CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #41

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There is a small map on the right of this page. Vallecito Creek and Los Pinos River are
2 of the ' branch' rivers.

In the wilderness part of the Pine River, you will find exclusively wild fish, particularly trout. In the lower two-thirds of the river you will find rainbows, brookies, browns, and cutthroats. Above Willow Park it is mostly cutthroats and brook trout. Below Flint Creek the average fish is around 8 to 10 inches and trout up to 14 inches are common. The upper Pine is entirely hike-in water.

Something called in hike in water makes me think it's only knee deep or so, correct?
Also, not to be gruesome, but I wonder if that lake has any really giant fish in it :(
I watch too much river monsters.
You're welcome. :)

Speaking of which, there was one article that said LE would be searching this weekend. If so, I wonder when/where? Maybe we'll here about it afterward??

Oooh , i hope so as i just want the family to know what has happened as its now well over 3 months and there pain wont lessen until they know :(
Too much guessing for me without enough clear concise info.. I'm just gonna have to wait and see if better info. comes out.

I disagree with this interpretation of events. Actually, the offer was made first on FMDR (that'd be to Elaine, since she posts there and her best friend runs it) then KOB very shortly thereafter. How exactly would Elaine have known Mark contacted them? And the foundation set up for rewards and searches <modsnip> paid for Wendy's accommodations while in the Vallecito area. KOB clearly states Elaine contacted them first, then Mark also contacted them. Wendy met with them to get info to conduct the search.


Okay. I didn't know Wendy offered on FMDR prior to the news. Would you have a link to that? Thanks.
Ok, I think I figured it out, there are 5 branches of rivers that go into the lake. 3 on the north end, 1 on the west end, and 1 on the east end by the campground. :). So she was by the one by the campground.
Thanks. I zoomed in as much as I could but I can't even see the lake on that map. Does he live on the east or west side and north or south end?

Purple is Mark's house. Dr. Phil map showed T's house was below Mark's, 5.9 miles.


ETA - A is Vallecito Lake
Speaking of his job out of town... the XGF on DP says she knows all about the relationship between MR and DR but at any time she might have been around we know that MR was not exercising his rights too frequently so DR was likely not around this woman very many times at all, IF more than the once she mentions. Also after she talks about how it all went down ( which is about a carbon copyof what MR said happened on monday morning ) she closes with the statement of MR really never seeing his kids because he was at work all the time on the road. Points to ponder !

I myself have questioned this ex GF motives, From what I've read, she's from the <modsnip> area, Wasn't able to locate the dating time of six months between the two, <modsnip> it never displayed any persons or names., I just Remember MR mentioning he wanted to tour every NASCAR race with Dylan.

I'd be interested on how they met, and her trusting of MR to have Traveled to MR house and stayed a week The same week MR would have had Dylan, in my opinion that's really poor inexcusable judgement on both the ex girlfriend and MR. That would have been unfair to Dylan, wonder when this took place the way she carbon copied what MR claimed that Monday morning concerning Dylan.

But this ex GF the way she defended MR from the airing of the Nancy Grace show back in November, and since all the Domestic abuse articles concerning MR the past three months have surfaced. Her involvement with MR, I'm quite sure Law Enforcement has taken an interest in MR and this ex GF since the Dr Phil show.
Too much guessing for me without enough clear concise info.. I'm just gonna have to wait and see if better info. comes out.

I agree. So those reports saying 'in the same area' must have been referring to just the general area of the lake. Because to me the extreme north and the extreme south ends of the lake are not the same area.

I was thinking maybe if Wendy's hits were say a little south of 5 Branch campground and the hits back in Nov were on the southeast side near the dam and maybe a little north I could maybe see them being 'in the same area' and thus the dogs hitting on the same thing. But no way from extreme north to extreme south which is 7.5 miles.
Ok, I think I figured it out, there are 5 branches of rivers that go into the lake. 3 on the north end, 1 on the west end, and 1 on the east end by the campground. :). So she was by the one by the campground.

Can you explain? She did cut 5 different holes in different areas and search different areas. So are you saying that she is saying as she moved to the river that feeds in from the east is where she got hits? Thus the 5 branch campground area?
I myself have questioned this ex GF motives, From what I've read, she's from the<modsnip> area, Wasn't able to locate the dating time of six months between the two, <modsnip>, it never displayed any persons or names., I just Remember MR mentioning he wanted to tour every NASCAR race with Dylan.

I'd be interested on how they met, and her trusting of MR to have Traveled to MR house and stayed a week The same week MR would have had Dylan, in my opinion that's really poor inexcusable judgement on both the ex girlfriend and MR. That would have been unfair to Dylan, wonder when this took place the way she carbon copied what MR claimed that Monday morning concerning Dylan.

But this ex GF the way she defended MR from the airing of the Nancy Grace show back in November, and since all the Domestic abuse articles concerning MR the past three months have surfaced. Her involvement with MR, I'm quite sure Law Enforcement has taken an interest in MR and this ex GF since the Dr Phil show.

I don't necessarily think the xgf is being dishonest at all. When she was with MR and DR it may have been fabulous all the time. But with him travelling AND not seeing the kids so much, I just wonder how much time that actually was. 3 days? 8 days ? out of 6 months? I don't think it's enough time to say this person would NEVER do x y or z because there is just not enough time to have seen so much.
If MR had asked them to help then why did he not mention it on DP when CR asked him point blank what he was doing to find Dylan?

I don't know. You'd have to ask him. If he didn't ask them to help, then I wonder why Wendy posted he contacted them 5 minutes after the show aired. Who knows. I sure don't.
Purple is Mark's house. Dr. Phil map showed T's house was below Mark's, 5.9 miles.

View attachment 30304

So T's house is in the middle of the lake? LOL just kidding. Well it doesn't show west or east but that is almost exactly where the 5 branch campground is.

Along with trying to figure out where Wendy's dogs hit I'm trying to figure out how close it is to T's house.
So T's house is in the middle of the lake? LOL just kidding. Well it doesn't show west or east but that is almost exactly where the 5 branch campground is.

Along with trying to figure out where Wendy's dogs hit I'm trying to figure out how close it is to T's house.! We can't sleuth T's address so I was showing the distance between Mark's house, imagine T 5.9 miles and then Vallecito lake.

ETA - A is Vallecito Lake, not T
I hate to ask this, but do you have a link that he bought just a few snacks to last a couple days? I've seen that stated before, just wondered where it came from.
Actually he knew Dylan was only going to be there a few days to a week, because he would need to go home on the next weekend to go back to school.
I think the one way plane ticket may have been because he planned to drop him off after Thanksgiving with his brother, since he lives not far from CS. I know that's been mentioned before. But even so, don't you think if he premeditated this, he would know that a one-way ticket would be a big red flag?? He may be a total jerk, but he's not stupid, surely he would have taken care of little clues like that.
Not defending him... just saying I don't believe it was premeditated. JMO.
I'd need some uninterrupted time to go back through each of MR's video interviews to see where he said that. It was in a video interview though. DR was supposed to be with him for a week. not a short time IMO.! We can't sleuth T's address so I was showing the distance between Mark's house, imagine T 5.9 miles and then Vallecito lake.

So somewhere close to that area? That's good enough for me. Thanks!!
Can you explain? She did cut 5 different holes in different areas and search different areas. So are you saying that she is saying as she moved to the river that feeds in from the east is where she got hits? Thus the 5 branch campground area?

I am thinking she started around the campground and when the dogs started acting, she then went and moved to the lake where they went crazy and then the holes were cut. however this is all speculation on my part with the very little we know. IMO
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