Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #29

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I hope they employ similar tactics in this case to help locate Gannon. If not now, after conviction as they did with that case. I’m still sad there was no attempt to locate her once they knew where she was, but it was probably a futile effort by that point. I hope this is not the case with Gannon.

You really haven’t missed anything. Hopefully more LE updates soon.

It has been reported on MSM and confirmed by the family. See all previous links.

I have looked through all media links plus have searched all MSM. I have not seen any thing reported that the house is completely vacated and any video showing the inside of the vacated home. Maybe I’m missing something? If you can post these MSM articles and videos in support of your post, it would be greatly appreciated.
I think so too. She's one of those who might fire her attorney and be her own lawyer. She clearly believes she has the power to convince everyone that she's 1) not crazy and 2) isn't lying.

Her lawyer may find her so impossible to work with that he tries to get her declared unfit to stand trial (it will be denied, because she'll use her time in court to convince the Judge she's fine and she's a smarty pants).

I'm waiting patiently to see if she ends up with a Public Defender or whether she is contacted by any private criminal defense attorneys (who can get themselves paid via the State if she chooses one - it won't be a huge amount, but for some lawyers, it's bread and butter). I think she's playing dumb but that she's also really ignorant about many things and just doesn't know it yet. She may even be one of those who, after listening to her attorney, starts getting really interested in law and tries to run the case herself.

I wonder if she'll confess to her attorney. She certainly isn't going to make much sense to anyone, until she does.
I don’t think that she’ll be confessing to anyone because I sincerely believe that she has convinced herself that she did not kill him, either because it was an accident or in some way shape or form this was excusable to her.
Re: Cadaver Dogs

I've attached a link which is pretty informative re: cadaver dogs. It is not blood, nor tissue that these dogs alert on. They are alerting on the "chemical" odour of decomposition. They can smell it, through water. They can smell it through snow.

I just read about the cadaver dogs alerting on Brianna Williams' (Taylor Williams murder) trunk and in her apartment. The dogs told investigators that a decomposing body had been there. The trunk had been cleaned and smelled of cleaning products. The dogs smelled the decomposing body chemicals even though there was no body, no tissue - only scent. They caught the scent through the overwhelming smell of cleaning products.

I've been trying to find it again but I swear I've seen research showing that cadaver dogs are capable of detecting on plant material that was grown over a body and then removed.
Does anyone know why CO didn’t seek the DP in the Chris Watts case?
Yes. I believe CW defense team proposed taking DP off the table if CW would plead guilty. Before accepting the plea deal DA Rourke flew to NC to meet and discuss the plea w/the Rzuceks. Sandy said even though CW killed her daughter and grandchildren she didn’t feel she had the right to take his life, that was between CW and God. With the Rzucek family’s blessing Rourke accepted the plea deal. He also made sure the sentencing hearing happened before the election, knowing that if certain parties won the DP would be abolished and the bargaining chip would be worthless.
I don’t think that she’ll be confessing to anyone because I sincerely believe that she has convinced herself that she did not kill him, either because it was an accident or in some way shape or form this was excusable to her.
I don’t think she’s convinced herself of that, rather, I think she feels absolutely no remorse for it.

She just doesn’t care.

If she does decide to play ball, it won’t be because she feels remorse, or wants to do the right thing. It will be because there is something in it for her.

Even then, the lies will keep coming.
I hope they employ similar tactics in this case to help locate Gannon. If not now, after conviction as they did with that case. I’m still sad there was no attempt to locate her once they knew where she was, but it was probably a futile effort by that point. I hope this is not the case with Gannon.

You really haven’t missed anything. Hopefully more LE updates soon.

It has been reported on MSM and confirmed by the family. See all previous links.

