Closing Arguments- thread #172

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Is anyone else deeply troubled when Arias fake cries?

Arias' long fingers covering her face as she postures her face in contrived grief stricken poses - at times allowing the court to see her take deep breaths associated with sobbing - is, at best, Arias' reproduction of a person breaking down due to a heavy sorrow, mourning, and heart ache.

Arias' courtroom tears - almost five years after she murdered Travis Alexander are as original / genuine as her original / genuine carbon copy artwork.

Arias' courtroom demeanor - the laughing, the faces of disgust, her phony weeping is illustrates just how incongruous Arias is. In court - almost five years after she slaughtered Travis Alexander - Arias conducts herself aberrant with no respect to The State of Arizona - void of empathy to Travis Alexander's family - indifferent to slaughtering a human being (her victim Travis Alexander).

Arias' courtroom tears - especially during The Prosecutor's Closing are unbecoming. Especially when she shows her irritation at The State - when she is able to make faces of being agitated and perturbed. Arias phony tears shows that she has nerve.

I do not know why Arias' pretending to weep troubles me deeply - I would think that a person that slaughtered another human being would not have "room" in their emotional state to giggle and behave exacerbated when on trial for their life for slaughtering another human being. Arias expresses herself on twitter - she finds the state of mind to insult the prosecutor. A person grief stricken - in a state of mourning - IMO would not have the state of mind to twitter, much less think of ways to insult a person that is doing their job.

Arias has to be attempting to replicate a person in mourning when her murder victim's pictures are shown in court - if Arias had real grief I do not believe that she could have the mindset to twitter insults.

Arias is defiant - I think that she gave The Prosecutor "the finger" early into his opening argument - she ran her long fingers across her forehead and eye but made sure her long middle finger was pronounced. If Arias was trying to show remorse - if Arias naturally had remorse - Arias would be mindful not to have any accidental giving "the finger" moments.

Arias courtroom behavior is so disturbing to me - even in this serious setting, Arias cannot control herself.

I wish that Arias never saw Travis Alexander - I'm sure that Arias noticed Travis Alexander first, and, at that moment Travis Alexander became Arias' prey.

There is no there, there. She has no soul, she has no conscience and she has no empathy. Therefore she is a zero and all she does is fake, fake, fake. Excellent run down on her evilness Thurston. Justice is almost here.
Should I include a third option: "I will watch the defense closing but only under the influence of something strong" ;)
No the stabbing can be the felony.

Hey Minor, I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around this. To me, the stabbing is the murder. So it's like saying all murder is felony murder because the act involved in causing death is a felony. Can you explain the legal reasoning that differentiates between a non felony murder by stabbing and a felony murder by stabbing?
I did too...but jw was taking all the now I am on the fence.

Nurmi was the one objecting though. Willmott always takes notes even when Nurmi is the one who is going to do cross. I think it's sort of a secretarial thing. She is still helping out.
I'm not an easy crier, so why am I out of Kleenex? Juan has just set the standards to the moon (no Alice pun) for any attorney on this planet. Very hard night HLN behind over 4 hrs, then this emotional closing, I'm spent. His poor, poor, family.

HLN went commercial free today. They're right on time... :twocents:
I just had an AHA moment...When she was found, with the gun and knives for the "camping" trip with just the guys. To try to cover up the premed. ie: having a gun and knives with her all the time. Oh wait, just knives...Bet the DT is going to try and spin this in somehow...JMO
Can I conduct a non-scientific poll...

Want to know who plans on watching the defense closing?

Like this post if you ARE going to watch.

I will post another comment, like that post if you ARE NOT going to watch.

Only like one. I will send a local hoard of skateboarders with screwdrivers after you if you like both posts!
I thanked this post only because the screwdrivers part was funny.

No.. I will NOT watch. I will scrub my toilets with a toothbrush or some other more meaningful activity
Not sold on felony murder, but premeditated, hell yes.
Jodi sending messages to mom. I'd be hiding my face!!

Which part are you not sold on the felony murder dear? The previous posts have explained it. It's how I got to understand it. That and the fact that the first thing that has to proven is that she was there UNLAWFULLY once she started stabbing him. ANY invitation to his home, if there was any, was REVOKED with the first stab wound therefore, she is NO LONGER welcomed in his home and is unlawfully there. If it was his gun, as she claims, then her taking it to kill him with it addresses the second part of felony murder. Not to mention the fact that if it indeed was his, as she claims, then she took it with her and hence she committed a burglary and the owner of the home and the property stolen was killed. Juancho is BRILLIANT!!!!
I'm not going to lie, I gave Juan a standing ovation in my living room when he was finished!! There are no words to describe how incredibly awesome he was today!

Me too! It was awesome watching him bring it all together and there has to be zero doubt that it was 100% premeditated murder! He nailed it and Justice for Travis is imminent :) let us bask in the golden afterglow.
Have a great night, everyone. See you tomorrow.

I am glad someone else has noticed this gross tongue maneuver. I have two thoughts: Some of her psych meds could be causing a side effect of tongue thrusting or.....I think when someone is talking about sex or she is thinking about sex she uses her tongue on her lips to self stimulate.
Either way - SUPER GROSS. You guys are spot on about her looking more evil every day.

Well, she looks like she's eating from her teeth and gums and I wish she'd take something to make her stop. It's revolting.
I copied and pasted this from HLN website. The jury can also convict Arias of first-degree murder with the legal theory called felony murder. If they find Arias caused Alexander's death during the course of committing a dangerous felony such as aggravated assault, they can also convict her of first-degree murder.
Watching again .. so good .. I was worried about Dr Horn's blunder on the report yesterday, now not so much .. I think they'll try to get a mistrial or appeal based on it, but it wont work :)
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