CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #17

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It looks like it could be possiable that there is a camera on the signal light at Elmors corner could be a sensor though....I am off to bed, and am praying this is not what it looks like.
Sorry if I have missed this previously - but did we know that the friend Dylan had arranged to meet was in Pagosa? After tussling with google maps yet again I finally got my bearings and saw that Pagosa is kind of off in the opposite direction to both Bayfield and Durango. I actually imagined that MR might have told Dylan that if he wanted a lift in the morning they would have to be on the road by 6:30am so that MR wouldn't be late for his appointments. Or maybe the fact that his friend was at his grandmother's in Pagosa wasn't clear until after Dylan had made arrangements - and that didn't suit his dad after all?
:moo: and just tossing ideas around.
That's a REALLY strange thing to say. Why would he ask his friend for his word that he'd let him in, after his friend invited him over?

Also note that the timeline for when MR drove to Bayfield has been moved up... there is a 4:12 SMS where the friend says his dad is looking for him. I believe that is earlier than the times given to us before on when MR started actively looking for DR.

I don't think that is strange at all to say that. He was talking about being dropped off at 6:30 am. So he is saying to his friend--" you are going to let me in, in other words, you are going to GET UP and answer the door and let me in, right?"
I found this statement odd in the recent article...

"After Dylan arrived in Durango on Nov. 18, father and son grabbed dinner and went by Walmart to pick up groceries for the week, Mark said. Dylan was visiting on a court-ordered visit.

Mark hadn’t heard much from his son lately, but that night the two hardly had a chance to talk about how Dylan liked his new home, he said." BBM

Why would they not have had a chance to talk about how Dylan liked his new home? The ride back to MR's home was a good distance, long enough to talk IMO. The statement just seems odd to me.
Dylan could of still texted as it should just queue them up until it gets reception .

Mum says he is a " avid texted" and I do not buy the fact a 13 year old boy turned off his phone at 8pm and never switched it back on . Most people never turn off there phones now and just charge it while it's still on . Why would he of been so irresponsible when that was also the way Elaine and him also communicated ?


One of my daughters is an avid texter, and she forgets to charge her phone all the time. So the battery draining and not realizing it, or forgetting to charge it when one got home is definitely a possibility. My daughter is 21 and still forgets...

Considering that he was coming for a week long stay, and perhaps he threw all his stuff in his room when he came in the house, or had it in his backpack. This is where my daughter will usually find her phone - drained. I could see the boy perhaps expressing his dissatisfaction with his location, acting sluggish, and perhaps throwing his stuff down in his room or something? Maybe he did go in his room, shut the door, isolate himself and fall asleep...

Just sharing my daughter's experiences. My husband forgets to charge the phone sometimes too, but I tease him that it's his age nowadays. ;)

All, MOO - and a lot of brainstorming... I only have speculation.
I found this statement odd in the recent article...

"After Dylan arrived in Durango on Nov. 18, father and son grabbed dinner and went by Walmart to pick up groceries for the week, Mark said. Dylan was visiting on a court-ordered visit.

Mark hadn’t heard much from his son lately, but that night the two hardly had a chance to talk about how Dylan liked his new home, he said."

Why would they not have had a chance to talk about how Dylan liked his new home? The ride back to MR's home was a good distance, long enough to talk IMO. The statement just seems odd to me.

Did they perhaps have anything else they were talking about? Did he offer an explanation of what they were talking about? Was Dylan the type of kid that was very quiet around his father a great deal of the time, or would perhaps use the silent treatment to avoid talking to him, or express dissatisfaction with his current situation? It's possible that they didn't talk on the way back. Maybe Dylan was listening to music in headphones for the ride. My daughters did that sometimes, even when they weren't upset with anyone, as well.

Just throwing out possibilities. I so want to find out where this little boy is, and what happened to him.

