CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #44

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Just bouncing off your post :blushing:

I question, was there not anything in that house that MR could give to LE that would have had Dylan's scent on it.. I admit I am not up to date on scent dogs. But would something he slept on have enough scent if needed. If so he could have allowed the dogs to try and hit, maybe he did I don't know.. I am going backwards in this case.. Forward I am hitting dead ends.

I believe that if Dylan slept on a pillow or pillowcase or used a blanket, than yes the dogs should have been able to pick up his scent. But they didn't. From what I understand it is best to have something of his with a pure scent. Meaning ONLY his scent, so if other people used that pillow or blanket it may have had mixed scents. I am no expert though. Perhaps sarx can come explain?

The negative comments about Dylan really bother me. I haven't seen any reports or statements from people who knew Dylan that he would get a chip on his shoulder. In fact, Elaine said something in the Blasius interview about how he hadn't gotten into that teenage thing. :twocents:

As has been previously discussed, kids don't always act the same with both parents, and it was ER who gave a glowing report, not MR. Some of the things MR said, like "who knows what goes through a 13 year old's head?" left me with the impression he was seeing some of that so-called typical teenage behavior.

ETA: I see the differences as a direct reflection of ER and MR's parenting. moo
has anyone looked for any hidden roads off the main road from McDonald to the house.. Again working backwards
Is there a link about someone contacting LE about the pole? I always figured LE came across it, for some reason, although I have no idea how they would have located its owner.

If they were going door to door in the area then I think they might have run across the owner at that time. They probably asked the neighbors " Have u seen a boy walking with a backpack and a fishing pole? We think he was around this area because we found a broken pole at the dam area."

If so, someone might have told them they broke their own pole there previously.
I can't even tell exactly where they are in the lake to judge where the buoys are. Can you? It looks like the dam or far south side not too far away but they are not right up against the edge of it. Definitely further up. I was wondering if maybe it was near the marina but it's hard to tell. Is that video from the west side or the east side of the lake?

There are still shots, distance shots that make it easier to narrow it down where they are.
Excellent Salem, I am still stuck on the no scent.. I have to find out if scent dogs can pick up a scent from a sofa, pillow or blanket.. Maybe Sarx IIRC Can come in and explain that part. I have searched to no avail.

Sarx did come in and answer this question for us several threads back. But he/she may be willing to do so again.

My understanding, in a nutshell, is that the dogs probably picked up a scent - but it could not be verified as Dylan's because there was no way to verifiy that Dylan actually made it to MR's. As far as I know - there has never been an eye witness that saw them come home that night or saw MR leave in the morning for that matter. LE did verify where MR said he went on Monday, but there has never been anything to verify the timeframe of 7:22 p.m. Sunday night to 8:00 a.m.ish Monday morning when MR showed up at his payroll office.

However, iirc, some of the more recent statements from LE tend to indicate that LE believes that Dylan was in fact at MR's house. I'm thinking of the recent statement by Bender where he said something like the only 2 options he could think of were 1) something happened at the house; or 2) someone took Dylan from the house.

Something like that - this is not verbatim, just from my memory.

press release AFTER the search with divers/sonar per LPSO
11/26/2012 By: Times staff report

Here is Monday night's release from the La Plata County Sheriff's office: A two-day search of Vallecito Lake ended late Monday afternoon after extensive sonar sweeps found nothing.
The search was part of an eight-day effort to locate 13-year-old Dylan Redwine, who has been missing since Monday Nov. 19.

Two La Plata County Search & Rescue K-9’s alerted in an area on the south end of the lake Saturday and again on Sunday. Seven scuba divers from the New Mexico State Police Search & Recovery Team
searched the south end of the lake Sunday afternoon without finding anything suspicious. Visibility under water was 7 to 9 feet. Water temperature was 38 degrees. On Monday three different boats, including one with New Mexico State Police divers on board, used four different sonar systems to scan the bottom of the south end of the lake from shore to shore, along the length of the dam and several hundred yards out into the lake from the dam. After seven hours of sonar grid searches, nothing out of the ordinary was found. Due to a complete clearing of the area of the dogs, as well as the surrounding area, no further searches of the lake bottom are planned unless new information is developed.
Excellent Salem, I am still stuck on the no scent.. I have to find out if scent dogs can pick up a scent from a sofa, pillow or blanket.. Maybe Sarx IIRC Can come in and explain that part. I have searched to no avail.

