Cindy's Testimony at 911 Tapes Hearing

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I can only guess how the earth would fall out from underneath me the moment I heard "haven't seen her in 31 days" like Cindy did.

I'm sorry, but after 48 hours I would have been on a manhunt looking for KC, and Caylee. Neither GA or CA did anything to find KC during those 31 days. LA went to the Dragon Room to search for his sister, and she hid from him. The stupid story about ZFG getting into an accident should have been a big red flag to CA, and GA. Why didn't either one of them call FHP and inquire about an accident on 275 North that day. GA had KC in his sights on June
24th. If he was so concerned he should have flatten a tire, and offered to drive her to where she wanted to go. Instead they chose to believe KC who they both called a pathological liar.
Cindy also pointed out to LDB that the date was wrong on 2 different transcripts.
That is a sharp-eyed person to spot so small of an error. (It was typed June 15, rather than July).

And yet, she had such a hard time remembering things or glossed over events to make "the family" look better than they are.

Also, when Lee, dressed like a bum :cow:, mouthed his gross comment to his sister and LDB made the comment "I don't think that was for me was it?" (or something to that effect),
Lee emphatically said, "Absolutely Not!"

My heart sunk with all of the above. :cow:

p.s. aww- I love the cow- Thanks for the instructions aksleuth.

Just goes to show you what these people think of LE. I can't imagine saying "I love you" to someone that murderer a baby let alone someone that called me a molester. I guess the next thing will be a jail house visit where they blow kisses to one another.
At first I wondered why LDB wasn't asking more and more questions, she dismissed Cindy, brought out Lee, and I thought for SURE she'd recall Cindy and cross and recross over Lee's testimony, but she didn't. With Lee she didn't press anything. It wasn't until Debbie finally showed up after a long "where is she?", gave her Jackie LaManchik testimony (reference to John Grisham's Rainmaker, look it up if you don't know), and LDB stood up and said "No questions, Your Honor", that it occurred to me just how brilliant this woman truly is. A fine tooth comb would be ashamed of itself, for how well this woman works.

I think she may have done that if this were in front of a jury in order to be sure and drive each point home to them as lay people. This was a hearing in front of a Judge who is extremely sharp. I know he caught every little "mistruth" so IMHO it just wasn't necessary. It'll be different during the trial I am sure.

ETA: ITA with your post that LDB is brilliant.
:banghead: Darn! I missed the whole thing and can't find any video. :banghead:

I've only gotten through the first page of this thread, and seen pics from the courtroom,

It's good to see that CA is no longer looking skeletal. Hopefully her overall health will continue to improve.

Yeah, she looks like she been eating lots of chili, and cornbread smothered in butter.
CA was under the influence of some kind of meds, as stated by attorney Mark Nejames.

IMO possibly benzos, over the last 2 years, which could genuinely affect her ability to recall things when asked under oath at hearings like this. (or anywhere else)

Adverse effects of benzos:

Last paragraph could also explain why it's taken CA so long to adjust to reality.

But this is just a possibility and MOO.

Guess JB will say KC was on benzos and that why she didn't know where Caylee was. I'd like to give KC some medication called truth serum.
Did anyone else notice when they took the 10 minute break (after CA testified) that she left the courtroom and shortly after JB had a text message that he let Ica read?

I would bet it was a text from her mother and I can't believe that can be legal.
Everyone should have to turn everything off and leave it off during court.

I also have noticed and commented on Ica's hair.
I am amazed at how long and healthy it looks considering she has been locked up for 2 years, lost a child, discovered lost child is dead, etc.

Woman lose hair when under extreme stress and the growth slows.

Her hair is another indicator that she is not doing too bad.
It's not just that she's young. Amanda Knox has had to cut her hair due to thinning from stress.

Oh yeah, JB let KC something on his phone, and it most likely was a text from CA. Wasn't it strange how KC didn't show any emotion towards her mother when she was testifying? I guess that is how you act when your getting ready to throw somebody under the bus. If that is what the defense plans on doing to CA I wonder if she will take the fall for KC?
I can't believe how leading Baez's questions were towards Cindy! Who calls the police just to get them out there and says "it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car" if it's not true???? She claims she was saying that mainly because Caylee's items- doll, backpack, and carseat were in the car! Unbelievable!:doh:
You aren't the only one who has twisted panties! They do that all of the time and it really ticks me off. Right in the middle of testimony and it is "goodbye and we'll see you tomorrow!. I can't even find an email address for TruTV to email them and give them a piece of my mind,

When they ended the court part of their day yesterday it was said that someone was going to show the whole hearing today. I'm turning the tv on at 9:OO when they start here and they darn well better show that whole hearng! is very reliable for their coverage of the hearings.
I'm not convinced that all of Cindy's memory lapses correspond to an unwillingness to divulge information. She answered fundamental questions that she had not previously been willing to discuss, or for which she had previously provided alternate explanations.

