CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #38

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My bold.

That's an interesting concept, that people are not responsible for pointing fingers. That something takes over their mind and body, wresting all free will from them. Scary.

What makes it even more interesting is bringing up the concept, in the same sentence, of taking responsibility for oneself.

When I've pointed fingers at someone, I've never felt like anyone was making that choice but me, and I've taken full responsibility for doing it. I will definitely have to consider this concept that the person I'm pointing fingers at is taking over my mind and body and making me do it. :what:

That article is really good,
there is a reason ppl are pointing fingers at MR and MR has the ability and always had the ability to make it different!. He is the only person that can change ppls perception of him! JMO
And while the show will be “highly emotional,” says Denise Hess, the leader of the effort by volunteers to find Dylan Redwine, no conclusion was reached about the missing boy.


“I can tell you it’s going to be a powerful show,” she said. “A lot of information came out. It was the first time the whole family was able to sit down together. We’re just hoping that this is going to bring the awareness we need for Dylan nationwide.”

So hard to guess at what happened on the show, except that it's for sure nobody confessed to disappearing Dylan and said where he is. MOO

Im not so sure the family was present at the one on one with MR and DP.
I think part 2 will be very interesting.
And while the show will be “highly emotional,” says Denise Hess, the leader of the effort by volunteers to find Dylan Redwine, no conclusion was reached about the missing boy.


“I can tell you it’s going to be a powerful show,” she said. “A lot of information came out. It was the first time the whole family was able to sit down together. We’re just hoping that this is going to bring the awareness we need for Dylan nationwide.”

So hard to guess at what happened on the show, except that it's for sure nobody confessed to disappearing Dylan and said where he is. MOO

No One Confesses till they are caught!
There was talk about Dr Phil and MR being alone, it's possible no one would even be aware of the results. I would like to know how the waiver they signed is enforceable if only a single person discussed knowledge pertaining to themself.

Say MR does know the results of the test, or he decided to stop the test, or never took the test, if the results are bad, and it's positive he failed, wouldn't it be in his best interest to cause that part of the show to be cut out.

Or if its positive and he passed with zero doubt, I would think after all the negative press concerning him, something would be leaked.

This is about Dylan and finding Dylan, and bringing Dylan home safely.
If there's anything concerning that test that can either move past him and concentrate in another direction, or further concentrate on him in resolving ths case, having to wait 5 days words just can't describe being helpless and unable to know where to search, or what we can do to help Dylan.

Because they had to sign a non-disclosure agreement. That means not disclosing ANYthing, not even pertaining to themselves.

This agreement is more than likely set up so that guests will not spoil the surprise for everyone at home watching it. If he talked about the poly or the results before the show airs, he would be in a heap of trouble.

I'm curious. How do you think that polygraph would be of any help in finding Dylan? They only ask yes or no questions, they are not allowed to elaborate or give detailed answers. And even if he failed it completely, how is that going to help find Dylan? It might make him look guilty as he77, but it's not enough to arrest him, or he would already be in jail, they taped the show Thursday, correct? So I doubt that the poly itself revealed anything useful, as far as LE is concerned.
The one time my son wasn't home when he said he would be...I called all his friends, and every one we knew to ask if they had seen him. One hour crept into 5 and I called the police, all the hospitals and went everywhere he might be. I was panicked. I called his father. We were divorced. My only concern was finding my son and I stopped at nothing. He had been in a head on collision shortly after he left our house. The point is I stopped at nothing when he was an hour late. MR had not seen or heard from his son for hours and he is comfortable taking a nap. He certainly did not know if his son was safe or with his friends.
I totally agree. If a child is missing whether it be of their own doing or someone else's, they are still a child and still need to be found. I don't know why we don't treat it this way, but unfortunately we don't. When I say we, I mean the general public.

We are so caught up in our own world that when we see a troubled teenager missing, we just assume the kid is on drugs or the parents are jacked up. I'm not referring to any specific case, just general.

I admit I'm guilty of such thoughts. My boys are happy. My boys are well rounded. However, until it happens to you or someone you know, it's just another messed up family. Unfortunately though, that's reality. People aren't going to look past the family drama to really care about the kid at the heart of the matter. That kid is lost. This is how it is. It sucks. The kids who get the national attention are the all American kid with the perfect family situation and is single digit in age. THAT is reality and it needs to change.

Especially when statistics show most abducted kids are killed within 3 hours.
IF there actually is a they actually show that on TV???? It being taken??

not a follower of any of these shows

can't imagine watching that
Is it possible that the poly results could be quashed ? by LE?
Perhaps they had some bearing on the investigation and even though PHIL's the
boss of his show , maybe he has to surrender the results to LE and not discuss them ?

I took a look through Dr. Phil's archives and the poly in the midst of a criminal investiagtion is not new to him. Results seem to be freely discussed on his show and most of the guests fail at least part of the poly, if they go through with it at all. I predict this will be the case on Wednesday. Another inconclusive if not outright failed poly and yet no new news. However, 4 million plus more people keeping an eye out can't be bad. Will eat my words and a MOO or two if I am wrong.
Especially when statistics show most abducted kids are killed within 3 hours.

I don't know what statistics you're going by, but I don't believe that's true.

