CA: (skip) Where am I at now? Uhm...
LE: New car
CA: New car, again I don't know the make of (hers?)and Casey may have picked any random car I'm not sure if that's the clue or not that the 2008 Silver Ford Focus is actually what she's driving or someone else is driving I don't know if the actual car or the fact that it was the car accident and her father was the one is actually the clue that Casey's trying to give to us, okay? Alright uhm Amy again does say that she works at Universal Studios so that is truth about if she is Zanny that there's that Universal connection. Uhm, the other thing is Casey describes Zanny's roommate and I don't know if she's just, giving me clues out there about Zanny or her roommate as a tall blond person. Amy's tall I mean I'm not that tall I'm 5'4 but she taller than me she's at least 5'7. And Casey's stated that Zanny's 5'6, 5'7 only with dark hair, so you know but again she, she, you know if, if she's trying to appease this person and saying, "I'm not going to rat you out" and giving them enough throwing them off and she's still doing what this person wants her to do is lay low, chill out your learning your lesson and I'll get to all this in a little bit. Uhm, so again the blond I think, it might be a clue as well.
LE: Okay

And, this is the same story that Cindy was pushing on the stand July 15th. Cindy has not changed one little bit, just like her daughter has not, and they will not: it is this very behavior that created this situation in the first place. If they(Cindy and Casey) ever backed down, or ever gave in, or ever told the TRUTH, Caylee would be alive.

Did we know before today that Cindy told Casey two weeks before the car was picked up from the impound lot that Cindy wanted the car brought back home? I have missed this information somehow if it was known before.

Cindy looked defeated to me when being questioned by Linda. I also noticed that Casey didn't look at Cindy much at all. At the point when Cindy was in tears on the stand Casey was completely unmoved. Casey sat as if she were made of stone.

I would say except for when Cindy commented that she thought Caylee was still alive. It seemed to me that KC was fighting back emotion after she said that. She started pulling the corners of her mouth down in more, and her nostrils were flaring like she was trying to fight back some sort of emotion.
First 911 Call Cindy Anthony made 07/15/2008

: Hello
Cindy Anthony: Hi, I drove to the police department here on Pershing but you guys are closed. I need to bring someone into the police department. Can you tell me where I can? the closest one I can come too.
Operator: What are you trying to accomplish by bringing them to the station?
Cindy Anthony: I have a 22-year-old person that has um grand theft sitting in my auto with me.
Operator: So the 22-year-old person stole something?
Cindy Anthony: Yes
Operator: Is this a relative?
Cindy Anthony: Yes
Operator: Where did they steal it from?
Cindy Anthony: Um, my car and also money.
Operator: OK. Is this your son?
Cindy Anthony: Daughter
Operator: OK, so your daughter stole money from your car?
Cindy Anthony: No. My car was stolen. We've retrieved it, today we found out where it was at. We've retrieved it, I've got that. And I've got affidavits from my banking account. I want to bring her in. I want to press charges.
Operator: Where, where did all of this happen?
Cindy Anthony: Oh, it's been happening.
Operator: I know, but I need to establish the jurisdiction is what I'm trying...
Cindy Anthony: Oh well I live in Orlando
Operator: Yup, but what address did these thefts occur at?
Cindy Anthony: Um, well I guess my residence.
Operator: That's actually going to be in the jurisdiction of the sheriff's office, ma'm, not the Orlando Police Department.
Cindy Anthony: Alrighty...
Operator: Let me transfer you over to the communication section for Orange County.
Cindy Anthony: Ok, now the Orlando Sheriff's Department the one on 436? Is that open this afternoon or this evening?
Operator: Um, the substation you're at off Pershing,if it's Orlando Police...we're open primarily in the day, but that's not the sheriff's, that's the city police which does not have jurisdiction for your address.
Cindy Anthony: I know the sheriff's department on 5th, I mean on 436.
Operator: What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna transfer you to the sheriff's communications section and you can...determine that.
Cindy Anthony: OK.