I don't think that there is really any substantial or empirical evidence that Cindy should possess an eidetic memory of the events surrounding the loss of Caylee, based on current & existing research into memory recollection and "reconsolidation".

The first article addresses 9/11 specifically. So far the research indicates that long term memories are affected with each recollection. Each reactivation of the memory integrates new information with the old and results in essentially a hybrid memory.

This may also occur through different mechanisms including length of time since the event, change in attitude, and incorporation of misinformation.

Whether the event is traumatic and unexpected also affects the recollection.

How Our Brains Make Memories

Reference Letter: (Cited 368 times)

A Bridge Over Troubled Water: Reconsolidation as a Link Between Cognitive and Neuroscientific Memory Research Traditions

Alterations in Recollection of Unusual and Unexpected Events

It's not like someone just asked her out of the blue, to recall events of that day.
She has excellent recall, from what we have seen of her many appearances on TV and in her Morgan depo- she has read and re-read all the transcripts of her interviews and been coached for this testimony. Her memory only failed her on incriminating subjects, she only got confused about things that would implicate Casey. That is just too convenient not to be highly suspect.
Hello WS :)

I was posting during the hearing. Cindy threw AH under the bus every chance she got! Cindy still lied, and only told the truth when she was forced. Cindy lied on AH so bad! Cindy couldn't remember any details regarding her or Casey the day she got AH to take her to TL apt, but she remembered AH knew just where the apt was, and how to get inside, and "right where the door was" but Cindy, Cindy didn't go inside TL apt. She stayed outside.

And, Cindy doesn't think, know or remember if she spoke to AH about the car, or the smell or the Caylee missing and the not knowing where Casey was...

I'm sorry I don't have a better thought out post about this, I signed off after the hearing because I was left feeling so yucky after hearing Cindy and Lee.

So yucky.

They're always laughing, Lee on the stand, Cindy after her time on the stand...I wonder what's so darn funny? :furious:


Well AH, TL, and TL's room mate Nate will tesitfy that CA did in fact go into that apartment, and even told the boys what a thief KC is. If I rememeber correctly TL even told LA when they met in the auto about CA coming into his apartment. I mean why lie over whether you went into that apartment? That's why most people have a problem with CA she just lies for no reason. If you lie about something so meaningless question why CA made up the lie about not having a spat with KC on June 15th. Neighbors will be called to testify they heard loud screaming coming from that house that night between CA, and KC. I bet CA was not even in that pool with Caylee when KC came home that night. I think CA had every intention of threating KC with taking Caylee away from her, because of something Caylee told CA. I mean if you give it some thought why did KC leave with Caylee on June 15th/16th? Why that night? She left, because she was scared or fed up with CA's threats. Who knows if CA went to far that night, and choked KC to the point she passed out? What if KC knew her mother was serious this time? Something went horribly wrong in KC's head, and Caylee ended up dead. Whether she mixed up a cocktail of drugs, or taped her airways or shook her, or left her in a hot car or was so angry she threw her into the car, and Caylee banged her head...that baby died if her care. If the defense had any brain cells at all they would plea this case out now, and let GA, CA, and LA finally let that baby rest in peace.
I sat through CA's testimony and my family thought that I was crazy. I kept saying that is not true, that is not what you told LE, that is not what you said.

How sad is it that I can remember more accurately what she said and did than she can?

As for her still believing Caylee is alive, that is hogwash! CA may have some problems but mental deficiency is not one of them. She has had 2 years to come to gripes with Caylee's death and she has. If not, then she would not have had a memorial or be wearing Caylee's ashes.

What it does is sound good during interviews and sound bites. It is great for the sympathy angle. Besides....truthfully, if your grandchild had gone missing and you truly believed that the body found was not hers/his, would you go on a cruise to get away from everything and get a memorial tattoo? Or would you be out all day, every day trying to get someone to listen to you, hiring good PIs, spending any funds that you have and any funds that you can scrape together to mount your own searches? Wouldn't you still be looking?