Spy logical made me giggle, though!
I’ve looked through all media links and searched relevant msm reports and I’ve seen nothing reporting that the house is vacated and a video showing the newly vacated home. Maybe I’m missing something? It would be great if you can post these msm links and video in support of this post to validate that this is truly a fact. Would be greatly appreciated.
I think his initial injury the night before wasn’t from a board. I think she probably used the 2x4 to “finish” things the next day. It may have been in the truck previously and if so, she wouldn’t have had to load it/no chance of being caught on film loading it
CO isn't really a death penalty state. IIRC, it's on the books, but they won't pursue it.
Actually, they just voted to officially abolish it in CO . It takes affect later this year. People already on death row (I think there are 3) are still subject to the DP, but many think they’ll be spared by executive order.
I have only skimmed today's activity here but I see she has not arrived yet - and Gannon has not been found (and they are not searching). I've followed many cases here on WS and other forums - a word of caution if I may - the Arrest Warrant can be terribly awful to read and once you see it - you may not "unsee" it - if you have deep feelings about this little boy - you may want to consider skipping over it. I speak from experience - I made the mistake of reading Randall Pruitt's arrest warrant - I should not have and did not heed the warnings of my fellow sleuthers. Never again.. It has stayed with me - I do not want to know how our boy suffered at her hands so I will skip over that but will post to the media thread of course.

Where is Gannon? sigh...

Thank you for this warning @oviedo I have nightmares from the torture video as Kitty calls it, and I'm sure the arrest warrant will contain horrors 100x worse. I think I'll have to rely on my fellow WSers for the cliff notes on this one, forgive me sweet Gannon.
"1. Landon and stepmother were bbfs supposedly when TS started an affair with AS. Shows the depth of her evil."

Um, the dad was married and cheated on his wife. Somebody has to say it. If you're saying she's evil for cheating, what's he?
"He" is a victim.

Here on WS, AS is a victim. He has lost his son to murder.
I’ve looked through all media links and searched relevant msm reports and I’ve seen nothing reporting that the house is vacated and a video showing the newly vacated home. Maybe I’m missing something? It would be great if you can post these msm links and video in support of this post to validate that this is truly a fact. Would be greatly appreciated.

I am speaking to the fact that MSM has confirmed that the family was vacating the home. I am not speaking to whatever video the OP discussed. You’re welcome to check with them. The news clip regarding family vacating the home is posted quite a few times in the threads yesterday and today, you’re welcome to search the thread. I’m not going backwards to look for it.
I didn't think TS said a thing at all about going to Petco. I thought she was purposely leaving that out when she did the interview with Crime Online. Jmo

I'm probably way behind again. Oh well...

I found it quite curious that she didn't bring up this alleged pet store stop when she mentioned the sporting goods store and the bike shopping.
Only because she can't seem to help herself by this pre-splaining thing she does, you would think if she were actually there, she'd have mentioned it and excused it away like she has with so many other things.
I know there have been rumors about this but I still haven't seen LE say anything about it, so I have to wonder if it's yet another rumor either she started herself, or someone else did because folks just do that.
It's pretty bad when even the EPCSO has to adopt a hashtag to tell people to stop already with all the blasted rumors.

I just had a bad thought. What if the sock wasn’t a sock he was wearing, but one used to gag him for the final blows :( Could have evidence on it that proves he is dead. (Foam from the mouth/gases released post mortem would likely be detected on the sock if this was the case).
SSGAma, your post opened my mind to thought. Right now, the only remaining power TS has is revealing the location of Gannon's body. I realize it may me next to impossible, but making the decision to move on and heal without locating his body, may be wise. The idea is empowering because it gives the parents back the control.

If Gannon's body is to be found, it will be. Its possible that LE and the parents had this is discussion before the PC. No bargaining, no deals! I felt a sense of acceptance or finality about the conference.

** Again, I am not suggesting to cease searching for Gannon's body. However, I realize this as a strategy to disable the monster's control and ability to inflict anymore pain onto these parents.
I think I've been so preoccupied with figuring out how they would get her to give up the location of Gannon's body and figuring that's the one thing LS has control golly, take that away from her. Ask her once and then just go full steam ahead with her prosecution!
That's why I was mad just about the couch comment!

I can't remember how old I was when I finally figured out that new residences don't come 100% furnished, nor remotely what said furniture cost if you were trying to outfit a whole house/apartment at a time.

It may, in fact, taken until post college, when I decorated my first apartment with roommates. :pAFAIK, I lived in a furnished house. I didn't know if my parents rented it, delivered it, bought it, whatever. For all I knew it fell from the sky. Taking $12,000-$15,000 to get a bare minimum furnished house was outside of my comprehension.

Kids don't need to worry about furniture getting sold out from under them.

I will never vote this "okay". :mad:
Excellent comment! TS was gaslighting Gannon. We "heard" gaslighting in action.
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