{Dial tone}
{Phone dialing}
{Phone ringing}

Cindy Anthony: My next thing will be child's thing and we'll have a court order to get her if that's what you wanna play. We'll do it and you'll never...

{Casey inaudibly talking}

Cindy Anthony: Well then you I'm not giving you another day. I've given you a month.

Second 911 Call Cindy Anthony made 07/15/2008

Cindy: I have someone here that I need to be arrested... In my home

Dispatcher: they're there right now?

Cindy: I have a possible missing child of a three year old that's been missing for a month

Dispatcher: a three year old...

Cindy: yes

Dispatcher: have you reporter that

Cindy: I’m trying to do that now ma'am

Dispatcher: k... What did the person do that you need arrested

Cindy: my daughter

Dispatcher: for what

Cindy: For stealing an auto and stealing money. I already spoke with someone. They said they would patch me through to the Orlando Sheriff's Department have a deputy here. I was in the car... I was going to drive her to the police station and no one's open. They said they would bring a deputy to my home when I got home to call them.

Dispatcher: so she stole your vehicle

Cindy: yes

Dispatcher: when did she do that?

Cindy: on the 30th. I just got it back from the impound. I'd like to speak to an officer. Can you have someone come out to my house?

Dispatcher: ok, ok I got to ask you these questions so I can put them in the call ok

Cindy: ok

Dispatcher: 30th of June?

Cindy: yes

Dispatcher: how old is your daughter?

Cindy: 22

Dispatcher: what's her name?

Cindy: my name

Dispatcher: her name

Cindy: her name's ------------------

Dispatcher: and you say you have the vehicle back?

Cindy: yes... I have the ahh statements

Dispatcher: she's there right now

Cindy: yes. I got her. I finally found her after a month. She's been missing for a month. I found her but we can't find my granddaughter.

Dispatcher: ------------------

Cindy: ahhh 5 foot one and a half

Dispatcher: thin, medium or heavy build?

Cindy: thin

Dispatcher: color hair?

Cindy: brown

Dispatcher: what color shirt is she wearing?

Cindy: white

Dispatcher: what color pants

Cindy: (sighs) they're shorts, they're plaid, they're like pink and teal and white... Black plaid

Dispatcher: does she have any weapons on her?

Cindy: no

Dispatcher: is she not telling you where her daughter is?

Cindy: correct

Dispatcher: ok we'll have a deputy out to you as soon as one is available ok

Cindy: thank you

Dispatcher: thank you

Cindy: bye

Dispatcher: bye
Third 911 Call Cindy Anthony made 07/15/2008

Dispatch: 911 what's your emergency?

Cindy: I called a little bit ago. The deputy sheriff's not here. i found out my granddaughter has been taken. She’s been missing for a month. her mother finally admitted she's been missing.

Dispatch: ok. What’s the address you're calling from?

Cindy: we're talking about a 3 year old little girl. My daughter finally admitted that the babysitter stole her. I need to find her.

Dispatch: your daughter admitted that the baby is where?

Cindy: that the babysitter took her a month ago. That my daughter's been looking for. I told you my daughter was missing for a month. I just found her today. But I can't find my granddaughter. She just admitted to me that she's been trying to find her herself. There’s something wrong. I found my daughter's car today and it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car.

Dispatch: okay. What is the 3 year old's name?

Cindy: Caylee. C-A-Y-L-E-E Anthony.

Dispatch: Caylee Anthony?

Cindy: yes.

Dispatch: okay. is she white, black or Hispanic?

Cindy: she's white.

Dispatch: how long has she been missing for?

Cindy: I have not seen her since the 7th of June.

Dispatch: what is her date of birth?

Cindy: um. 8. 8-9, 2000. Oh god she's 3. She’s 2005. George, Caylee's missing.

George: what?

Cindy: Caylee's missing. Casey says (Zenaida) took her a month ago. (inaudible).

Dispatch: okay. I need. um. I understand. Can you. Can you just calm down for me for just a minute. I need to know what's going on. Okay. I’m gonna try and...

Cindy: (inaudible)

Dispatch: is your, is your daughter there?