As always, this is MOO. :cow:
My daughter did not live with me when she was 12,13, 14 due to unforeseen circumstances.
When she would come to visit, the first few hours would be REALLY awkward. I remember 3 trips home from the airport where the radio was basically the only noise in the car.

The lack of conversation doesn't really surprise me.

BUT... the lack of info about what they did AFTER they got to MR's house does.
Even if he and Dylan hadn't come to conversational terms yet, they did SOMETHING if only sit and watch reruns of Matlock on TV.

Did they have snacks?
Watch baseball?
Did Dylan sit with his headphones on?
Did MR sit in the garage and drink while Dylan slept???
What? Anything... SOMETHING...
Child support is not contingent upon visitation...just as visitation is not contingent upon paying child support.
Fathers have every right to see their children regardless if they pay support or not. It is their responsibility to ensure their rights are not violated.

I know that. That was not my point. I only asked if it was possible that Mark was not allowed to see the other boys because of not paying c/s. I know what the law is, but some women have been known to ignore the laws and get away with it, because the man just refused to push it. We don't know all the facts.
Dylan Redwine: Cant come srry ill hang tommarow

Ryan: Ok

Ryan: (time 7:09 p.m. Nov. 18) Why

Dylan: idk

Ryan: (time 7:45 p.m. Nov. 18) Did your dad say no

Dylan: (time 8:01 p.m. Nov. 18) yea

Ryan: Oh ok

Dylan: can I come over early lkke 6 30 early tomarrow

Ryan: Yeah

Dylan: you better let me in

Ryan: I will

Ryan: im gonna be at my gmas

Dylan: i call (you) all day if you dont

Ryan: Ok

Dylan: will you gma care or be up

Ryan: Just come around to were the sliding door is were that room is and knock on it and i will wake up
Sorry if I have missed this previously - but did we know that the friend Dylan had arranged to meet was in Pagosa? After tussling with google maps yet again I finally got my bearings and saw that Pagosa is kind of off in the opposite direction to both Bayfield and Durango. I actually imagined that MR might have told Dylan that if he wanted a lift in the morning they would have to be on the road by 6:30am so that MR wouldn't be late for his appointments. Or maybe the fact that his friend was at his grandmother's in Pagosa wasn't clear until after Dylan had made arrangements - and that didn't suit his dad after all?
:moo: and just tossing ideas around.

From the article it states that Dylan's friend's grandma lives in Bayfield.
Dylan wanted to see Ryan on Sunday night, but his dad wouldn’t let him and Ryan was heading back from Pagosa Springs that night.

So instead, Dylan promised to come to Ryan’s grandmother’s house in Bayfield at 6:30 a.m. Monday.

So perhaps his friend was on his way from Pagosa to Bayfield to meet up with Dylan? Google maps says it's 41 miles away. The text on Nov 18 was at 6:43pm stating that the friend was coming from Pagosa so he would have been in Bayfield close to 7:30pm IMO.
moo is that there's no MR conspiracy here..moo but this individual is of little to zero meaning of the vast majority of the population and people aren't just making up these ol' falsehoods on this individual..

moo is that his own flesh and blood grown sons words and actions have IMO spoken the loudest as to the individual MR is.. there's just no "Everybody's-lying-on-Mark" Conspiracy bandwagon going on here..its reminiscent of TI in the Morgan Ingram case where everyone who speaks out about the truth have all sold their souls to the "Lets-Crucify-the-victim-of-this-case" Conspiracy bandwagon..moo both are similar in that there must be a nefrious motivated bandwagon of some type that's out for the blood of the innocent...

my point is there's no one out for blood and in both cases IMO the desire is the same...the truth to shine through and in Dylan's case specifically let that truth lead to finding him and serving firmly and swiftly justice on the *advertiser censored* of those responsible ...

I don't recall anyone claiming there is a conspiracy against him, or that people are making these things up because they're out for blood. I think the poster made a valid point. There is no rule I am aware of that says we all have to take anyone's word as gospel. There are always two sides to every story, but it seems the majority don't want to hear the other side sometimes, and that's true in a lot of cases here.
At least the new Durango Herald article has given us something to discuss.

