Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia

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North West actually

347 Stirling highway is now Claremont quarter? Bayview Tce sits bang north south

I have some other information which is pretty cool that I have given to the police authorities.

Cops are probably waiting ;) Speaking to someone the other day. The technology they have now to watch people and places. Its fantastic. Don't need coppers sitting across the road in cars.
I have stuff you cant even see on a high definition raster - sort of ;)

The cops have DNA. ;) LW & SR know they have DNA

How could the line go through the Cottesloe Hotel when it lays south west of the abduction points?
Please provide your reference to the surname Rayney meaning Queen?
View attachment 71872

The 'Queen' is in 'Kings' park. Probably coincidence. Royalty reigns

What Does Rayney Mean and History? Form of Regina, from the Latin regina, meaning “queen” or “lady”.
About as complicated as where they lay the bodies. Meticulously planned

Someone said all three went to Iona, at one stage. But maybe that meticulous planning required a step outside Iona. There is more than one school in the area. Its an area of many schools.

Then there is another. Maybe he is feeling quite smug. Au fait of the digital world not originally from Perth. Maybe he is from Melbourne? Maybe he knows the ground well?

one of the girls definately went to JTC a local co-ed catholic private school

To me, some of the theories being floated are too complicated. If someout there has put so much time into ink colours/angles/vectors/saints days/irish names- why risk picking up a victim at a pub in the middle of the night? It just seems more likely that each of these ladies happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, with a psycho ready to pounce.
It is a big coincidence that two victims had attended the same school. It would be a much bigger coincidence if they were near each other in age- CG would have left school before SS entered high school. I am pretty sure if we went to a pub in Claremont tonight and surveyed patrons there would be a number of former IPC students.

Anyone have a picture of all the jewellery missing?
Daisies. Any more?
Funny how they asked about the Printing shop and if stuff went missing from there then to read that fabric dye is one of the things that kills DNA. Yes there is something in the way and the locations the bodies were placed. The numbers theory is just garbage even if some of it does add up. Tell me where do they begin then? If they commence from the victims last birthday. What decided the first victim for the mathematics murders??
No dont tell us about numbers. Bithdays. Its been done to death.
Yeah, that too. Bright or clear

This name is of French locational origin from any of the various places so called from the Olde French 'cler' or 'clair' meaning 'bright' or 'clear', plus 'mont', a hill i.e., a prominent hill standing out from a plain.

Read more:

Bel. to Clairmont or Clermont = the Bright Hill, or Clair's (Fortified) Mount

Surname Origin: Anglo-French-Latin Latin. French surnames come from France. Meaning of surname Claremont: Clairmont or Clermont = the Bright Hill.

Englinton (Pippidinny rd), Claremont (Stirling hwy), Wellard (Millar rd)

I dont know Irish UK history. Any relevance?