Cindy: I’m on the phone with them.

Dispatch: is your daughter there?

Cindy: yes.

Dispatch: can I speak with her? Do you mind if I speak with her? Thank you.

Cindy: I called them two hours ago and they haven't gotten here. Casey finally admitted that (Zenaida) took her a month ago and has been trying to find her.

Dispatch: ma'am, ma'am.

Cindy: it's the orange county sheriff's department. They wanna talk to you. (inaudible) answer their questions.

Casey: hello.

Dispatch: hello.

Casey: yes.

Dispatch: hi. What can you... can you tell me what's going on a little bit?

Casey: I’m sorry?

Dispatch: can you tell me a little bit what's going on?

Casey: my daughter's been missing for the last 31 days.

Dispatch: and you know who has her?

Casey: I know who has her. I’ve tried to contact her. I actually received a phone call today. Now from a number that is no longer in service. I did get to speak to my daughter for about a moment. About a minute.

Dispatch: okay, did you guys call and report a vehicle stolen?

Casey: um. Yes, my mom did.

Dispatch: okay. So is the vehicle stolen too?

Casey: no. this is my vehicle.

Dispatch: what vehicle was stolen?

Casey: um, it's a 98 Pontiac Sunfire.

Dispatch: okay, I have deputies on the way to you right now for that. So now your 3 year old daughter is missing? Caylee Anthony?

Casey: yes.

Dispatch: white female?

Casey: yes. White female.

Dispatch: 3 years old? 8-9-2005 is her date of birth?

Casey: yes.

Dispatch: and you last saw her a month ago?

Casey: 31 days. been 31 days.

Dispatch: who has her? Do you have a name?

Casey: her name is Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzales.

Dispatch: who is that? Babysitter?

Casey: she's been my nanny for about a year and a half. Almost two years.

Dispatch: why... why are you calling now? Why didn't you call 31 days ago?

Casey: I’ve been looking for her and have gone through other resources to try to find her, which was stupid.

Dispatch: can you... can you give me the name of the nanny again? Like spell it out for me?

Casey: Zenaida. Z-E-N-A-I-D-A.

Dispatch: last name?

Casey: Fernandez.

Dispatch: Fernandez?

Casey: hyphen Gonzales. I think the officers are here.

Dispatch: the officers are there?

Casey: yes.
I'm not convinced that all of Cindy's memory lapses correspond to an unwillingness to divulge information. She answered fundamental questions that she had not previously been willing to discuss, or for which she had previously provided alternate explanations.

I don't think that there is really any substantial or empirical evidence that Cindy should possess an eidetic memory of the events surrounding the loss of Caylee, based on current & existing research into memory recollection and "reconsolidation".

The first article addresses 9/11 specifically. So far the research indicates that long term memories are affected with each recollection. Each reactivation of the memory integrates new information with the old and results in essentially a hybrid memory.

This may also occur through different mechanisms including length of time since the event, change in attitude, and incorporation of misinformation.

Whether the event is traumatic and unexpected also affects the recollection.

How Our Brains Make Memories

Reference Letter: (Cited 368 times)

A Bridge Over Troubled Water: Reconsolidation as a Link Between Cognitive and Neuroscientific Memory Research Traditions

Alterations in Recollection of Unusual and Unexpected Events
I would love to see a breakdown of the "I don't remembers"...and I'm not just talking about her recall of July 15th. What I'm a tad concerned should be her the stories that she's disseminated. "Say it enough times you tend to believe it" kinda thing. She would have to see her stories for what they were...just stories. IMO she was coached...and she was coached well.
Third 911 Call Cindy Anthony made 07/15/2008

Dispatch: 911 what's your emergency?

Cindy: I called a little bit ago. The deputy sheriff's not here. i found out my granddaughter has been taken. She’s been missing for a month. her mother finally admitted she's been missing.

Dispatch: ok. What’s the address you're calling from?

Cindy: we're talking about a 3 year old little girl. My daughter finally admitted that the babysitter stole her. I need to find her.