I know that. That was not my point. I only asked if it was possible that Mark was not allowed to see the other boys because of not paying c/s. I know what the law is, but some women have been known to ignore the laws and get away with it, because the man just refused to push it. We don't know all the facts.

LOL, ok! I don't think "pushing" is the correct terminology when it comes to ensuring parental rights, but from what we've seen of the court documents in that case, MR didn't have ANY problems "pushing" HIS parental rights! Matter of fact he spent 14 years in court after the divorce litigating his parental rights.

From the article it states that Dylan's friend's grandma lives in Bayfield. BBM

So perhaps his friend was on his way from Pagosa to Bayfield to meet up with Dylan? Google maps says it's 41 miles away. The text on Nov 18 was at 6:43pm stating that the friend was coming from Pagosa so he would have been in Bayfield close to 7:30pm IMO.

R: (time 6:43 p.m. Nov. 18) Im in pagosa coming

Dylan Redwine: Cant come srry ill hang tommarow

I see what you mean - though I read "I'm in pagosa coming" as R asking Dylan if he was coming there - to which he replied "Cant come srry ...."

No punctuation :pullhair: leaves it open to interpretation by an oldie like me :)
This is the first I've heard of this August vacation together too:

Mark vividly remembers the last vacation he took with his son, a road trip to Boston in August. They visited Fenway Park and went to the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, N.Y. It was a dream vacation for a boy who loves baseball and is a devoted Red Sox fan.

Durango Herald
At least the new Durango Times article has given us something to discuss.


I agree, at least it's something!
Actually it gave us some new things. I was glad to see the texts from his friend.
Also the article mentions that MR works at United Pipeline Systems, which was something we had all been wondering if he still worked there.

The video of his poor mom breaks my heart though. Still praying for her and the rest of Dylan's family and friends. I really pray he will be found soon!:please:
I'm not arguing with you, but at several legal websites I belong to, it is stressed over and over that child support is not a "ticket" to see the child(ren).

You can't keep the children from the other parent due to lack of child support, and you can't withhold child support because the other parent is committing contempt of court by withholding visitation. (legally anyway)

It's been done, though. Some don't even consider what's legal or not, they do it out of spite or retaliation. Maybe they don't get away with it forever, but they still do it. And sometimes, they get away with it if the other parent doesn't take it to court and demand their rights. I've seen it too many times.
Lots of things are illegal, but that doesn't stop people from doing them.
It's been done, though. Some don't even consider what's legal or not, they do it out of spite or retaliation. Maybe they don't get away with it forever, but they still do it. And sometimes, they get away with it if the other parent doesn't take it to court and demand their rights. I've seen it too many times.
Lots of things are illegal, but that doesn't stop people from doing them.

I'm not arguing with you; I have seen it done myself. But in this case it's moot because MR was no stranger to the court system and probably spent more time filing court actions than 5 divorced couples combined. He appears to enjoy court. Or at least it seems that way. It also seems to be a pattern. First wife, then second wife...
Also Dylan says " he will ring him all day" if he does not answer . So explain to me why he stayed in bed and never got up and explained what had happened via the phone ?

So this story of not contacting his friend makes absoluty no sense IMO !!

Dylan is the one pushing to visit and then states he won't just give up if he does not answer. This is not a boy that would of rolled over and not got up the following morning .
I think AZ Grandma said that their divorce also took many years, if I recall correctly? So he may have spent the better part of ten or more years on two divorces.

What I recall her saying is that they divorced in 1989, but they seemed to drag it out until (I think) 2003-04, which I took to be the request that he sign the papers giving up his parental rights. Or they may have just been to court many times over his not paying child support. It doesn't seem logical to me that a judge would let a divorce drag out for 10 years before finalizing it, but I haven't been to divorce court recently so IDK.
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