Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #43

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I don't think LS pulled the bed out prior to assaulting GS. The police entire theory that LS moved the furniture after the murder to clean up the evidence is based on evidence found on LS phone. This evidence included a photo of GS in bed on Monday morning and where the bed is located closer to the wall -- same position AS described as the normal layout of GS bedroom.
Yes, in the picture she took that morning I think the bed is in it's normal position. It wasn't pulled away from the wall until she cleaned up the murder scene.

ETA , it does state that the "head" of the bed in the picture she took was away from the wall. I'm not sure if that's what AS was referring to or if the second picture showed the entire bed away from the wall.

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I agree with you the complete lack of blood in the trunk area is a puzzle. But IF GS was killed away from the house, dumped, and then retrieved in the SUV no sooner than the next day, why would the blood that was found in the garage and on and in the SUV be there at all?

It's possible the blood on the SUV was transfer from TS's clothes or person. If the AA discussed the blood pattern of the car blood I don't recall it. But obviously TS wasn't drenched in blood when the step-daughter came home. And that wouldn't explain the blood on the garage floor.

I know very early on we discussed the horrifying possibility GS had been left somewhere on Monday midday mortally wounded and she went back the next day, found him alive and finished him off. That wasn't ever likely to me and now that we know how much blood was in the house, I don't think that's at all possible. Even if the blood loss wasn't quite as severe as it sounds like it was, no way he could have survived a cold night (temperatures in the 20s) having lost significant blood. So it can't be that the car got bloody the next day because he didn't die until the next day.

I think there may be a misunderstanding of LS's vehicle (VW SUV) and the presence of GS blood.

When the VW was seized at the EPSO and taken to another facility for testing, the police had already noticed that the car was wet from the car wash when LS arrived at the interview.

AA #68-70 describes that during the forensic search of the seized vehicle there were possible traces of blood based on luminol Forensic latent bloodstain reagent tests but these traces were either not confirmed GS and/or negative for the presumptive presence of blood.

AA also explains that there are other reasons why luminol may react to stains other than blood. I believe investigators were still waiting for the results of swabs from the rear bumper of the VW when the AA drafted.

I don't think LS pulled the bed out prior to assaulting GS. The police entire theory that LS moved the furniture after the murder to clean up the evidence is based on evidence found on LS phone. This evidence included a photo of GS in bed on Monday morning and where the bed is located closer to the wall -- same position AS described as the normal layout of GS bedroom.

I don't think the AA claims she pulled the bed out in order to clean after the murder. It makes a point that the bed was already pulled out that morning and at the time of the murder... This is how so much blood got below the level of the bed.

#55: Another photo was recovered from Letecia's cell phone that shows his bed was not pushed directly against the wall by the head of the bed. This photo articulates the ability for blood to get onto the walls and floor in the corner of the bedroom. Mr. Stauch stated the positioning of the bed is unusual, and the bed is usually pushed against the wall.
Someone please help me with some dates.

When does LS say she took lie detector?

Looks like she called for results on 2/18? Her 4th question was about the murder of little Gannon.

But she wasn't arrested on murder until early March, right???
I'm not sure when she initially contacted them but it was soon after he went missing.

She knew that LE suspected her so the fake polygraph was just one of the many ways she tried to convince LE that she had nothing to do with it.

It's just one more piece of evidence she provided.

She practically built the whole case for the prosecution herself.

Thank you, Tee.
I believe all of it was totally premeditated.

Imo this was a diabolical revenge murder. She used precious Gannons murder as a way to stab his dad in the heart knowing he will never heal.

There isnt anything any little 11 year old boy could do that caused this wretched woman to kill him. He was the tool she used to get revenge against his dad, and mom.

This isnt the only female murderer who has done this. The offenders have been both bio moms, stepmoms, and girlfriends or exes.


But then wouldn't she have thought it through a bit better? Why kill.him in his room? Or Is she that delusional to think she would get off.
I'm not sure when she initially contacted them but it was soon after he went missing.

She knew that LE suspected her so the fake polygraph was just one of the many ways she tried to convince LE that she had nothing to do with it.

It's just one more piece of evidence she provided.

She practically built the whole case for the prosecution herself.

Thank you, Tee.

Right, so she is calling it a death long before she was arrested. Before anyone else officially calls it anything other than missing.
But then wouldn't she have thought it through a bit better? Why kill.him in his room? Or Is she that delusional to think she would get off.
Admittedly I thought she killed him outdoors somewhere.
I think you're on the right track about the monster being delusional.
The perp was a child herself once; wonder if she exhibited evil behavior even back then ?
The actual trial is so far away and we will likely hear so many rumors of HH and what her plans are as far as her cooperation. I doubt DDA Allen will tell us anything.

I am hoping there is something good and decent inside her that will cause her to just sit with LE and answer questions truthfully.

There is not. Once a person gives themselves over to that kind and extent of evil there is no turning back. She is gone and only a demon lives in what was her body. She is no longer a human.
I think there may be a misunderstanding of LS's vehicle (VW SUV) and the presence of GS blood.

When the VW was seized at the EPSO and taken to another facility for testing, the police had already noticed that the car was wet from the car wash when LS arrived at the interview.