These are the statistics that the U.S. Dept of Justice and NCMEC go by, the NISMART 2 statistics. I've included all abductions - family abductions, non-family abductions, and stereotypical kidnappings -

For non-family abductions in the U.S. including stereotypical kidnappings -

Episode outcomes
Non-family abductions - Child returned alive - 99%
Stereotypical kidnappings - Child returned alive - 57%

Page 10 Table 7
Nonfamily Abducted Children: National Estimates and Characteristics

For family abductions in the U.S. -

Episode outcome
Child returned - 91%

Page 7 Table 6
Children Abducted by Family Members: National Estimates and Characteristics
Genuine question here.

I'm in UK, so your legal system is different to ours and I can't believe we'd allow tv shows to do lie detector tests on people involved in a criminal investigation (even as victims).

As far as I am aware, a lie detector isn't magic and results aren't 100% perfect. So, you can pass one even if you are lying, and fail one if telling the truth, correct?

So, if MR failed a lie detector test on this tv show, and was later put on trial in connection to Dylan's disappearance, is there any chance whatsoever he could get a fair trial?

Whilst I understand people saying that going on Dr Phil will help get Dylan's story out there, personally I'm very uncomfortable with it. For me, it appears to be more about making entertainment out of peoples' trauma.

And is there really any place for lie detectors on national tv? They have been cheapened in my opinion, when used to prove or disprove paternity cases on trashy tv shows.

To have the family of a missing kid take one on a tv show .... well, I can't get my head around it. Trial by media in a whole new way.

You're absolutely right. Polygraphs are only a tool LE uses, they are not admissible in court. A person could take and fail ten of them and it won't be enough to arrest and charge someone. They prove nothing.

Like you, I sort of frown on Dr. Phil using them on his show, I think its cheap sensationalism. It's just for entertainment purposes. It's not going to advance the case, it's not going to help in finding Dylan. All it will do is make Mark look bad. OR if he passed it, it might stop the chatter about it. I doubt that, though, because then people will just say it wasn't done right or it means nothing, or some other excuse.

I have a feeling that IF he took one, the second airing is going to turn out to be a big disappointment to a lot of folks... a big ole flop! JMO
I believe the biggest thorn in MR side was Dylan's, phone. I believe that MR didn't want Dylan, to call his mom and complain about him,call his friends, brother, or even his sick grandmother. I believe that the first thing MR got rid of was the phone. A confrontation happened and..... Didn't Dylan testify at the last hearing regarding the custody? Did MR have knowledge of what Dylan said?
yes but that is when your boys are at home, would they be the same if they were away from home?

we can't judge by behaviours that are typical of teenagers in their own homes

Right, but if a kid that age is not accustomed to leaving notes in his own home, he's not going to do it when he's at the other parent's home. Probably LESS likely to, since he was with Dad, who may have allowed him even more freedom than his mom did.
Im not so sure the family was present at the one on one with MR and DP.
I think part 2 will be very interesting.

I've read that Elaine and everyone with her had left, and MR had stayed behind with a one on one with Dr Phil, It was a comment posted on the FMDR site from a person that attended.
Thanks for this - I was sure my sons weren't abnormal! Raised with different priorities maybe. In what I thought was a wise moment, my 16 year old has pointed out young adults at a nearby table in a restaurant - each with their phones out and looking down madly texting, and ignoring each other. He asked why they bothered to go out together.
Having said that they are computer mad and in recent years we have acquired all sorts of tech gadgets which we all like to play around with -the phones are just utilitarian items though.

I bet it wouldn't surprise you or your son to find out that those two young adults in the restaurant were actually texting each other! I see the same thing sometimes and it amazes me.
That article is really good,
there is a reason ppl are pointing fingers at MR and MR has the ability and always had the ability to make it different!. He is the only person that can change ppls perception of him! JMO

No, I disagree. I don't think he would be able to change anyone's mind now, least of all his ex wife and her supporters. They're more determined than ever to prove Mark is a cold-blooded killer, or is hiding him somewhere.

But LE can certainly change the public's minds if Dylan is ever found, and it turns out that someone else was responsible. And that could happen.
Right, but if a kid that age is not accustomed to leaving notes in his own home, he's not going to do it when he's at the other parent's home. Probably LESS likely to, since he was with Dad, who may have allowed him even more freedom than his mom did.

I'm curious if MR allowed Dylan a KEY to the door to be able to walk around outside and be able to lock the door behind him.

MR actually comes across as a very distrustful individual, Something tells me he didn't leave Dylan home alone.

I'd actually be interested in Cory and others take on staying there alone.
No, I disagree. I don't think he would be able to change anyone's mind now, least of all his ex wife and her supporters. They're more determined than ever to prove Mark is a cold-blooded killer, or is hiding him somewhere.

But LE can certainly change the public's minds if Dylan is ever found, and it turns out that someone else was responsible. And that could happen.

BBM ~ I am confused where you got this impression from, do you have a link or what is this based on since TMK the family hasn't spoken out after the show?
No, I disagree. I don't think he would be able to change anyone's mind now, least of all his ex wife and her supporters. They're more determined than ever to prove Mark is a cold-blooded killer, or is hiding him somewhere.

But LE can certainly change the public's minds if Dylan is ever found, and it turns out that someone else was responsible. And that could happen.

Yes you're absolutely correct, That ship has sailed. if MR had quit acting evasive and not contradicted statements from the start, Had he been and acted like a Responsible Father, The majority of people might have viewed him differently.

MR and his actions are the cause of so many believing he's Responsible, Theres zero reason for Dylan to be missing. No child should be forced or rather Court Ordered to spend time with another person their not happy with.
Wow, KH, the admin of the page,I think, has a kind of wild post 13 minutes ago...under the video clip from show.
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