Sarx came and told us a little about the problems with the pillow, blanket,and the sofa. Because it was in the livingroom and many others sat there, it would be too contaminated for a useful scent item for just D's scent, IIRC.
The dogs have to get Dylan's scent off of something. Then they can try to track that scent (say down the road). The dogs don't know Dylan's scent. They have to be provided with a piece of clothing or something to tell the dog what scent they are following.

So to say dogs didn't pick up a scent inside the home really makes no sense (unless referring to HRD/Cadaver dogs). The dogs would need to be given something to get the scent off of and then they would go outside and try to follow the scent down the road or wherever it leads.

Now this is not to be confused with cadaver or HRD dogs. They don't need to be given something with a person's scent because they search only for the death scent. It is not specific to one person or another.
I'm beginning to think that ' no scent so er had to bring something' might have been misinformation or someone who spoke too soon because it does NOT make sense. The only way to have no scent of Dylan's inside MR"s house is if he was never there. What about the cereal bowl and spoon?

I think the real issue was not that there was no scent, but that if a scent was available - there was no way to prove it was Dylan's. Even if there was a cereal bowl - there was no guarantee that Dylan was the one that used it. Same with sleeping on the couch. Even if Dylan really slept on the couch - there is no way to prove that. No one saw him there but MR. No one saw Dylan arrive at the house but MR. And because MR is in the hot seat, what he says needs to be verified by other methods, to insure it is accurate and truthful. At this point in time, there have been no other "methods" that corroborate (sp?) MR's rendition of events.

I really wish dogs could talk in English :)

It's possible that what was in MR's house had mixed scents of different people thus it wasn't a pure scent from just Dylan. A pure scent from just Dylan would be preferred as it would be more reliable. Either way to my understanding the dogs were not able to get anything.
I don't think dogs can pick up a scent from a cereal bowl. I could be wrong.

None of Dylan’s belongings that could carry his scent was available in the first days of the investigation. But the family had articles of the boy’s clothing delivered on the weekend.

“We have the clothes,” Bender said Monday. “We don’t need them here (at the reservoir), but can use them later.”

BBM. This bothers me. Why didn't they ever use the clothes and try to find a scent? Because they knew he was never at the house? JMO

If this has been brought up, sorry, I am behind again. :)
Does a theory where MR snapped, raged and did something to his son require a trigger from Dylan? Ie attitude, continuing a behavior after being told to stop, etc. i am not trying to blame Dylan at all just trying to understand the theory.

My theory is Dylan wanted to see his friends more than he wanted to see his Dad, he has his reasons. His friends were what was making this trip bearable. MR figured it out and it went bad from there. That's the best case. Worst case is it was premeditated. My theory only.
I'd have to look at the maps again, but IIRC Lemon Reservoir is pretty close to MR's too. I'm not sure which is closer. I know they did search there later also.

There's just something about that fishing pole prompting them to search for 2 days, when it wasn't even Dylan's. So they search for 2 days THEN find out it wasn't his? Isn't that somewhat odd? Why not find out if it could be his first? His Dad and his Brother would surely know.

Earlier when I asked about the back way home from Durango I was seeing what other lakes were close by. When I put in from Durango to Vallecito the directions have you go very close to Lemon Reservoir. I think they sould also take a closer look there. It seems to be a smaller, more off the beaten path area. JMO BBM
has anyone looked for any hidden roads off the main road from McDonald to the house.. Again working backwards

Looking at the maps, there are tons of "off the beaten path" roads. Roads that you would need 4 wheel drive on.
BBM. This bothers me. Why didn't they ever use the clothes and try to find a scent? Because they knew he was never at the house? JMO

If this has been brought up, sorry, I am behind again. :)

I have wondered this too. It's my understanding that MH went back home and brought Dylan's clothes the following weekend. It's also my understanding that these scent tracking dogs can pick up a scent up to about 6 weeks. So why were those clothes never used to try to follow his scent? Or perhaps they were and we just aren't privy to it?

**cadaver dogs can pick up a scent for much much longer. Many many years if I understand correctly. No personal scent item is needed for this.
Thanks Salem, That explains it to me.. How I missed the discussion about the scent, I don't know. So Pure scent. JMO if something did happen at the house, MR would need to find a place from 7:22 sunday night to 8 Monday morning. and we still have no witnesses to that night.. We still don't know about the search of MR's home.

Did anyone clarify whose sweatpants that where taken. MR said something about them taken during the search. So if they needed a pure scent...JMO the pants are MR's. What is on the pants that would make LE take them.. The million dollar question in my head. Ok sorry I am rattling in my head
Has there been any screenshots released that shows MR that night also.. I don't remember seeing anything
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