Claremont actually means clear hill.
Has anyone actually checked the angles to verify the accuracy of the 347.9 stuff? I cant make much sense of it, but then I never really was a number person. I am concerned that it might be as accurate as the often repeated claim that CG went missing on St Patricks day, where in fact is was a few days before. Sometimes it seems that the evidence is bent to fit a theory. The angles seem to be the only thing that make where the bodies were found "methodical"
Has anyone actually checked the angles to verify the accuracy of the 347.9 stuff? I cant make much sense of it, but then I never really was a number person. I am concerned that it might be as accurate as the often repeated claim that CG went missing on St Patricks day, where in fact is was a few days before. Sometimes it seems that the evidence is bent to fit a theory. The angles seem to be the only thing that make where the bodies were found "methodical"
Further rail roading information. It was stated by police one of them went missing in St Pats celebrations.
All of them appear to have gone just prior the Irelands 3 patron saints feast days.
Its probably coincidence.
I do ponder whether a group..
The police have family background info.
We know where yhis thread is headed...
The same place they all do, defamation of the victims.
I dont mean to be offensive, but I find your posts hard to follow Crabstick. Not trying to have a go at you- I guess we just have different writing styles. I am sorry if I misconstrue anything you have said.
Do you think that I am railroading information? Or the police?
CG may well have been at St Patricks day celebrations- pubs certainly do have St Pats celebrations on the weekend, to cash in on the popularity of the day, but it was not St Patricks day. It was the weekend of the 14th and 15th March, a few days before St Patricks Day. As a day that is often celebrated with alcohol, pubs choose to celebrate on the weekend when they can maximise profit from alcohol sales. My point about it not being St Patricks day, is that surely if St Patricks day was symbolic for this murderer, then the real St Patricks day would surely be the day of choice, not a day chosen by pubs to make some more money.
I have never been on a thread on another forum about this case, and the only other one I have seen was the big footy one, which was so confusing I could make no sense of it. I hope it doesnt come to it, but I am confident that this thread wont defame any of the victims. Who would defame those beautiful young women I have no idea. Websleuths is victim friendly- the mods would be onto to defamation of the victims very quickly.
I, like others, also think it likely that there was more than 1 killer; perhaps there was 2 or more people that were in cahoots, or perhaps one or more copycat killers? Perhaps the 3 murders were not exclusively related events, but part of a much bigger picture that remains obscured because all who view it are looking too closely to be able to focus on the entire image?
Who really knows? Until anything is proven, it's all speculation...
Even so, speculation is good; like brainstorming, any ideas and possibilities need to be looked at no matter how off-topic or unrealistic they may seem - if there is one thing history has taught us, it is that things are not always as they seem.
In line with all that, I got to thinking: If there was something bigger underfoot, many possible patterns and/or links could/would either go unnoticed or be ruled out in error, which is understandable if you consider that such possibilities amount to what most all would consider a conspiracy. Of course, conspiracies are notoriously hard to prove due to multiple elements of motive, method, organization,logistics, levels and areas of criminal involvement (ie: many circles inside many interconnecting circles), resulting in broader parameters involving many more possible culprits spread over a much greater area and over a significantly longer period of time).
Were such a conspiracy reality, to even try to piece together something of that scale would require some innovative thinking and some nimble detective work, and that would be just the first hurdle. Having enough pieces of the puzzle to be able to identify what the picture is, does not mean we can see all the details, and as we all know, justice requires proof. It's ironic of course that the very nature of a good conspiracy limits the odds of successfully identifying and prosecuting those involved, institutional corruption being just one factor to consider (just in the CSK investigations there are things that suggest some kind of collaboration or corruption somewhere in the mix)/
Since coming across this thread, I have mulled things over many times and researched a few things myself. I question the wisdom of this however, because some of what I learned caused me to think outside the box, and that prompting further investigation which, frustratingly, only highlighted further possible connections, and before I knew it I had traveled all the way to wonderland. I hadn't really planned on going that far down the rabbit hole, and am left hoping like hell that I am stark raving nuts, but unable to rule out certain possibilities. Curious to know if any others have had moments like this?
Has anyone ever considered that some killers consider their acts of crime and their success as art forms or professions. Like many professionals, some had mentors, while others recruit apprentices. It is a known fact that many criminals actively seek instruction from fellow criminals. It was not long ago that the world was outraged to learn Amazon had published a book instructing pedophiles on how to groom their victims and families!
With advances in technology, we hope DNA can be obtained off cigarette filters that were found in Julie's car," she said.
"They were from a type of cigarette we know Julie didn't smoke and it might prove to be the lead we need."[/FONT][/I]
Were the cigarette butts menthol, anyone know?
Ausgirl, you posted this on another thread (re Gerard Ross):
Why I say "pedo" is, sometimes violent killers get their sexual release from the sadistic things they do to a victim, some of them can't even have a normal sexual response and can only experience pleasure through mutilation or torture. This doesn't mean that Gerard's attacker was not a pedo. There's plenty of documented sexual sadists who've killed, but not raped, using their knives or whatever as defacto penises. Gerard's killer was for sure a pedo -- just a particularly sick kind of pedo.

And people that sick are, fortunately, not as common as garden variety pedos. They're more likely to have done things that people take notice of, though... there is usually things in their past that have disturbed the people around them. Sexual sadists, like regular pedos, can be very good at hiding their sexual preference - but they have more trouble hiding their sadism altogether.

This man will very likely have a laundry list of cruelties against animals and other kids in his younger years. If he's anything like the many sadistic child killers I've looked at, he may have a parent that he describes as "overbearing" (I actually have a theory that some of these "overbearing" parents are overbearing *because* they know or suspect what their child is, but don't want to admit it, so rather than seeking help they become overly watchful and controlling). It's likely he was an 'outsider' at school, and perhaps was bullied for being "odd". He may have several sexual fetishes, which don't necessarily have to reflect his interest in young boys, but they will be strange and obsessive. He will find it hard to maintain a normal relationship. If he's one of the few who can maintain a partner, his sex life will not be what anyone could call "normal".

