Cindy's Testimony at 911 Tapes Hearing

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You could be right, but something tells me LDB goes over everything with a fine tooth comb, and would catch that mistake. LDB giving HHJP, JB, CM and a witness a document with the wrong date has me shaking my head back, and forth. I guess we will see how it plays out.

At first I wondered why LDB wasn't asking more and more questions, she dismissed Cindy, brought out Lee, and I thought for SURE she'd recall Cindy and cross and recross over Lee's testimony, but she didn't. With Lee she didn't press anything. It wasn't until Debbie finally showed up after a long "where is she?", gave her Jackie LaManchik testimony (reference to John Grisham's Rainmaker, look it up if you don't know), and LDB stood up and said "No questions, Your Honor", that it occurred to me just how brilliant this woman truly is. A fine tooth comb would be ashamed of itself, for how well this woman works.
I want to apologize to anyone that I offended with any of my negative comments about CA. I think everyone has a right to their opinion, and they should have a forum to express themselves as do others who do not feel the same way they do.

Not in the least bit offended here!
how interesting of a thought. Thank you. Something to think about there.

Did you get the feeling GA did not want to be in the court room today? Eveytime the camera panned over at him he had his finger up to his lips as if he wanted to shhhh himself. I was hoping he would jump up, and scream out the truth, but then I snapped myself back into reality.
At first I wondered why LDB wasn't asking more and more questions, she dismissed Cindy, brought out Lee, and I thought for SURE she'd recall Cindy and cross and recross over Lee's testimony, but she didn't. With Lee she didn't press anything. It wasn't until Debbie finally showed up after a long "where is she?", gave her Jackie LaManchik testimony (reference to John Grisham's Rainmaker, look it up if you don't know), and LDB stood up and said "No questions, Your Honor", that it occurred to me just how brilliant this woman truly is. A fine tooth comb would be ashamed of itself, for how well this woman works.

Exactly!! It was the Defense who tried too hard to sell and resell their position (with a sense of desperation) and the SA who executed well with confidence and called it.

It takes confidence and experience to know when to call it and let the other side self-destruct but it plays well -- perceptions are set. The Defense is too bullish and are not reading the signs, thinking strategically or, smartly. In some ways it is like a cat toying with a mouse.
At first I wondered why LDB wasn't asking more and more questions, she dismissed Cindy, brought out Lee, and I thought for SURE she'd recall Cindy and cross and recross over Lee's testimony, but she didn't. With Lee she didn't press anything. It wasn't until Debbie finally showed up after a long "where is she?", gave her Jackie LaManchik testimony (reference to John Grisham's Rainmaker, look it up if you don't know), and LDB stood up and said "No questions, Your Honor", that it occurred to me just how brilliant this woman truly is. A fine tooth comb would be ashamed of itself, for how well this woman works.

Read Rainmaker by John Grisham, and I see the comparison you are referring too. No questions your honor. Brilliant!!!! The defense brought her in for one reason, and that was to say GA, and CA both said, it smelled like a dead body. That would be heresay, since GA was not present when CA was talking to Debbie. Did you notice how she repeated herself that they both said," it smelled like a dead body". How is that possible? GA was not at Gentiva when CA went back to work. Sounds like the defense wants to impeach their own witness.
On the day my granddaughter's remains were found, the last thing I would be doing would be fine dining in a fancy hotel, doesn't matter that it was Crab Puffs. I'd be lucky if I ate!
As a matter of fact, when my mother actually did die unexpectedly and suddenly, I did barely eat that day, and one of the meals was fast food, the other was a salad to make sure I ate healthy because I was crying so hard!!!

But you knew for sure it was your mother. IMO Cindy was in deep denial they were Caylee's remains
Bold 1 - stupid details? The entire 2 years we've been on this site discussing this case has been about what - STUPID details? Details like whether or not Caylee was left with a nanny or not left with a nanny? Details like Casey's car had decomposition or did not have decomposition? Details like Casey had a job or did not have a job? Details like Caylee was at the beach or was in the woods decaying? You mean stupid details like THAT?

Bold 2 - You'll have me believe that in the two years of this (argued by Defense and agreed here ...) VERY PUBLICIZED CASE... Cindy never once ever re-read her own transcripts or re-viewed her own media interviews? Never once? You're having me believe that never once on July 16, 2008, August 1, September 23, October 18, December 10, January 4, 2009, February 17, March 3, April 11, May 30, June 8, July 12, August 22, September 5, October 21, November 17, December 6, January 9, 2010, February 14, March 16, April 7, May 23, June 22 and July 15, and any date in between, that never ONCE did she NOT use the same tools we all have to prepare herself for court today? Really? She strictly went into the court today based solely on her recollection of two years ago, and nothing in between? For real?

No, I was talking about recalling exactly what she said to co-workers and Amy during the car ride to the apt.

Yes, I am saying Cindy's main focus was finding Caylee alive and hanging onto a shred of sanity. I couldn't even go back and read depositions like my lawyer instructed me to.....I had to simply rely on my own recolection. I couldn't go back..........and and horrible as my case was, no one died in the case!
At first I wondered why LDB wasn't asking more and more questions, she dismissed Cindy, brought out Lee, and I thought for SURE she'd recall Cindy and cross and recross over Lee's testimony, but she didn't. With Lee she didn't press anything. It wasn't until Debbie finally showed up after a long "where is she?", gave her Jackie LaManchik testimony (reference to John Grisham's Rainmaker, look it up if you don't know), and LDB stood up and said "No questions, Your Honor", that it occurred to me just how brilliant this woman truly is. A fine tooth comb would be ashamed of itself, for how well this woman works.

