CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #17

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Kind of a coinky-dink that it inexplicably died the very day he arrived at his dad's , imo.

But if it did, then I think he would have left a note and probably used the computer to complain on his own FB wall that he had no cell to use.

And I don't believe that his dad would have kept the password a secret from the kid, knowing he was going to be home alone all morning. I bet Dylan knew how to use the computer.

And Dylan had an i-pod with him. Most i-pods have the ability to text. My kids used them when their cells broke or got lost. jmo

BBM: His dad would have had to have a router for him to be able to use the Ipod at the house. Dylan would have had to have the router information with the password before he could use it that way. I can't imagine his dad having a router if he only has one computer and lives alone. Or WiFi. I'm not sure how that all works, though.
I don't have a FB account either, but my DH does. I peeked at LCS's page. Hopefully LE is looking at it too. It made me think of something from the CA trial.

Is that comment gone, or am I just missing it? I'm looking at the picture of his first plane ride in 2008.
on the fb page
under the picture of Dylan on his first plane ride (right hand side)
under comments they are talking about Dylan coming home, etc
a poster, LCS, says - nope (near the end of comments/18 hours ago)
I find that odd
has a record of violation of protective order in his home state (about 16 hrs from CO)

Just saying, it seems weird to me; probably nothing; but I can't look at his fb page (since Bravo and I are the only 2 people left on earth without FB pages....LOL)

Huh... I think it must be gone now or else I'm just not finding it. That does seem very weird. I looked under both of the first plane ride pics. Those big blue eyes, oh my gosh - such a cutie!!
I know it is pretty common, but still, it is sad to me that little kids have to take plane trips to see a parent. JMO
Do I THINK he may have actually gone to the lake? Possibly.
Do I THINK he might have gotten into the lake on his own? Possibly.
Do I THINK he might have had an accident on his own at the lake? Possibly.
Do I THINK he might have gotten into the lake with some help? Possibly.

However, based on the latest article about his EARLY MORNING plans with his friends and his mom's statement that he wasn't all that into fishing, I'm sticking with
a) he never made it to dad's,
b) he started out walking/hitching to his friend's and something happened, and even

Just because someone else (i.e. LE) rules out that he did not run away doesn't mean that I can't still consider it as one of MY possibilities - until I have some kind of confirmation from the higher powers that be that there is evidence to rule otherwise....

OK, I was just asking, to see if there were others that were tossing this around. It was just a simple question. No need to explain to me why you feel this way, you and everyone else has that right to consider what they want.
I know it is pretty common, but still, it is sad to me that little kids have to take plane trips to see a parent. JMO

I agree big time!!!
The NCP should have to travel to see their child (children)
Doesn't it seem blazingly strange that Mark was sooooo looking forward to spending quality time with Dylan .... He was oh do busy to ask how his new house, school, friends was going?

I'd like to know exactly what groceries were bought. Seems very strange to me, he didn't actually talk to his son at all, according to him the only thing that was discussed were visiting his friends. That seems to be a sore spot with mark as he kept bringing it up in earlier interviews.

There were no firm plans for thanksgiving and where they were to spend it.

Yet dad had a whole itinerary that couldn't wait for the first full day after Dylan's arrival.

Seems to me, Dylan's disappearance was part if a To Do List. IMO

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Life doesn't always completely stop when you go on vacation or have holiday plans.

He was able to cram those errands into the first business morning showed intent to keep his schedule open for Dylan and plans he wanted to make with his friends and together.

Some people are just more naturally inclined to go with the flow and others need to have things planned out & set in stone well in advance. There is no right or wrong. Just ask my ex! LOL

Not setting plans in stone for Thanksgiving could have been due to a number of perfectly logical & acceptable reasons. Maybe a family member hadn't been feeling well, maybe they had an invitation to another place & were trying to decide how to do both, maybe they might have decided to stay at home.

Ever try to make a teenager happy with their social calendar and at the same time make them happy to accommodate plans you want to make with them? It isn't easy but it's the nature of the beast. Now add the pressure of trying to rebuild a relationship with your child that you rarely get to see and the fear of disappointment. I expect you'd be treading carefully. Lots of great ideas and plans in your head but unsure of how they would go over or if they'd even be feasible.

My teenage son sometimes won't shut up for two minutes and other times I can't get him to say more than two words. It isn't because he is mad or tired or distracted it is just because he isn't feeling chatty. I get that. I'm the same way sometimes. I don't mean a regular weekday kind of thing either. He has come home from numerous trips away & I've been excited to see him but he doesn't have much to say except, "Fine. It was good. Yea. Whatever." Then later I'll get a random 30 minute description about a game or movie or something.

Maybe they didn't have much time to "talk" because Dylan was tired or not in a chatty mood. Heck - maybe neither one of them were in a chatty mood that evening. That doesn't mean you don't want to spend time with the other person or make them disappear.

We should also remember that we have heard maybe less than 5% of the facts, information & conversations that were shared with LE by the family. We only get small little sound bites of info.

