CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #38

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Been reading up on Dylan's case. Nothing sits right with me. I need to do further reading before providing my own input but thank you for keeping this case alive on Websleuths, many of us want answers, Dylan is the victim here and I feel so bad for this poor young boy. The Dr Phil airing will be interesting.

Welcome! (I really just wanted to say that I LOVE your avatar!!!) (totally O/T, but do you watch the panda cam at the sandiego zoo? It's great!
Sorry not my kids! They each have their own phone and most of the time they are sitting with flat batteries somewhere on their desks. Neither of my boys could care less about their phones - really. They dig around and charge them up if they are going away on a school camp or excursion, or soccer trips - but have never obsessed about calling or texting friends. Not all kids or adults are the same - nor do they all behave according to someone else's norms. There have been plenty of posts here from parents giving their takes on what they or their children would do in any given situation, and I think that's a good thing because plenty of others post as though they know for certain how Dylan must have behaved or reacted from the time he stepped off his flight to Durango.

And now that you ask, I guess my teens have never taken off in my absence before, so I must be lucky in that regard.

Just going off your know how important it is to recognize that each child is different. You know how your own children react and you know what to expect from them. So, one would presume you would have a fair idea what they would do in a given situation?

If your child turned up "missing", you would expect your knowledge of your child's usual, customary, expected behavior to be believed and considered in light of the situation. I'm certain you would expect LE and the public to believe what you know to be factual about your child and understand your child's behavior?

Elaine told everyone that Dylan's usual, customary and expected behavior was to "blow up his phone texting", "he's a very tech savvy kid". She indicated she usually heard from him when he was with his buddies.
Wow, KH, the admin of the page,I think, has a kind of wild post 13 minutes ago...under the video clip from show.

Thank you :D

At this stage I just want the family to be put out of there misery and the truth to come out as this has gone on long enough IMO - I just hope the dogs can find some kind of a clue this weekend .
Wow, KH, the admin of the page,I think, has a kind of wild post 13 minutes ago...under the video clip from show.

Actually it's a pretty uneducated statement and shows that they don't read here much .
My bold.

That's an interesting concept, that people are not responsible for pointing fingers. That something takes over their mind and body, wresting all free will from them. Scary.

What makes it even more interesting is bringing up the concept, in the same sentence, of taking responsibility for oneself.

When I've pointed fingers at someone, I've never felt like anyone was making that choice but me, and I've taken full responsibility for doing it. I will definitely have to consider this concept that the person I'm pointing fingers at is taking over my mind and body and making me do it. :what:

You're misunderstanding the meaning of the post you quoted. Of course people are responsible for their own actions, but by the same token, no one should be surprised if their own actions lead others TO point fingers at them.
Actually it's a pretty uneducated statement and shows that they don't read here much .

Maybe a different post? It was nothing about WS, but how KH had changed her opinion over time?
Maybe a different post? It was nothing about WS, but how KH had changed her opinion over time?

Oh sorry, thought you meant about ws was all wrong in their opinion of MR as if everyone over here is singing his praises.
No, I disagree. I don't think he would be able to change anyone's mind now, least of all his ex wife and her supporters. They're more determined than ever to prove Mark is a cold-blooded killer, or is hiding him somewhere.

But LE can certainly change the public's minds if Dylan is ever found, and it turns out that someone else was responsible. And that could happen.

But to me it seems LE is focused on MR!
No one but MR can change ppls opinion of him!

Actually it's a pretty uneducated statement and shows that they don't read here much .

Can you paraphrase the statement? I think I'm looking in the wrong place.

The one I saw said something like, she doesn't just think mark is responsible now, she KNOWS it. And that she spent so much time listening to him talk, and trying to be open minded, but when he accused her of disappearing his child, that was the last straw.
It must be so hard to keep hope after 3 months and it must be a constant up hill battle when you believe somebody you once loved could be involved in such a crime .

Also the fear that this was done to hurt you and it was never about Dylan .

Oh sorry, thought you meant about ws was all wrong in their opinion of MR as if everyone over here is singing his praises.

Ohhhh....I think *that* one is on one of the unofficial pages. That's how we ended up confused. (or I did)
No, I disagree. I don't think he would be able to change anyone's mind now, least of all his ex wife and her supporters. They're more determined than ever to prove Mark is a cold-blooded killer, or is hiding him somewhere.

But LE can certainly change the public's minds if Dylan is ever found, and it turns out that someone else was responsible. And that could happen.

He will never change his ex's perception or his sons because they know him.
I think hes more worried about the public's..
It seems to me he dosent care what his ex wives think or feel about him.

So what are the odds?
He did it
He didnt

This guy has done himself no favors!

Ohhhh....I think *that* one is on one of the unofficial pages. That's how we ended up confused. (or I did)

Because I am bad and easily confused I will get admonished ! But yes
you are correct !
You're absolutely right. Polygraphs are only a tool LE uses, they are not admissible in court. A person could take and fail ten of them and it won't be enough to arrest and charge someone. They prove nothing.

Like you, I sort of frown on Dr. Phil using them on his show, I think its cheap sensationalism. It's just for entertainment purposes. It's not going to advance the case, it's not going to help in finding Dylan. All it will do is make Mark look bad. OR if he passed it, it might stop the chatter about it. I doubt that, though, because then people will just say it wasn't done right or it means nothing, or some other excuse.

I have a feeling that IF he took one, the second airing is going to turn out to be a big disappointment to a lot of folks... a big ole flop! JMO

But they can rule ppl out!
I just can not get over the massive amount of time where you can not account for his where abouts . From leaving McDonald's up until he arrives at his place of work for a payroll issue the following morning and then when gets home and there we have another 3/4 hours where he could of been up to anything ... MOO

It just makes this case impossible IMO as anything could of been done in the hours upon hours available - MOO

Of course there could of been a lucky perp but its doubtful IMO - but there is a small chance of course but this person had a lot less oppertunity !
Ya know why should LE or anyone else for that matter have to step up for Mark Redwine?
When you think about it I have seen NO ONE come out and say what a great guy he is.
No family nada.
Why is that do you think?

Food for thought!

And all JMO
Ya know why should LE or anyone else for that matter have to step up for Mark Redwine?
When you think about it I have seen NO ONE come out and say what a great guy he is.
No family nada.
Why is that do you think?

Food for thought!

And all JMO

Yep , apart from a woman friend who stayed with him for a while its been pretty quiet from his family and friends . It is rather strange as if it was my brother and I knew him to be innocent I would be there fighting his corner as most family's would . Look at Elaine's friends and family , all showing support and helping out .
I can se MR being angry with Elaine if elaine was the reason the marriage fell apart but after 6 or 7 yrs its time to move on. At least for the sake of your children!

Its all just a very sad situation getting worse and worse as time goes on!
OT, part of Dateline last night was a CA case about a husband who said his wife walked out after an argument thirty-plus years ago. When he was eventually in court for her death last year, he was given a final opportunity to tell the truth when his son begged for mercy, etc.
The man took a new LD test, admitting he pushed her and she hit her head and died. This did not fly with the polygraph. Finally he admitted he "punched her in the head" (and rowed her body out to sea, dumping her with a cement block) . But apparently that was not true either. He only passed the LD test when he led LE to an area on land where he says he dumped her body. (LE has yet to dig in the area, from what I gathered but are making plans to do so.)

Anyway, it seems in his case the LD tests were very sensitive, FWIW. I guess time will tell if this last one, the one he passed, was accurate.
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