^ I base this on a general picture of the many sadistic killers/mutilators I've researched. All these things are pretty common among that type of person.

Someone knows this man, and likely has seen hints of how sick he really is. I am shocked at how little attention this case had gotten..

I agree Ausgirl. Someone knows the perp (or perps - I think there is more than one).Though they might not be aware of who he really is.

It will always be hard for an innocent person to identify these masters of disguise because they are simply not cable of identifying WITH them (relating to them), because the way these people think, their motivations and methods are so foreign to most peoples' ways of thinking and so beyond the realm of most people's experiences, that they never put 2 and 2 together, and even if some vague notion fluttering at the edges of their consciousness seems to warrant further consideration, they probably conclude such pondering as absurd.
To compound this problem, anyone who does know the perp or perps well, is probably a long suffering victim themselves. They might be aware or ignorant or even complicit? It is not unknown for serial pedo's/killers to "recruit" partners in crime who they slowly corrupt - much in the same way pedo's groom kids - and before they know it they are in so deep and so fearful that they just go along with it. Or they have been threatened / intimidated in to silence.

If the perp has kept his dark side hidden from friends and family, then it is likely a long term partner would have suffered extensive and varying forms of abuse and, if so, are more than likely suffering PTSD or CPTSD and would more than likely feel they are paranoid, or fear they will be labeled as paranoid, or perhaps have already been called paranoid for reporting any suspicions they have had. Perhaps they were unfortunate enough to have had some degenerate intimidate them with "confessions" that they disregarded as the delusional ramblings of some petty low life nobody trying to be somebody (too scary to consider they might be telling the truth?).

All perpetrators of sexual violence and abuse are masters of disguise and deception. It would take somebody who has known them for years, and who is switched on enough to see patterns where others would only see co-incidences, as a perpetrator of this kind would be extremely secretive, skilled at hiding his tracks and would have periods of unexplained absences, possibly frequently, perhaps irregularly, who knows.

Police should educate the public so that we all know what to be aware of: a person capable of this sort of thing would most likely have either a history of, or exhibit signs of addictive behavior: sexual addiction being the most obvious, but more than likely close scrutiny would reveal multiple addictive and disordered behaviors.. These behaviors could be present continuously or periodically.

Some can even be good at pretending to have other disorders that would make them seem unlikely candidates for murder - symptoms and behaviors that would seem to indicate panic disorders or traumatic stress, but with these "symptoms" only seeming to be present at the most ironic of times, only on the days just before they "go missing" for the 10th time, a recurring event that only ever seems to happen just before the weekend, or only when they are confronted about strange or secretive behavior, or some other reason that just doesn't seem quite right.

Perhaps the cops should ask people (the public) to think of any person or persons who are known to have knowledge most people would never seek to acquire. For example:
~Information on computers or in books about methods of disposing of bodies.
~Non-fiction texts on forensic techniques, forensic or criminal psychology.
~They may have an unhealthy or excessive fascination with murder related media, both fictional and investigative or scientific.
~Tastes in *advertiser censored* might seem extreme: rape videos, or other types of stuff that involve voyeurism, domination, exploitation or humiliation of women, or other twisted or sadistic fetishes especially those that violate the rights of others, including things like hidden camera voyeurism, upskirt vids etc...
~Odd or unexplained possessions such as balaclavas or weapons or rope, items that were "hidden" somewhere and found unexpectedly, or that would simply not be needed considering their occupation and / or interests, or that they claim to have for a reason that just sounds implausible.
~Anything in the car or shed or home of a person that caused your arm hairs to stand on end, because they just do not belong there?

Other aspects that might warrant investigation: some serial killers, like serial arsonists, have been known to be obsessed with not only their own crimes, but those of others too. Perhaps police should look through images of crowds at murder trials or crime scenes just like they know to look to the crowds gawking at big fires for faces that show up repeatedly when looking for serial arsonists. How many times have you seen footage of the crowds heckling a convicted murderer as they are ushered from the court: mostly you see faces contorted with anger interspersed amongst those streaked with tears, but occasionally one will stand out as odd, because the person seems to be laughing in gleeful contempt. It always puzzles me that no-one thinks to question the presence of such as these, as they seem to be reveling in an emotion I personally doubt I could ever feel, even if a victim or murderer were known to me. Then again, I wouldn't attend such a spectacle anyway. I see enough evil just on the news and in the paper....
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