AA #68-70 describes that during the forensic search of the seized vehicle there were possible traces of blood based on luminol Forensic latent bloodstain reagent tests but these traces were either not confirmed GS and/or negative for the presumptive presence of blood.

AA also explains that there are other reasons why luminol may react to stains other than blood. I believe investigators were still waiting for the results of swabs from the rear bumper of the VW when the AA drafted.


Agree. And Gannon wasn't the only "package" to dispose of, there was bedding and cleaning items.
There is not. Once a person gives themselves over to that kind and extent of evil there is no turning back. She is gone and only a demon lives in what was her body. She is no longer a human.
MOO criminals are all too human. It is within each to choose how they respond in life.
MOO I would be glad to hear that LS woke up to the horror of her actions, pled guilty and accepted LWOP without argument with the court.
I think there may be a misunderstanding of LS's vehicle (VW SUV) and the presence of GS blood.

When the VW was seized at the EPSO and taken to another facility for testing, the police had already noticed that the car was wet from the car wash when LS arrived at the interview.

AA #68-70 describes that during the forensic search of the seized vehicle there were possible traces of blood based on luminol Forensic latent bloodstain reagent tests but these traces were either not confirmed GS and/or negative for the presumptive presence of blood.

AA also explains that there are other reasons why luminol may react to stains other than blood. I believe investigators were still waiting for the results of swabs from the rear bumper of the VW when the AA drafted.


Thanks. I did know that but had forgotten! Still, there was blood with GS's DNA where the SUV was parked. And something reacted with Luminol in the SUV in several spots. But no reactions in the truck at all. It's just hard for me to see how that could happen except with the AA hypothesized sequence of events.
You don't have to see it on a GH video.
YT "Gannon truck video" and choosebthebfull video.
Watch between 6:15 and 6:45, from just prior to LS opening her door till she walks toward house. Within that time frame you will see the shadows that create the uncertainty under the truck below the back passenger side door.

To me at 6:36 I see the driver side door open, at 6:41-42 feet touchdown outside the driver side door. Something white can be seen near the mid section of the person as the person moves away from the door. To me it looks like the driver can be seen being carried out of the car, over your shoulders. The white that can be seen looks like shoes. As she is getting out of the car, it almost looks as though she already has the smaller person over her shoulder. As her second foot leaves the vehicle, it looks like she lands pretty hard on her feet (as though she is carrying something). Then I can see the white (shoes?) move away from the camera as the driver changes directions to turn towards the house (6:44)

OR Maybe all the quarantine is getting to me.

***EDIT to clairify, driver can be seen carrying a second person out of the car, over her (the driver's) shoulder.
I don't think the AA claims she pulled the bed out in order to clean after the murder. It makes a point that the bed was already pulled out that morning and at the time of the murder... This is how so much blood got below the level of the bed.

#55: Another photo was recovered from Letecia's cell phone that shows his bed was not pushed directly against the wall by the head of the bed. This photo articulates the ability for blood to get onto the walls and floor in the corner of the bedroom. Mr. Stauch stated the positioning of the bed is unusual, and the bed is usually pushed against the wall.
I think the reason LE pointed out the positioning of the bed was to back up the theory that Gannon was murdered there. Since there was distance between the wall and the bed, it allowed the blood to leak down the end of the mattress, seep through the carpet and stain the concrete.

She would have had to pull the bed away from the wall to clean up the carpet and any blood under the bed or on the wall. I don't know how else she could have done it.

Do we know where the outlet is that had blood on it? Or exactly where the piece of carpet came from that was found in the utility room?

Since we know she lies, the trial will hinge on what they can prove.
Thankfully with his body found, Gannon may be the best witness to what he suffered !
Older, healing injuries are going to be evident as well.

And the prosecutor will have to weed out her gleeful fantasies. Smh.
Only this perp and those who think like her would describe hurting a child and even killing him was in any way 'gleeful'.
Some strange people out there.

The perp mentioned his blood on the woodworking tools, and it's not a stretch by any means to think that any amount of injuries could have been inflicted by TS in a rage.
And she told AS that GS crashed his bike and "hit his head." Per AA
Oh I was speaking of HH, not LS.
I don’t think you meant to say she is evil and no longer human?
Yes I think they misunderstood the person to whom you were referring. :D
Absolutely correct if it was directed at the perp.

As far as HH we'll see if she starts to cooperate, although we won't know until the trial.
IF (and this is a big 'if') HH continues to be uncooperative and goes on to claim at the trial that her mother is innocent (and by default meaning that it was Gannon's fault...) then I would question everything that she (HH) knew from the beginning.
Hopefully she's read about the laws in CO and how they pertain to those who willingly lie or otherwise obfuscate the investigation.

Obfuscate, i.e., Verb : to render obscure, unclear, or unintelligible.
Actually the perfect term for TS, and let's hope that the apple fell far, far away from the tree. :eek:
Letecia shared, that SHE told LE about the Petco trips and even provided receipts for her purchases. I can't recall if it was the Leigh Egan or DWAP interview?
Because of this, I suspect her purchases were mundane and unrelated to Gannon's murder. The Petco stops were for another purpose, which in IMO, might have been to leave & pick-up Gannon's phone to avoid tracking.
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