CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #37

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Or was the story about needing gas just a smokescreen? Was he trying to explain why he was coming out of the woods? As in, he ran out of gas and walked through the woods trying to get to a gas station? Were these woods searched by LE?
From what I read (which can only be discussed as rumors) the tipster saw him around the 6:30-6:45 time frame. At that time MR should have still been home. That doesn't mean he didn't linger in the area for a while. Perhaps he knocked on the door and asked Dylan where he could get gas and Dylan offered to help in exchange for a ride into Bayfield?
I'm just looking into other options here. I just think it's strange that this man was supposedly spotted coming out of the woods and looking for gas.

I agree with all your points and these were my initial thoughts as well, when the tip was first released. I didn't see this post, until after I posted my last one. Sorry.
This is an interesting aside and admittedly way out there idea.

Someone mentioned many threads back that there were groups or cults living in the mountains of Colorado and wondered if MR might have set it up that Dylan live with one of them for a time. I don't think that likely, but my mind is the type that keeps little tidbits stored and sort of connects other little tidbits.

Isn't it interesting that the last place Dylan is pictured is Walmart. The last place missing Kelsy Jean Schelling is pictured is Walmart. And the first place MR mentioned that Dylan should be returned to is Walmart? I don't think it is likely, really I don't. But for the sake of argument could there be a cult or trafficing group that operates out of Colorado area Walmarts?
This is an interesting aside and admittedly way out there idea.

Someone mentioned many threads back that there were groups or cults living in the mountains of Colorado and wondered if MR might have set it up that Dylan live with one of them for a time. I don't think that likely, but my mind is the type that keeps little tidbits stored and sort of connects other little tidbits.

Isn't it interesting that the last place Dylan is pictured is Walmart. The last place missing Kelsy Jean Schelling is pictured is Walmart. And the first place MR mentioned that Dylan should be returned to is Walmart? I don't think it is likely, really I don't. But for the sake of argument could there be a cult or trafficing group that operates out of Colorado area Walmarts?

I tell ya what, from all the weird cases I've seen on WS's and all the twists and turns in them, I personally wouldn't discount anything. I may think some scenarios are less likely than other though.

I thought they had proof he was last at McDonalds ????
Someone asked about this from the previous thread:

A NCMEC study showed that while the victims of maternal killings are almost always found either in or close to the home, fathers will, on average, dispose of the bodies hundreds of miles away.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. So even if LE found no evidence of Dylan being in the house, they can't prove he was not there.
And the timing of 9:37 pm text suggests he had to make it to the house (whereas 8 pm texts might have still been while driving).

Unless someone else was communicating as Dylan with one of Dylan's accounts and/or one of Dylan's communication devices, like his IPOD or cell phone. IMO
I think even if Mark did it, he may not have done what we suspect he did. (how's that for a convoluted sentence?!!) Since he has a history of disappearing his children, and then giving them back, it's possible, he may have somehow, some way, hidden Dylan somewhere.

Dylan may be seen by someone who would have never known about him if it were not for this show. So yes, I think it's very important.

And if...the worst has happened, then the world, (or at least the part of the world that watches Dr. Phil) can be a witness for this lost child. Sometimes the only thing we can do is witness, and acknowledge a wrong.

My husband asks me why I watch true crime shows, and read true crime books. The answer is that the study of human behaviour is fascinating to me, and also I feel that in witnessing, I am, in my own way, acknowledging their lives, and advocating for them in some small way.

BBM - I tell everyone I'm taking notes. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: Please know that I am KIDDING
Who goes looking for rental properties at 6 30 am?

I believe this time is just rumor so I don't know if it's true. But possibly because the landlord had to get to work and agreed to me up before work that morning?
maybe he wasn't out of gas at all

but he was supposed to meet someone at gas station

wasn't at one he went to, so was looking for another one

ALL speculation & JMHO
From what I understand, LE didn't want TES to come in. Considering where LE appears to be with this case, I can't understand why (if that is accurate that LE didn't want TES to come in).

Unless they are watching a specific unnamed suspect and have a strategy they are using and maybe they fear the dog search might tip him off to something. Just speculating.
Or was the story about needing gas just a smokescreen? Was he trying to explain why he was coming out of the woods? As in, he ran out of gas and walked through the woods trying to get to a gas station? Were these woods searched by LE?
From what I read (which can only be discussed as rumors) the tipster saw him around the 6:30-6:45 time frame. At that time MR should have still been home. That doesn't mean he didn't linger in the area for a while. Perhaps he knocked on the door and asked Dylan where he could get gas and Dylan offered to help in exchange for a ride into Bayfield?
I'm just looking into other options here. I just think it's strange that this man was supposedly spotted coming out of the woods and looking for gas.

BBM - he could've been going potty.
Or perhaps we are giving his words much more weight than should be granted.
He might not be choosing his words as carefully as we think he is.

Or they are trying to make someone feel comfortable? IMO
Or perhaps we are giving his words much more weight than should be granted.
He might not be choosing his words as carefully as we think he is.

So have the dogs arrived now ?

I think with hits at the lake that needs to be searched ASAP . And with Mark's version claiming a 'fishing pole' is missing . So it would make sense to make that the first port of call and to try to eliminate there first IMO

Also MR really makes a point of talking about cell service and reception between the lake and the dam so that might be a good place to look, IMO
I tell ya what, from all the weird cases I've seen on WS's and all the twists and turns in them, I personally wouldn't discount anything. I may think some scenarios are less likely than other though.

