CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #43

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BBM Now that you mention it he has also made a point of talking about the marina in a couple of the interviews. IIRC when DP pointed to T's general location, MR interjected "across from the lake, next to the marina." Unnecessary information, really in the context of the conversation. He mentioned the marina in at least one other place, but I can't remember where. Wonder if the fishing pole will be found at the Marina.

I wonder if he didn't realize that he would still have to pay child support? Wouldn't that be divine justice?:crystalball:"I see stripes in his future"
I would appreciate if you would really pay attention to this part:

ER: I don’t care what you believe. I don’t have Dylan. I wish I had Dylan, because if I had Dylan we wouldn’t be on the Dr. Phil show, Okay?

MR: I wish I had Dylan, too, but that’s not…

ER: Did you hurt him?

MR: No, Elaine!! I wouldn’t hurt him… what kind of mother are you to even think that I was capable of doing something like that?

ER: I was your wife for 18 years. I brought you all the way to Dr. Phil to speak with you because you won’t speak with me.

I am wondering what you think, perhaps from his demeanor, what he was going to say before he was interrupted "I wish I had Dylan, too, but that's not..." Was he going to say "but that's not going to happen?" Wondering what else could fit that sentence. I think an interesting sentence was lost. :banghead:

But that's not possible?
I wonder if he didn't realize that he would still have to pay child support? Wouldn't that be divine justice?:crystalball:"I see stripes in his future"

Very possible that he assumed CS would stop. I think he thought Dylan would be found quickly. Heck he tried to lead LE there didn't he? (if it turns out Dylan is in the lake)

IMO he is not the sharpest tool in the shed. I don't think things were well thought out. I think he assumed with the fishing pole being gone, a friend near the marina etc that Dylan would be quickly found and COD would be ruled an accidental drowning. I think that's as far as he thought it through.

I don't think he ever imagined this would become National news and everyone would be pointing fingers at him. I still think a part of him wants Dylan found so he can say AHA! I told you all Dylan went fishing and fell in the lake! Problem as I see it is, Dylan being found in the lake is going to lead to his arrest.

I think so far MR has just been lucky but his luck is running out.
I would appreciate if you would really pay attention to this part:

ER: I don’t care what you believe. I don’t have Dylan. I wish I had Dylan, because if I had Dylan we wouldn’t be on the Dr. Phil show, Okay?

MR: I wish I had Dylan, too, but that’s not…

ER: Did you hurt him?

MR: No, Elaine!! I wouldn’t hurt him… what kind of mother are you to even think that I was capable of doing something like that?

ER: I was your wife for 18 years. I brought you all the way to Dr. Phil to speak with you because you won’t speak with me.

I am wondering what you think, perhaps from his demeanor, what he was going to say before he was interrupted "I wish I had Dylan, too, but that's not..." Was he going to say "but that's not going to happen?" Wondering what else could fit that sentence. I think an interesting sentence was lost. :banghead:

He stops himself a lot mid sentence. I guess that's what liars have to do? I could not imagine trying to lie in every other sentence I spoke. That would be so difficult! Especially if I killed someone. Could you imagine having to carefully think about every single word that comes out of your mouth?

As I read recently...the brain wants to tell the truth. It's not easy to lie.
In my opinion, the 'behind the scenes' was a way for MR to get out of the situation. Even if DP had heard 'behind the scenes' and they left the room to go off camera, I don't believe MR was going to say a word. I think MR was attempting to manipulate DP and stop the conversation.

yah. his tone of voice kind of made that suspect.
I am not stuck on any particular theory, but there is one scenario (of many) that runs through my mind, involving MR and a father's rights type group, that would allow him to say "I have nothing to do with this" and almost be truthful. Could be wishful thinking on my part, because it would mean Dylan is alive, provided for, and not suffering at the hands of some SO.

I've never really entertained the idea of an accomplice, but when MR said "we" picked him up at the airport, I wonder if he did have an accomplice with him; they went to walmart, then McD's, and then DR went with the accomplice and that was that. ???
I agree!

Here in our area we have the sheriff and the police.
As I see there they have sheriff and the Marshals.

She called the sheriff and he later went to the marshalls office!
Why didnt he call 911?

Because the call would have been TAPED...
I would appreciate if you would really pay attention to this part:

ER: I don’t care what you believe. I don’t have Dylan. I wish I had Dylan, because if I had Dylan we wouldn’t be on the Dr. Phil show, Okay?

MR: I wish I had Dylan, too, but that’s not…

ER: Did you hurt him?

MR: No, Elaine!! I wouldn’t hurt him… what kind of mother are you to even think that I was capable of doing something like that?

ER: I was your wife for 18 years. I brought you all the way to Dr. Phil to speak with you because you won’t speak with me.

I am wondering what you think, perhaps from his demeanor, what he was going to say before he was interrupted "I wish I had Dylan, too, but that's not..." Was he going to say "but that's not going to happen?" Wondering what else could fit that sentence. I think an interesting sentence was lost. :banghead:


Just a few possibilities:

..... but that's not the case
..... but that's not what happened
..... but that's not going to make it true
..... but that's not going to make him reappear
I think money means a great deal to MR and is a motivating factor for him. I believe we've seen some money issues during his divorce from azgrandma. Didn't pay support. Manipulated a way to get out of ever paying it. None of our business but I bet he got a lot of other monetary "wins" in that divorce battle.