ITA the bold sums it up.
Did you get the feeling GA did not want to be in the court room today? Eveytime the camera panned over at him he had his finger up to his lips as if he wanted to shhhh himself. I was hoping he would jump up, and scream out the truth, but then I snapped myself back into reality.

I know we all keep waiting for SOMEONE in that family to stand up for Caylee.
Sadly, I don't think it's going to ever happen.

The camera panned to GA at one point while CA was being questioned and he looked angry and was shaking his head "no".
I don't know if he was angry that CA was giving certain answers or if he was angry at LDB.

I will say that after today I honestly believe this whole family is "functionally insane." :cow:
I don't know if that is an actual term or condition but it's the only one that can explain how I feel.

I'm not trying to be nasty or anything. It is honestly how I feel.
It is a true struggle to try and comprehend this family.

DH on the other hand made a funny comment about LA mouthing the "I love you" to Ica.
He pretended to be LA and said, "That's my sister AND my girlfriend."
Sick I know but sooooo creepy to see that.
I felt embarrassed to witness it.

All of the above is :cow:
I believe the person who prepared the transcript put the wrong month on it.
But, it sure did highlight how sharp Mrs. A was on the stand - and a little bit of her condescending tone shone through at that moment.

BBM See now I thought at the time that Cindy, in pointing out the incorrect date, was trying her hardest to be as truthful as she could. But now I see that her observation of the error did nicely demonstrate her keen attention to detail. She was on the spot in her testimony in walking a thin line between being entirely truthful and yet not saying something that would be incriminating to Casey, which must've been exhausting for her. Whether it was because she had no other choice, feared repercussions from being otherwise, or out of doing the right thing for Caylee is immaterial to me as the end result was justice for Caylee. It was a good day for the SA and Caylee.
But you knew for sure it was your mother. IMO Cindy was in deep denial they were Caylee's remains
The DNA told her it was Caylee's remains, even Casey showed more concern on the day Caylee's remains were found than her own mother!
Why else would Cindy have held the memorial and wear the ashes if it were someone else other than Caylee???
No, I was talking about recalling exactly what she said to co-workers and Amy during the car ride to the apt.

Yes, I am saying Cindy's main focus was finding Caylee alive and hanging onto a shred of sanity. I couldn't even go back and read depositions like my lawyer instructed me to.....I had to simply rely on my own recolection. I couldn't go back..........and and horrible as my case was, no one died in the case!

I'm just curious how CA tried to find Caylee? She stated she didn't hire DC until November. I live in Florida not far from her house, and she never knocked on my door as she said she would do to find Caylee. Did she expect Caylee to show up at one of their virgils? Now, they did have time to go visit their daughter in jail a few times, but we all know Caylee was not there. Oh and we can't forget their tv appearances where they begged everyone to search for Caylee, but never did I ever see or hear of them actually searching for Caylee physically.
Can someone PLEASE (pretty please) point me to the video of CAs testimony today? I followed the link to wftv and it only has parts 2 and 3 up. I have been looking for over an hour and man, I guess I'm not very sleuthy today! :(
I see my son who passed in 2006 everywhere. We are not alone. You posted earlier your brother stands beside you - they contact us in many ways - it's up to us to notice.

sorry OT

This touched me......Thank you so much. :blowkiss:
Can someone PLEASE (pretty please) point me to the video of CAs testimony today? I followed the link to wftv and it only has parts 2 and 3 up. I have been looking for over an hour and man, I guess I'm not very sleuthy today! :(

Try or
IMO Cindy was heavily coached for her "performance" today, and she was congratulated at the end of the Hearing for her ability to control her temper and act like a decent human being on the witness stand. Pitiful that she is given affirmation for behaving in a respectful way, as if that is out of the norm for her (which it is). She had her media guy Jim L. smiling and laughing with her, and NBC's Kerry Sanders chatting up a storm with her as they were leaving the courtroom. She had Mason and Baez smiling broadly at her as if she did good (not to act like the raving B___C H she was in the Zenaida deposition).

I was depressed and saddened that when Cindy had the opportunity on the witness stand to clearly stand up for CAYLEE, she did not, and she hemmed and hawed and danced around the real reason that she frantically called 911 the last time.

They are all so proud of Cindy's performance ... I am NOT. I am sickened by her and Lee's gushing over Caylee's alleged killer, and to have the support of her father in the courtroom. It sickened me that Lee provided the Inmate with moments of endearment and love, rather than expressing concern for his murdered niece.
IMO the message she got was stick with the defense "script"...and when she was being questioned by the State...just agree...or state she didn't remember. Her testimony and manner seemed "different" depending on who was asking the questions. I thought her testimony flowed better when LDB was questioning her. She seemed more uncomfortable when Baez was up at bat. I'm not sure of the "why", but there was definitely a difference IMO.
I am not disagreeing with you. Truly. But I feel like she had no choice but to tell the truth.

I feel exactly the same way. No matter how much spin she tried to put on what she said in the past (and Lord knows she did that) today was a day she had no choice but to own up and tell the truth. And still there were places she tried to whitewash it.
IMO the message she got was stick with the defense "script"...and when she was being questioned by the State...just agree...or state she didn't remember. Her testimony and manner seemed "different" depending on who was asking the questions. I thought her testimony flowed better when LDB was questioning her. She seemed more uncomfortable when Baez was up at bat. I'm not sure of the "why", but there was definitely a difference IMO.

The bus is coming. LOL
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