I thought they had proof he was last at McDonalds ????

The Father stated they went thru the drive thru, Hopefully there's video of them in the pick up, And hopefully they recovered the food/drink wrappings and cups from McDonald's, unless they were disposed of by being thrown away, or thrown out the window.
United Pipeline has recently stated that they will match any monies that are collected in the Dylan blood drive.

I can't imagine they would be willing to do that and not let MR have a few days off for the show.

I was thinking also that I can't imagine them doing that if they thought for a second MR was guilty of harming his son. I wonder how long he's worked there and how well they know their employees. Do they hang out and socialize outside of work? Company dinners? Or do the drivers come in, sign a sheet and walk out the door and not really know , personally, too many other employees there.
I tell ya what, from all the weird cases I've seen on WS's and all the twists and turns in them, I personally wouldn't discount anything. I may think some scenarios are less likely than other though.

I thought they had proof he was last at McDonalds ????

I agree. Though, we are not told why or how LE confirmed this, I think it is actually confirmed that they went through McDonald's.

This is just my mind in overdrive. Connection at Walmart not there yet, run get McDonald's to stall, go back to Walmart on the pretext of needing one more thing, make the connection.

I don't think this happened, but it would be interesting if LE went back and viewed video of the parking lot beyond the time MR & DR left the first time. If that is even available any more.

The other thing that makes it unlikely, is that LE seems to have something that makes them confident that DR did make it to MR's house.

Wild idea for sure, just throwing it out there.
I spent many years in chat rooms , mostly politics and religion, UGH, I know. But these rooms were for debate. In order to have a good debate you cannot get angry and upset at the other debater , you have to come with facts and logic ! Also did anyone else in high school have one of those teachers who made you do papers, basically debating , that you had to present BOTH sides of an issue? You were forced to find facts to support the opposing view and it was a nightmare but you had to do it to get the A . The teacher would make you pick the topic you least liked or were most attached to one' side' so that you could see it from the other side. You can win a ' debate' without even enjoy, believing or supporting the view you are given to defend. Since we are at a standstill of information and we are doing little except sniping at each other, I would LOVINGLY :) suggest that we all make a real effort to view it from the opposing side. WE are all on Dylan's side, but so far all of our love for that little guy has not done much except upset us with each other and take potshots at his relatives. Sometimes when forcing yourself to ' support ' even if it's false , the opposing view , you might see that shiny needle in the haystack that is desperately needed to help Dylan !

I was on one side , really committed to that side too, and now I'm back on the fence at best, possibly teetering to the other side. None of us know where Dylan is. All we can do is guess and go by our ' gut instinct'. I have no gut instinct on this, no feelings at all, only sadness for everyone :( Since hopping back on the fence I think I am seeing things from a different angle ( taller fence? ) and things seem more clear.

Also its' really sad to see so much mention of the ' body' today :( :( :(
I don't want to believe there is a ' body' . There's a live little boy somewhere
about to be a man .

Good point, and I was thinking that MR could just be, at best, a manipulative narcissistic <mod snip> who truly believes that he loves his children to the best of his ability and that he does the best he knows how to do and if they are not going to change the way they think they can live life without him and thats fine with him. Maybe he is totally unaware of how bad the things he says look o:please:r how bad the inaction he is taking looks and really doesn't see that he could do so much more to help find Dylan.....and then if he didn't do it we can eliminate him.
he went back to walmart the next morning when out running his errands

(in that MB uncut interview)
I spent many years in chat rooms , mostly politics and religion, UGH, I know. But these rooms were for debate. In order to have a good debate you cannot get angry and upset at the other debater , you have to come with facts and logic ! Also did anyone else in high school have one of those teachers who made you do papers, basically debating , that you had to present BOTH sides of an issue? You were forced to find facts to support the opposing view and it was a nightmare but you had to do it to get the A . The teacher would make you pick the topic you least liked or were most attached to one' side' so that you could see it from the other side. You can win a ' debate' without even enjoy, believing or supporting the view you are given to defend. Since we are at a standstill of information and we are doing little except sniping at each other, I would LOVINGLY :) suggest that we all make a real effort to view it from the opposing side. WE are all on Dylan's side, but so far all of our love for that little guy has not done much except upset us with each other and take potshots at his relatives. Sometimes when forcing yourself to ' support ' even if it's false , the opposing view , you might see that shiny needle in the haystack that is desperately needed to help Dylan !

I was on one side , really committed to that side too, and now I'm back on the fence at best, possibly teetering to the other side. None of us know where Dylan is. All we can do is guess and go by our ' gut instinct'. I have no gut instinct on this, no feelings at all, only sadness for everyone :( Since hopping back on the fence I think I am seeing things from a different angle ( taller fence? ) and things seem more clear.

Also its' really sad to see so much mention of the ' body' today :( :( :(
I don't want to believe there is a ' body' . There's a live little boy somewhere
about to be a man .

I agree and its another thing that makes me think Mark knows what happened to Dylan . I think most family's would kill for such media exposure if there child was missing yet Mark is willing to wait until it suits him . No thought for Dylan and his plight . I can certainly see why Mark has children and does not have good relationships with them :cow:

Yes, he obviously marries very good women who love, raise, and go above board to take care of the children in every possible way. Thank God for those women!!
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