Then we've got the situation with ER. 6-7 years of court battles over what? Money. So he ended up with everything. Both houses, no child support to be paid but actually collecting it from ER. When that changed up, he was back to his divorce attorney to file paperwork. Likely to dispute the child support he was ordered to pay. I believe in that 3 months he made 1 payment as per azgrandma. And it was likely at the recommendation of his divorce attorney on that Monday November 19th when he went to see him/her.

He has obviously not retained a criminal defense attorney because that costs money. A criminal defense attorney is going to require a retainer to start representing him. He figures it's a waste of money I guess. He's not a named suspect and he's doing such a great job of deflecting that he figures it's not neccessary at this time?

He has not contributed one dime to the Dylan reward fund that I'm aware of. Forget arranging for fund raisers where other people contribute, which he hasn't done either, he personally has not put up anything. Even though he has a job, two houses (one a rental), two trucks and apparently a "college fund" for Dylan. When asked about this he made some lame comment about his company putting up some money. Disgraceful.

But besides all that, I don't think it was a motivating factor for what ultimately happened to Dylan. On Dr Phil he commented on how ER was alienating Dylan from him for the past 6 months. That time frame puts it some time after the "trip of a lifetime" in August I would assume. He saw him once since then for the Labour Day weekend. We've heard nothing about there being any problem then. So basically he's talking about the time frame from the custody hearing. He only saw Dylan once after that. That Sunday November 18th when Dylan fell off the radar.

So if he's complaining about ER alienating Dylan from him, then he likely got that feeling on that day. There was an argument IMO. A bad one. I hate that I feel so sure of it. :(


Thank you Kamille - I am in agreement. Based on Mark's Dr. Phil coat comment - Mark probably was the type who spent nothing on clothes and shoes, even though he received cs. He could've purchased a $10 coat from Goodwill but he could not because that would prevent him from muttering about "bad mom."

JMHO - Mark's road trip was to convince the judge and Dylan what a great Dad he was and try to prevent the move. Ridiculous in our minds, since Mark did not have much contact with his son, but it all made perfect sense in Mark's mind. When the Sep 21 ruling was issued, Mark blamed Elaine for sabotaging his ability to be a great Dad. He also blamed Dylan for betrayal. All of the things Mark controlled were GONE in a matter of months!!!!! The rage must have been incredible.

I think the sit down dinner was going to be one last chance for Dylan to change his mind about the move and save himself - but it was all pre-meditated before the dinner. IMHO. Just awful.
IMO MR has shown a history of tormenting his ex wives through the courts. And dragging it on for years. He probably gets a thrill out of it but his main purpose is to WIN. It's all about winning. And he just LOST and he LOST BIG TIME. I think this might be enough to send him over the edge. In his mind it's not about providing money for his son, it's about giving money to his ex and her new man. And I'll bet the thought of that enrages him beyond belief. To me this does point to a motive for premeditation. Although I still have a hard time believing this is possible, we have to try to get in his head and think how he might think.

If it was premeditated and the main reason being child support (and revenge) but mostly child support. Well that won't stop unless Dylan is found. So if this is what happened he needs Dylan to be found. The sooner the better for him. I think the fishing pole and the marina and the lake and the T stories are all for that purpose. And he is stupid enough that he thinks everyone will think Dylan set off to T's to go fishing and fell in the lake. He talks about 'the lake' way too much to me. Almost every conversation goes back to 'the lake'.

I believe CONTROL is at the bottom of both revenge and money. I think his unstoppable impulse to control was the motivating factor. Now, in regards to child support, for MR to take DR away, that is just him saying "see, if you make me pay you child support, I'll CONTROL the situation in my favor." With revenge, the control is obvious - "you can't take MY son to a new town/house/job/husband/father".
It's all control. and that runs deeper than money or revenge. His need to control. And winning is to control.
ER saying that she's not afraid of MR anymore and he can't hurt her anymore b/c he's finally done the one thing she was afraid of, takes his power over her away too. Backfire!
Methods of travel... Are missing children posters routinely provided to TSA agents?

I've always wondered what MR was doing and where he was Tuesday - Friday after DR went missing. I know he wasn't working b/c he was supposed to he home with his son. But did he do any travel either Monday night or later in the week?
Very possible that he assumed CS would stop. I think he thought Dylan would be found quickly. Heck he tried to lead LE there didn't he? (if it turns out Dylan is in the lake)

IMO he is not the sharpest tool in the shed. I don't think things were well thought out. I think he assumed with the fishing pole being gone, a friend near the marina etc that Dylan would be quickly found and COD would be ruled an accidental drowning. I think that's as far as he thought it through.

I don't think he ever imagined this would become National news and everyone would be pointing fingers at him. I still think a part of him wants Dylan found so he can say AHA! I told you all Dylan went fishing and fell in the lake! Problem as I see it is, Dylan being found in the lake is going to lead to his arrest.