If she had said "Sometimes I still believe that Caylee is alive" or "Sometimes I feel that she is still here" or "It is hard for me to believe that she is really gone", this would be a normal statement and would be understandable. We cant claim that she just mispoke because we have already heard her say this before and she used almost the same words. Don't ask me where I heard it but I do remember everyone talking about it here.

CA is a piece of work for sure. Don't let what you saw on the stand yesterday fool you. She was playing a role yesterday to garner sympathy to her and her cause but she told only as much truth as she had to to save her own butt.

Come trial time, she is going to try playing the same well rehearsed role that we saw yesterday because the got a good reaction from the public but she won't be able to maintain that for very long and she will explode.

You my dear, deserve a standing ovation for this post. I'm so afraid that some people will buy into CA's role playing yesterday, and it will result in a hung jury. I pray the focus stays on Caylee not CA.
I still think the reason that any lies or inconsistencies were not addressaed is because the SA's eyes were on the prize-getting the 911 calls admitted. Nothing escaped LDB or JA's attention-they were noted and filed mentally. It's just that those issues will be addressed another day when JA and LDB are ready to hold their feet to the fire concerning their testimony and depos.
The Anthony's and the defense have always had one major flaw-their ego. They truly feel they can outwit and out manuver LE and the prosecutors. That is going to get KC at least LWP or maybe the DP.:twocents:
Quote Respect kushka :)

I do not see love in Cindy's actions. Any of them. Not what I call love. Accusing innocent people of the murder of her granddaughter is not "one" in a list of behaviors I have against Cindy, it is a fundamental difference in what one thinks is right and wrong. The reality of what happened to Caylee is too awful to believe one human being could do such to another that we say we have sympathy for what Cindy must be going through knowing Casey, her own daughter is accused-yet Cindy was willing to visit that very same awful label on innocent people. If Cindy was anywhere near being effected by "what happened to Caylee" I do not believe she could so easily accuse and put that pain upon innocent people.

Cindy is saying she believes Caylee is alive. And, she has(from almost the beginning)offered up anyone and everyone else as the person who has Caylee. Recently we saw a letter where Cindy tells Casey she has a "tip" about Caylee being in New York with a Latin named man. At the hearing Cindy talked about "zanny."

If Cindy loves Casey and truly believes Caylee is still alive and out there, why isn't she doing something about it? How can I believe Cindy(George and Lee)love Casey when they allow her to sit in jail, facing the death penalty while they profess she is telling the truth and do nothing to help her?

I do not have children but if my husband was in jail waiting on the death penalty and I knew he was innocent and I had tips(and 200,000 dollars)I would be following those leads myself. Let alone my daughter.

Cindy thought Casey had made a mistake in getting pregnant and threw it in Casey's face. Cindy herself in one of the 911 calls threatens to take Caylee away "we'll do the child thing and you'll never...", Shirley P told LE that Cindy had gone for advice regarding taking custody of Caylee from Casey. Cindy knew what a bad mother to Caylee Casey was and she feels some guilt but that is squashed quickly because like Casey, Cindy can not take responsibility because that would make her less than the perfection she wants to convey. I agree with Dr. Glass's assessment that in Cindy's letters to Casey, Cindy is trying to get Casey to feel guilt. Cindy does not want to feel responsible for anything that happened to Caylee and she wants, needs to be seen as a martyr. Truly, attention for some, is the ultimate and the only time they feel alive.

In the interview with LE at Universal, they let Casey know everything she has told them is a lie. (Casey retorts with "not everything" :rolleyes: ) Obviously they know she does not work at Universal, yet she tells them she goes to college. In Casey's mind, she lost some face in the "perfect person" category and must now make it up: so she "impresses" them with the "fact" that she is a college student.

I see where Casey learned to take control but not take responsibility for the outcome. True love would let Casey pay for her actions but I don't expect that: I would understand if Cindy had truly protected Casey through out. LE told Cindy what she was doing was not helping Casey or Caylee, why would she continue to do what was not best for those she supposedly loves? LE knew Casey had done something with Caylee and yet they offered up to Cindy what could ease the consequences for Casey. And, Cindy as a "loving" mother did not take that gift.