We should also remember that assuming you'll be able to talk to someone later & that you have plenty of time to spend with them isn't set in stone either. Life has a way of messing those plans too at the worst possible moment. :(

I know it is pretty common, but still, it is sad to me that little kids have to take plane trips to see a parent. JMO

Why? My son LOVED flying by himself. I think he was around 6 or 7 when he went on his first solo flight. He always felt so special, pampered and grown up. Now I kinda think he prefers traveling without me tagging along. LOL
So two very sad cases this week Kayla in Mint Hill NC and Jack in Tempe AZ both found in the body of water that was suspected from the beginning...they drained the pond in NC and found Kayla (after doing searches on it for a day or so) and did 2 days of searching in the first couple days for Jack...sonar etc. He didn't surface until today, they had experience quite a bit of rain which might have dislodged him...ick..even to type that is awful.

The thing is two dogs or was it three hit on that water, the dad said it was about time they search there and they haven't searched other than in the first that correct? It just seems like an important place is being ignored. IMO

I'm not sure why they are not doing daily passes in the Vallecito the lake frozen over yet? Does it freeze completely in the winter?

I don't believe it is frozen as of yet, we just got our first good snow storm in the area, which has brought the actual temps down to freezing. Also with the water that flows threw the lake, I am not sure it will freeze this year, as it hasn't stayed cold for very long.
If we rule out the cell phone completely (pretend he didnt even have one) for whatever reason he still could have called someone on the lan line or emailed someone using the computer. I know, I know.. what if there was a password protection on it.. Unless its a work computer how many of you have password protection on your home computers? KWIM? I just feel like we are making up excuses here for why he didnt contact anyone since 8pm when it really doesnt make sense why he wouldnt besides the obvious. We get stuck in this cycle and keep going around and around. IMO
While I agree with you - I do have password protection on my home computer. My kiddos warrant such action. (I'm kinda over-protective when it comes to kids and computers.) Both kids have been up at the crack of dawn surfing - while I was still sleeping.

They are only allowed computer time when I'm in the same room...and conscious. ;)
That's exactly why I left here last Friday and why I've posted once since then. Pretty much, our opinions aren't wanted or respected if we don't get on the bandwagon. I haven't been able to say one thing that I haven't gotten a snarky reply out of someone in the last week.

I figure if everyone wants to agree and go in circles with the same thing, that's fine with me, they can do it without me wasting my time anymore. JMO, MOO.

Besides, like I said, it seems that everyone else has solved this case and they know who to blame so there is no need to look at other options. JMO

Ditto !
It does bug when posters say there is a " bandwagon"

There is no bandwagon but with the little info we have it does ring some alarm bells for me with 'MR' .

I am up for discussing a possible abduction but I have no idea where to start as I do not believe this happened . But if people have some ideas I will listen to them and see if they make sense and are possible .
It does bug when posters say there is a " bandwagon"

There is no bandwagon but with the little info we have it does ring some alarm bells for me with 'MR' .

I am up for discussing a possible abduction but I have no idea where to start as I do not believe this happened . But if people have some ideas I will listen to them and see if they make sense and are possible .

I don't believe there is a bandwagon either, I've tried other options and it keeps coming back to the sunday night. I don't believe that the cell phone battery died and I don't believe there was no cell service.

The last known verified sighting of Dylan was on the Sunday night, I can't ignore that since the cell activity ceased then.

I'm all for any theories being suggested but they need to be plausible, if they don't add up or require a whole heap of other things out of the ordinary happening then of course people are going to say what they think.
BBM: His dad would have had to have a router for him to be able to use the Ipod at the house. Dylan would have had to have the router information with the password before he could use it that way. I can't imagine his dad having a router if he only has one computer and lives alone. Or WiFi. I'm not sure how that all works, though.

Meri, that is correct. I have a wireless router so I can watch Netflix and Hulu on tv thru the Wii.

My son was here for thanksgiving and wanted to use the wi-fi for internet on his ipod touch. I had to give his the name of my network, and password.

Most people these days with a wireless router will have it password protected. A few years ago, not so much.
Meri, that is correct. I have a wireless router so I can watch Netflix and Hulu on tv thru the Wii.

My son was here for thanksgiving and wanted to use the wi-fi for internet on his ipod touch. I had to give his the name of my network, and password.

Most people these days with a wireless router will have it password protected. A few years ago, not so much.

Dylan was there in September so its possible he would have known the password.
I don't believe there is a bandwagon either, I've tried other options and it keeps coming back to the sunday night. I don't believe that the cell phone battery died and I don't believe there was no cell service.

The last known verified sighting of Dylan was on the Sunday night, I can't ignore that since the cell activity ceased then.

I'm all for any theories being suggested but they need to be plausible, if they don't add up or require a whole heap of other things out of the ordinary happening then of course people are going to say what they think.

Whats the DIFFERENCE if ya say bandwagon or on the fence?
To me its the same thing.
Some think dads involved some dont.
For what its worth I dont believe Dylan made it to dads house that evening.
Let's give LE credit for having the sense to have checked all possible electronic communication options for activity Sunday night and Monday morning.

Besides, If Dylan had decided to use any means available to him, including mental telepathy, he would have contacted that friend he was desperate to spend the day with or called or messaged his mom or brother to complain about a broken phone, mean old dad who wont let him see his friend or Dad went off and left without him that morning!

If he had tried to contact anyone we would know it by now, and LE says he hasn't! If aliens gave him a ride I think someone would have noticed the green transportation beam.
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