I think so far MR has just been lucky but his luck is running out.

I'm guessing - but if the Nov 19 meeting with his lawyer was to pay his first child support check - then it was pre-meditated so Mark could quickly get back all of the c.s. money if a body was found.

I wonder how Mark feels right now,<modsnip>!
I'm guessing - but if the Nov 19 meeting with his lawyer was to pay his first child support check - then it was calculated so Mark could quickly get back all of the c.s. money, since a body was found.

I wonder how Mark feels right now, <modsnip>l!

Maybe he has since found out that CS is not going to stop? Oh my can you imagine the rage? I wonder if that's partly why he did the recent interviews? For some reason I feel like he is trying to give cryptic clues to Dylan's whereabouts because he now knows that CS will not end until Dylan is found.

I honestly don't think he thinks he's going to get caught (if he did indeed do it). I really do think he's that arrogant.
And I do wonder if LE see's this arrogance and perhaps this is playing a part in their actions?

They may be playing him like a fiddle.

Again, I firmly believe that LE, FBI, CBI are smarter than we are :) I know it's hard to imagine, but surely they are?
Thank you Kamille - I am in agreement. Based on Mark's Dr. Phil coat comment - Mark probably was the type who spent nothing on clothes and shoes, even though he received cs. He could've purchased a $10 coat from Goodwill but he could not because that would prevent him from muttering about "bad mom."

JMHO - Mark's road trip was to convince the judge and Dylan what a great Dad he was and try to prevent the move. Ridiculous in our minds, since Mark did not have much contract with his son, but it all made perfect sense in Mark's mind. When the Sep 21 ruling was issued, Mark blamed Elaine for sabotaging his ability to be a great Dad. He also blamed Dylan for betrayal. All of the things Mark controlled were GONE in a matter of months!!!!! The rage must have been incredible.

I think the sit down dinner was going to be one last chance for Dylan to change his mind about the move and save himself - but it was all pre-meditated before the dinner. IMHO. Just awful.

BBM I also think this was all about control and rage. Everyone probably knows someone who sees every situation which doesn't go their way as being "unfair". They are always nursing a grievance of some sort which they use to justify all their bad behavior. I don't see the change in CS as a motive as much as just one more perceived "injustice" in MR's eyes. The custody change, ER moving away and reuniting with her first husband, even the new house which MR brought up as something Dylan was "too tired" to discuss were all sore spots, all "unfair". Premeditation is possible, but I still tend to believe this could have been a spontaneous act of rage.

Something that just occurred to me is that MR brings up Dylan being "tired" almost as much as be mentions Dylan wanting to be with his friends, the lake, and the fishing pole. I think "tired" fits in somehow, but no idea how except that the repetition stands out.
BBM I also think this was all about control and rage. Everyone probably knows someone who sees every situation which doesn't go their way as being "unfair". They are always nursing a grievance of some sort which they use to justify all their bad behavior. I don't see the change in CS as a motive as much as just one more perceived "injustice" in MR's eyes. The custody change, ER moving away and reuniting with her first husband, even the new house which MR brought up as something Dylan was "too tired" to discuss were all sore spots, all "unfair". Premeditation is possible, but I still tend to believe this could have been a spontaneous act of rage.

Something that just occurred to me is that MR brings up Dylan being "tired" almost as much as be mentions Dylan wanting to be with his friends, the lake, and the fishing pole. I think "tired" fits in somehow, but no idea how except that the repetition stands out.

BBM - maybe angry that Dylan was allowed to stay up until 4am playing video games?

ETA: Oh, perhaps not necessarily angry, but this could be another dig at Elaine for bad parenting - that she'd let Dylan stay up all night.
I believe CONTROL is at the bottom of both revenge and money. I think his unstoppable impulse to control was the motivating factor. Now, in regards to child support, for MR to take DR away, that is just him saying "see, if you make me pay you child support, I'll CONTROL the situation in my favor." With revenge, the control is obvious - "you can't take MY son to a new town/house/job/husband/father".
It's all control. and that runs deeper than money or revenge. His need to control. And winning is to control.
ER saying that she's not afraid of MR anymore and he can't hurt her anymore b/c he's finally done the one thing she was afraid of, takes his power over her away too. Backfire!

I could not have said this better! Thank you.
And I do wonder if LE see's this arrogance and perhaps this is playing a part in their actions?

They may be playing him like a fiddle.

Again, I firmly believe that LE, FBI, CBI are smarter than we are :) I know it's hard to imagine, but surely they are?

I so believe this, Psychic Sleuth! Mark needs to talk talk talk about what a great Dad he was, how Elaine is such a bad Mom, and how he is such THE VICTIM! A way to appeal to Mark is to ask him to talk about how everyone else screwed up his marriages and his relationships with his children.
BBM - maybe angry that Dylan was allowed to stay up until 4am playing video games?

ETA: Oh, perhaps not necessarily angry, but this could be another dig at Elaine for bad parenting - that she'd let Dylan stay up all night.

Yes, I tend to think it is another attempt to undermine Elaine as a parent.
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