What about Caylee? If I was Cindy's friend I would ask, "Is Caylee in New York, Cindy?" and then I would say, "OMGoddess! Let's GO! Now!" I saw a early interview where Cindy says she will knock on every door forever looking for Caylee, when they never even left their house to search in the neighborhood. Cindy "hired" a P.I. and sent him out to the woods near her home to look for a "live" Caylee. How could Cindy hold a memorial for Caylee and accept all the donations and sympathy for the death of her granddaughter if she still believes she is alive?

How can she have it both ways? If she is in a delusion, mentally ill believing Caylee is alive, not able to come to terms: how was she able to have a memorial and funeral? And, if Cindy is not mentally ill and believes Caylee is alive(making Casey innocent of murder!) why does she do nothing about it?

When you can't figure something out, it is because there are a bunch of lies. Cindy is the same as Casey, the only difference is Cindy didn't actually kill anyone, it is all about Cindy all of the time. Casey wanted it to be all about Casey all of the time and so they clashed: and then Caylee came along. Both women still wanted it to be about them all of the time and now they used Caylee for each of their purposes. That same dynamic was still going on in the courtroom during the hearing. The reason it seems like this is not about Caylee...with Casey's actions and Cindy's telling of the story(even with the changes)is because it never was about Caylee to Caylee's family.

It was said long ago on Websleuths and has been repeated many times(by that I mean documented), "Casey hated Cindy more than she loved Caylee" that Casey wanted to hurt Cindy. Casey is a phony but she knows her mother is an even bigger phony, and when it looked like Cindy was going to push Casey out of the house and win: Casey did what she had to do(in the mind of a sociopath). Casey had so much invested in being a "perfect mother" just like Cindy did: but Cindy didn't have anyone saying she was a bad mother and threatening to blow her cover...

Now she does. What is that other quote, "now she knows how it feels?" Cindy was no more showing her real self by her dress, hair and make up than Casey is: this being the first case I have ever followed I have now had my first taste of "image making" and a "image makeover" being used to sway peoples emotions to get them to change their minds. When the nominations for best costume and best actress come out, I nominate all those that worked behind the scenes to get Cindy Anthony to come across as a sympathetic human.

I have sympathy for everyone, but not their actions. It makes me mad because it is wrong to lie. We teach children that fact, we supposedly base all that we are as good and decent human beings on the idea that it is wrong to lie. I don't mean it as any religious statement, I feel not lying is part of what it takes to truly be human. Then there is the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have done to you. And, when I judge myself for my anger at this woman and her family, I remember how important not lying and the Golden Rule is because if the Anthony family, who would want you to think they are like that, were really like that: then Casey could not have killed Caylee.

George said, "I don't want to believe I could have brought someone into this world, raised someone who could have hurt..." And, that is the awful thought that Cindy does not want to take responsibility for, that she raised a daughter that killed her daughter. If Cindy had not said all the things she has I would have no choice but to have some doubts that any of this was her fault but she has documented otherwise, just like Casey. Cindy has been covering for her crimes just as Casey has, that is why neither of them make any sense and constantly lie. And that is why Cindy can't save Casey, she is busy saving herself. Cindy did not defend Lee against the next worse accusation to murder, sexual abuse. I am sure on the grounds that doing so would bring up uncomfortable subjects for her, even if it's not true.

The one thing narcissists fear the most is what people think of them, and this makes them very shallow people, and I think it is shallow of them to believe that any kind of a meek and loving person would do the things Cindy has done in the last two years(alone). I wonder how the Grunds view the "new" Cindy? I wonder what Amy thought as Cindy "couldn't remember" any thing she had said to Amy regarding everything Amy learned and went though that day, I bet that day is ingrained in Amy's memory and she is still processing all the emotions. And, Cindy only remembers that Amy knew right where Tony's apartment was and as Cindy gave out all kinds of detailed extra information about Amy and mentioned Zanny again...

We combine this with interviews where Cindy(in page after page)lays out her theories about Amy, connecting her to needle drugs and being Zanny and we can see that right on the stand Cindy was still doing the same thing. So regardless of her appearance, I still saw the same old Cindy.


:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: amazing post
CA is saying over and over that she didn't look at the time for the rest of the evening after picking KC up in the car, but while being questioned by JB about taking KC to the police dept...she states the place was closed, that she didn't know it closed at 5pm....this is where I think she is lying, because when you arrive somewhere that is closed, it is normal to check your watch/phone to see what time is actually is......JMHO

CA even had a clock on the dashboard. Give me a break!!!
The one thing that had me chuckling over and over again was the shots of CM's face while ICA was furiously writing on her sheets and slapping them down in front of him. He could barely contain himself! He would look away, ignore her, then quickly looked down - brief nod and look away.

The last thing he wanted to do was look at anything she was writing. Classic!
LDB. IS. BRILLIANT. I bow down to her. I am a true fan now. Holy Moly, I would NEVER want to be someone trying to lie or hide something and then have to be cross examined by her. Wow, she was just awesome! And like some of you, it took me a bit to see what she was doing, but when I figured it out, I was like WHOA that's brilliant!

I was just in AWE of her today, and I came out of that hearing more convinced than ever that is not only not getting away with this, but will mostly likely have a needle in her arm by the time this was done.

I hope the entire A family paid attention. SA is too well prepared for them to spew their lies and get away with it. When they are on that stand, they are toast. I hope they know that and it scares them.

I also hope they know just how BAD Casey's defense team is. LDB make them look like amateur kids just starting out. And yet they sat there laughing it up. I think this whole trial is going to be one big sink for them. They just don't know how to get it together and come off as professional and smart. LDB LITERALLY wiped the floor with them today. That's just a snippet, boys. She will do that to you all day long, all week long, all the entire time of the trial.

Back on topic, I also thought it was hilarious the minutia of control Cindy tried to have. She reminded me of my dog when she sees food within reach. If she thinks she has the slightest chance to take it from me, she will. And her eyes never leave that food. Cindy was the same way. Her eyes never left LDB. She was more concentrated on any sort of control or one up she could get on LDB and took it with the dates and blaming the FBI for the depos. It's like she's so totally helpless on the stand, she has to take what she can get.

BTW, I am not saying Cindy is dog. I'm just saying she was concentrated more on what she could get out of her testimony and the SA than really standing up for Caylee in court today. All IMO.

Great Post! ITA agree with all of it. I love Ashton, and I was at first dissappointed that LDB would be handling the questioning of CA and LA, but after watching her in action, MAN! She is awesome! LDB and JA are like "good cop-bad cop". LDB oozes empathy and just has the ability to take one back in time, to the feelings one had early on in the case. (ie. CA's testimony). She quietly "Gits-er-done". Ashton, on the other hand is the go to guy, when you need someone to be "in your face" and you need an attorney who "wears his heart on his sleeve." Together, they are a super team. Wonder what Mr. George's forte is.
I still think the reason that any lies or inconsistencies were not addressaed is because the SA's eyes were on the prize-getting the 911 calls admitted. Nothing escaped LDB or JA's attention-they were noted and filed mentally. It's just that those issues will be addressed another day when JA and LDB are ready to hold their feet to the fire concerning their testimony and depos.
The Anthony's and the defense have always had one major flaw-their ego. They truly feel they can outwit and out manuver LE and the prosecutors. That is going to get KC at least LWP or maybe the DP.:twocents:

Your right! LDB said, just enough to get those 911 calls into the trial. If CA thinks LDB is going to be easy on her during the trial she better think again. It's a whole different ballgame with a jury hanging on your every word, and boy do they take notes.
The one thing that had me chuckling over and over again was the shots of CM's face while ICA was furiously writing on her sheets and slapping them down in front of him. He could barely contain himself! He would look away, ignore her, then quickly looked down - brief nod and look away.

The last thing he wanted to do was look at anything she was writing. Classic!

LOL he especially looked annoyed when she was underlining what she was writing. CM knows the prosecution is watching exactly what causes KC to write down things on a pad. This isn't CM first rodeo although he sure doesn't seem like a great cowboy to me.
What is it with CA not knowing the time. Nurses wear watches constantly, and they rarely take them off. Who is she kidding? I have several gf who are nurses, and all of them wear watches with second hands for taking pulse rates. Even when they aren't working they have them on. Jeez even when they left the nursing industry they still wear their's habit. I wonder how many photo's we can find of CA wearing her watch??????
LOL he especially looked annoyed when she was underlining what she was writing. CM knows the prosecution is watching exactly what causes KC to write down things on a pad. This isn't CM first rodeo although he sure doesn't seem like a great cowboy to me.

OMG Cat - I just realized who CM reminds me of!!
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