Dispatch: your daughter admitted that the baby is where?

Cindy: that the babysitter took her a month ago. That my daughter's been looking for. I told you my daughter was missing for a month. I just found her today. But I can't find my granddaughter. She just admitted to me that she's been trying to find her herself. There’s something wrong. I found my daughter's car today and it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car.

Dispatch: okay. What is the 3 year old's name?

Cindy: Caylee. C-A-Y-L-E-E Anthony.

Dispatch: Caylee Anthony?

Cindy: yes.

Dispatch: okay. is she white, black or Hispanic?

Cindy: she's white.

Dispatch: how long has she been missing for?

Cindy: I have not seen her since the 7th of June.

Dispatch: what is her date of birth?

Cindy: um. 8. 8-9, 2000. Oh god she's 3. She’s 2005. George, Caylee's missing.

George: what?

Cindy: Caylee's missing. Casey says (Zenaida) took her a month ago. (inaudible).

Dispatch: okay. I need. um. I understand. Can you. Can you just calm down for me for just a minute. I need to know what's going on. Okay. I’m gonna try and...

Cindy: (inaudible)

Dispatch: is your, is your daughter there?

Cindy: I’m on the phone with them.

Dispatch: is your daughter there?

Cindy: yes.

Dispatch: can I speak with her? Do you mind if I speak with her? Thank you.

Cindy: I called them two hours ago and they haven't gotten here. Casey finally admitted that (Zenaida) took her a month ago and has been trying to find her.

Dispatch: ma'am, ma'am.

Cindy: it's the orange county sheriff's department. They wanna talk to you. (inaudible) answer their questions.

Casey: hello.

Dispatch: hello.

Casey: yes.

Dispatch: hi. What can you... can you tell me what's going on a little bit?

Casey: I’m sorry?

Dispatch: can you tell me a little bit what's going on?

Casey: my daughter's been missing for the last 31 days.

Dispatch: and you know who has her?

Casey: I know who has her. I’ve tried to contact her. I actually received a phone call today. Now from a number that is no longer in service. I did get to speak to my daughter for about a moment. About a minute.

Dispatch: okay, did you guys call and report a vehicle stolen?

Casey: um. Yes, my mom did.

Dispatch: okay. So is the vehicle stolen too?

Casey: no. this is my vehicle.

Dispatch: what vehicle was stolen?

Casey: um, it's a 98 Pontiac Sunfire.

Dispatch: okay, I have deputies on the way to you right now for that. So now your 3 year old daughter is missing? Caylee Anthony?

Casey: yes.

Dispatch: white female?

Casey: yes. White female.

Dispatch: 3 years old? 8-9-2005 is her date of birth?

Casey: yes.

Dispatch: and you last saw her a month ago?

Casey: 31 days. been 31 days.

Dispatch: who has her? Do you have a name?

Casey: her name is Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzales.

Dispatch: who is that? Babysitter?

Casey: she's been my nanny for about a year and a half. Almost two years.

Dispatch: why... why are you calling now? Why didn't you call 31 days ago?

Casey: I’ve been looking for her and have gone through other resources to try to find her, which was stupid.

Dispatch: can you... can you give me the name of the nanny again? Like spell it out for me?

Casey: Zenaida. Z-E-N-A-I-D-A.

Dispatch: last name?

Casey: Fernandez.

Dispatch: Fernandez?

Casey: hyphen Gonzales. I think the officers are here.

Dispatch: the officers are there?

Casey: yes.
Thanks, Chiquita!

Gosh...doesn't that make you kinda sick?
Thanks, Chiquita!

Gosh...doesn't that make you kinda sick?

It makes me more than sick. I can't believe, what KC did, how the family has reacted..that poor, poor baby.

You can 'hear' the panic in CA voice just reading...and the stoniness of KC.

The "I just talked to my daughter for a moment, from a phone that is now out of service"

There was one truth though, well maybe a truth...when KC says that not reporting it sooner was stupid. (but I think she meant the fact that she hadn't skipped town soon was the stupid part.)
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